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"I don't think I would be able to go back to what preoccupied me before this." It made for a beautiful story, but it was not practical to stay as growing up tended to change parts of you, even without you noticing. "Books are an interesting suggestion, I'll just water a library seed and it'll appear whenever I need it, then? Books aren't really practical for travel, unless it's just one. And I do too much of that now to keep those kinds of hobbies with bits attached."
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     "You and your companions remain awfully loud and tactless for people      trying to fix themselves into conspirators. Instead of fumbling to devise      stratagem and playing soldier, why not leave and go back to whatever      it was that preoccupied you prior this? Books, or the arts, perhaps?”
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@calliopeisms ;
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"You couldn't possibly be making this any more difficult for yourself, could you?" Michael said, amused, and clearly doing nothing productive to assist with the problem at hand.
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– My activity feed is coming up blank, so if I’ve skipped a reply for you please let me know.
(Or you can like this post and I’ll make starters in a few hours).
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      “Don’t put yourself down like that, now. You’ve been places, DONE things. So you KNOW things. If you know something they don’t, you might be able to bargain with it.” If he could stop talking in riddles for ten minutes, that would be more helpful. But he was a fox, he could only stop and be completely transparent every so often. “…Yeah, you just about got it. Sort of? The fundamentals of it are pretty much the same. You may want to ask someone who’s better at describing than I am.” 
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"Somehow I think the things I know that other people don't are meant to be a bit of a secret." She said, with just a bit of a smile. She appreciated the fact they were trying to be helpful, encouraging even, but she knew she was slightly to the left of out of place among most people in this place. She just had to make the best of it. "Or the internet, it's basically a hive mind. Kind of creepy in a way, but mildly fascinating." There was so much to learn in the world, and about the world. It would be a wonder if witches themselves still had secrets. "I don't suppose you'd know a witch off hand regardless would you? I wouldn't suppose they'd have a directory for that sort of thing in the book pages."
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             “It seems he’s trying to court me. Edmund, Edward                I cannot remember which one, but it’s not of my                greatest concerns. Last week it was a supposed                diamond necklace and an ill attempt at poetry. I                wasn’t even aware he knew where I live. He thinks                himself charming, a romantic by sending me these                gifts, but honestly he’s a nuisance it’s completely                INAPPROPRIATE.”
She had already tried pawning off both items, only to be told that they were virtually worthless and no one in their right mind would try to buy them off her. On top of her humiliation, the ringing giggles from two older women echoed in her ears as they exited the store. Surely enough, Wendy returned later in the same day with more valuable items, and the clerk dared not challenge the face she wore. At least that day wasn’t a total waste.
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              “Perhaps I should visit him. Sit down and discuss                why it is NOT polite to send a person such false                gifts.” Honey hues glanced at the younger Darling                and a secret reassuring smile finds its way on soft                lips, “JUST a small chat.”
"Everyone is terrible at poetry, Wendy, that's basically the point of poetry." 
Michael said, not doing much but just listening to her ramble in his general direction. He was slightly nervous not because some idiot was attempting to court his sister -- lords help the poor man if he really wanted to try -- but more her reaction seemed much less un-bothered than usual. And wasn’t that interesting.
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"I don't think I have ever meet someone named Edmund," Michael said really slowly, watching the object as if of some reason it might jump off the table and bite him, "so it's probably Edward. Please tell me he's not a vampire or something equally ridiculous. Or actually, I can probably get bullets for that, so never-mind." Not that the normal kind wouldn't work on an average human, but he'd also rather not suggest murder so blatantly in daylight hours. 
He almost snorted at 'small chat' however, and figured that would be anything but. "I feel this is the part where I'm suppose to have some brotherly mission to give him a stern talking to since father isn't likely to be bothered. But a small chat, sure, let me know how that goes."
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Michael never liked the water as much as John did, but he'd found himself outside regardless trying to clear his head after a bit of a drive. The thing about it not being all the way summer yet, was it was still reasonably peaceful. He made a face. That would probably change in a few weeks, and he'd have to avoid the place entirely. He almost didn't notice the person trying to make polite conversation with him, over the sound of the water. "It's not as cloudy as I expected." He said, in a tone edging close to a sound of boredom. It was also colder, but this was England and not particularly what he'd been used to recently. "What's suppose to make today any better than the rest of the days?"
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   Celine hadn’t been out of the water for long, but she was dressed and able to be around humans without them noticing anything weird about her. It was tricky being one that could transform from human to mermaid, but she did it sometimes to get free of the sea. When she got on the pier, she realized that she wasn’t alone and the smiled politely at the other as she made her way toward them. “Hello! It’s a lovely day out, isn’t it?” And she only had ten hours to enjoy it all, ten was stretching it, but still, she would try to stay on land for a long as she could.
@ofbearsandwolves ; liked for Celine.
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"It's lovely." He said, with an expression on his face that clearly indicated it was anything but. 
"Are you... collecting modern art now. Or would I rather not know why a gentleman caller of a sort," He said glancing at her trying to judge a reaction, "decided a whatever this is, was an appropriate gift."  
He had so many questions besides that, but first off, he needed to get a better understanding of the situation.
@ofbearsandwolves​ | liked for a starter
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               “THAT is a gift from a very rude and and underserving                  gentleman.” 
She refers to the scrap of metal place upon the table, and stares as acts as though it offended her with its unassuming presence. 
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Cisco took a seat at one of the nearby tables and frowned. Something felt… wrong. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but Iris was acting strange and he didn’t recognize anyone walking around the coffee shop.
He jumped slightly when his friend came back and slowly sipped at the water. He frowned as she spoke, wondering if he was still maybe stuck in a vibe. “I uh… wait… You don’t know Barry?” When she said that, something in his brain clicked and he gripped tighter at the cup he was holding. It made so much more sense now why something felt terribly wrong.
It was the vibrations. The vibrations were wrong. Each world vibrated at a different frequency and this one was so… unfamiliar to him. He looked up at  her and studied her face. She was every bit his Iris West in looks, but had no recollection of Barry or a newspaper. “I uh… is your name Iris?”
He prayed to whatever meta gods were out there that he had not just stranded himself in some other Earth without knowing. His stupid powers were getting out of control. First he started vibing in his sleep, now this? He couldn’t afford to just pop over to another earth everytime he went out to get coffee.
“No, I don't believe I've ever meet someone named Barrie. I sort of just... moved back here you could say.” Or, more like, hedging a truth into something slightly less unbelievable. “I haven't meet a lot of people in this city yet, honestly. I live with a guy named Michael, known him since we were kids. I'm basically a fake sister. You could say that's why I moved.” Which was probably the least complicated way to explain things.
She tilted her head a little bit, finding the question they asked next interesting. “You are surprisingly close, but it's Isolde.” Which she wasn't sure she'd said earlier or not. “I do however know a girl named Iridessa who looks a bit like me. Maybe people call her Iris, but I wouldn't know.” She would also be incredibly surprised if somehow this human looking person in front of her knew a Fae.
Which was probably not a helpful answer, or the answer they were looking for because to Isolde they now seemed to be getting a bit ill-looking. She was certain she must have looked very puzzled or concerned. “Are you sure you don't want a doctor?”
Losing Control - Open Starter
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Curly almost looked offended. “I’m not that clumsy! Most of the time it’s not even my fault. I get blamed regardless of what I do.”
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“You know, if you wanted to, you could just blame John, I’m pretty sure he started the whole following the leader thing anyway.” He scrunched his nose up, “Well, do you have a better suggestion for how to cover up our antics from my sister?” 
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Cisco frowned and nodded for a moment, a bit confused. “Yeah, some uh… water would be great.” He looked around at the unfamiliar coffee shop, not quite sure how he’d gotten here, or even where here was. He honestly didn’t know of any other coffee shop other than Jitters in Central City.
“Yeah, Cisco Ramon, 2017,” he muttered, watching her closely. She was wearing an apron and looked rather comfortable in the coffee shop. “I uh… when did you start working here again? Barry never mentioned it,” he asked, looking around for any of their friends in case this was some weird joke. “Did something happen with the paper?”
"Alright, I'll be right back." And she got up, walking towards the kitchen, only glancing back to make sure they didn't seem like they were going to move, before going to get their water. And maybe have a side word with her manager on duty about this.
Once she wiggled her way out of that conversation, she walked back over to the place where she'd left the confused person, lightly tapping them on the shoulder to let them know she'd returned. "There's nothing weird in it, I promise. Just water." And left it in front of them, before tacking a seat in a chair nearby.  
"As far as I know, I have never worked at a newspaper, unless I was a puppy in a previous life and spent time chewing on one." Which, alright, maybe puppy wouldn't be the right word, but she'd probably at least fallen asleep on a newspaper at some point. "You are correct about the date at least. I'm afraid the name Barry isn't familiar though... is he a friend of yours? I could call him if you want." It was in a way, like a faraway dream. Maybe it had been the name of a Lost Boy at one time, but she couldn't be certain. Maybe he thought she was someone else, but she had never meet a human that looked so much like her as to be confused before. 
She took a breath in, and out, watching them. Feeling they might be watching her as well. "You know, my flatmate, this tall brunet kind of guy, has reactions like yours sometimes. Survived a really horrible explosion kind of thing, doesn't like to talk about it much. But if you want to, or whatever, I'm willing to listen." How did humans do this? Is she was a puppy, she could just curl on them. So much easier.
Losing Control - Open Starter
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Cisco blinked at the familiar face, his breath coming in short pants and he raised his hands to grip onto the wrist of the hands holding him. He couldn’t tell how tight the grip was, but right now he didn’t care, he just needed something to hold onto, something to ground him.
The panic in his stomach slowly started to wane but his chest hurt and he found it hard to breathe. He focused on her words, listening and trying to make sense of them in his head.
“C-coffee shop…” he stuttered, and even that took some effort as he looked around at the unfamiliar shop he was in. It didn’t look like jitters. “N-not Jitters?” She held up a few fingers and his vision was a little blurry but he squinted, still gripping at the wrist of her other hand. He tried to focus, really he did, but he couldn’t seem to stay steady on the form of the girl in front of him and he just threw out the first number that came to his head. “Three…”
"Er, yes you're in a coffee shop." She said, slowly, and puzzled. Was jitters suppose to be an expression of their symptoms? A diagnose or explanation of what was happening? She felt her tongue push into the back of her teeth, but did not ask. She needed to make sure they were grounded back in the physical present first. 
"Two actually, but close. Would, would you like a glass of water?" She wasn't sure that would really help, but she wasn't sure who had the shorter end of the stick in this situation. "Do you remember what your name is, or the year?" Maybe she ought to call a doctor? Only, they were gripping onto her and she'd have to find her mobile since it wasn't on her at the moment. Oh! "Do you have a mobile? I could call someone to pick you up." She tried to smile, but was sure she looked much more nervous than helpful at this point. 
Losing Control - Open Starter
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The vibe flashed behind his eyes, the world flickering white and blue and in the back of his mind, Cisco could feel his mug slip out of his hands. A panic set low in his stomach as images flickered in front of him, changing faster than he could keep up with. Images of another life, another world where he was alone, where his friends were gone and dead. He could feel his hands shaking at his sides and his heart beat heavy in his chest.
“No.. no… this can’t be happening…”
But it was. He was losing control and his mind was fraying. He was stuck in that world, watching it pass by him so slow, but so fast, and he couldn’t focus. He didn’t know how long he stood there, watching things, remembering things, before a strong pair of hands met his shoulders and the blue’s faded to normal colours.
Isolde wasn’t sure if it was the clattering that caught her attention, or the sense of shaking just along the sides of her eyes. Something smelled wrong, almost like the way pixie dust would. But that would be nearly impossible to find here. 
She turned around, looking for... she wasn’t sure until she saw it, and tucking in her apron, slowly made her way over to a person who seemed to be having something that she could only associate with Michael’s PTSD reactions. 
She carefully touched their arm, just to see if the could react, but needed to wait until they came back to their body to do much else. Michael usually wanted something warm, but the only warm thing they had here was... coffee and tea. “Can you describe your surroundings to me? How many fingers am I holding up?” 
Losing Control - Open Starter
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         “Well… they’re made out of metal or plastic. There’s a basket-like part on the top where the meat goes in, and another on the side where the meat comes out. There’s also a crank on the other side, behind the part where the meat comes out. If texting a boy that doesn’t drive them off, just block their number. If they’re that pig-headed, they’re not worth your time or energy.”
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“I think it would be rather funny to see a boy turn into a pig,”She smiled softly to herself, sometimes she missed the other place she came from where that kind of thing very much could happen with enough thought, “but I’d probably need a witch for that, and I hardly know anything. or have anything to trade for that kind of spellwork. So I suppose I’ll have to settle on finding this... skeletal hybrid coffee grinder with arms contraption. It sounds fascinating.”
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“It is that bad if they relieve me from duty because of it.” Valor pointed out. “I did have enough data, he was going to trigger the explosive, I had to shoot him!” She groaned in frustration. “A piece of me dies every time I have to shoot to kill. The fact I went into the woods for a day doesn’t mean I’m unfit for my job.”
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"If they decided to discharge you, you'll be compensated and given paperwork. I'm sure you could find work in a forensics lab or something." As if that was even remotely the same thing. His face twitched from the mention of 'explosives', but was otherwise fairly neutral. "Shooting is part of the job, we're taught to dissociate for a reason. If you wanted to go into the woods, you could have left a notification or brought a partner."
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“And that’s because you’re the clumsy one. We gotta work on your stealth lessons or somethin’ if you expect not to get blamed. Or worse, caught.” 
( @ofbearsandwolves liked for a starter )
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“But I always get blamed for everything.”
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“Honestly the eval isn’t even that bad. Annoying, sure, I’ll give you that,” he said shrugging, “but you should make sure you have enough data to evaluate your situation.”
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“I don’t need a psych eval! I’m fine!” Well, sure. If you call running off to the woods for a day after shooting an un-sub fine.
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“That is... unusually useful advice. My flatmate has been trying to get me to learn about texting, I will have to cross reference their notes about this. But, how do I know what a meat grinder is?” She knew about sausages already, so at least there was that.
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          “If someone sends you an unsolicited dick pic, text them back a picture of a meat grinder. Bonus points if it’s your own and you drop a cocktail sausage into the hopper for the photo. …That’ll get rid of ‘em.”
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