nicholas-hodell · 2 years
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This chart is particularly interesting, showing that minority races use social media more often as a new sources that white users. This definitely shows that it may be to the advantage of news organizations to have more news on their social media platforms designed to include these groups instead of marginalize them.
Photo Courtesy: Statista
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nicholas-hodell · 2 years
Social Media's Role in Society's Biggest Issues
The ever-evolving role of social media in our society continues to be a fascinating topic. Many different social campaigns, such as the #MeToo movement, would not have the same meaning without social media to enhance the movement and get that movement noticed by so many people.
Twitter's place in social media under the ownership of Elon Musk is either going to change rapidly or stay the same, just with a lot of consequences of Musk's policies. He has already let certain accounts back on the site such as satire sites like the Babylon Bee and plenty of right-wing meme accounts that were banned from the platform for one reason or another before Musk bought ownership of Twitter.
Certain undesirable activities like racism, especially during major worldwide events like the World Cup, are speculated to populate the platform by certain groups of people. Twitter is going to have to be incredibly careful to not let the platform become a comfortable home for hateful messages. That possible disturbance doesn't even include reports of Musk not paying certain bills.
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nicholas-hodell · 2 years
While this video is from 2013 and a very different time in the age of social media, it provides good context for where gender intersected with social media. Different platforms have definitely made efforts to improve their experience in this area in the nine years that have transpired since this TED talk.
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nicholas-hodell · 2 years
"Trolls are turning social media and comment boards into a giant locker room in a teen movie, with towel-snapping racial epithets and misogyny."
Joel Stein, Time Magazine
How Trolls are Ruining the Internet
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nicholas-hodell · 2 years
This is an interesting graph showing the gender distribution on various social media platforms. Snapchat is definitely a small outlier in this chart with more females using the platform than males.
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