openbooth · 24 days
are there benefits to choosing java over kotlin? is there any real reason to use java over kotlin? even in terms of working on legacy systems, why not just continue development in kotlin? im a studen
— https://ift.tt/oljHWqP
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openbooth · 24 days
JEP 466: Class-File API (Second Preview) Provide a standard API for parsing, generating, and transforming Java class files. This is a preview API. The Class-File API was proposed as a preview feature by JEP 457 in JDK 22. We here propose a second preview with refinements based upon experience and feedback. In this preview, we have:
— https://ift.tt/WNvhTcZ
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openbooth · 1 month
Bending pause times to your will with Generational ZGC The surprising and not so surprising benefits of generations in the Z Garbage Collector. The latest long term support release of the JDK delivers generational support for the Z Garbage Collector.
— https://ift.tt/ZegqpV7
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openbooth · 2 months
Resize CPU Limit To Speed Up Java Startup on Kubernetes - Piotr's TechBlog
— https://ift.tt/JixqbWS
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openbooth · 2 months
Uber's CacheFront: Powering 40M Reads per Second with Significantly Reduced Latency Uber developed an innovative caching solution, CacheFront, for its in-house distributed database, Docstore. CacheFront enables over 40M reads per second from online storage and achieves substantial performance improvements, including a 75% reduction in P75 latency and over 67% reduction in P99.
— https://ift.tt/2msZTuf
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openbooth · 2 months
HotSpot Virtual Machine Garbage Collection Tuning Guide To enable G1 to evacuate single old generation regions, G1 tracks locations of cross-region references, that is references that point from one region to another. The set of cross-region references pointing into a given region is called that region's remembered set.
— https://ift.tt/5KoZRMq
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openbooth · 2 months
Introducing Generational ZGC – Inside.java ZGC, Java’s highly scalable, low-latency garbage collector, was updated in JDK 21 to become a generational garbage collector with JEP 439. So, how do you use Generational ZGC? And what kind of performance will you get from switching to Generational ZGC? Let’s take a look!
— https://ift.tt/9nFvM0x
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openbooth · 2 months
We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.
— https://ift.tt/Md8x05Z
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openbooth · 3 months
JVM Performance Comparison for JDK 21 – Ionut Balosin The current article describes a series of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) benchmarks with a primary focus on top-tier Just-In-Time (JIT) compilers, such as C2 JIT, and Graal JIT. The benchmarks are structured in three distinct (artificial) categories:
— https://ift.tt/kKGypSo
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openbooth · 3 months
Json logs for the JVM Use Penna. I know, you’re used to setting up XML files and configuring encoders, formatters and whatnot for having your logs output in JSON, so it sounds too simple, right? Well, it is, but it wouldn’t be deserving an article if it was that obvious.
— https://ift.tt/Vs95iav
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openbooth · 3 months
How Discord Stores Billions of Messages — Big Surprises in System Design Discord continues to grow faster than they expected and so does their user-generated content. With more users comes more chat messages. In January 2017 they announced 120 million messages a day.
— https://ift.tt/nlGw09q
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openbooth · 3 months
Announcing jox: Fast and Scalable Channels in Java The jox library implements an efficient Channel data structure in Java, which is designed to be used with virtual threads (introduced in Java 21). Specifically, channels rely on blocking operations to perform the necessary synchronisation between interested parties.
— https://ift.tt/6dCnrJS
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openbooth · 3 months
JEP draft: Deprecate Memory-Access Methods in sun.misc.Unsafe for Removal Deprecate the memory-access methods in sun.misc.Unsafe for removal in a future release. These unsupported methods have had supported replacements since JDK 9 (for accessing on-heap memory) and JDK 22 (for accessing off-heap memory). Library developers are strongly encouraged to migrate from sun.
— https://ift.tt/0pcxW14
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openbooth · 3 months
jattach/jattach The utility to send commands to a JVM process via Dynamic Attach mechanism. All-in-one jmap + jstack + jcmd + jinfo functionality in a single tiny program. No installed JDK required, works with just JRE. Supports Linux containers.
— https://ift.tt/1nuqiXV
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openbooth · 3 months
Speed up Java application startup time with AppCDS Application startup time for OpenJDK apps can be important for cloud use cases. Start/stop cycles are much more frequent for an application deployed in Kubernetes since configuration changes usually result in a new deployment—a.k.a restart—of the application.
— https://ift.tt/QFRIBme
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openbooth · 3 months
Derived Record Creation (Preview) Enhance the Java language with derived creation for records. Since records are immutable objects, developers frequently create new records to reflect new data; derived creation streamlines code by deriving a new record from an existing record, specifying only the components that are different.
— https://ift.tt/FkVYfb3
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openbooth · 3 months
Do not use CPU Shares to compute active processor count Note: This backport CSR is copied verbatim from the original CSR JDK-8281571, with the exception that the affected VM flags are not deprecated. Modify HotSpot's Linux-only container detection code to not use CPU Shares (the "cpu.shares" file with cgroupv1 or "cpu.
— https://ift.tt/JP637q1
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