mushtaur · 25 days
Learning how to actually write Kanji #005
(If you follow me, you may be aware that I post Japanese vocab list that I learn from listening to Japanese podcasts/books. So this is basically me learning how to write those words!)
Today I learned one kanji/vocabulary:
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The first one (学) means study/leaning, while the second one (位) means rank/grade. We already know the first obe but learning vocabulary words (a.k.a. kanji pairings) is much easier than trying to learn a single one.
Note: The second kanji reminds me of a jar with a lid on.
Here are the stroke order for the learned kanji:
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mushtaur · 30 days
Learning how to actually write Kanji #004
(If you follow me, you may be aware that I post Japanese vocab list that I learn from listening to Japanese podcasts/books. So this is basically me learning how to write those words!)
Today I learned two kanjis:
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It's the kanji for capital. I managed to remember how to write it by the following thought pattern: "A cross is buildt on an altar, but someone (radical 者) sliced it diagonally! So a building (radical 阝) is built next to it."
Here's the stroke order:
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mushtaur · 1 month
Learning how to actually write Kanji #003
(If you follow me, you may be aware that I post Japanese vocab list that I learn from listening to Japanese podcasts/books. So this is basically me learning how to write those words!)
Today I learned a new kanji + some vocab words:
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Notes: It has both the radical for "rice paddy" and "street", some people say that to qualify somewhere as a town it needs to have both rice fields and streets.
Vocab words: 下町 (したまち) -> old part of town 町角 (まちかど) -> street corner
Stroke order:
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mushtaur · 1 month
Learning how to actually write Kanji #002
(If you follow me, you may be aware that I post Japanese vocab list that I learn from listening to Japanese podcasts/books. So this is basically me learning how to write those words!)
Today I learned two kanjis + some vocab words:
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Notes: the kanji "学" has the radical "子" (which means child), so it kinda reminds me of a child wearing a fuzzy hat!
Here are the stroke orders: (All Kanji stroke orders were obtained from Jisho, which is an online japanese dictionary. I recommend checking it out if you're studying the language!)
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Vocab words (I have yet to learn the other kanjis 😭): -> 学位 (がくい): (academic) degree -> 学説 (がくせつ): theory -> 習性 (しゅうせい): habit, behaviour
Conclusion: If anyone has tips of how I can improve my kanji writing, I would be deeply grateful 🙏
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mushtaur · 1 month
Learning how to actually write Kanji #001
(If you follow me, you may be aware that I post Japanese vocab list that I learn from listening to Japanese podcasts/books. So this is basically me learning how to write those words!) Today, I learned how to write one new kanji + vocab words:
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「楽」   ➞ means "comfort" 「楽しい」 ➞ means "fun"
Notes: The kanji kinda reminds me of a sun shinning above a tree.
Here is stroke order:
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I also learned the word 「楽しい思い出」 but I have yet to learn the two last kanjis, so I'll stick to writing it as "楽しいおもいで" for now.
Another word I learned that utilizes this kanji is "楽しむ" (たのしむ), which means "to enjoy, to have a good time, to have fun". I find it quite curious how the い hiragana disappears when it became a verb!
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mushtaur · 1 month
I was listening to the 「Nihongo Con Teppei」 podcast for beginners.
These were the new words I learned: - 始め (はじめ) [Beginning] - それとも [Or, or else] - 楽しい (たのしい) [Fun] - 学習 (がくしゅう) [Study] - 町 (まち) [Town] - 都市 (とし) [City] - 色々 (いろいろ) [Various, a variety of] - お金 (おかね) [Money] - 夕方 (ゆうがた) [Evening]
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mushtaur · 1 month
So far I know how to write 9 kanjis by heart, and I'm a bit surprised I managed to remember/visualize them after a small break of learning japanese symbols!
They are the following: 田 -> Rice field 中 -> middle, within, among 山 -> mountain, hill 口 -> mouth 来 -> next 週 -> week 年 -> year 月 -> month, moon 時 -> hour, o'clock
Note to self: Practice reading & writing them a lot!! So we won't back to square one on our kanji learning progress.
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mushtaur · 1 month
〜 Langblr Blog Introduction 〜
Salutations, everyone! Welcome to my Langblr blog!
I'm a 18y old mixed queer dude, who is trying to learn more languages (for job opportunity purposes), currently I'm learning Japanese and maybe once I'm master it I'll study other languages?
I'm not comfortable with sharing my name online, so y'all can just call me by my username, or "Mush" / "Taur". Also, please don't use they/them pronouns when talking about me. I'm a dude, a man!
I do not entertain discourse with bigots, if you tell me anything that relates to you being a T3RF or a lgbt-phobe you'll be blocked! Why don't I partake in keyboard wars? Simply because of health problems, which I don't want to become worse.
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