muserolodex · 23 days
Ashen Wolf (Positivelybeastly)
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He isn't sure that he should be doing this, but if he won't, who will? With the help of perhaps the universe's most friendly Kamen Rider, he's been able to find the laboratory of one Doctor Henry McCoy. He knocks on the doorframe to the lab and takes a deep breath. <"Doctor McCoy? My name is Takumi Inui, and I need to talk to you about a particular offshoot of mutants. This particular mutation feels like some form of cosmic punishment to myself and others like me, and I'm looking for a way to make things better for my kind. Could I have a few minutes of your time, please?"> He's not even sure if Doctor McCoy can speak Japanese, but his own English is abysmal.
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muserolodex · 23 days
Helping out a Buddy (revenantinflames)
There's a ping for a private message on the Superhero group chat(because of course that's a thing that exists) from Dazzler to the Human Torch. [DazzlingTime] Hey, Johnny. I'm back in town for a week and I had a thought. What if we and a few others worked together to knock around Spidey's rogues? We can break their gear and keep them distracted so Peter can have at least one peaceful day this month. If we can give him two, so much the better. Are you in?
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muserolodex · 27 days
Daniel slides the paper back into his pocket, and bows to the girls. "I thank you both again. May we meet in the future." As he turns around, Daniel stops at the sight of another figure approaching. "Oh, hello, God. It has been quite a while." If he had bowed low to the girls, he's almost touching the ground as he bows to Blue. "Not since the incident on the Titanic, as I recall. The water was very cold that night."
"If our roles were reversed, I would be suspicious of her as well." Daniel admits. "So your name is Tsubasa, correct? Thank you for the help. Once I figure out the lay of the land, I'll head for my new home and not bother you again, unless we meet again. If we do, I hope you'll be willing to give me your friendship." He gives Tsubasa a smile that seems to glow, though it might just be the light nearby reflecting off his perfectly white teeth.
He takes a look at the map on her phone. "Yes, this is exactly the information I needed. Thank you, Tsubasa." Daniel hands back the phone in such a way that Hime can see he's not tampering with it.
"Let me thank you for your help again." Daniel takes a few sheets of origami paper out of his pocket. "It is a small thing, but I do have some skill in paper folding. Please tell me what your favorite flower is, and I will do my best to make one for you from this paper."
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muserolodex · 1 month
"Oh, we already have." Tawny holds up a tablet with a rapidly climbing number. "That's the number of people who just saw you. That smaller, but also increasing number is the people who have commented on your appearance since this stream began. Congratulations, you're internet famous."
Tawky Tawny the tiger faces a camera pointed at Carter's office. "Today, we will try to spot the majestic Hawkmanum Incarnatus. Many who have witnessed the abs and pectorals of Hawkmanum Incarnatus have had experiences ranging from physical lust all the way to spiritual epiphanies, so we at Legendary Encounters recommend our viewers use solar eclipse glasses to view this magnificent creature. Let's see if he is in his natural habitat..."
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He senses it in the air, the slightest change in pressure, the smell hidden in the wind. A creature most foul, most insidious.
The Documentary Crew.
His head snaps back, beyond the normal range of motion of a human, staring down the camera with squinted eyes. Was it a quirk of his being, a leftover genetic trick, bird-like traits for a man who straddled the worlds of both?
Or had he just simply, purposefully, broken his neck, to make a point?
That, dear viewers, was a trade secret he was not willing to tell.
" Take a picture, it'll last you longer."
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muserolodex · 2 months
Among so many things to love in this song is the callback to Tokyo Calling.
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muserolodex · 2 months
Mitchell takes in a deep breath. "I'm here to collect a dangerous Object of Power, and yes, I am aware of how little that narrows it down. The item is listed as OoP-436B, Blockwood Bridge Lantern. It has the form of a railroad lantern, and a train that was caught in the light of the lantern phased through the rails beneath it, burying the train up to the windows in bedrock. It was in the collection of the FBC up until three years ago. If you can help me find and contain it, I'd appreciate it."
muserolodex asked: Mitchell looks at Gebura briefly. "I'm like 90% certain you've killed me a few times. Well, let me try to get things on the right foot." He offers his hand. "Mitchell Shelley, codename 'Resurrection Man.' Part-time agent of the Federal Bureau of Control. Nice to meet you."
"Gebura, Sephirah of the Disciplinary Department." A plume of cigarette smoke escaped her lips as she spoke. Netzach was right about the readhead she was likely to kill someone at one point during the day with the assignments she gives her team on a daily basis. By her side was a white haired man with the same fire in his golden eyes as she did.
The two were the most violent individuals within Facility X-394 and they really had no choice in the matter.
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muserolodex · 2 months
Sealed Away (Open RP)
Ultraman Belial shakes his head. "Earthlings have this terrible habit of sealing an ancient evil to make it a future generations' problem. Sometimes it works, like in Mariner Bay. Sometimes it doesn't, and you wind up unleashing King Ghidorah's little cousin, Stevedorah. I've had to blow up seven of these tombs with the creature/demon/abomination inside them, and there's still at least five hundred on this planet."
He tilts his head. "Listen, the real way to deal with this kind of problem is to take two of the terrible evils, lock them in another dimension, and mop up whoever's left at the end. That way, you get rid of two potentially world-ending crises, and you don't look like a jackass to your descendants."
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muserolodex · 2 months
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muserolodex · 2 months
(Ok, I want to talk about this scene... If you're unfamiliar with this, these six (silver guy there doesn't count in the official roster) are the kings of their small nations on a distant planet. Red/Gira is a boy who had to grow up fast, who stole the symbols of authority from a wicked king who was willing to let millions die in a prophesied war. Blue/Yanma is the president of a high-tech nation, who built the mechs they use, and who has always had to hold his head high so his people wouldn't see him cry.
Yellow/Himeno is the Queen of a land dedicated to beauty and medicine. She has encouraged people to "be a little selfish" when reaching for their own dreams.
Purple/Rita is the Supreme Justice of the land of Gokkan, where all law on the planet comes from. Up until this point, they have worn a high collar around their face to keep up the image of impartiality, but here Rita wears the collar down so their enemy can see their face.
Black/Kaguragi is the leader of the breadbasket of the world. He plays five-dimensional chess, forges dangerous alliances and works behind the scenes to ensure the best possible scenario.
White/Jeramie is the half-blooded king of the Bugnarok people from beneath the planet's surface, the enemy faction in the first half of the series. In the second half of the series, Red meets with Dugded Djardin, a cosmic being who makes different races on planets go to war because it amuses him. Dugded is basically god, and every time the Kingohgers thought they had him beat, he had an another ace up his sleeve.
There's been a plan in play for years to defeat Dugded, but it requires full cooperation by the royals and as Yanma put it an episode before "A million small miracles all lined up." In that next to last episode, the kings tried to enact a full evacuation plan, sending their people into space. However, Silver/Racules and the retainers of the Kings realized that if they did, they'd just be perpetuating the cycle. Dugded would find them again and make them his playthings once more. So instead of fleeing, the WHOLE POPULATION of the world returned to aid their kings in the final battle. Those who could fight, did. Those who couldn't fight, tended to their Kings' wounds. During this time, the Kings received aid from an unlikely place. The land of the dead opened its gates and offered up: 1) their parents, 2) one of the king's warriors who had long ago been killed and replaced by a shapeshifter, 3)the enemy general from the first half of the series and 4) The Very First King of the World. The civilians, soldiers and fallen ones bought the Kings the time they needed to rest and recuperate after having asteroids literally dropped on their heads. They are patched up, fed, and have gained a second wind and smiling. And Dugded can't understand why they're smiling and gives them the best straight line ever. "Just who the hell do you think you are?" Yanma steps up first, declaring that he's not going to bow to some false god. He will hold his head high and lead his people into the future, a future where mankind never needs fear the wrath of the gods. He leads his team of hackers, codecrackers and inventors back to the battle, making sure that his most loyal retainer can stand up. Himeno is next. She identifies herself as the "Unwilting Flower" and tells Dugded that her path is before her and she will stride down it, and makes it clear that he is just a speedbump on that path. Kaguragi's speech says "These people are my life. I will cross through any depth of mud and dirty my hands for their sake." And in this case, fighting Dugded, he doesn't just intend to dirty his hand, he intends to bloody them. Rita's speech mirrors one they made earlier in the series "The law is spear that can pierce the heart of a king, and a shield that can protect the populace. Even in the face of death and destruction, the law remains resolute, and I am the Law." Rita is leading an army of justices and criminals alike, because they all deserve the chance to live free of Dugded's influence. Jeramie says "I am the king of man, of Bugnarok and all that lies between. I am the great storyteller, and my story will continue, but yours will come to an end." And Gira demands for a god to "tremble in your boots for you face the true might of Shuggodam. We will take this world that you have been toying with and conquer it for ourselves." What follows this scene is almost twenty minutes of fighting where everyone gets a chance to shine, and then the million little miracles happen when the people grant their souls in service to their kings. This allows the Kingohger to fight Dugded on a cosmic scale, in a brawl that ends with Dugded being punched out of the universe, and the Kingohgers breaking his soul into six pieces with their swords. This is by far one of the best final henshin scenes in Super Sentai history because the buildup to this moment was phenomenal.)
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muserolodex · 2 months
Kamen Rider Kiva Kick. Being on the receiving end of a Rider Kick is one thing. When that Rider darkens the sky, breaks open the chains on their leg to reveal bat wings, and leaps sixty feet into the air on one leg to deliver that kick, you are boned.
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muserolodex · 2 months
OoPs (Open RP)
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"I've got a report of an Object of Power in Guam. A carved wooden statue of a koala bear, brought back aboard USS Alexandria. Sailors report feelings of intense lethargy and inability to taste food in its presence. If you're claustrophobic, you're excused. Otherwise, I need volunteers to go with me."
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muserolodex · 2 months
Song Meme: Drop in the Ocean by Michelle Branch
This one is for Noa, Ultrawoman Rescue. In this AU, Noa was in a relationship with Hojo Emu, Kamen Rider Ex-aid. It started before his season, and ended before he gained his mid-season upgrade. While they both wanted to save lives, Noa left the hospital to join Doctors Without Borders. She still became a hero, still gained the power of the Giant of Light. But every night, she thinks about how her relationship with the then-intern could have gone better. He's become a legendary hero, and she wants him back, but she's still just a nurse even as he becomes a doctor.
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muserolodex · 2 months
Song meme: All that Glitters by Earl
This one seems like it would be an AU for Angela. In this AU, she didn't go into the family business. Instead, she left behind the Ghostbusters and went to work in theoretical physics. She wrote papers, she won awards, she was lauded in the scientific community... And yet, she had nothing. No family because she walked out on them. No friends, because she was always stuck in research mode. No powers, because her fateful encounter never happened. No thrills, no frills, no spills. Her life, despite the accolades, is meaningless.
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muserolodex · 2 months
song meme: Her Diamonds by Rob Thomas
This one is for Dazzler. It would be a really sad AU, based on the lyrics of the song. Instead of becoming a rock star, Alison Blaire was a one-hit wonder. It was a song that got far too much play, with lyrics that she loathes. Yet now, like Celine Dion, she's locked into playing that song at any club she goes to. As she realizes that she'll never get past this song, which we'll call " Burn Bright or Burn Out" she decides to go back into adventuring, joining up with the X-men and any team that will have her, still seeking that high that slipped through her grasp.
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muserolodex · 2 months
Send me a song title and I'll make an AU based off of it
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muserolodex · 2 months
"You can handle it. You've done worse." Ali confirms as she returns to the starting pitch. She has also procured a director's chair, and sits next to Hank, offering him water and gatorade when he needs it, and gentle massages on his muscles after every tote is depleted. "You're welcome. I know your work is important, but exercising a mind without play is like lifting the same weights over and over. And just look at what you've helped to create." She gestures at the now-finished canvas, showing a very hopeful image of dinosaurs, humans, birds and other animals collectively reaching for the stars. "Your name is going to be included in the credits for a painting that will go on tour across the country. You're part of something that will inspire a new generation of artists, scientists and explorers. How does that feel?" Iron Fist and Luke Cage soon arrive. Danny is trying to clean some blue paint out of his hair and Luke is fake apologizing. "I told you, it just slipped backwards." "Yeah, you're lucky this will wash out. Hey, Hank. Hey, Ali." Danny offers an unpainted hand to shake. "This was a lot of fun, wasn't it?"
Ali leads Hank to the art exhibition, and drops enough of a donation to give him four totes full of paint balloons. Taking two of the buckets in her hands, she walks to the mark. Sure, he could carry them all, but why should he? She is strong enough to handle it. Taking a quick look around the area, she notices something. "Hey, Hank. Looks like we're not the only superpowered people taking part today. Look there!" She points to the far end of the throwing pitch, where Iron Fist has his own buckets of balloons, and next to him is Luke Cage. Can't have one without the other. The boys point and smile at the sight of Hank, but they're too far down the field for their greetings to be heard, so Iron Fist quickly sketches on a piece of cardboard and holds it up for them to see. "Drinks On Me After?" His sign reads and Ali looks to Hank. "I wouldn't mind. I've got nothing else planned today." As she says this, the referee calls for order. "Balloons to the ready!" Ali steps away from the chaos, and heads towards a food truck to get a drink and watch Hank make art.
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muserolodex · 3 months
OC Lore (Banshee)
Angela Zeddemore, due to her soul being bisected and her connection to the Luminary Spirits of the Eyecons, can sense supernatural prominences in other people. This includes: 1)Stands. She can see those guys plain as day. 2) Phantoms. She can tell if the person before her is just a mask of humanity. 3) Ultras. Their light pours out of their bodies, even when they try to hide it. She can always tell if she's near a giant of light. 4) Magical Girls of any flavor. There's just something in their aura that she picks up every time 5) Angels/Demons. These are massive spikes of energy, and she picks up on them from ten times the distance that she does for the others. As a scientist, even as a paranormal scientist, these feelings and emanations aren't something she can quantify in a paper. However, if she picks up on the aura of a Sailor Senshi before going into battle with a supernatural foe, she knows she can rest easy.
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