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"A-Ah,T-That reminds me o-of this p-p-photo I took with you at the beach! that was a pretty fun t-trip we saw alot of sights heh h-heh I m-m-m-m-m RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE!"
"M-Made a sand castle and a lil crab moved in it was pretty cute! Though p-please don't wrestle a shark again also it was ... strange to see a shark speak in french and wearing a beret... what did it say a-again? I think it was..."
"Bonjouw twunk, waissez-moi goûtew à ces cownes, ewwes ont w'aiw absowument divines."
translation: hewwo twunk wet me get a bite of thoes howns, they awe wooking absowutewy divine.
"How interesting, but genuinely I would love to go on another trip with you son! even if you can be a bit loud for my tastes, I love spending time with you, one of these days I have to properly introduce you to Mr. H, B-But never forget kiddo no matter w-what happens papa Nate loves you."
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“You are my dad! (Boogie woogie!)”
Nathaniel- @moderator-monnie / @welcome-to-roomba-fazbender / @nathaniel-the-support-worker
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-Anon [🕷]
"u-um s-sure you c-can call me phone boi! t-though I'm l-less of a boi and more like an old man h-heh h-heh~ w-well it's a pleasure to meet you f-friend!"
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hi :3 *random speaking tortoiseshell cat appears infront of nathaniel*
"w-well a talking kitty cat isn't the w-weirdest thing I-I've ever seen. No... that honor goes t-to c-char... c-char RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE!"
"n-no I refuse to say his name fully... H-He scares me."
Nathaniel grabs a small can of tuna from his cabinet, and opens it using one of the automatic can openers. He then puts it inside a small bowl where he then puts the bowl onto the ground.
"w-well welcome little kitty I-I suppose! j-just be careful b-bunsen is a little s-shy near other animals."
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hihi !! umm I'm gabe- I'm pretty sure I got anxiety n adhd bc I get anxious a lot.....
"A-Ah! Hello Gabe, I'm suprised anyone has called in. It's been real quiet in the office, not that I m-mind too much I-It's nice to catch up on reading."
"I-It's a-a pleasure to meet you yes I know exactly how you feel I-I too suffer from anxiety b-b... bu- RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE! I believe in you! your such a brave p-person for sending me a message p-please t-tell me all you'd like I'm here to listen!"
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Can Your Husband step on me? please???
"w-why is this the first ask I've gotten in such a long time?"
"c-can I get a normal question please? if you want that sort of t-t-thing just look it up! He probably has a video somewhere."
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“oh that is perfectly understandable the romantic life isn’t for everyone same with … more intimate relationships I personally prefer the romantic my husband is an adult actor and i am perfectly fine with that”
he chuckled softly
“well having a family and people you care for must be nice and hmm i have not m-met them but i won’t tell them i promise w-well”
he slowly got up and bowed in respect
“I… it’s getting late need to feed my pet bear but this has been nice! i hope w-w-w-w RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE W-W-WE MEET AGAIN! o-oh you can keep the tea set i’ll bring more tea if we do happen to meet again”
"h-hello? h-hello hello? RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE! oh um excuse me! hello there i am nathaniel it's very nice to meet you"
"i-i heard you've um met that awful charlie fellow s-s-s-s RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE SO! please um feel free to call me sometimes after a situation like that we could always use a lil help!"
-nathaniel the support worker
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“Never seen the phone ever ring, but to the chase- I’ll let you know if anything is damaged”
“Charlie doesn’t cause me too much trouble, but thanks for the concern”
“I’m thankful for the help!”
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“oh! how nice! a farm must be relaxing to run even if it is for a season do you grow plants or animals?”
he seemed to calm down a bit relaxing in his seat
“w-well there’s not much to tell about me u-um i have a grandson named Mathew and a lovely husband named Mr. H y-you say your a cryptid? well he’s an octopus man been around a long time if memory serves me c-c-c-c-c RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE! C-Correctly!”
he coughed a bit awkwardly
“… i am sure you noticed my tic u-um the reason i have it involves my son but i’d rather not get into it no need to tell a sad story to a new friend so u-um what about you? do you have anyone special?”
"h-hello? h-hello hello? RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE! oh um excuse me! hello there i am nathaniel it's very nice to meet you"
"i-i heard you've um met that awful charlie fellow s-s-s-s RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE SO! please um feel free to call me sometimes after a situation like that we could always use a lil help!"
-nathaniel the support worker
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“Never seen the phone ever ring, but to the chase- I’ll let you know if anything is damaged”
“Charlie doesn’t cause me too much trouble, but thanks for the concern”
“I’m thankful for the help!”
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Hello! Anon from earlier here, though anonymity be damned now haha
I hope you like it! I believe I've included everyone, if not I'll include them in another drawing if you'd like
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"o-oh my g-gosh look at that! a nice snack with tea with my family g-gosh that is so s-s-s-s-s RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE s-so sweet! thank you so much makes my old heart melt"
"I am sure my husband will love to see this"
Mod Monnie: thank you gosh this is super sweet seriously this was the best thing to end my day with it's super cute i didn't expect this at all once again thank you and have a nice night!
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Hello there mister Nathaniel!! Hope you're doing well, I was wondering if it would be alright to make art for/of you and send it to you? Feel free to ignore this if the answer is no, I just wanted to make sure! Hove a lovely day or evening!
"o-oh gosh t-t-thank you thats very kind of you thank you yes g-go ahead! i'll even hang it up on my wall"
he give a double thumbs up
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he gulped seeing the gift box before sitting down and putting down the tea set and brought out the tea box and put the tea bags inside the cups
he then poured some hot water into them though though he brought the cup close to his face he didn’t let you see how he drank anything
“yes n-nathaniel i run my own support call center and oh dear well you seem alright i am not s-s-s-s RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE sssure why you’d not get many visitors so tell me about yourself!”
"h-hello? h-hello hello? RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE! oh um excuse me! hello there i am nathaniel it's very nice to meet you"
"i-i heard you've um met that awful charlie fellow s-s-s-s RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE SO! please um feel free to call me sometimes after a situation like that we could always use a lil help!"
-nathaniel the support worker
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“Never seen the phone ever ring, but to the chase- I’ll let you know if anything is damaged”
“Charlie doesn’t cause me too much trouble, but thanks for the concern”
“I’m thankful for the help!”
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How tall are you Nathaniel? (Coming from a person who thinks the standard phoneguy height is 14ft, aka came here from Charlie's)
"C-Charlie reflects litearly n-none of the actual phone people... u-um the only phone headed person that comes close to him is u-u-u-u-u RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE! A-A-A Mr. Robert but I also fear him"
he wiped his forehead "o-oh! sorry i got distracted when i am not slouching and my back is straight? i am 6'6"
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"o-oh dear i am sorry about um... t-t-t-t-t RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE t-that i am sorry about that i suffer from Tourette's you see"
he gulped nervously walking into the room holding a tea set poor old man looked nervous
"w-well if your having no troubles would you care for some tea I have earl grey, blueberry bomb, pineapple paradise and oolong tea"
"h-hello? h-hello hello? RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE! oh um excuse me! hello there i am nathaniel it's very nice to meet you"
"i-i heard you've um met that awful charlie fellow s-s-s-s RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE SO! please um feel free to call me sometimes after a situation like that we could always use a lil help!"
-nathaniel the support worker
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"Never seen the phone ever ring, but to the chase- I'll let you know if anything is damaged"
"Charlie doesn't cause me too much trouble, but thanks for the concern"
"I'm thankful for the help!"
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"S-So I'm a bit curious, how long ha-ave you and Mr. H been marr-rried? And how did you m-meet and such? I'm cu-urious and it is the month of lov-ve, so I would love to he‐ear a good love story, if that i-is alright, Mr. Nathaniel." The late teen ask shyly, fidgeting with their fingers as they look down.
"O-Oh dear when did we meet? i'd say it was about t-two years ago I think we f-first met by accident I was doing some shopping at the mall and bumped right into him"
he chuckled
"oh d-d-d-d-d-d RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE! d-dear I looked up at him and I was terrified at first he helped me back onto my feet and we had some tea together! h-he gave me his personal number and we met up whenever he was a-able"
"E-Eventually he took me to meet his parents his father was a dumbo octopus
he was so smol but he had a nice heart I even got him a waterproof extended battery tablet a-and h's mother? sweetest gal you'd ever meet once you get to know her s-she's well I am not exactly sure what she is but y-you defiantly don't wanna make her mad
and later sometime last year is when we got married! t-thank you for listening and asking this lovely question and please young one come here if you need to talk g-grandpa is here to listen"
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🤔 from bat anon
"oh um a-alright this seems fun!" he rubbed his hands together
"my cane has a taser inside it, I haven't been to prison, a-a-and I keep soap out of my house incase I get drunk"
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nods and puts the bat away, making it disappear into the aether never to be seen again. until the next time someone bullies the grandpa.
"oh, i heard from a friend that you went on a trip to the bahamas or somethin. thought you just got back! either way, what's new in the life of pop-pop Nathaniel? and what's this i hear about the mysterious Mr. H?"
"Well I um... took a small trip yes l-last year and M-Mysterious? no no we've just been married for around a year now he's a very special man I am... ss-s-s-s-s-s RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE s-sometimes shocked he'd love someone like me
After all I'm so old p-plus sometimes my attacks can be a lil loud hell sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night crying"
he sighed gently and then laughed softly
"but thats just a small part of me that thinks that w-way He's an amazing man
And not much is new in my life just bein me and helping whoever I can when they need someone to talk with"
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Send me a 🤔 and I will reply with two truths and a lie. Then you can guess which is the lie.
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Who's Mr. H? That's a hella cool character design.
Just a wee character of mine- he Is uh- u h -
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