onceinalifetime · 9 years
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~you got that james dean daydream look in your eyes
~you got that long hair slicked back white t-shirt
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onceinalifetime · 9 years
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I’m not exaggerating when I say pictures like this make life worth living. #CorgisForScale #ThatCorgiInTheBackTho #Perfection
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onceinalifetime · 9 years
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Trying to find something to motivate myself and I found this little line from Van Gogh
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onceinalifetime · 9 years
Me: Siri, play Kesha.
Siri: Okay, let's hear Kaiser Chiefs.
*Tom Petty starts playing*
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onceinalifetime · 9 years
Sometimes I forget this is from Archer because it’s a regular part of my conversations.
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onceinalifetime · 9 years
parenting tip
if you want to avoid the world’s aggressive gendering of your infant, consider skipping the pink dresses or blue coveralls in favor of dressing your baby solely in tiny halloween costumes
strangers on the sidewalk: aww, is it a boy or a girl?
you: uh…it’s pretty clearly a DINOSAUR
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onceinalifetime · 9 years
Sweet Jesus.
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Went on Reddit and saw this. Welp. I’m done. #GoodbyeWorld #ReallyCantHandleThis
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onceinalifetime · 9 years
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Best friends. <3
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onceinalifetime · 9 years
Hey, vaccinate your goddamn kids, okay? I'd prefer if my one-month-old didn't contract measles before she's old enough to be vaccinated. Kthanks.
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Disneyland measles: Rapid spread concerns health officials
By Rong-Gong Lin II
The measles outbreak that began at Disneyland during the holiday season is now spreading beyond people who contracted the disease at the theme park, with those patients now exposing others after returning to their hometowns, health officials said Saturday.
There are now 51 confirmed cases of the highly contagious virus across California, three other states and Mexico, and the Orange County Health Care Agency said the reports of new cases “indicate the measles outbreak will continue to spread.”
Health officials had hoped to contain the outbreak to Disneyland visitors who were at the park between Dec. 17 and 20, when the virus spread from perhaps a single infected person or an ill family. But Orange County is now reporting six new cases of measles involving people who did not visit the Anaheim attraction during that period. State officials said there were two more such cases in Ventura County and one in Alameda County.
Orange County Health Officer Eric Handler warned that students who have not been vaccinated for measles may be excluded from attending school or day-care to prevent the further spread of the disease. A person who may have been contagious with measles was at Huntington Beach High School on Jan. 7-8.
There are now 16 confirmed measles cases in Orange County, with San Diego County, where there are 10 confirmed cases, the second-hardest hit. Also affected are the counties of Los Angeles (8), Alameda (4), Ventura (3), Riverside (2), and San Bernardino (2), for a total of 45 measles cases in California.
(From The Los Angeles Times)
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onceinalifetime · 9 years
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onceinalifetime · 9 years
This is my life now.
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"Hey Erin, can you check on Baxter? He’s been bringing burp cloths downstairs." - my husband, who is doing nothing, as I feed the baby
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onceinalifetime · 9 years
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Happy New Year! 
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onceinalifetime · 9 years
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Happy New Year to everyone who used to do stuff. 
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onceinalifetime · 9 years
Oh dear god
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A true friend will never let you do stupid things… alone.
Photos by ©davidhslee
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onceinalifetime · 9 years
Natural childbirth
Rant. I really hate the term "natural childbirth." Here's my opinion: If you are pushing a baby out of your vagina, then it is natural childbirth. I don't care if you had pain medication or an epidural or whatever else. You are the only one who can make these decisions for yourself and your baby and the tone behind the topic of "natural childbirth" is often so very condescending and insulting. I am so very sick of judgmental moms/moms-to-be(/the bitch doula who teaches my childbirth class...) who want to shame others who may choose additional medical interventions. Go do your research, decide what's best for you, and then have your baby your own way and shut the hell up about what anyone else chooses for their birth. End rant.
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onceinalifetime · 10 years
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So we live at the bottom of a hill. At the bottom of that hill, behind our house, is this retention pond, which is almost entirely dry right now, thankfully. Because last night some idiot "parked" at the top of the hill, but left their car in neutral. Over the retaining wall and down the hill the car rolled, into our "pond." Today, the only way to get the car out is to drag it through our back and then front yards. Can I tell you just how super thrilled I am that this is how I'm spending my day off?
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onceinalifetime · 10 years
Turns out being pregnant 800-something miles away from your family and friends is a really great position to be in when you’re just super emotionally stable to begin with. I’m sure this will only get better when I’m home alone this winter, trying to figure out how to keep a newborn alive.
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