nvertoolate · 1 month
I’m collecting 1,000 € until 05/31/2024 for Donation. Can you help?
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nvertoolate · 2 months
((OOC: If anyone could spare some euros to donate, I'd love you with all my heart.))
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nvertoolate · 3 months
((OOC: Reading some of my own fanfictions made me realize that I miss Terra and BBTerra too.))
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nvertoolate · 5 months
I'm raising €0 until 02/12/2024 for Emergency donation. Can you help? https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/912eWNPxkj
I appreciate any help I can get.
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nvertoolate · 1 year
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It's my 7 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
It's been so long I've been here! I guess you could say I've been on this blog for about 5 years, not counting my long hiatus.
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"Rock on! Thanks to everyone who's given me the time of day. You're all awesome!"
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nvertoolate · 2 years
((OOC: In case anyone was wondering where I was: A glitch terminated my blogs for about a week now but I'm so glad @support got my blogs back. I'm so happy! 😄😭))
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nvertoolate · 2 years
My dog may need surgery! It's most likely that her uterus needs to be removed and upon looking around, I found the price range to be about 2000-3000$ although that's just an estimate.
I hate to be doing this but I'd appreciate if people could give this a reblog and/or donate. I can currently only accept cryptocurrency but every amount is appreciated.
This is the address: 0xcBB0D2F999a9FF5091526AC0862966afA8381B4C
Any currency is acceptable.
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nvertoolate · 2 years
Okay, I'm giving this a shot (and economy is down in the drains) but I'm opening fanfic commissions! I am open for almost anything but it's always safe to be specific on what you want and see whether I'm up for writing it or not.
Fandoms I can write about: Teen Titans, Bnha, Naruto
Characters I feel specifically comfortable writing: All main Titans + most villains (Teen Titans), Most of the Naruto characters (especially those from Konoha + most villains), Bnha (most people from class A1 with some exceptions + some of the villains) Again, I'll do my best with any portrayal and you can always ask me about specific characters.
Original works are also accepted if they are not longer than 1000 words (I won't write OCs in canon universes though).
Examples of some of my works are here.
Pricing is as follows:
500 words = 5$
1000 words =10$
2000 words=20$ etc.
Unfortunately, I can only accept cryptocurrency and I will receive the payment before starting on your work. Depending on length, I'll try to finish it in a week at most and I will send the address to you in IMs if you're interested in commissioning me. If you don't want to commission me but still like to help, please spread this around.
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nvertoolate · 2 years
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{ ⚡ } old symbols meme || NOT Accepting ;; @nvertoolate​ { ⚡ }
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            [ Not that Terra isn’t a beautiful girl in her own right- golden hair, bright smiles, blue eyes; she’s like a warm, sunny day, with breezy laugh to boot. But sometimes it’s the little things that catch one’s eye. Take for example, at the end of a training run. Hurtling rocks, billowing blonde hair, smoke clearing as she moves from the rubble. From where he watches in the stands, Wally’s already mystified; she looks so cool. But then he hears another teammate cry out; “Behind you!”- one of the few, remaining training-bots, sneaking up with a laser. Terra doesn’t even turn around. Eyes glowing over a smirk, she gives a simple twist of her fist, and the droid is crushed in a boulder-fueled explosion.
             What the hell. That was awesome. Wally’s heart skips a beat. Like the other teens, he applauds her victory in the ring, narrowing in the way she casually brushes it off. And when she glances his way, making accidental eye contact? Wally clears his throat, tries to play it cool; ]
       ❝ Sorry, I blinked, missed the whole show. Could you do it again? ❞
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nvertoolate · 2 years
((OOC: It's been over two years this blog is on hiatus sort of and while I still doubt I'll be back just yet, I still wanted to make one post at least for my birthday. So thanks to everyone who has stuck with me and Terra. I love you all. ♥))
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nvertoolate · 2 years
((OOC: It's been over two years this blog is on hiatus sort of and while I still doubt I'll be back just yet, I still wanted to make one post at least for my birthday. So thanks to everyone who has stuck with me and Terra. I love you all. ♥))
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nvertoolate · 2 years
She heard him reassure her or at least try to because until he was steady on his feet, Terra wouldn’t believe him so easily. He didn’t even move his arm away and she was glad he didn’t because he practically threw all of his weight against her. He’d most likely drop down faster than a boulder if she let go of him. “What?” she asked confused, registering a non-English word coming from him but from the way he held his head, she guessed that it was something like ’ouch’ in their language.
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“Fine, huh? And I’m the president of the United States.” She had already dragged him onto another floating platform she had summoned before smiling when he resigned himself to see Raven. “Now we’re talking! You’ll be smashing again in no time!” she cheered him up before quickly floating towards Titans Tower.
Terra could hear the strain in his voice but she wasn’t sure if it was because of pain or because of exhaustion but it still worried her nonetheless. And he had this focused look on his face. He was always so deep in thought and writing so much in his notebook. Having such a strong power must be so overwhelming for him!
She watched him get up and seeing his legs shake alarmed her and she took hold of his arm before slinging it over her shoulder but still giving him the fist-bump before he lowered his fist. “The villain stopped because of you. Honestly, I think that Blackwhip power you have is a bit like Raven’s…only harsher on your body.”
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She gave him a concerned look. “Do you want me to bring you to a hospital or our infirmary to have Raven heal you?” She didn’t want him to collapse on their next patrol.
    “A-ahaha, no worries, Terra-san, I’m fine. Really,” He assured the blonde with a wobble of a smile, but he soon was holding the side of his head as he felt a twinge of a migraine forming. 
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    “I-I-Itai…” He murmured in Japanese as he was closing his eyes for a moment. Okay….that was new.
    He knew that he had been lacking sleep for a while because of the vestiges, it comes with the terriotory to see the past users whenever he got their quirks in order. The only ones he hasn’t gotten quite the control over were Second and Third’s. 
     He saw the worry clouded in the girl’s blue eyes and considered his options. Sighing, he gave up, nodding his head, “P-Perhaps I should see Raven-san…” Although he felt bad that he was bothering the sorceress. Especially when they could be worrying about other things more important. 
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nvertoolate · 2 years
Terra could hear the strain in his voice but she wasn't sure if it was because of pain or because of exhaustion but it still worried her nonetheless. And he had this focused look on his face. He was always so deep in thought and writing so much in his notebook. Having such a strong power must be so overwhelming for him!
She watched him get up and seeing his legs shake alarmed her and she took hold of his arm before slinging it over her shoulder but still giving him the fist-bump before he lowered his fist. "The villain stopped because of you. Honestly, I think that Blackwhip power you have is a bit like Raven's...only harsher on your body."
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She gave him a concerned look. "Do you want me to bring you to a hospital or our infirmary to have Raven heal you?" She didn't want him to collapse on their next patrol.
Terra saw the villain being pressed against her wall and she fist-pumped the air at her victory. But it was apparently short-lived because he was bouncing back towards them and Terra readied more asphalt pieces before to her surprise, she saw Deku shooting out black tendrils that wrapped themselves around the villain.
“Watch out!” she called to the hero as he looked like he was about to fall but luckily, Deku managed to press his heels into the roof of a building before the villain finally stopped.
The Titan floated down next to him, shooting him a big grin. “You know, you almost really didn’t need my help! That Blackwhip thing is really cool!” she said in slight awe before breifly turning to the villain in the distance and summoning rock walls on all sides of him to make sure he wouldn’t get away.
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Her grin turned to a smile when she looked back to the successor for One for All. “You can stop using your power.”
   Deku smiled weakly at her, chuckling quietly, “A-at least I could l-last long with Black Whip more than just a m-minute now,” He stated but then blinked as he felt a slight pain in his arms and soon let his power diminish once Terra had the hold of the villain, making Deku pant out harshly.
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    ‘I-It would seem that Black Whip is still resisting me…It squeezes my arms as if trying to defy me…’ He thought to himself as he looked down at his hands, frowning a little. He suppose he should talk to All Might about it again or even to Kacchan to see what the blond’s thoughts are on this.
    Looking back to Terra, he was soon getting back up with shaky legs and walked over to her, “I suppose we should call for the authorities to pick him up. Nice job, Terra-san,” He smiled, lifting his hand up for a fist bump. 
   Being here in America was very different than in Japan, and Deku was still adjusting to the time difference and the many kinds of laws to follow. It was a miracle that Deku could be side by side with the Teen Titans instead of the Justice League. It was best to be with people his age rather than the older generation. He knew he’d fanboy and faint in the presence of Superman or worse, Batman. 
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nvertoolate · 2 years
Terra saw the villain being pressed against her wall and she fist-pumped the air at her victory. But it was apparently short-lived because he was bouncing back towards them and Terra readied more asphalt pieces before to her surprise, she saw Deku shooting out black tendrils that wrapped themselves around the villain.
"Watch out!" she called to the hero as he looked like he was about to fall but luckily, Deku managed to press his heels into the roof of a building before the villain finally stopped.
The Titan floated down next to him, shooting him a big grin. "You know, you almost really didn't need my help! That Blackwhip thing is really cool!" she said in slight awe before breifly turning to the villain in the distance and summoning rock walls on all sides of him to make sure he wouldn't get away.
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Her grin turned to a smile when she looked back to the successor for One for All. "You can stop using your power."
Terra couldn’t just let Deku deal with that bad guy himself so obviously she had followed him (as best as she could cause he was fast). She suppressed a small smirk at seeing him jump and flail. Maybe next time, she should’ve made more noise while approaching him.
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Terra followed his gaze, noticing their villain increasing his distance and Terra already let small pieces of asphalt float in the air before smirking at what Deku said. “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to catch our runaway, would I? Let’s get him!” she retorted before charging ahead, floating as quickly as she could after the thief.
“First let me slow him down! You’re free to help,” she called to him before letting the rocks fly in his direction to make him trip. Quickly after, Terra erected a large wall of asphalt in front of him. That had to stop him from bouncing around!
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    Deku blinked but nodded his head as he got serious, the glowing of lightning streaks bouncing off his skin showing as he hopped forward. Once Terra had used the wall and watched how the villain was pressed against before bouncing back towards them, Deku summoned Black Whip.
     He stretched out the long vine like tendrils as he wrapped them around the villain, almost feeling himself pulled back before he landed himself down on a roof, slamming his heels down to stop the villain from getting away. 
    He almost fell over the edge, but the green haired hero managed to pull with all his strength and slammed the crook down to a stop. Sighing, Deku almost shakily fell on his knees, looking at the captured villain with a tired grin, glancing up at Terra with a shaky thumbs up. 
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nvertoolate · 2 years
Terra couldn't just let Deku deal with that bad guy himself so obviously she had followed him (as best as she could cause he was fast). She suppressed a small smirk at seeing him jump and flail. Maybe next time, she should've made more noise while approaching him.
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Terra followed his gaze, noticing their villain increasing his distance and Terra already let small pieces of asphalt float in the air before smirking at what Deku said. "I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to catch our runaway, would I? Let's get him!" she retorted before charging ahead, floating as quickly as she could after the thief.
"First let me slow him down! You're free to help," she called to him before letting the rocks fly in his direction to make him trip. Quickly after, Terra erected a large wall of asphalt in front of him. That had to stop him from bouncing around!
     @nvertoolate​ summoned a hero~!
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     Deku jumped as he spotted someone floating next to him and was surprised mid jumping from roof to roof to see the Titan heroine herself. He almost flailed and fell to the ground if not for his Full Cowling being active, trying not look like a fool in front of her.
     Wasn’t she supposed to be with the other Titans.
     Either way, he focused at the task at hand and looked to the villain that was taking off away from him. It was just a petty thief with a bouncing quirk, but as an intern under the Endeavor agency, he had to catch him before the number one hero does.
     “Er, i-if you’re here to help, Terra-san, I’ll need your quirk to place a wall in front of the villain!” If the villain bounced back to them, he could easily use Black Whip to tie him up.
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nvertoolate · 3 years
((OOC: Is it true that tumblr deletes inactive blogs?))
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nvertoolate · 3 years
*Giggles softly* Haha! I'm glad you enjoy the Gift, this is a designed Bullet Club Shirt specifically done just for you Terra! I mean it's crazy enough how many different Logos/Motives from the BC exist already, adding you on the List was more than a Pleasure yeah! :D
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