moonxvxsun · 6 months
he called me in the morning and told me about how sick he was. said he threw up like 20 times in the night but it was all bile and his throat hurt.
then now, he said it's bad again. tells me every time he throws up and texted me saying he's really scared because he hates being sick.
but life fucked me over because I'm on a bus because I went to visit friends in Seoul so I'm not near home at all and he lives an hour from my home anyway :( broken hearted.
hope he feels better and I'm so in love with him and he just has no idea ugh :(
the guy I like texted me "I feel dizzy and I just threw up" but I MISSED THE FUCKING MESSAGE and now he's now responding to me :(
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moonxvxsun · 6 months
the guy I like texted me "I feel dizzy and I just threw up" but I MISSED THE FUCKING MESSAGE and now he's now responding to me :(
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moonxvxsun · 8 months
if you liked this and wanna do it... please dm me 💓
all I want is a cute mpreg / preg morning sickness comfort rp :(
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moonxvxsun · 8 months
all I want is a cute mpreg / preg morning sickness comfort rp :(
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moonxvxsun · 8 months
all I want is a cute mpreg / preg morning sickness comfort rp :(
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moonxvxsun · 8 months
when the guy I like says "my belly hurts" and moves my hand to rub his tummy ....
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moonxvxsun · 8 months
also fo fit the theme of my blog a little I'll add this little tidbit
the first night I stayed at his house we shared his tiny little bed and we were cuddling and he kept getting up. which isn't strange he doesn't sleep well. but it woke me up once and I sat up with him and he said "my belly hurts, I'll be right back" then after a little bit he came back to bed and I placed my hand on his stomach gently to see if he would be okay with that and then he put his hand on top of mine and pushed my hand into his stomach and he fell asleep :)
so I don't really have anywhere else to talk about this, but I genuinely have had the most amazing week (but also the worst week) and I just need to share :)
so feel free to ignore my story.
I'm being harassed by the management guy in my apartment building. now, I live abroad and am not fluent in the lanaguage. so I didn't know what to do, so I met this guy on bumble and we've been chatting and became good friends and he told me if I was scared I could spend the night at his place if I could get a bus there because he lives an hour and a half away. I managed to get a bus and he took me in and took care of me because I was so freaked out. the next day he helped me call my work and we went to a cafe and did work together and held hands walking through a park. we even shared a waffle as we walked, he was feeding me.
I go home and he tells me if anything happens he'll drive down and get me. even though it's far and I took the bus home already. luckily nothing happened.
two days later I'm in severe pain from something period related I don't even know. so I ask him if he knows any hospitals that would be in a bigger city he used to live in that would be open. (it was a holiday weekend that's why we were both off this whole week.) he then tells me a hospital in his city and I make an appointment to go and I thank him for the recommendation.
he texts me and asks me where I am and if I'm close to the bus terminal, I said I don't need him to come because I can go to the hospital alone and I don't want him to have to sit there bored. but he insists and picks me up and brings me to the hospital. he talks with everyone and helps me and we end up having to go to the emergency room. he sat there with me for 5 hours. (now keep in mind this is a guy from bumble I met one in person before this shit show of a week.) I kept telling him he could leave but he refused, he helped me talk to the doctors because he's a native from Korea and can speak it fluently (obviously.) he then took my card and paid and picked up my meds for me so I didn't have to walk.
the doctor wanted to keep me in the hospital for two nights to see me again his next work day since I travelled from a different city. but this guy told me it was a waste of money and offered to let me stay at his house. I told him he's done more than enough for me but he told me that I'll just stay with him and he told the doctor that.
over the next two days we just spent time together. he made sure I ate three meals a day (which is a struggle for me) because I needed to eat before taking my pills. he still held my hand when we walked and he started to tease me more. he's been tickling me and hitting my butt, even at the store.
I have a very obvious crush on this guy and I'm so dense I can't tell if he likes me too lol.
he loves to help people and always says 'im glad I could help you' so I can't tell if he likes me or not :(
anyway, that's my little story hehe
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moonxvxsun · 8 months
so I don't really have anywhere else to talk about this, but I genuinely have had the most amazing week (but also the worst week) and I just need to share :)
so feel free to ignore my story.
I'm being harassed by the management guy in my apartment building. now, I live abroad and am not fluent in the lanaguage. so I didn't know what to do, so I met this guy on bumble and we've been chatting and became good friends and he told me if I was scared I could spend the night at his place if I could get a bus there because he lives an hour and a half away. I managed to get a bus and he took me in and took care of me because I was so freaked out. the next day he helped me call my work and we went to a cafe and did work together and held hands walking through a park. we even shared a waffle as we walked, he was feeding me.
I go home and he tells me if anything happens he'll drive down and get me. even though it's far and I took the bus home already. luckily nothing happened.
two days later I'm in severe pain from something period related I don't even know. so I ask him if he knows any hospitals that would be in a bigger city he used to live in that would be open. (it was a holiday weekend that's why we were both off this whole week.) he then tells me a hospital in his city and I make an appointment to go and I thank him for the recommendation.
he texts me and asks me where I am and if I'm close to the bus terminal, I said I don't need him to come because I can go to the hospital alone and I don't want him to have to sit there bored. but he insists and picks me up and brings me to the hospital. he talks with everyone and helps me and we end up having to go to the emergency room. he sat there with me for 5 hours. (now keep in mind this is a guy from bumble I met one in person before this shit show of a week.) I kept telling him he could leave but he refused, he helped me talk to the doctors because he's a native from Korea and can speak it fluently (obviously.) he then took my card and paid and picked up my meds for me so I didn't have to walk.
the doctor wanted to keep me in the hospital for two nights to see me again his next work day since I travelled from a different city. but this guy told me it was a waste of money and offered to let me stay at his house. I told him he's done more than enough for me but he told me that I'll just stay with him and he told the doctor that.
over the next two days we just spent time together. he made sure I ate three meals a day (which is a struggle for me) because I needed to eat before taking my pills. he still held my hand when we walked and he started to tease me more. he's been tickling me and hitting my butt, even at the store.
I have a very obvious crush on this guy and I'm so dense I can't tell if he likes me too lol.
he loves to help people and always says 'im glad I could help you' so I can't tell if he likes me or not :(
also, he won't let me carry my own bags. like no matter what he's always holding it. in the car it's in my lap and when we get to our destination he yanks it from my lap before getting out of the car so I can't hold it.
anyway, that's my little story hehe
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moonxvxsun · 10 months
lol idk why my birthday makes me so mega depressed
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moonxvxsun · 11 months
so this has nothing to do with my blog, but in need of some advice 🫶
or just nice words lol
my apartment is so dirty and awful because I'm so depressed lol and I need to clean it because I'm moving soon and I just need some motivation to start because everything just feels so much right now :(
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moonxvxsun · 1 year
Reblog if you want your followers to ask you anything they're curious about.
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moonxvxsun · 1 year
work has been killer so i'm not ignoring anyone, i apologize for how busy work has kept me.
but i wanted to just talk about how happy i am despite that lol
i hosted a game night with some friends last night, only my boys came out which was great and they stayed until 4am and we were watching kpop videos lol
then my one friend who lives in my building stayed over and slept in my bed and we cuddled and god i love cuddling lol it's been so long.
then he went home in the morning and came back to do work prep together (we're teachers) and he didn't get anything done because i was so tired and he let me sleep on his lap while he rubbed my head and played with my hair.
my other friends said you can't cuddle as besties, but we do and i just really needed that ♡
i just wanted somewhere what made me happy lol sorry
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moonxvxsun · 1 year
oh just to specify: my timezone is KST lol i am located in Korea~
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moonxvxsun · 1 year
i hate having a crush on my friend who no longer has feelings for me lol
he's all i want. and he just doesn't want me.
he told me to move on lol
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moonxvxsun · 1 year
i am almost 23 years old and my parents are yelling at me while trying to explain a math brain teaser to me
instantly transported back to the 3rd grade when they would yell at me at the kitchen table while doing math
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moonxvxsun · 1 year
i would absolutely love if people sent me some emeto stories or anything, can be in messages if you want to keep it private or send me asks!!
would just love to interact with the community more!!
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moonxvxsun · 1 year
i am down so bad for my friend who loves to leave me on read and ignore me lol
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