moshofmuses · 5 years
Making a poll, just got bothered by something on another blog. Just suggestion on what to do. I want to know what to do with this blog. Be honest.
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moshofmuses · 5 years
((Originally I was going to move to a new blog and be super selective and private, but I don’t feel like doing that. Instead, I will be coming back to this blog, BUT not right now. I really want to beat Hollow Knight first. As well as get icons for a new muse and get him done.
I also will be dropping most threads, not all, but most.
Please be patient, I have other things I wanna do before I return to this blog.
Draconite will no longer be a muse due to me selling her. I lost my muse for her and I have never had a set story for her.
Grimm/Ghost will remain my main blog. I will NOT always be on this blog everyday. Be patient.
Me being on more than one blog is NOT my strong suit. But I am going to try.
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moshofmuses · 5 years
Grimm has moved, this blog is going on mainly hiatus
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((Please hear me out before any of you attack me for moving Grimm and putting this one on a hiatus. The hiatus is TEMPORARY. Once Grimm calms down, I will come back to this one. Cuz let’s face it, I ALWAYS go back to multi muse. Someone (anon) is always saying ‘hurr durr you made multi muse AGAIN!?’ So yes, I will come back here. 
I am doing this cuz Grimm has pretty much consumed me. I don’t want people thinking I am ignoring their threads cuz they see me replying to others (that are Grimm) and not theirs (which would be a diff muse.) I am also doing it so people won’t request other muses, when I have no muse for them. I know not everyone reads rules, so many wouldn’t read if I said only Grimm for the time being. It also makes reblogging memes and such much easier, since it will be Grimm only, rather than me constantly having to say Grimm only and someone ignore it and do another muse.
I am doing this for my own comfort. PLEASE understand this.
This blog is now on hiatus. HOWEVER, there will still be smol activity on it here and there. However, these bursts will only be with friends, and even then, not all. Only some (Only ones I can name off the top of my head that I will be replying to is; Kokoro, Tobi, and Moose.) I WILL STILL BE SLOW AS A SLOTH.
If this bothers you still despite my explanation.. Idk man.. I’m human and I’m fickle. Can’t really force muses to come out when they’re swallowed by another muse. Once Grimm calms down, he’ll be coming back here and the multi muse will resume.
Anyways, if you understand, thank you.
My current Grimm muse is @hauntedfoes​
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moshofmuses · 5 years
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Ladies and gentlemen, Boys and girls, gather ‘round It’s been quite some time, Since we’ve come to town What you are about to witness, Will chill you to the core Prepare yourself for what we have in store
Personals do not interact
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moshofmuses · 5 years
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Ladies and gentlemen, Boys and girls, gather ‘round It’s been quite some time, Since we’ve come to town What you are about to witness, Will chill you to the core Prepare yourself for what we have in store
Personals do not interact
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moshofmuses · 5 years
Grimm has moved, this blog is going on mainly hiatus
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((Please hear me out before any of you attack me for moving Grimm and putting this one on a hiatus. The hiatus is TEMPORARY. Once Grimm calms down, I will come back to this one. Cuz let’s face it, I ALWAYS go back to multi muse. Someone (anon) is always saying ‘hurr durr you made multi muse AGAIN!?’ So yes, I will come back here. 
I am doing this cuz Grimm has pretty much consumed me. I don’t want people thinking I am ignoring their threads cuz they see me replying to others (that are Grimm) and not theirs (which would be a diff muse.) I am also doing it so people won’t request other muses, when I have no muse for them. I know not everyone reads rules, so many wouldn’t read if I said only Grimm for the time being. It also makes reblogging memes and such much easier, since it will be Grimm only, rather than me constantly having to say Grimm only and someone ignore it and do another muse.
I am doing this for my own comfort. PLEASE understand this.
This blog is now on hiatus. HOWEVER, there will still be smol activity on it here and there. However, these bursts will only be with friends, and even then, not all. Only some (Only ones I can name off the top of my head that I will be replying to is; Kokoro, Tobi, and Moose.) I WILL STILL BE SLOW AS A SLOTH.
If this bothers you still despite my explanation.. Idk man.. I’m human and I’m fickle. Can’t really force muses to come out when they’re swallowed by another muse. Once Grimm calms down, he’ll be coming back here and the multi muse will resume.
Anyways, if you understand, thank you.
My current Grimm muse is @hauntedfoes​
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moshofmuses · 5 years
Grimm has moved, this blog is going on mainly hiatus
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((Please hear me out before any of you attack me for moving Grimm and putting this one on a hiatus. The hiatus is TEMPORARY. Once Grimm calms down, I will come back to this one. Cuz let’s face it, I ALWAYS go back to multi muse. Someone (anon) is always saying ‘hurr durr you made multi muse AGAIN!?’ So yes, I will come back here. 
I am doing this cuz Grimm has pretty much consumed me. I don’t want people thinking I am ignoring their threads cuz they see me replying to others (that are Grimm) and not theirs (which would be a diff muse.) I am also doing it so people won’t request other muses, when I have no muse for them. I know not everyone reads rules, so many wouldn’t read if I said only Grimm for the time being. It also makes reblogging memes and such much easier, since it will be Grimm only, rather than me constantly having to say Grimm only and someone ignore it and do another muse.
I am doing this for my own comfort. PLEASE understand this.
This blog is now on hiatus. HOWEVER, there will still be smol activity on it here and there. However, these bursts will only be with friends, and even then, not all. Only some (Only ones I can name off the top of my head that I will be replying to is; Kokoro, Tobi, and Moose.) I WILL STILL BE SLOW AS A SLOTH.
If this bothers you still despite my explanation.. Idk man.. I’m human and I’m fickle. Can’t really force muses to come out when they’re swallowed by another muse. Once Grimm calms down, he’ll be coming back here and the multi muse will resume.
Anyways, if you understand, thank you.
My current Grimm muse is @hauntedfoes​
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moshofmuses · 5 years
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Ladies and gentlemen, Boys and girls, gather ‘round It’s been quite some time, Since we’ve come to town What you are about to witness, Will chill you to the core Prepare yourself for what we have in store
Personals do not interact
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moshofmuses · 5 years
((You can follow Grimm @hauntedfoes
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moshofmuses · 5 years
Help me decide (nvm I decided)
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((So please hear me out. Rn I am thinking of giving Grimm his own blog, BUT for temporary. Here’s the thing, I will be keeping this blog, and still come on it to reply to a select few threads (Such as the one with Kokoro, and ones with Tobi and a few others.) But Grimm has taken over p much. I don’t have much oomph to rp others. And I don’t want people to request other muses, when I got no muse for the rest. Or see me replying and assuming I am ignoring them cuz I’m not replying to theirs.
Here’s the thing, there’s a bunch of you who’s followed me for a VERY long time. Noticed that I ALWAYS come back to multi muse? So after Grimm has died down, I go back to multi muse. Thus why I have made so many multi muses in the past cuz I keep going back?
Just typing it out has me reach my decision. This blog is going MOSTLY hiatus. I will still come on here and there to reply to a select VERY FEW threads. Grimm is being moved to his own blog to shine, and once he calms down, he will be moved back to here.
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moshofmuses · 5 years
((I just realized Grimm is the first non-baddie I have RPed in a v long time. I always love RPing the bad guys who are garbage (the good kind.)
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moshofmuses · 5 years
“I’m quite harmless mosst of the time, but I need to keep mysself wary when in public too long. I don’t leave without a weapon or two…or three-It’ss a habit I have.” The long hilt of her spear, adjusted quickly in place on her left hip. A light smile in return, eyes lighting up happily with a quiet purring hiss. “I got a good heart, I help otherss if needed!” A small brow loft, Soldan never…really thought of that idea. “I..uh…that might work, actually. I do often daydream without knowing when I’m stressed, and I get all flusstered again after realizing what I wass doin’.” 
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     “When one looks different than the dominate species of a planet, it’s best to go armed. I have lost count of the times someone has attacked be because I was much different than them. However, I have never used my actual weapon to fight them off. My magic and claws can get them to back off.” Grimm didn’t have problems hurting people, however, he didn’t like to kill others, thus why he only used his scythe if it was a life or death situation, which hardly turned up.
    Grimm nodded his head, “It seems you do have a good and kind heart, new friend. I am glad I have met you!” the insect chirped as they drew near to many house looking structures, on wheels. Outside were a few large horned looking beetles slumbering. There was already structures laying out and booths being set up.
     “Ah, so it could work! I would definitely suggest thinking of he or she when getting a bit steamed! On the rare occasion I get angry, I think of myself with my pets!”
Grimm comes to town (OPEN)
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moshofmuses · 5 years
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“I don’t need a father nor anyone pretending to be one”
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     “How sad, you’re missing out. But I’m not about to force my father ship onto someone who does not want it. Though may I ask why you don’t need one?”
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moshofmuses · 5 years
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((Minus the anxiety attack, today was a v good day. V good way to spend my bday celebration.
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moshofmuses · 5 years
((On my way home, I left about even. I had to leave the casino actually cuz this lady sat down in the area and started screaming cuz she won 12$ and beating her machine. Needless to say it made me have an anxiety attack. But it was probably good that I left cuz everyone else was out but my bro and he quit.
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moshofmuses · 5 years
((On my way to a really good buffet and just chill out with my fam for my bday. ✌
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moshofmuses · 5 years
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    “No father figure? I shall be your father figure then!”
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