create project
sponsor/volunteer for a project
register look at goals page once logged in create project click your project view sponsors/volunteers back to projects page click on a project (top left) offer to sponsor
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Prototype demo including new and improved BACK buttons. This shows the user is able to perform their three tasks. Signing up, posting a project and requesting to sponsor/volunteer for someone else's project.
Also includes the goals page which one day would hopefully be designed to connect through to show NZ's progress for the different goals. Also shows the ability to view requests for their projects and shows ability to filter through projects.
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Demo video showing journey of John's life improving through the enabled connection towards achieving the SDGs alongside other businesses. Demonstrates a holistic view of the previous difficulties playing phone tag and trying to find people compared to posting his project and getting requests from businesses.
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After user testing discovered that this needs a back button in order for people to be able to click back out of the pages.
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Final website after testing and evaluating aspects to work on and get them to the best possible point we can.
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mollyderecourtcapstone · 2 years
Lean Canvas
Problem: Lack of collaboration between organisations contributing to the SDGs in New Zealand. No where to facilitate connection between organisations to give them ease of access to various resources and sponsors. Lack of ease to encourage more simple events within companies towards the SDGs. Need to go further and include individuals as well so they are able to get involved. The more the merrier.
Solution: Collaboration facilitation. All on one platform with minimal need to access third parties outside of platform. Presets to encourage easy wins for those less motivated to contribute to SDGs. Ease of access to events for individuals, ability to choose whether details or an event are private or public. Public can contribute too, sharing enabled and can add to their calendar.
Unique Value Proposition:
The ability for organisations to collaborate on the SDGs in New Zealand requires organisations to have organisations and them being invested enough to initiate all reaching out. Having a platform businesses are using to actively achieve partnerships creates a collaborative environment where organisations understand collaborative advantages. A platform where to publish msg what your projects needs as well as communicating offerings they could contribute creates an environment that fosters adaptability in order to work together.
Unfair advantage:
Being the SDG alliance of NZ you have a great group of motivated stakeholders for the first phase. The first phase of active users then encourage more organisations to join.
SDG summit and the alliance point of contact as well as word of mouth. Then roll out to organisations.
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mollyderecourtcapstone · 2 years
User testing
User testing enabled me to test for my three personas as well as the logic behind the text, buttons, language and flow of the website. Ensuring that the inclusion was there for all users interacting with the interface no matter their level of understanding with the topic and function of components.
Key Outcomes
Commentary of practise
The process understanding New Zealand organisations and the ecosystem around their projects towards the Sustainable Development Goals was able to be used to deliver a platform that encourages collaboration by enabling partnerships. The collaborative advantage gained will increase the impact on the SDGs in the New Zealand context. The entire project was a thoroughly and in-depth learning experience regarding the SDGs in New Zealand as well as new design principles.
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mollyderecourtcapstone · 2 years
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Setting out the bare minimum screens I need for my user's path.
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mollyderecourtcapstone · 2 years
Stock footage with no copyroght to use.
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mollyderecourtcapstone · 2 years
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mollyderecourtcapstone · 2 years
Trying to understand languages in NZ to prioritise and validate. https://datainfoplus.stats.govt.nz/Item/nz.govt.stats/7079024d-6231-4fc4-824f-dd8515d33141?_ga=2.232817880.798087141.1641316777-396815258.1641316777
Goals converted into Te Reo.
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mollyderecourtcapstone · 2 years
Collaborative Advantage
For collaboration to be mainstreamed, the following will be required:
  At the individual level, people need much greater capacity for partnering. Beyond the competitive instinct, people need a collaborative mindset and skillset.
  Organisations need to be much more outward looking and institutionally set up to partner effectively.
  Collaborations need to adhere to a strong process and be set up to good practice standards in order to deliver effectively.
  Mechanisms such as partnership platforms are needed to systematically catalyse and support collaboration.
  At the system level, there needs to be an overall strong enabling environment to support partnering at scale.
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mollyderecourtcapstone · 2 years
Focus on solutions for our latest probelms.
These challenges we face are unprecendented.
"Its a myth that each and every one of us doesn't have the ability to change there world dramatically."
"It always seems impossible until its done." Nelson Mandala
September 2020, World still in the grip of a global pandemic. 27 mil confirmed cases. 900,000 have died. Billions been in lockdown for months.
Uncertain world with new appetite for change. "Shown how fragile the world is."
COVID-19 is likened to Xray exposing fractures in the skeleton of societies we have built.
"The whole planet is at stake, so this is a moment to recognise that the way we have been moving leads nowhere and that we need to change course." Antonn Gunnes.
Pandemic, demonstrated change is possible and the problem is political will. Anotnne.
On the 25th September 2015, all United Nations member states signed up to the Sustainable Development Goals, a set of solutions for the biggest problems the world faces.
Four key areas we must take urgent action:
climate and planet
poverty and inequality
justice and human rights
gender equality
Climate and Planet: This was demonstrated very clearly by the Australian fires. The last decade was the hottest recorded. Extreme weather displaces 20 million people a year. Locusts swarm and up to 25 million people were threatened by food shortages due to locust swarm. Climate change is man made. The main driver is CO2 pollution from burning fossil fuels. The climate crisis is happening now.
"The next 8-10 years is going to determine the quality of life for the next 100 to 200 years." - Christiana Figueres - Executive Secretary, UNFCCC (2010-16).
"One football field of rainforest is destroyed every six seconds." "Climate change + our treatment of the natural world are colliding and exacerbating each other to create a perfect storm." - Don Cheadle - UNEP Goodwill Ambassador.
The goals connect into one another to roadmap the path of what we need to do.
Poverty and Inequality: Connecting every school and every person to the internet. We have widespread tax concessions, tax avoidance and tax evasion. This means there is so much less money for important things. Many developing countries are weighed down by historical debts, spending more money on debt repayments than they are spending on healthcare. "Global investment in peace, The peace dividend for the world is immeasurable, we must break the vicious cycle of corruption and increase the power of the people to keep check on the people in power." "A free independent media and responsible social media platforms that encourage healthy debate. Equality releases the potential of everyone to improve their own lives and contribute to the lives of everyone else." - Michelle Yeoh - UNDP Goodwill Ambassador.
Excerpt from "The Pandemic is a Portal" by Arundhati Roy. "Whatever it is, coronavirus has made the mighty kneel and brought the world to a halt like nothing else could. Our minds are still racing back and forth longing for a return to 'normality', trying to stitch our future to our past and refusing to acknowledge the rupture. But the rupture exists. In the midst of this terrible despair, it offers us a chance to rethink the doomsday machine we have built for ourselves. Nothing could be worse than a return to normality. Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine a world anew. This one is no different. It's a portal. A gateway between one world and the next. We could choose to walk through it dragging the carcasses of our prejudice and hatred, our avarice, our databanks and dead ideas... or we can walk through it lightly, with little luggage, ready to imagine another world. And ready to fight for it."
Malala Yousafzai. Youngest person to win the noble peace prize. "We are living in a world where things are not the way we want." We need more woman in positions of power. Its time to make our laws equal so that every woman is entitled to everything men are. Close the gap in girls education. End the pay gap. Equal access to the digital world.
It can be done.
Everyone can do their part to make it happen. We can create and enjoy green jobs, live healthier lives with cleaner air and better diets. And in more equal societies, all of us, men and woman, can enjoy safer and more productive lives. There is power in every decision we make. We can shape society and the future of our planet and people in every choice we make.
Lets be humble, lets recognise our fragilities. Lets understand only in unity and solidarity we will be able to address them. Its true in each one of our countries, its true at a global level.
Address climate change, inequality, pandemics like COVID-19, and so many other aspects that can only be solved if we join together and if we are able to have one common strategy, one common project and one common determination in favour of peace, of development and human rights in the world.
We know the facts. With nations united, power can be given to all and that power used for justice and equality, for people and planet.
Use your power...find out how.
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mollyderecourtcapstone · 2 years
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mollyderecourtcapstone · 2 years
Summary of COVID-19 impact (NZ)
Aotearoa New Zealand went ‘hard’ and ‘early’ in its response to COVID-19 and has been highly successful in limiting the spread and impact of the virus. The response has ramped up over time, and has included various levels of: border control; advice on hygiene, physical distancing and mask wearing; advice to remain at home if unwell; and testing and tracing. A four-level Alert Level framework has guided key actions at different levels of risk. Strong leadership from the Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, and Director-General of Health and high levels of community co-operation have supported the response. The country is most vulnerable at its borders, where arrangements have been of concern; advice on testing and the wearing of masks has changed over time; while the use and distribution of personal protective equipment has also been of concern. The country overall was not well prepared for a pandemic, but policy-making has been nimble. Key challenges for 2021 include swiftly rolling out a vaccine, catching up on delayed health care, and deciding how and when the border can reopen. The economic, and associated social, challenges will last many years.
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mollyderecourtcapstone · 2 years
The world economy has barely had the time to recover from a string of shocks that began with the 2007 financial crisis, and we can already see another global slowdown looming large. At the same time, high economic and social inequalities are fuelling some of the mass protests around the world. As we start a new decade, two reports by UN DESA offer a way out of this bleak situation.
The Covid-19 pandemic is a social and an economic crisis just as much as it is a health one – its repercussions, severe and far-reaching, are being felt across the world.
The pandemic impacts all aspects of society
Our new study conducted with the Pardee Center for International Futures at the University of Denver maps out three different ‘futures’ to assess potential COVID-19 recovery trajectories. This is the first installation of a global flagship initiative, assessing the impact of three COVID-19 recovery scenarios on the SDGs, capturing the multidimensional effects of the pandemic over the next decade. The study finds that COVID could drive the number of people living in extreme poverty to over 1 billion by 2030, with a quarter of a billion pushed into extreme poverty as a direct result of the pandemic.
But this is not the full story. With dedicated SDG interventions we can accelerate out of the crisis.
In September 2015, the United Nations signed up to 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets.
The 17 goals and 169 targets set out a universal agenda to achieve sustainable development globally, known as Agenda 2030. They bring together the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. They apply to all countries who are UN Member States.
The goals build on the lessons learned from the Millennium Development Goals, which focused specifically on developing countries.
UNESCO is responsible for co-ordinating the international community to achieve the fourth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG4) which focuses on education. It aims to ‘ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all’.
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mollyderecourtcapstone · 2 years
Cascading global crises threatening human survival
They have released a report that emphasizes in order to emerge stronger from this pandemic and prepare for the unknown obstacles that lay ahead, funding a data and information structure must be a priority for the united nations.
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