montecristodreams · 12 days
Morning of 5/26
I haven't remembered my dreams recently but I remember the one I had this morning.
It started with me trying to help Athena (not Angela Bassett, but her character) from 9-1-1 find something. There was a sense of foreboding and some darkness and orange lighting, I believe I was pulling up some floorboards while simultaneously moving through a large cement cylinder for whatever we were desperate to find.
The dream transitioned and while I was still in the same outside area as the cement cylinder everything else changed. For some reason, I needed to go get a check cashed for Keenan Thompson. We were with a couple other faceless people. I was in a coat that was way too big. I headed to a shop to try and cash the check for him. A gentleman who looked a little like Mark Proksch (Colin of WWDITS) was trying to help me. I was lying thru my teeth about being Keenan's wife and saying my husband couldn't cash it because he was sick, while also playing up my actual irl constant stuffy sinuses and cough that I also had in the dream. It took a long time and I kept waiting to be busted, but they finally cashed the check. For some reason I got about $10 worth of it in coins, but the rest was in a stack of crisp, brand new bills that were still banded together. I put the money in my pockets and was always worried someone would see the cash brick and try to take it and more than a couple times I anxiously double checked my pocket to make sure it was there. I lost a $20 bill a couple days ago, so I'm sure that's what spawned the fear of losing money in the dream. I finally left the little building, the world around looked like a very small town in the middle of nowhere, the kind that you wonder how anything/anyone survives in. Keenan and our faceless friends were heading my way because they were worried it took so long, but I assured them I had the money. And that was that.
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montecristodreams · 28 days
Night of 5/10
So many dreams.
In one, I was with a group of friends and we decided to go to some kind of medieval-type place to check it out that felt like it was in Vegas. We had to walk rather far from where we parked; there were a lot of tall walls and sandy streets. We finally got our bearings, passing through doors in the walls to get to our destination. After passing through the last wall door, the other side opened into an open-air restaurant kitchen, and a cook was startled and slightly in our way and one of my best friends E told him to hurry up and move. She was the most excited. At some point before we entered she changed into a dress with a black top that was a different material from the rest of the dress, which was emerald green and looked like velvet. As we got to our destination, I learned we were supposed to be announced (everyone who went there was) and there were cards at a table out front where we could write down how we wanted to be announced. I had no idea how they had a card with my birth name on it, and on the free line, I wrote Lee Ca. No idea why Ca. Even in my dream I was confused by that. We headed inside and it was like a smaller indoor arena, there was an open area at the bottom full of sand, and then rows and rows of wooden stairs and benches to sit. I lost my friends pretty quickly and wandered around. There appears to be arcade games at the top level. I remember at one point sitting down randomly on the floor to watch something and there was a little boy in his mother's lap beside me, but there was something wrong with him and I was trying to figure out what, but I never did. I found my friends again eventually and E was fuming that we were never announced because she'd gotten all dressed up for it.
At that point the dream shifted and my friends and I were out at night and on our way somewhere but I asked them to stop at some pet shop I guess I used to visit because they had the only food my cat liked. Inside, I was looking through giant bags of cat food nearly as tall me to find my cats favorite and was frustrated I didn't see it. I asked the guy at the desk about it but he was on the phone and mostly ignoring me. I knew there was a downstairs/basement so we went down there but I still couldn't find what I was looking for and ended up yelling at the guy who had come down to check on us even though he was still on the phone.
Flash to us being in a huge field with rows of catering tents set up and wooden picnic tables. E was still in her dress and we were having a discussion and I said something about how the night before was fun but I wish some part of it was different. I also knew I had work to do but told E I was going home instead. In the open field without the tents, throngs of people were milling around and leaving and I remember a white pickup truck. I was riding a bike home, but the scenery passed by weirdly, like it was a screen background that just kept changing. At some point on the ride I realized it was too early to go home and not finish my work, so I decided to go back, but I never really made it back.
Instead, the dream morphed again. There was a cat in front of my bike like it was a horse pulling a chariot. At some point I was riding past a building behind it, over mismatched paving stones and got stuck on a cable. I wanted to get the cable out of the way, but some of it rested under the stones, most of which I turned over like they weighed nothing. I kept pulling on the cable but it was attached to something around the corner of the building I couldn't see, so I gave up and put the stones back down over it. My friend S appeared almost out of nowhere and was walking and talking with me about the cable, I remember the side of the building/home had huge windows to look into and there was a wicker table and chairs on the right end of the room with a fancy glass decanter/pitcher and assorted nonsense of a typical living room in the middle/on the left.
I'm not too sure what happened in the in-between but I found myself in a hallway with a small room and there were 3 cats, one that had been kinda pulling my bike and my actual cat Hubert, and a chubby kitten laying in some kind of round plastic thing. There were two other people I passed in the hallway who came to look at the cats and I was worried they mught take my cats, so I grabbed both of mine up. The woman took the other kitten and noticed both of its back legs were apparently broken and I guess was a vet and was going to take the kitten home to help fix that, but I didn't trust them, so I just took my cats and left.
Eventually I was in a classroom and we were getting exams back. It was calculus somehow, which I recently failed, and the test I got back was an A-. I was at the back of the class, the only one standing and asked a classmate for an empty chair so I could sit and go over my exam. Ended up in the front of the class talking with classmates, first on one side of the room, then the other. One classmate and I were talking about how we preferred a professor we took before and I mentioned as much as I had liked her, I failed that class, so even though this professor was more difficult I was doing a lot better, then we discussed what classes we had left until we graduated.
And then I finally woke up.
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montecristodreams · 28 days
Night of 5/9
I was at work, my actual work, though there were strange differences. I was doing a version of my job I've never done where I scan a barcode, write down the information on paper on a clipboard, then scan the slot it goes to. While doing so, a slender guy in a black polo and a black ball cap pulled low over his eyes stepped up beside me in the aisle. I had a suspicion he was a "bad guy" but didn't say anything and just kept watching him from the corner of my eye. I'm not sure what he did, but I finally did recognize that he was a bad guy and started chasing him to catch him in the act of whatever he was doing. He was too fast for me, but I managed to chase him into an aisle where some of my actual coworkers were on their forklifts and maneuvered them to box him in. Time flashed and he was being led out in handcuffs, but there was an entrance to the warehouse with big glass doors and windows and there were checkouts and everything was very white. At some other point, I was talking to a woman who was apparently my manager, more in an office setting even though I was in my full freezer suit gear, and she brought it to my attention that some kind of holiday was coming up where we knew the outcome was going to be people dying in refrigerators even though it was supposed to be a prank.
Another dream I don't quite recall followed, but I do remember being in some kind of store, there were worn wooden floors, I was looking through the shelves for something. I don't recall anything more aside from walking there through a wetish parking lot with overcast skies and my two best friends were a presence though I couldn't see them.
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montecristodreams · 1 month
Night of 5/7
I dreamed of my step-dad who passed away seven years ago; the lights in the bathroom of wherever I was living, apparently with him and my mom, were out and I needed to take a shower and was discussing the situation with him. It was nice to see him again.
In another, I was living in a brick row home with a handful of other people. One of my roommates was an older woman and a man who seemed to be her partner was there, he was large with white medium length hair and a white and gray goatee, sitting in a recliner in front of a window. The colorings of the living room were brownish reds/oranges. We were having a discussion but all I can specifically recall was him attempting to figure out who I was and he asked me, "let me guess, Hanukah?" to ask if I was Jewish, to which I chuckled and replied, "no, no holidays, really" to imply I was not of any religious background. Our landlord was visiting, at one point a blondeish haired woman who was on a patio-type area affixed to the back of the house and breaking down things, wearing workout attire with a pink/peach top and black shorts. Then she was inside, and looked more like Kristin Stewart than anything, dressed in all black, T-shirt and jeans. The lights were out again, unrelated to the bathroom lights dream, but it was daytime so we could see, there was a silver refrigerator in the kitchen. There was a sense we tenants had done something"wrong" because the landlord was there but I woke up before learning it or don't recall what it was.
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montecristodreams · 1 month
Night of 5/6/24
I learned recently from my weed doctor that one of my medications was understood to cause nightmares/vivid and strange dreams. The last handful of days they've mostly been stress dreams about exams since I'm taking finals. Last night I had two distinct dreams. First one was about wanting to try out for some kind of soccer team but I had to choose the team first like it was a video game scenario and I got my pick. I had to wait a few days in-between but it was seconds in the dream world; there was a desk and a mostly faceless man waiting on me. Second, I had a dream I needed to take a storied exam to be a part of a bill belichick team and it involved math, including formulas and who they could be attributed to and one choice was malala (??? 😂), as well as having to write a two paragraph summary from an audio clip of an asian person, who in my dream I understood to be important, kinda like reading a passage from an autobiography or something. It was timed but I needed to keep moving while taking it and couldn't tell how much time has elapsed/was left. Then there was some part that was just chaotic where I was in like, a half house/half restaurant and ate something, there was another mostly faceless person lying upside down on a couch, and I ended up in the commercial-esque kitchen which was empty and there were jars/containers of random proteins just sitting out opened and they were all room temp to the touch and I was really grossed out and wondering if I would get sick.
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