nigarabdullayeva · 6 years
ОНА Есть что-то в ней, что красоты прекрасней, Что говорит не с чувствами - с душой; Есть что-то в ней над сердцем самовластней Земной любви и прелести земной. Как сладкое душе воспоминанье, Как милый свет родной звезды твоей, Какое-то влечет очарованье К ее ногам и под защиту к ней. Когда ты с ней, мечты твоей неясной Неясною владычицей она: Не мыслишь ты - и только лишь прекрасной Присутствием душа твоя полна. Бредешь ли ты дорогою возвратной, С ней разлучась, в пустынный угол твой - Ты полон весь мечтою необъятной, Ты полон весь таинственной тоской. 
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nigarabdullayeva · 7 years
Hello, Mai. Let’s see what you brings with.
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nigarabdullayeva · 7 years
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Gary Bunt (British, b. 1957, East Peckham, Kent, England) - A Windy Day  Paintings: Oil on Canvas 
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nigarabdullayeva · 7 years
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The Canal  -  Gary Bunt
English painter and poet b.1957
Silhouettes against the sky Cosy beds—-tired eyes Chimney smoke way up high Man and dog stroll on by
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nigarabdullayeva · 7 years
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A Man and His Dog - Gary Bunt
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nigarabdullayeva · 7 years
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Mrs. Brown in Black   -   Mary Newcomb 
British  1922-2008
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nigarabdullayeva · 7 years
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Cyclist in the Snow by Alan Lowndes
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nigarabdullayeva · 7 years
Trying to do smth but it fails. Lack of motivation and so high expectations.
Gary Bunt, my new favourite. I am so into it. 
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nigarabdullayeva · 7 years
Inspiration, motivation and what else. This life changes and you cannot stop it. I wonder would it be the one and only life that we’ve got ?
If yes, should I still keep learning foreign languages, keep travelling and make memories, does it make any sense at all.. after knowing that everything comes to an end. People..some people that irreplaceable but you still keep on losing them and you never know, will you ever be happy the way that you used to be having them in your life. How could one take it? How could one accept it?
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nigarabdullayeva · 7 years
I’ve been away for quite a long time, something got wrong, something that would never ever to be the same. I wish I could say anything that would really make sense but I can’t. Drinking my regular cup of tea and starting listening sad songs, routine thing.
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nigarabdullayeva · 7 years
Simba, du hast mich vergessen." Simba: "Nein! Das könnt' ich nicht!" Mufasa: "Du hast vergessen, wer du bist und somit auch mich. Hör' auf dein Herz, Simba. Du bist zu etwas 'anderem' bestimmt. Du musst deinen Platz im Ewigen Kreis einnehmen." Simba: "Wie soll ich das machen? ... Ich bin nicht mehr derselbe." Mufasa: "Vergiss' niemals, wer du bist. Du bist mein Sohn... Und der wahre König."
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nigarabdullayeva · 7 years
Papa ? - Hum ? - On est super copains ? - Oui ! - Rien ne nous séparera jamais ? - Simba, je vais te raconter ce que me disais mon père : Regarde le ciel. Les rois des siècles passés nous contemplent du haut des étoiles. - C'est vrai ? - Oui ! Chaque fois que tu te sentiras seul, n'oublie pas que tout ces rois seront là pour te guider et que je serai parmi eux.
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nigarabdullayeva · 7 years
- Simba ! - Père ? - Simba ! Tu m'as oublié ! - Non jamais ! - Tu m'as oublié en oubliant qui tu étais ! Regarde en toi Simba ! Tu vaux mieux que ce que tu es devenu. Il te faut reprendre ta place dans le cycle de la vie. - Comment la reprendre ? Je n'ai plus aucun pouvoir ! - N'oublie pas qui tu es ! Tu es mon fils et c'est toi le roi ! N'oublie pas qui tu es !
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nigarabdullayeva · 7 years
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nigarabdullayeva · 7 years
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nigarabdullayeva · 7 years
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nigarabdullayeva · 7 years
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