moddymoon · 18 hours
Yes pleasee...
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moddymoon · 21 hours
This absolutely would benefit from more tummy.
According to my research, this outfit is liked by many people but it lacks a bit of tummy....
Also happy belated tummy Tuesday to y'all ^~^
@catboybiologist @godless-of-the-hunt @k1nky-r0b0t-g1rl @lilithtransrights @glowingemberz @miss-peanut-butter-cups @somespicycheese @cyborg-bits @serigel @ofravensflight @froggiefemboi @panda-gril @eruditegeek @ballofstress9
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moddymoon · 21 hours
Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and I've yet to see any evidence to suggest that Hunter Biden, Hilary Clinton, Millions of Illegal Aliens, and Many Democrats, have done anything that actually is illegal except in the indoctrinated far right.
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moddymoon · 4 days
This is a good thing to remind ourselves about...
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[Text: This system won’t always clarify who’s fronting, but doesn’t mind being asked.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use
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moddymoon · 5 days
Hypno Share?
I found this deep down in my Blog...
Taste of Cock
I can't really say that I like it, but I'm listening to it, and sharing it.
I mean, the intent, I like, but I'm not sure I like the execution.
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moddymoon · 5 days
As I said just not that long ago (like probably less than a half hour ago), I keep posting, "I would like this to happen" with diaper hypnosis. Now I wouldn't say "all" hypnosis is fine, but you know, if you're up to ask "would this be fine," before sending me stuff (or actually doing something more personal) I'd be fine with that. I'm not sure what would be, "nope, I'm not OK with it." So ask.
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moddymoon · 5 days
Let's move this up to the top again... It seems that people need to see this (because you know... They keep asking).
Are you submissive
This is a lovely question... The short answer is yes... But let me add this to the post:
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As you can see, "switch" is higher than submissive. And, "Daddy/Mommy" is higher than submissive. Those are generally considered to be dominant roles.
Yes, Boy/Girl and Ageplayer are higher than "Daddy/Mommy" and they are kind of the submissive side of that role.
Now other roles? There's some that I find a little odd... What's Vanilla doing so high? Is this the entire list? I can't remember.
So, short answer, yes... But maybe you want to consider it's not for most people a short answer when it comes right down to it.
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moddymoon · 5 days
I've been posting this sort of thing... Sadly I'm either missing the stuff, or people just aren't sending it.
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This is my first time so please be kind with me :3
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moddymoon · 6 days
This was about 5.5 years ago... It states that all Tumblr blogs of the type of this, would be gone. I guess that shows you can't trust Tumblr. Even when they're saying they'll do a terrible thing, you can't trust that they'll come along and do it.
Farewell too my Followers
In 7 days Tumblrs NSFW blogs will be long gone so too all my followers since 2012 thanks for following and enjoying my gapewonderland i will make an acount on minds.com and Swarmr.com so long farewell and love is the universal language and lust is something we all think but cant express in society cause its frowned upon lol tudaloooo.
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moddymoon · 7 days
Racism? Sexism? Non Consent?
Yep, sure those are great on Tumblr. Go for it. The admins love it. Don't dare be yourself. Don't dare be someone who cares about people. Don't dare be someone who isn't OK with people being hurt. And don't dare be someone who tries to enforce your boundaries quietly, unless someone actually goes and insists that you're violating theirs by not accepting them violating yours.
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moddymoon · 8 days
Thank you Tumblr Admins...
I really like that you make reporting content, and accounts so easy, that you always have some error. That error is really good. The accounts are terrible... So you "fix" things, so that you make it next to impossible to report.
This is lovely a great way to make sure that this place stays safe for terrorists, for people who will abuse people, and for people who post sexually explicate material.
It makes it just great and this is the community you want where it is easy for people who want to do harm, are free to roam, and cause harm.
But if someone posts transition pictures. Posts jokes based on the frustration they experience with how they experience harrassment and abuse... You make sure they can't be around.
You have proven that YOU ARE THE FASCISTS...
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moddymoon · 8 days
I am reblogging this, because apparently it's too far down. Just got a message from someone who messaged me first, and said, that I'm not serious. I did *not* message them. And I have at various times, in various ways, indicated that I will not be paying anyone who messages me first.
Sure... If I contact you, and we get some sort of genuine agreement? I might. But not if you message me first, and you in short order are clear that you're just seriously looking for someone to pay "tribute" or whatever you call it.
Time for this to go up on my blog nope not happening...
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moddymoon · 9 days
Dear Tumblr "Trust & Safety"
Hi there,
Care to explain how threatening to overthow the government is allowed, but a joke about hammers and cars is not?
Thank you very much.
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moddymoon · 12 days
I've only played a little bit so can't really say...
(cant post them all so I'll do a part 2 soon)
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moddymoon · 12 days
Well, you forgot awesomeness..
Uh, of course I have straight As!
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moddymoon · 14 days
OK, so the person posting this seems to be implying that being forced to bear a child to birth, is perfectly fine, as long as it's adopted. I mean, there's nothing problematic with having your bodily autonomy taken over. Maybe we should take them, lock them up, and put them in a baby breeding facility if they think that adoption has the same effect on a person's life as abortion, because hey, it would be the same as being able to live a regular life right?
the baby killing fandom: iF yOu'rE sO prO liFe wHy dOn'T you AdoPt??🤪"
pro lifers: that's the plan :)
the baby killing fandom: NO! not like that!! è_é
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moddymoon · 14 days
Well 101 as of writing this... I wasn't really expecting this. Heck, I'm not sure I was expecting 10 followers. Well, I guess I was. Now I don't know ... I don't really know how many of those are active, either just looking, or whatever. So... Why not interact with this to show you're an active follower?
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