Twister opened her mouth only to get slammed in the face by one of Pigsy's bowls, shattering upon impact. Pigsy turned to see one of the bowls for one of the "ghosts" of Zhouei's hit one of the guests in his establishment. Before he could open his mouth to ask, he watched as black inky ooze dropped from "Twister" head where the bowl struck her.
The creature chuckled before it hissed out, "So it seems Satera really is here...."
"Damn right," Dove replied, startling Tang as he heard her voice echo through the area, especially right next to him.
Jumping down from her stool onto the floor, her ghost form phasing out in ripples so that everyone could see Dove's true wolf form, wings pressed against her side, hackles raised, fur spike up, and lips pulled back in a snarl, "What are you doing here shade?"
The same rippling effect was pulled with Moondrop, who leaped from her seat in front of Zhouei and Mei. While Dove was in front of them all, facing down the shade, who was disguised as the human form of Twister. Moon's body was being a shield for the two mortals as the shade's human looks suddenly snapped in an inhuman way.
The human body's bones were being snapped as the shade suddenly laughed, the lips being pulled into an inhuman grin. The human body crumpled in an unnatural form like a spider when it was dying, and its features melt away to reveal an inky shadow with the features of a cat with a scorpion tail. A pair of inky shadow-like bat wings flew open before snapping shut to the make-shift body. It was staring at them with pupil-less bright neon green eyes with red rings around where the pupils would sit.
The lips of the inky shadow cat pulled back into an unnerving smile as Tang behind them empty the contents of his stomach from the sight of this shade being revealed into a nearby trash can. People who watched from the restaurant, scrambled outwards with screams of terror at the sight.
For this creature was a demonic entity not from this plane of existence.
Dove let out a warning growl as it took steps forward, the inky paws being snapped off, disintegrating, and reforming where the next step would be. It stalked forward towards Dove with a mocking grin, "I thought you would be out longer, Satera."
"Not for a long shot," Dove replied, her tail swishing side-to-side as she took a step forward.
"Oh really," The shade remarked, stopping and then peering at the large scar on Dove's chest, "Were you not killed by our master and your father, the Negative Powers?"
Dove winced at the statement as she felt the others stare at her in shock. Yes, her father was the Negative Powers, the same one who gave her the scar on the chest and many other scars that were not healed easily. But that was in the past and she has learned to forgive and move forward from that day. Still, she should have been faster, quicker, smarter.....she shouldn't have died so easily....
"A shame, really," The shade continued tilting her head to the side before grinning with malicious intent, snapping Dove out of her internal monologue, her eyes becoming ablaze with a crazed hunger for a fight, "I was looking for a fight."
"But if you could be killed that easily by our master," the shade continued to mock, causing Moon's body to become as erect into a stiff upright posture at the tone as Dove glanced to the side looking at Zhouei, "Then this won't be as-"
The shade was cut off by Moondrop lunging at them, kicking them through the wall while doing a backflip. Landing with a loud snarl as the shade slammed into building after building until almost halfway through the city, the shade's inertia finally crumbled along with the rest of their body. The shade's body slumped to the ground as they groaned loudly. Pedestrians and civilians nearby, seeing this happen screamed and ran away from the beginnings of a fight.
"MY WALL!" Pigsy screeched, watching as some bricks fell from the large hole in his wall made by the Shade's body. But before he could scold Moondrop, someone already beat him to it.
"MOON!" Dove barked out, letting out a wheezing laughter, "You didn't even let them finish monologuing!"
"I don't care!" Moondrop snapped back, anger in her voice as she whipped her head to stare at Dove, her blue eyes ablaze with a familial fury, "No one makes fun of the dead, especially with my sister's name involved."
"I know that, and I'm proud of you," Dove replied with a smile, before gesturing at the damage, "But do you know how much paperwork this will cause!"
Before Moon could speak, the shade flew upwards, blotting the sun with a shadow. Dove and Moon let out a shared snarl as the shade hissed at them in return. At the time, people brought out their phones to take a video of this shadow and ink like being who was aimed on attacking a restaurant.
"What the fuck!?" the shade hissed, grabbing its head with its paw while glaring at the two wolves.
Dove opened her mouth to tell it off but Moon stepped in front with a smile that simply read, "allow me". Seeing this, Dove nodded and took a step back. Moon took a deep breath and glared heavily at the shade making it sweat from fear.
"'EY! Did I give you permission to speak?!" Moon snapped back twice as loud, making her voice ring around the ears of anyone nearby, "Say something like that again, and you'll be shitting blood for five years with how far I will shove a chainsaw up yo ass!!!"
"I like her," Mei smiled as she pointed at Moon while looking at Zhouei.
"You mother fucking bitch!" the shade screeched, tucking it's wings in and bringing its claws outstretched to kill these two wolves and take Zhouei away from them.
Dove smiled as she step forward, Moon glancing at her with a smirk as she watched Dove's silver wing's snap out and her eyes glowing with a white light that dimmed as she smirk, "My turn."
Dove then took off, leaving a small crater on Pigsy's floor, before meeting the shade in the air with a loud sonic boom.
((When I thought of this scene all I could think about is Moon and Dove doing this:
Moondrop yelling at the Shade who disrespected Dove after yeeting him into half of the city:
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Dove in the background knowing this will cause so much paperwork but being so damn proud of Moon:
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Zhouei was still reeling on the ground as Mei went over to her, helping her up into a sitting position.
"What's going on?!" Zhouei tried to explain through her laughs and wheezes, but couldn't.
"Apparently, the two guardian spirits she mentioned are, in fact, real, and eating the noodles that Pigsy made. They also paid for them, despite the fact that Pigsy said they didn't have to because he knew Zhouei wouldn't eat if they didn't."
"For realsies? Zhouei, that's so cool!" Zhouei nodded and wiped tears of laughter from her eyes.
(it's fine lol. also @moondrop-dove-react-plus-qa tumblr kept breaking when i tried to reblog the thread so im making a new post, also im on mobile so tang's speech will be orange for now since mobile doesn't have yellow)
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WHAT THE FRICK!? 😨 And yes....yes I was... 😅 Why is my death so fascinating for you to draw?😳
Why do make yourself cry? 😳
The Incident - Part One of the Healing Series
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A blank midnight-black expanse of nothingness was revealed to a silver wolf. The silver wolf was used to being in new places, but even they felt the spine-chilling fear of being watched. Grey-blue eyes scoured the landscape of pure nothingness only to stand and wait for whatever her brain would conjure up.
For she was in the dreamscape, a place of imagination and wonder. A place that should be bright with colors and light was now darker than the midnight sky.
"Oh Satera, Satera," a chilling reverberating masculine voice echoed the dreamscape, making the silver wolf wildly look around for the owner of the voice, "Little Satera."
A whisper of breath made the silver wolf's right ear flutter at the sensation, their eyes widening in fear as the voice was right next to them, "How the mighty have fallen."
Mocking laughter and a wisp of ink and shadow flying by their face caused the silver wolf to back up and fall on their haunches, their breath causing their chest to heave and the scar on their chest to sting with each breath.
Glancing ahead, a being made of pure ink and shadow stared at them with a cruel grin. The shape of the creature was wolflike, but the defined animal of the creature could not be distinguished. Sharp white teeth revealed fangs that were sharp enough to pierce through the toughest of metal, and the ink dripped off of them and faded away like embers on the wind into shadows that returned back into the creature's make-shift body. Blood-red eyes stared at the silver wolf with a crazed look. Even without pupils, the silver wolf knew that the creature in front of them was staring at their chest, the same spot where the same creature gave them their scar.
"What do you want, Negative Powers," the silver wolf's feminine voice cut through the air in a snarl, their lips pulled back in anger, "Come to torture my dreams once more?"
The creature, Negative Powers, chuckled darkly as he slowly approached the silver wolf, the ink and shadows allowing every stride to be removed as the paw would be cut off, dissolve, and reappear in front of each step. Repeating this process, the Negative Powers was inches away from Dove's face, their eyes aglow with a blood red hue, reflecting their eyes.
"Oh please," Negative Power's smooth reverberated chuckle echoed in the wolf's ears, "You seem to be doing that yourself much better than I could have ever done."
He then took a "step" around the left side of silver wolf, who kept her gaze on him at all times, even in her sitting position as he walked around her, "Who would have thought that killing you would have more delightful after effects then torturing you ever could?"
"W-What do you mean?" the silver wolf asked, their ears flattening against their skull.
"Do not try to lie to yourself in front of me just to save face," He laughed in mockery of the silver wolf, "You and I both know the truth."
The Negative Powers then sunk in front of the silver wolf, causing her to look around wildly for him, his voice echoing the plane, "After all, you're a failure of a Satera, aren't you?"
The silver wolf then felt their chest bring back a searing pain of pure fire, one that they vaguely remembered. Their eyes closed, and their breathing became labored due to the immense pain, causing them to gasp and bring a paw up to their chest to try and stop the pain.
They tried to ignore the voice of the Negative Powers, but he continued, almost mockingly, "Because...."
A feeling of something wrapped around the silver wolf's throat forced their head to be brought back up, making their eyes snap open, and the taste of copper on their tongue, along with the dripping of something from their nose, told them everything. Their gaze landed on the paw that touched their chest as the Negative Powers' voice rebated inside their ears, "You've failed them all."
Blood dripped from the scar on their chest, coating their paw in the life-blood that was theirs. The wound that was scarred over was reopened the same way as when they were killed by the same creature they were talking to moments ago.
Their grey-blue eyes became blurry and a wet sensation was mixing with the coppery taste along the wolf's tongue. They were crying and they closed their eyes tightly and gritted their teeth. Trying to ignore the voice of the Negative Powers who seemed to be manipulating the very pain in her heart, head, and soul.
"So aren't you glad that you're dead and...." the Negative Powers voice whispered chillingly into the wolf's ears, "Gone?"
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The Silver wolf's eyes snapped open to reveal the dark outlines of trees and the twinkling of stars. The crackling of the firelight and the soft calls of the wildlife around the silver wolf told them deep down that they were safe. However, their gasps of breath and the touching of their chest told them that they weren't okay. The wet sensation on their cheeks revealed that even in their sleep, they were crying from the pain and memory of what had occurred to them.
"Dove?" a masculine honey-smooth voice whispered over to them.
The silver wolf, Dove Satera, whipped their teary gaze to the voice. Revealing a black wolf that was lying across from them, staring at the fire, now watching them with their golden gaze. Seeing the pain in Dove's gaze, the golden eyes became ablaze with many emotions, the pupils shrinking into shock and realization only to become big with sympathy and comfort.
"A-Ace...." Dove's voice was shaky and dry, giving the black wolf, Ace, pushed him to finally move from his once laid position to walking over to the silver wolf, "I-"
Ace silenced Dove by hugging her tightly with his head and shoving her head into his fluffy chest. Allowing her to hear his heart beat thump into a soothing rhythm while his chest rumbled soothingly into Dove's ears.
"It's okay, Dove," Ace's voice was soft and soothing as he continued to comfort the frightened Dove, "It was just a nightmare."
Dove's eyes became wet and blurry as she closed them tightly, a large lump in the back of her throat as Ace continued, "It's over now. Twister and I...we'll protect you from now on ..."
Dove let out a muffled cry as Ace continued to hug and protect the little wolf that dealt with so much at such a young age. She was only fifteen years old when she died, but now she was alive and well. Revived but dealing with the memories of her death. The scar on her chest giving her a daily reminder of what she went through because she wanted to protect them all from a creature she knew so well because she "created" him.
Ace grit his teeth in anger at the creature who harmed Dove, the same one who gave him life, as he heard her sob heavily in his chest. He would tear that creature apart for what he done to the wolf that stole his heart, the one that was crying in his chest.
He gave her a comforting nuzzle as he finished, allowing himself to gaze upwards at the stars to confirm his words and allow them to be etched into the history of his crush's life, "That I promise you."
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Dove recovered first as Moondrop sat there, gathering her breath. She remarked with a small woof, "Yeah, we are real. Last time I checked, I haven't died-"
"But you did die-" Moondrop cut off, only to be silenced by Dove slapping her tail over her sister's mouth. A slight glare was given to Moondrop, who simply rolled her eyes before spitting out her sister's tail.
"I was only dead for a week," Dove replied, smirking as she finished, "And look at me now, immortal in more ways than one."
"An Immortal pain in my butt," Moondrop rolled her eyes before finishing off her noodles.
Dove chuffed out, "Come on, Moon, don't speak of Wukong like that."
That comment made Moondrop wheeze so hard she fell off the chair and on the floor. Rolling around in laughter while Dove simply shook her head and chuckled at Moon's reaction.
Dove then gasped, "Oh no! You weren't talking about Wukong. You were talking about Twister!"
Moondrop laughter echoed in their little plane, her wheezes making it all the more harder for her to breathe.
"Oh come on, I'm not that much of a pain in the arse, am I?" a familiar voice made them turn to see....
Twister. In human form.
Twister's human form was something that was only used when conversing within a different universe, an angel in disguise, if you would believe that. Twister was a dirty blonde with grey-blue eyes. She wore a light blue tank top with a pair of sand khakis and a pair of sandals. She was only five foot five inches, but her long wavy hair was held back by her hair tie in a small pony tail. She smirked at the two wolves who could only gaze back in shock.
"....Twister...?" Moondrop asked a bit warily while Dove stared in what seemed to be shocked at the human form of Twister.
Twister nodded at the two before she turned to look at Zhouei, smiling a bit too wide, "Hey there, Zhouei....been a while."
(I believe Twister and Zhouei never met, but prove me wrong if I have forgotten. Anyways, a new person approaches, but who are they? Are they Twister? Who knows.....*hint they are not Twister*)
Zhouei was still reeling on the ground as Mei went over to her, helping her up into a sitting position.
"What's going on?!" Zhouei tried to explain through her laughs and wheezes, but couldn't.
"Apparently, the two guardian spirits she mentioned are, in fact, real, and eating the noodles that Pigsy made. They also paid for them, despite the fact that Pigsy said they didn't have to because he knew Zhouei wouldn't eat if they didn't."
"For realsies? Zhouei, that's so cool!" Zhouei nodded and wiped tears of laughter from her eyes.
(it's fine lol. also @moondrop-dove-react-plus-qa tumblr kept breaking when i tried to reblog the thread so im making a new post, also im on mobile so tang's speech will be orange for now since mobile doesn't have yellow)
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reblog this if your blog is a safe space on april fools and won’t have any jumpers, screamers, or anything scary or anxiety inducing
233K notes · View notes
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Moon and Dove were just about finished with their bowls when Mei slammed on the scene causing both of them to start uncontrollably laughing. They've seen people react to them eating in spirit form in a bunch of different ways, mostly fear, but these couple reactions made their tough days better. Especially with the news of Shades being in the universe and the underlying question of why Zhouei was pulled to their dimension.
Still seeing Mei burst into the scene only to scream at them, made them laugh so hard that poor Dove was wheezing like a tea kettle and Moondrop was letting out cute kitten sneezes.
Dove realizing this turned to her sister and let out a breathless chuckle, "Aww the cute kitten sneezes have returned!"
Moondrop tried to glare but with all the euphoria and bliss that she was feeling it looked like she was stifling a laugh while also sneezing at the same time making Dove wheeze at her sister's pain. The two going into a huge giggling fit of fur and kitten sneezes.
(Poor Mei! Also, sorry for not responding in so long. I should also mention that Zhouei can also touch the two like they are a physical being in case she wants to pet them or something)
(*polite door knocking before door opens*)
Moon~? 😅
Yes? 🤨
What do we do if a shade broke the portal system, again, and a person dropped out from that universe? 😅
Well, we send them back-😅…..WAIT A FREAKIN’ SEC! WHAT HAPPENED?! 🤨
Well a shade tried to infect a universe- 😒
-A normal day for us, go on. 🤔
-And a child popped out from the portal before we could close it…. 😅
Is the portal open still? 🤨
Well that’s the other problem….. 😅
What. Happened. 😠
Well…uh…..the shade blew up the supports of the portal and it….um….blew up the whole portal system…controls and all… 😅
…..Your kidding. 😳
….I wish I was….. 😓
Well, how long will it take for the portal system to be online? 🤔
Two months…? 😬😓
Please tell me your joking. 😳
I’m not…. 🥲
*sighs* Where’s the person now and what universe were they from? 😔
Well they are outside of the office door and um they came from an alternate universe similar to lego monkie kid via a creator known as …. @lulu-nightbon if that helps matters? 😅
Dove when this is over, remind me to get us some wine and ice cream. 😒
Agreed, so can I bring them in? 😅
Yep. 🙂
We’ll come on in child! Moondrop wants to see you!! 😁
Child?! 😱
(Who walks on the office is up to @lulu-nightbon I always wanted to do a roleplay with you and one of your child ocs of LMK. I always wanted to see how they would interact with my two morons, so ready to have some fun?)
73 notes · View notes
Dove once again snorted after the shock wore off whilst Moon let out a breathless laugh. The two quickly scrambled up on their seats by their noodles, which were next to Zhouei.
Dove laughed before opening her jaw wide and taking a large bite of the noodles before swallowing. The noodles disappearing as soon as they went into her mouth. Moon burst out laughing as Pigsy and Tang's faces turned to ones of shock and wonder at the fact that the noodles were being eaten by the air. Pigsy was sputtering noises as he watched his noodles being eaten up by the air.
"I-I.....c-can't breathe!" Moon wheezed, laughing hard as Tang quickly brought out his notes as a noodle was floating before being slurped up by a Dove.
"Weren't you going to eat under the table?" Dove asked, licking the broth while staring at Moon.
"At this point," Moon let out a breathless sigh, "Why the hell does it even matter."
She ate her noodles slower than Dove but it also didn't help that Moon almost spat them up when she heard a faint murmur from the scholar and a quick scribble in his notebook, "Interesting."
Poor Moon almost spat out the noodles from laughing but instead swallowed a bit shaky and laughing as Dove wheezed like a tea kettle at Tang's murmurs of wonder.
(The line: "It just appeared on the table!" hit me so hard with laughter.)
(*polite door knocking before door opens*)
Moon~? 😅
Yes? 🤨
What do we do if a shade broke the portal system, again, and a person dropped out from that universe? 😅
Well, we send them back-😅…..WAIT A FREAKIN’ SEC! WHAT HAPPENED?! 🤨
Well a shade tried to infect a universe- 😒
-A normal day for us, go on. 🤔
-And a child popped out from the portal before we could close it…. 😅
Is the portal open still? 🤨
Well that’s the other problem….. 😅
What. Happened. 😠
Well…uh…..the shade blew up the supports of the portal and it….um….blew up the whole portal system…controls and all… 😅
…..Your kidding. 😳
….I wish I was….. 😓
Well, how long will it take for the portal system to be online? 🤔
Two months…? 😬😓
Please tell me your joking. 😳
I’m not…. 🥲
*sighs* Where’s the person now and what universe were they from? 😔
Well they are outside of the office door and um they came from an alternate universe similar to lego monkie kid via a creator known as …. @lulu-nightbon if that helps matters? 😅
Dove when this is over, remind me to get us some wine and ice cream. 😒
Agreed, so can I bring them in? 😅
Yep. 🙂
We’ll come on in child! Moondrop wants to see you!! 😁
Child?! 😱
(Who walks on the office is up to @lulu-nightbon I always wanted to do a roleplay with you and one of your child ocs of LMK. I always wanted to see how they would interact with my two morons, so ready to have some fun?)
73 notes · View notes
Dove and Moon both snorted at the interaction, both seeing the pure happiness that was made with just the suggestion that they would get food. Which reminded them that they would have to pay for the food-.
A clatter was heard behind the counter and the two whipped their heads to see twenty pure gold coins on the desk along with twenty yen that held the scent of a celestial being. Probably their creator who got a deity who owed them a favor to give them cash. Which reminded the shock pair....
"Creator needs to stop that," Dove whispered in shock to an equally as shocked Moon.
Moon replied, nodding, "They scare me now."
(*polite door knocking before door opens*)
Moon~? 😅
Yes? 🤨
What do we do if a shade broke the portal system, again, and a person dropped out from that universe? 😅
Well, we send them back-😅…..WAIT A FREAKIN’ SEC! WHAT HAPPENED?! 🤨
Well a shade tried to infect a universe- 😒
-A normal day for us, go on. 🤔
-And a child popped out from the portal before we could close it…. 😅
Is the portal open still? 🤨
Well that’s the other problem….. 😅
What. Happened. 😠
Well…uh…..the shade blew up the supports of the portal and it….um….blew up the whole portal system…controls and all… 😅
…..Your kidding. 😳
….I wish I was….. 😓
Well, how long will it take for the portal system to be online? 🤔
Two months…? 😬😓
Please tell me your joking. 😳
I’m not…. 🥲
*sighs* Where’s the person now and what universe were they from? 😔
Well they are outside of the office door and um they came from an alternate universe similar to lego monkie kid via a creator known as …. @lulu-nightbon if that helps matters? 😅
Dove when this is over, remind me to get us some wine and ice cream. 😒
Agreed, so can I bring them in? 😅
Yep. 🙂
We’ll come on in child! Moondrop wants to see you!! 😁
Child?! 😱
(Who walks on the office is up to @lulu-nightbon I always wanted to do a roleplay with you and one of your child ocs of LMK. I always wanted to see how they would interact with my two morons, so ready to have some fun?)
73 notes · View notes
Dove huffed at the other before turning to Zhouei, "If you want to order something for us, sure, but it might look really weird when we eat it."
"We usually eat under tables in this form," Moon added on, "Less weird for me, at least."
"Your mortal," Dove huffed, slapping Moon's face with her tail once again, "You'll get used to it."
"No, I-I don't think I will," Moon replied, puffing the other tail away from her face.
(*polite door knocking before door opens*)
Moon~? 😅
Yes? 🤨
What do we do if a shade broke the portal system, again, and a person dropped out from that universe? 😅
Well, we send them back-😅…..WAIT A FREAKIN’ SEC! WHAT HAPPENED?! 🤨
Well a shade tried to infect a universe- 😒
-A normal day for us, go on. 🤔
-And a child popped out from the portal before we could close it…. 😅
Is the portal open still? 🤨
Well that’s the other problem….. 😅
What. Happened. 😠
Well…uh…..the shade blew up the supports of the portal and it….um….blew up the whole portal system…controls and all… 😅
…..Your kidding. 😳
….I wish I was….. 😓
Well, how long will it take for the portal system to be online? 🤔
Two months…? 😬😓
Please tell me your joking. 😳
I’m not…. 🥲
*sighs* Where’s the person now and what universe were they from? 😔
Well they are outside of the office door and um they came from an alternate universe similar to lego monkie kid via a creator known as …. @lulu-nightbon if that helps matters? 😅
Dove when this is over, remind me to get us some wine and ice cream. 😒
Agreed, so can I bring them in? 😅
Yep. 🙂
We’ll come on in child! Moondrop wants to see you!! 😁
Child?! 😱
(Who walks on the office is up to @lulu-nightbon I always wanted to do a roleplay with you and one of your child ocs of LMK. I always wanted to see how they would interact with my two morons, so ready to have some fun?)
73 notes · View notes
"We'll have breakfast in a min-," Moondrop smiled, following behind and almost jumping to the ceiling from the sudden tackle from Tang that Zhouei received, "Holy shit...."
"Language," Dove murmured to the other wolf, lightly slapping the other with her tail, before adding on to Moon's statement, "Plus, we'll need to eat breakfast where no one will see us."
"How about some fruit?" Moon asked the other wolf, "It's light, easy to hide, and we can handle it."
"As long as it isn't pineapple on pizza...I'll take it," Dove replied with a smile.
"You just offended a whole entire group of people with that statement," Moon deadpanned at the other.
(*polite door knocking before door opens*)
Moon~? 😅
Yes? 🤨
What do we do if a shade broke the portal system, again, and a person dropped out from that universe? 😅
Well, we send them back-😅…..WAIT A FREAKIN’ SEC! WHAT HAPPENED?! 🤨
Well a shade tried to infect a universe- 😒
-A normal day for us, go on. 🤔
-And a child popped out from the portal before we could close it…. 😅
Is the portal open still? 🤨
Well that’s the other problem….. 😅
What. Happened. 😠
Well…uh…..the shade blew up the supports of the portal and it….um….blew up the whole portal system…controls and all… 😅
…..Your kidding. 😳
….I wish I was….. 😓
Well, how long will it take for the portal system to be online? 🤔
Two months…? 😬😓
Please tell me your joking. 😳
I’m not…. 🥲
*sighs* Where’s the person now and what universe were they from? 😔
Well they are outside of the office door and um they came from an alternate universe similar to lego monkie kid via a creator known as …. @lulu-nightbon if that helps matters? 😅
Dove when this is over, remind me to get us some wine and ice cream. 😒
Agreed, so can I bring them in? 😅
Yep. 🙂
We’ll come on in child! Moondrop wants to see you!! 😁
Child?! 😱
(Who walks on the office is up to @lulu-nightbon I always wanted to do a roleplay with you and one of your child ocs of LMK. I always wanted to see how they would interact with my two morons, so ready to have some fun?)
73 notes · View notes
As soon as Red Son teleported with Zhouei, the two stopped their playful bickering and followed them by disappearing into the earth and following the soul's energy. As soon as Red Son left, the two appeared from the ground, their heads popping up like daisys.
"Ooga booga," Dove stuck her tongue out, with a derpy facial expression while Moondrop tried not to laugh.
(*polite door knocking before door opens*)
Moon~? 😅
Yes? 🤨
What do we do if a shade broke the portal system, again, and a person dropped out from that universe? 😅
Well, we send them back-😅…..WAIT A FREAKIN’ SEC! WHAT HAPPENED?! 🤨
Well a shade tried to infect a universe- 😒
-A normal day for us, go on. 🤔
-And a child popped out from the portal before we could close it…. 😅
Is the portal open still? 🤨
Well that’s the other problem….. 😅
What. Happened. 😠
Well…uh…..the shade blew up the supports of the portal and it….um….blew up the whole portal system…controls and all… 😅
…..Your kidding. 😳
….I wish I was….. 😓
Well, how long will it take for the portal system to be online? 🤔
Two months…? 😬😓
Please tell me your joking. 😳
I’m not…. 🥲
*sighs* Where’s the person now and what universe were they from? 😔
Well they are outside of the office door and um they came from an alternate universe similar to lego monkie kid via a creator known as …. @lulu-nightbon if that helps matters? 😅
Dove when this is over, remind me to get us some wine and ice cream. 😒
Agreed, so can I bring them in? 😅
Yep. 🙂
We’ll come on in child! Moondrop wants to see you!! 😁
Child?! 😱
(Who walks on the office is up to @lulu-nightbon I always wanted to do a roleplay with you and one of your child ocs of LMK. I always wanted to see how they would interact with my two morons, so ready to have some fun?)
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Cross are you done yet with the demons. Dove’s going to fight Diablo or Wukong….😰
Give me five minutes 😅
I don’t know if you have five- 😒
(*tree being uprooted*) 😡
(*yeets tree*) 😡
Uhhh can you babysit my two wolf gremlins while I learn about sociology, Wukong? I think your the only one who can handle Dove’s 100 mile high wolf war form if she gets angry….
If not call for Cross, he’ll know what to do.
"uh- sure! Sure sure!"
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Five minutes for you, five hours where we come from. 😅
(*angry monster wolf stomps*)
Uhh….hopefully Cross is done with his patients and we can call him for a tranquilizer….. 😅
Uhhh can you babysit my two wolf gremlins while I learn about sociology, Wukong? I think your the only one who can handle Dove’s 100 mile high wolf war form if she gets angry….
If not call for Cross, he’ll know what to do.
"uh- sure! Sure sure!"
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Uhhhh…..we have a problem, Monkey dad. 😰
(*angry monstrous wolf sounds*)
She found out why Cross is busy…..😓
Uhhh….help? 😅 She’s in her war form now….😥
Uhhh can you babysit my two wolf gremlins while I learn about sociology, Wukong? I think your the only one who can handle Dove’s 100 mile high wolf war form if she gets angry….
If not call for Cross, he’ll know what to do.
"uh- sure! Sure sure!"
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"Eh before we go," Dove winced, "I should apologize for the small earthquake in Red Son's room...."
"You mean the whole Bull Demon King's house?" Moondrop snarked with a smirk.
"Shut. Up," Dove gritted through her teeth as she glared at Moon.
Moondrop stuck her tongue out with a loud bark, "Make me!"
Dove smirked as she then pounced at Moon, who yelped at the tackle. The two playfully wrestle like children-er pups.
(*polite door knocking before door opens*)
Moon~? 😅
Yes? 🤨
What do we do if a shade broke the portal system, again, and a person dropped out from that universe? 😅
Well, we send them back-😅…..WAIT A FREAKIN’ SEC! WHAT HAPPENED?! 🤨
Well a shade tried to infect a universe- 😒
-A normal day for us, go on. 🤔
-And a child popped out from the portal before we could close it…. 😅
Is the portal open still? 🤨
Well that’s the other problem….. 😅
What. Happened. 😠
Well…uh…..the shade blew up the supports of the portal and it….um….blew up the whole portal system…controls and all… 😅
…..Your kidding. 😳
….I wish I was….. 😓
Well, how long will it take for the portal system to be online? 🤔
Two months…? 😬😓
Please tell me your joking. 😳
I’m not…. 🥲
*sighs* Where’s the person now and what universe were they from? 😔
Well they are outside of the office door and um they came from an alternate universe similar to lego monkie kid via a creator known as …. @lulu-nightbon if that helps matters? 😅
Dove when this is over, remind me to get us some wine and ice cream. 😒
Agreed, so can I bring them in? 😅
Yep. 🙂
We’ll come on in child! Moondrop wants to see you!! 😁
Child?! 😱
(Who walks on the office is up to @lulu-nightbon I always wanted to do a roleplay with you and one of your child ocs of LMK. I always wanted to see how they would interact with my two morons, so ready to have some fun?)
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"Oh yes!" Moon replied turning around, Dove nodding before following.
Moon sighed, not dare looking behind her but talking to her while facing the door with Dove beside her like two sphinx's, "You do know, you can confide in us with anything."
"Besides, it's better to let it out then bottling it in," Dove remarked, staring at the door but talking to Zhouei, "You don't want to do what I did just a couple minutes ago."
Moon let out a snort, "Yeah, let's not do a mini Sun Wukong rampage through the Bull Demon's home please."
"I'm not that bad!" Dove hissed at Moon, glaring at her playfully with a smirk.
"Says the one who threw a tractor at a demon's head because you were stressed," Moon remarked with a smile back.
"Eh, I was more frustrated then stressed," Dove shrugged.
"Oh really?" Moon rose an eyebrow at Dove before lifting her right paw, "Do I need to count how many times you 'snapped'?"
Dove leaned away from Moon's gaze, glancing away at the door, "I don't really 'snap'."
"That time you destroyed half of the shade army with a Godzilla like blast from your mouth?" A paw digit rose from Moon.
Dove deflected, "That was a long time ago."
Another digit on Moon's paw rose, "The time you erased a whole entire species reproductive system because they simply annoyed you too much?"
"Do we really still count that one?" Dove asked, confusion on her face.
"Yes we do," Moon continued as Dove winced, another digit raising, "The time you made an alien god from another alternate universe piss their pants from fear after they tried to kill you?"
"Unicron had it coming," Dove muttered, staring at the ground.
"Do I need to continue?" Moon smirked at Dove's expression, who grumbled something under her breath, a victorious look crossed her face, "I think I won that time."
"Oh shut you," Dove slapped Moon in the back of the head with her wing, a playful smirk on her lips.
Moon laughed, playfully shoving the other with her shoulder before quipping to Zhouei, "Yeah, do as Dove says not as she do."
(*polite door knocking before door opens*)
Moon~? 😅
Yes? 🤨
What do we do if a shade broke the portal system, again, and a person dropped out from that universe? 😅
Well, we send them back-😅…..WAIT A FREAKIN’ SEC! WHAT HAPPENED?! 🤨
Well a shade tried to infect a universe- 😒
-A normal day for us, go on. 🤔
-And a child popped out from the portal before we could close it…. 😅
Is the portal open still? 🤨
Well that’s the other problem….. 😅
What. Happened. 😠
Well…uh…..the shade blew up the supports of the portal and it….um….blew up the whole portal system…controls and all… 😅
…..Your kidding. 😳
….I wish I was….. 😓
Well, how long will it take for the portal system to be online? 🤔
Two months…? 😬😓
Please tell me your joking. 😳
I’m not…. 🥲
*sighs* Where’s the person now and what universe were they from? 😔
Well they are outside of the office door and um they came from an alternate universe similar to lego monkie kid via a creator known as …. @lulu-nightbon if that helps matters? 😅
Dove when this is over, remind me to get us some wine and ice cream. 😒
Agreed, so can I bring them in? 😅
Yep. 🙂
We’ll come on in child! Moondrop wants to see you!! 😁
Child?! 😱
(Who walks on the office is up to @lulu-nightbon I always wanted to do a roleplay with you and one of your child ocs of LMK. I always wanted to see how they would interact with my two morons, so ready to have some fun?)
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Moondrop, after checking on her sister, felt like it was time to go visit Zhouei. Nudging her almost asleep form, Dove snorted before glancing at Moon's nudge. Moon nodded in the direction of Zhouei and with a confirmation nod by Dove the two padded through the closed door to see Zhouei with her downcast expression.
Dove cocked her head to the side, allowing her ear to flop over before asking, "What's got you all glum like a plum?"
"I don't understand your language sometimes," Moondrop remarked, staring at Dove like she grew a third head.
(*polite door knocking before door opens*)
Moon~? 😅
Yes? 🤨
What do we do if a shade broke the portal system, again, and a person dropped out from that universe? 😅
Well, we send them back-😅…..WAIT A FREAKIN’ SEC! WHAT HAPPENED?! 🤨
Well a shade tried to infect a universe- 😒
-A normal day for us, go on. 🤔
-And a child popped out from the portal before we could close it…. 😅
Is the portal open still? 🤨
Well that’s the other problem….. 😅
What. Happened. 😠
Well…uh…..the shade blew up the supports of the portal and it….um….blew up the whole portal system…controls and all… 😅
…..Your kidding. 😳
….I wish I was….. 😓
Well, how long will it take for the portal system to be online? 🤔
Two months…? 😬😓
Please tell me your joking. 😳
I’m not…. 🥲
*sighs* Where’s the person now and what universe were they from? 😔
Well they are outside of the office door and um they came from an alternate universe similar to lego monkie kid via a creator known as …. @lulu-nightbon if that helps matters? 😅
Dove when this is over, remind me to get us some wine and ice cream. 😒
Agreed, so can I bring them in? 😅
Yep. 🙂
We’ll come on in child! Moondrop wants to see you!! 😁
Child?! 😱
(Who walks on the office is up to @lulu-nightbon I always wanted to do a roleplay with you and one of your child ocs of LMK. I always wanted to see how they would interact with my two morons, so ready to have some fun?)
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