This'll be a fairly easy one to tackle
1: Life, but one person can see it as a video game, and eventually ascends to godhood, killing other gods.
2: Nope. I don't feel I'm good enough to have a book published.
3: I own no book on writing, but I learned from a bunch of good Language Arts teachers.
4: Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass, and Magnificent Bastards. There are many ways to write good versions of both tropes, at the cost of there also being many ways to write BAD versions of them.
5: Terrafrost. Woman got sent back in time, nearly killed by her past self and never successfully returned.
6: Luca Alres from my "Undeadly Curses" one-off.
7: this one. To his day, I cannot think of a title for it.
8: Avidala, without a doubt. She's cocky and condescending, but not to an extent that would piss people off, while also truly caring about humanity despite not being human herself.
9: Sierra Von Hjelsverg, by a mile. I cant speak German at all, so writing a character that can is a pain, since I have to use a translator that might not even be accurate to convey German
10: David Alwerth. Plain and simple, he's just an abnormally lucky person that somehow became a god.
11: "I closed my eyes, thinking long and hard about this. It may be true that I loved life and helping others live theirs, but to me, living was a pain. On the other hand, being an Archangel might sound good in theory but could possibly mean that I stop being what is essentially a guardian angel, "Alright, I'll accept..." But before I could reach out for her hand, my consciousness began to slip."
12: " “What the hell..? Is this Rapture!?” I questioned. "
13: I try not to think about how many characters are in a set story.
14: This one irks me a bit. I dont bother keep track of this, because if you're focusing on how fast you can write over what you're writing, then you are a subpar writer, through and through.
15: For humans, I just use whatever names I think of first. For exotic races however, I throw ideas at a wall and see what lands.
16: The most ridiculous thing? Probably that I've said there's a pristine Roman-esque colosseum on earth in 2019.
17: I've multiple WIPs, and... lets just say I dont like how far I am.
18: Funnily enough, I NEVER think to rewrite any of my stories' titles, though I do think some of them should be rewritten, to be honest.
19: Call me an amateur but... I never think to revise or edit my stories until it's too late and I often feel embarrassed looking back on it.
20: Probably my "Bodied Double" Series.
Writer Ask Meme
1: Describe the plot of your current WIPs in a single sentence each.
2: Do you have anything published? If so, where?
3: Do you own any books on writing? If so, which is your favorite?
4: What are some of your favorite tropes?
5: Which OC deserved better?
6: Which OC did you forget about?
7: What was the first novel you ever tried to write? If you’ve never tried to write a novel, then what was the first story you ever wrote?
8: Which OC is your favorite?
9: Which OC is an absolute pain to write?
10: If you had to write a novel about one of the side characters in your current WIP, which character would you choose?
11: Share the last paragraph you wrote.
12: Share a dumb line from an old WIP.
13: Do you prefer writing with small casts of characters or large ones?
14: How long does it take you to write 500 words on a good day? On a bad one?
15: How do you name settings/characters?
16: What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever done in the name of outlining/worldbuilding (timelines, research, maps, spreadsheets, etc.)?
17: How far along are you in your current WIP? How long have you been working on it?
18: How many titles has your current WIP gone through? Which one of your WIPs has had the most titles?
19: What does your editing/revising process look like?
20: What’s the most time you’ve ever spent on one WIP?
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Bodied Double Part 2 of ???: Anxiety
I awoke the next morning, feeling sluggish as usual. What wasn't usual, however, was that it was now 'Celica' sleeping in my bed instead of 'Arzith', but I wasn't awake enough to notice.
"Ugh... My head..." I weakly mumbled, a headache washing over my like a crack of lightning. It just so happened that 'Arzith' noticed me in a discomforted state.
"Had a bad night, Ralph?" She asked. I could do little but nod. She then proceeded to grab me and look me in the eyes before saying, "What did your bad dream consist of?"
Hearing that shocked me awake, but something in me just wouldn't let me tell them the truth. I could do little but look away as I spoke, 'All I remember is waking up in a cold sweat last night..." This made them squint their eyes before giving up.
"I believe you, just... Try not to overwork yourself today, ok kid..?" She pat me on the shoulder whilst asking. I gave a nod of confirmation towards her before heading towards the main room, but... What I saw horrified me.
The main area of the inn was a mess of bodies and broken furniture. Pieces of ash were vaguely scattered, as a few embers were swiftly being put out. 'Mike' and 'David' were seen eating what looked to be a form of meat on one of the few unbroken tables. The sight was extremely messed up, leaving me to wince, cover my face, and internally scream.
"Ok, what the fuck, you two..!" 'Arzith' complained, "Murdering people so openly..!?"
"Oh please, don't act like you and her weren't starving either" 'Mike' mocked. He clearly must not be in the mood to keep up his act, "Besides, this was all self defense, right David?"
"For me, yes. You... maybe?" 'David' calmly replied, "Oh by the way, can you go wake Celica? I think she's in Ralph's room now." 'Arzith' just sighed and walked off.
"Of all the things I have to wake up to..." I quietly muttered, trying to walk out of the inn. However, as I did that, I noticed quite a few guards surrounding the area, spears in tow.
"Come quietly and you might get to live!" One of the front-liners said. I sighed and shook my head.
"What the hell are you all on about? I'm not a criminal," I asked. In response, they quickly flashed what looked to be a wanted poster of... me. I hesitantly headed back inside, dodging a spear being thrown at me, and locked the door behind me saying, "Oh boy... I was afraid of this day... The day I'd be framed for something I didn't do..!"
"Framed, eh? Any ideas why?" David's pretender inquisitively asked. 'Arzith' and 'Celica' had returned, with 'Celica' being half asleep still.
"Prooobably because I'm associating with a bunch of mimics taking pity on me. Might be some other reason though," I respond sarcastically, now brimming with paranoia after realizing I said it. The look on all four of their faces was sheer surprise, as if they didn't know that I knew they weren't the real deal.
"Wait you knew? How the hell did you know, for how long did you know, and why didn't you- Actually, I might know why you didn't tell us you knew, never mind," 'Mike' responds, completely exasperated. Even though it was clear he and 'David' killed everyone else at the inn, he was shocked that I figured them all out.
"I knew the whole time... Seeing people that used to hate me and borderline abuse me suddenly disappear for a day and do a complete 180 on their emotions isn't that hard to miss. Hell, I even remember which order you all showed up. Ever since I put the pieces together I've been under more stress than usual, even with you all treating me well in secret..." I look down and closed my eyes, preparing for the worst...
I felt something hit me, but not painfully so. When I opened my eyes, 'Arzith' was hugging me tightly, refusing to let go. She looked up at me and spoke, "Well since you decided to come clean with your knowledge, I may as well do the same... We knew of your relationship with those terrible people... We were watching for years from safety.. And once we realized they had gone over the edge of morality, we... stepped in, so to speak."
"They were strong, that much was no doubt, but by then we knew their ins and outs. Some heroes they were though..!" 'Mike' angrily scoffed, "That self proclaimed 'master thief' I'm mimicking was more like an assassin, but instead of high value targets, he just chose whoever wronged him slightly. I'm surprised he never went after you."
"But above all, there's something unusual about you. Humans normally have the same boring aura all humans have. But you... Yours is different, " 'Celica' added, "Your aura does contain bits of humanity, but also seems to contain... Well, I won't get too much into detail about that."
"Yeah probably for the best since the entire town guard is surrounding us, huh?" 'David' remarked, getting up and grabbing his sword. Soon after, 'Mike' followed suit, "I know this is supposed to be a feel good moment, but prepare for combat, everyone!"
The rest of us nodded and got into a ready stance as we opened the door.
[To be continued]
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Bodied Double Part 1 of ???: Timidity
(Based on this reddit prompt. )
They must know I'm a healer, which is why I'm being kept around. The real David constantly argued with the real Mike, who would show off for the real Arzith and the real Celica, who were always unimpressed. I never really got to know the real them for myself as they always bossed me around, treating me like an object.
"Hey, how far to the next town, Ralph?' Mike's pretender asked calmly. Though Mike's personality shift came last, it was the most obvious when he stopped being himself.
"We'll make it before sundown..." I respond, meekly. I was doing my best to act natural, but a touch of fear was mixed into my words.
"Good. We might be able to complete the mission in a timely manner for once." David's pretender remarked in a somewhat sarcastic tone. Celica and Arzith's pretenders seemed to be whispering to each other about something.
"Heh... Yeah..." I looked down, desperately trying to hide my paranoia. They must be waiting until I sleep to kill me..! I shuddered at the thought.
A few hours passed, and we arrived in town. Without hesitation, I immediately booked a room for myself in the inn. After a good 25 minutes, I heard 4 raspy, indistinguishable voices in the room next to me.
"You think he knows?"
"No doubt about it."
"Of course..!"
"Of all the things that healer is, an idiot he is not."
"You think we should try calming his paranoia, though?"
"Suuure, I'm sure the words 'Yes, we're mimics, but we don't want to kill you' will be SO soothing to his ears..!"
"Yeah, face it, 'David', we kinda need to calm him down more subtly. Though it's odd, his aura doesn't seem like a normal human's..."
After that last sentence, my paranoia grew until I passed out from hyperventilation.
I suddenly awoke in what seemed like a dark cavern, chains wrapped around my arms and legs. I saw what looked to be my own self suddenly light a torch and casually walk towards me.
"Well well well, this is who I'm supposed to replace? I can see why they were hesitant to have you replaced. Such a timid healer, shunned by their own allies and helped by beings deemed worse than a monster," It spoke, upbeat, and seemingly carefree. Though its, no, MY eyes were lifeless, even though they were so upbeat, "I wont replace you yet, as they seem to want you to calm down. Ah but this is supposed to scary, huh? Here, maybe this'll scare ya." The other me proceeded to then pull out a knife and jab it into my shoulder.
I frantically woke back up in the middle of the night, drenched in a cold sweat. Looking down, I saw Arzith's pretender curled up into a ball next to me.
"That was... just... a dream..." I barely rasped out, trying to calm down, before putting my face into my hands, about to start crying a bit, "I'm gonna need therapy at this rate..."
Arzith suddenly put an arm over me, mumbling "Noone hurts one of my fuggin' friends..." All things considered, the words were actually kinda soothing, so I laid back down, hoping to fall back asleep.
[After writing this much, I kinda feel like I gotta make a part 2, so to be continued I guess.]
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[Dark Divine Punishment]
Heh... These lowly cultists are trying to bring me back by killing me? Interesting... I will enjoy toying with them before damning them to the void..!
However, in my disappointment, I found one cultist that was starkly younger than the rest of them, looking to have just entered his teenage years. Their movements were shaky and uncertain, as if they didn't want to be here. I looked around to see if there were any others. Sure enough, there were. Of the 70 cultists, there were only 4 minors here, and none of them looked close to being of age yet. From this newfound knowledge my disappointment grew further.
"It's time," The leader spoke, slamming me to a worn stone altar. There were faintly lit candles all around us, and there were several other cultists chanting an eldritch language that feels familiar. Their leader pulled out what looked to be a large ceremonial dagger, sharpened just for the occasion. I closed my eyes, waiting for the blade to impact...
The blade hit my gut, cutting deep, leaving me to wince in pain. The blade began to move in a way that seemingly resembled the mark I usually give my most devoted.
"O great Altriska, hear our call and come forth from this sacrifice we present thee." The leader droned again, looking at the blood beginning to pour out of my body. I sighed a bit, deciding to act now to break the monotony. That, and to give them false hope.
My blood began to turn black, and dark light was beginning to coalesce around me, forcing the cult leader to avert his eyes. When he looked back at where I was, he saw my body had vanished from the altar, and that I was now hovering above them all, in my true form. Tattoos with powerful magic coursing through them were scattered across my body, my wounds fully healed, and my normally brown hair and white dress were both jet black.
"Yes! The ritual worked! Now we can-" The leader was cut off by me choking him to death with my magic.
"You imbeciles couldn't tell who was your god, and who was a lowly mortal..! You chained me up and beat me for no less than 3 hours EVERY DAY for FOUR! YEARS! How dare you, a pretender claim to have the mark of my chosen ones! I damn each and every one of you TO THE VOID!" I snarled as shadowy hands dragged the cult "leader" away. The four young cultists were watching me condemn each of the other cultists to their dark fate, trembling with fear in their eyes. Once I had finished my judgement, I turned to lock eyes with them, smiling a bit, "Now then... You kids must be absolutely terrified that you might be next. Make no mistake, you will not be harmed. Though, would you like to be taught the correct way..?" I reached down and offered hem a hand.
A cult intends to sacrifice you to awaken their goddess. What they don’t know is that you ARE their goddess.
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Sick of having to scrape the bottom of the barrel for a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher every year, Dumbledore employs the services of a peculiar figure, known in his own world to have a knack for breaking curses, witcher Geralt of Rivia, unwitting victim of a portal misadventure
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The Hexorcist Part 1 of 2: Enraging Failure.
(Based on this reddit prompt, while also taking some inspiration from The Textorcist.)
Its not easy being both a priest and a powerful mage, but I manage. And yet this ghost... They seem to know me, to a point where I'd say is almost creepy. I remember my Uncle Ray would tell me about these types of ghosts. He'd say they stalk people for elongated periods of time, to extents that not even Banshees would travel to, but are almost never a threat. Then again, he'd always be periodically drunk when telling me this, so I had to take his words with a grain of salt. However... 4 attempted exorcisms, and 4 corpses that resulted. This last one nearly got me fired from my position as priest. However, each death left a note specifically addressed to me in their left pocket.
The first note had the following:
To the Textorcist's nephew:
You might be wondering why I killed my possession target to escape you. Simply put, I want to have fun with someone that can be considered an equal. See you in 5, Marcus.
Signed, X
The second note followed with:
Hello again, Marcus Bibbia.
You may be saying "Why did you take so long to pick and kill a new target?" or you might not be, you never know with you priests... Anyways, when I said 5, I made sure to be as non specific as possible to make my appearance less predictable. See you again in 4.
Yours truly, X
The third note added with:
Jesus, dude,
I get the feeling you hate me. I didnt even get to kill my host that time, you killed him before I could. Do you need someone to talk to?
And the last one, in bold letters says: Ok, we NEED to talk. Meet me at your place. Midnight. Let noone see this.
I waited at home until midnight. The eerie silence in my house was deafening. Even the analog clocks right down to my grandfather's grandfather clock didn't make a sound. The clocks all struck midnight, but... there were still no sound. My heart skipped a beat, as the first noise I actually heard in 30 minutes was my wristwatch, which I set the alarm to midnight for. "Of fucking course the son of a bitch is a no-show..." I angrily mutter after calming down. All of a sudden, as if right on cue, the atmosphere shifted dramatically. The temperature in the entire house dropped by 10 degrees celsius exactly, and despite the lack of light in the house, everything looked to be brighter than normal, but tinted green.
"Sorry I'm late, Marcus," a female voice called out. I don't know how or why, but this voice enraged me severely. Without thinking I lashed out at where I swore I heard the voice from, only to be stopped by an unknown force. The voice reveals itself to be a translucent female figure that grabbed my arm mid-swing. As she revealed herself she spoke again, "You really need to calm yourself. Holding hatred against a spirit doesn't do you any favors, and that's not even considering all the undead rules I'm breaking just to calm you down..!"
[To Be Continued]
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Double Down [One-off]
(Based on this reddit prompt.)
"What in the hell..!?" I weakly exclaimed, looking at my new set of robotic limbs, as pain continues to wrack my body, forcing me to drop the glass of water I had and nearly causing me to black out. After a few moments the pain subsided, but what I expected when I looked for any additional changes wasn't what I got. I looked at my normal arms, only to find out they were turned into cybernetic versions seamlessly. "A-am I infested with nanomites or something..!? If I am, what is gonna happen to me..!?" I shakily spoke, before hearing a voice within my mind.
"Do you not enjoy what we are turning you into..? A body of flesh can only do so much for what we need you for..." It spoke, sounding neither male nor female. Neither organic, nor mechanical. Neither living... or dead. I don't know how or why I knew that last part, but it sent shivers down my spine nonetheless. 'you must be worried about what will happen to you... Fret not, your body is merely evolving into a form that can help control this dying husk of a planet..."
"'Fret not'?! My body is being morphed into a robot against my will and I'm being told to fret not!?" I yelled out. I knew noone could hear me, as I live alone in a more secluded side of town, "I DEMAND TO BE CHANGED BACK, DAMM-"
"Listen, Roger Thompson! This planet is set to destroy itself in a thousand years' time! Sacrificing mortality and chances to have offspring are far fewer than the lives that will be taken if you dont let us help!" The voice barked, before immediately sighing, dejected, "Listen, you may be a selfish pile of shit, but refusing us may get you a fate much worse than death... So, what say you. Do you accept? Or do you risk plunging everyone into ruin?
I sighed, knowing that no matter what I chose, things wouldn't go well for me, "Fine, I accept..."
"Gooood... Now, this'll take but a few minutes..." The pain began to spike again, forcing me onto my knees. The pain started at my feet, quickly working its way up my body to my legs, then my hips, then to my waist, and to my torso. As soon as it began to work on my head, I could feel my consciousness fading. The last thing I heard was the voice saying "Full control achieved,"
I burst awake in a cold sweat, but that wasn't all. The back of my throat felt sore, so I sleepily got up, stretched a bit and went to get a glass of water...
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A Powerful Friend, Part 1 of 2: Unexpected Addition
(Based on this reddit Prompt. My reddit name is TypicalPunUser)
I ran, seeing as it was all I could do. That was, until I saw a man who looked to be rasping for air on the ground, bleeding. I knew I had the ability to heal most wounds, but such power came at a cost. I would go through extreme pain, equal to the injury treated, but without sustaining the injury myself. But for someone at near death, I had to keep them from dying. I saw two people kneeling over the man, trying to bandage him up. Each one was clad in business suits and wore fedoras, akin to mobsters. Knowing I had nothing left to lose, I dashed right towards the man on the ground, with intent to save him.
After ten minutes of trying to convince the mobsters to let me heal the wounded as well as another five minutes of me actually healing them, the man on the ground got back up, but only on one knee. The two armed mobsters looked down at me in surprise before one of the responds, “Dunno how ya managed that missy, but youse a life saver..!”
“yeah, another five, and he’d hafta be buried like Donnie’s ol’ bro!” The other responds, “Ah but where’re our manners? Da name’s Leo, that guy’s Alex, and da guy ya healed is ol’ Donnie’s son, Raphael! Now, what’s yer name, missy? And why are you up and outta bed so late?”
“T-The name’s Alice... Alice Maldice...” I meekly respond, “As for your other question... I ran away from home due to my parents being not very good people...” Tears began welling up in my eyes.
“Hey now, no need to begin feelin’ down, missy. Youse is safe here. We’re willing to listen to yas.” Raphael responds in an attempt to console me.
“Wait Raph, if da rumors are true about da Maldice family... That means da adults are abusas..!” Leo adds, causing me to give a nod of confirmation.
“Leo, I gots to admit, you aint exactly the brightest, but youse just gave me a good idea. Why dont we bring her to Donnie and convince ‘im to let her stay wit’ us?” Alex proposes. Leo and Raph both seem to ponder it, before nodding in unison, before all of them turn to me. Alex speaks again, “Youse alrights wit’ that, missy?”
“S-sure... At least I’ll have somewhere to stay to hide from my parents...” I weakly spoke, beginning to pass out.
The three of them carried my passed out body somewhere inside, before stopping in front of their boss.
“What is the meaning of this interruption, Raphael? And why have you brought a civilian here?” A gruff old man asks in a commanding tone.
“You may not believe this, boss, but this ‘civilian’ just saved Raph’s life. We brought her here as she’s from da Maldice family, and you know da rumors surrounding them just as well as us,” Leo answers, trying his hardest to be calm and rational.
“Ah, I see... It may just be a string of coincidences, but the fact that a weird string of fate brought my son to near death and back from it, by the girl that all crime bosses wish to help. I wouldn’t call it too coincidental to be true, I know full well my son and their two closest friends wouldn’t lie to me about that, but even still, it’s odd to think about, you know.”
“We’re well aware, pa, but I’m telling ya, it’s the truth. I even have the scars to prove it. She’s magic or somethin’,” Raphael interjects.
After a few minutes of eery silence, the boss finally responds, “Very well, she may stay here, but at one small cost. From now on, she is to be treated as though she is part of the family, am I understood? And once she wakes, I will want to speak to her personally,”
“Understood boss. I’ll get the missy to her room asap..!” Alex quickly left, carrying me to a room.
“That is all for tonight, you two should get some rest,“ The boss said, the other two nodded before leaving as well, “I think our luck’s finally beginning to turn around
[End of Part 1. Part two will come out when I can figure out how to pace it properly.]
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Revenge Best Served Cold Blooded [One-off]
(Based on this reddit prompt. Reddit Name is TypicalPunUser.)
“The fuck do you mean..?” I asked, confused. In response, he whacked me with the revolver.
“Don’t act like a fucking jackass, Edmond!” The person scowled. Their accent was thick in a mix of Scottish, Polish and Russian. Though what caught me off guard was that they knew my name.
“Ok seriously though, who the fuck are you and how do you know my name..!?” He shoved the gun right into my forehead after that question, causing me to groan in pain a bit.
“Do you seriously not remember the name Aidan Richmond!? The name of the son of a bitch you betrayed, aka ME!?”
“Ok lemme humor you. Lets say I did, what do you think are the odds that i regretted doing it? Cause like I’ve said twice, maybe three times now, I dunno who the fuck you are.”
Without a thought of hesitation, he pulled out a picture that looked to be me and him, both at younger ages, hanging out and looking like good friends. This brought me nothing but confusion, seeing as I have no recollection of this. Though, really I have no recollection of ANY of my childhood. It didn’t take long for Aidan to notice either, lowering his gun a bit
“You... You really dont remember, huh? Fuck... Its just like you to strike yourself with an amnesia ray. Well it’d be immoral to kill an amnesiac, so I might as well get you up to scratch on all the terrible things you did, huh..?”
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Avidala: Always believes herself to be the one doing everything. (even when it turns out she hasn’t done ANY of the chores)
Damion: Apathetic and careless, to the point where he will do something that hurts someone else’s emotions despite knowing such
What would be annoying about having your OC as a roommate?
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[Photo De-Sensitive, Part 2: Like You Saw a Ghost]
The few minutes that had passed were quick, but energy rushing. It began with the groom rushing at Sierra, only to be shot twice in the legs by some silver bolts, essentially knocking him out. Afterwards, the bride had rushed right at me in an attempt to take possession of me. I don’t exactly remember how many times I kicked her out of my body, but eventually Sierra grabbed a bottle of holy water, and splashed the entire thing on me. This inevitably caused the bride to shriek in pain, fleeing the area, and leaving me unconscious on the ground.
The next morning I woke up with a major headache and feeling lightheaded. The first thing I could notice is that my once trashed room was completely how it was BEFORE it was trashed “What the..? That’s... unnatural...” I suddenly clenched my head tightly in pain, stumbling over to the nearby mirror. I could still see my own reflection, but I looked extremely pale, to the point where it looked unhealthy. I tried standing up, only to notice that I was beginning to float. “What in the..!?” a few moments later, i abruptly stopped, slamming me into the ground.
I calmly got back up, and headed into the main room, before heading into the bathroom so I could get some pain medication. When i checked the mirror in the bathroom, my reflection was missing, This scared me, and not unrightfully so. By all intents and purposes, I shouldn’t be dead, even the mirror in my room confirmed it. But seeing such a major discrepancy was majorly concerning. I pulled open the medicine cabinet and took some headache medicine before leaving, not having enough time to deal with all this.
I waltzed back into the main room, looking at the news, suddenly, an interesting headline appeared:
“Vampire found dead in the Danube River, believed to be the newlywed to Felicia Von Rosenwal, more at 11″
“Wait, wasn’t Felicia the bride that tried to murder me..?” I sighed, “Well, it shouldn’t be surprising that Sierra can do that...” I had a big day, and even bigger mysteries, but those will have to be solved later.
[To Be Further Continued]
You’re a professional photographer hired by the bride’s family to film a night wedding. You capture maybe ten minutes of footage before the groom’s family pay you in cash and cancel your services. That night, going through the uploaded footage, none of the groom’s family shows up on the screen.
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[Table Turner Part 1: “Humanity”]
I sighed, muttering the words “God fucking dammit... I can’t tell my wife about this, or she’ll raise hell alongside him...” I knew for a fact that my wife had an unusually short temper, whilst I was always a good-mannered person. A clash in personalities, you could call it. It wouldn’t be to surprising about that since she’s technically a demon posing as a human, while I myself am actually an angel doing the same. It’s just that I’m actually better about it, than her. Our son, however... That’s complicated. Anyway, I’m getting way off track.
The Ransomer rambled on about how he knew my son was on medication. I calmly remark “Yes, and for your own safety you should give him the medication he needs, lest you want a very angry woman to quite literally tear into you.” I could hear them laugh over the phone.
“Don’t make me laugh! Women cant fight, and everyone knows it.” These words immediately put silent rage into me. “Now, as I’ve said! A hundred thousand or your son dies!” I immediately hang up.
“Their fucking funeral..!” I shook my head, trying to calm down, whilst my wife walked through the front door. She could tell I was upset about something.
“Marcus, what’s got you upset..?” She asked, “Normally you aren’t the type to get mad over something...” I could do little but let out a sigh before telling her the truth.
“Our son is being held hostage and used for ransom..! Also, they said women can’t fight..!” I was beginning to lose my grasp on rationality, “I WAS gonna hold back telling you this for their safety, but now, I couldn’t care..!” She stood there with a shocked expression, which quickly turned into sheer rage.
“Oh those pieces of shit are DEAD! WE WILL make sure of it!” She roared out. Wait, she wanted both of us to wreak havoc..!? “No shit I said both of us will! I know you’re not human either! Noone could act so good-mannered without looking like an outcast! Now, you gonna help rescue our son, or do you admit I’m the better parent!?”
“I’m not gonna cause carnage..! I’m only gonna rescue our son..! Even still, I’ll go with..!” I groaned out, defeated.
“Good, now get your stuff, we’re going!” She ran off before I could even question if she knew where the kid was located. Well, this wont end well...
[To be continued..?]
Your son is kidnapped and being held for ransom. There is no worse feeling for a parent. They know he takes daily medication for an illness and is using that as leverage for a quick ransom payment. But he doesn’t take the medication because he’s sick. Like you, he takes it to pass as a human.
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[False Idols Part 1: Usurption]
I couldn’t help but laugh. Yet another usurper that claims to be god. “Lets hope they last longer than the previous one...” I muttered absently, getting up. I knew what a new “god” being instated meant. It meant I still had my job to work for. Being one of the twenty admins, I don’t take kindly to false deities. I pulled out my phone, sent a single text to a man named “David Alwerth” with the following:
Welp, you heard the news right? New ‘God’. I’m gonna get rid of the faker.
After I finished sending the text, I put away my phone, before heading into my armory, and readied up for a violent and bloody conflict. A magical zweihander, two pistols, heavy combat armor (which to me weighed basically nothing), and finally a battle rifle, just in case. As I left the armory, I watched a young man bust through my front door, saying “I already know what you’re going to do, Avidala! Don’t!”
“Relax, Anubis. We’re all immortal. Besides, that patron deity spokesperson doesn’t at all know what she’s talking about.” I respond, knowing full well that nothing he’d say would stop me.
“If you kill her, they will start a full-on war with us, and they outnumber us ten to one!”
“Clearly, you haven’t been listening...” I grab him by the collar of his shirt and lift him up, “We. Are. Immortal. Am I understood? Nothing they can create or use against us will kill us. Not even revoking our immortality..!” I proceeded to set him down behind me, calmly walking out the door. I noticed that I had mail for me. I checked inside the mail and there was a single scroll. I opened it up, noticing the letters were bright red. the scroll read as follows:
To the “Admins of the World”,
I know you’ve heard the announcement. You have 2 years to cease and desist trying to kill the new god. If we find out you won’t comply, we will destroy each and every one of you, and we will watch you suffer PAINFULLY.
Signed, The Patron Deity CEO, Cthulhu
After I finished reading it, my smile continued to grow, before beginning to laugh a bit, “Finally revealing yourself, you eldritch bastard? Lovecraft creating you was a mistake I will correct during the war..! For now, to arms...”
[Tp Be Continued..?]
An announcement is played all across the earth, “We recently discovered your patron deity has committed gross negligence. He has been promptly sacked and a new deity has been given His position, effective immediately. Apologies for the slow response in dealing with this issue.”
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Undeadly Curses [One-off]
(Based on this prompt)
Well well well, A spitting image of me. I’ve got to admit, it’s kind of weird, knowing this type of thing can even happen. I saw the other me just appear, from back when I was still... well, me. It pulled out a knife and charged at me.
I swiftly dodged the stab the specter impersonating me tried to hit me with. “Too slow, fake me,” I mocked, only to be greeted with a kick right to my face, “Yeah, I deserved that one...” I watched the specter try to pounce on me, but I rolled to the side last second before getting up. I looked directly at the supposed copy that I had created. It was mimicking my exact personality, even if it could not speak, and it was PISSED.
It swung rampantly at me, barely giving me a chance to dodge each attack. It was beginning to tire me out a bit, to be honest. It took notice that I was getting tired, before slashing as quick and hard as they could, which made contact.
I could do little but grunt in pain, but the pain wasn’t agonizing like a knife should be. In fact, there was no blood pouring from my body. It was almost as if I never had any to bleed in the first place. Seeing such had confused the impersonator. “So, you finally... figured it out, huh..?” I yawned, on the verge of falling asleep after having dodged attacks for well over an hour. “Yeah... I’m technically already dead... I just... can’t... stay that way...” I fell over backwards, falling asleep. What happened after, I’m not fully sure, but I know that strangely enough, I wasn’t attacked whilst I slept.
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[Photo De-sensitive, Part 1: Dark Hour]
My heart sank. I knew EXACTLY what this meant. This has happened only four times in my career, and each time it happened terrified me more than the last. The groom’s entire family were vampires. I had the number of a famous vampire hunter on my emergency contacts list. I thought heavily on whether or not I should call her “No... I’m sure it’ll be fine...” I barely let out, sighing. My body felt like it was locking up. “U-unless...” It was then I heard a crash in my kitchen. I was startled into a combat stance, immediately getting up, and flicking on any light switches that were off. Immediately then, I saw him... the groom.
“Gutentag, freund...” He spoke, his voice raspy, while slowly approaching me. It didn’t take long for me to figure out what was gonna happen. I yelled at the top of my lungs, immediately bolting into my room and locking the door tight. I was frantically searching for anything I could use as a makeshift weapon, but I had NOTHING. I sighed, pressing my body against the door, before hearing a more feminine voice.
“Love, what are you doing..!? You promised we’d kill him together..!” The female voice yelled out, slightly muffled.
“You said that ghosts can’t kill the living, genius... Now you’re here, getting mad at me for that. It was quite, er, obvious you and your entire family are ghosts..!” My eyes dilated in fear upon hearing this. I knew I was running on borrowed time, but how long was the timer..? Thankfully, I didnt have to worry much about that, since a familiar figure stepped through the mirror I kept in my room at all times. This person I knew to be that famous vampire hunter, Sierra Von Hjelsverg.
“What seems to be the issue, Robert Moore..?” She asked quietly. I could barely mouth the words “Ghost” and “Vampire” to her, before hearing something pounding on the door. Noticing this, she grabbed me and yanked me as far away from the door as possible, saying “I don’t think you’ll have good odds surviving, but I will certainly make sure your death wont be in vain..!” She handed me a crucifix, which I immediately concealed in one of my back pockets, before the door was busted open.
[To Be Continued... Probably]
You’re a professional photographer hired by the bride’s family to film a night wedding. You capture maybe ten minutes of footage before the groom’s family pay you in cash and cancel your services. That night, going through the uploaded footage, none of the groom’s family shows up on the screen.
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Avidala and Helosia, by a mile. Being remnant demon survivors of a genocide left them with VERY nasty ptsd. Neither will show that they suffer from it, but getting to know them for long enough will gradually put the pieces together.
Which OC is always in at least a little bit of pain?
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Demon’s Best Friend, Part 1: Mysterious Arrival
[Based on this writing prompt]
I heard the doorbell ring first thing in the morning. I got up and stumbled down the stairs to the front door, falling down the bottom three steps, causing a thud to sound. I got back up, and calmly opened the door as if I didn’t just slam into the ground and partially injured myself. When the door fully opened, I saw a small sooty basket, with the unmistakable scent of sulfur pouring out from within. I reached down, to pull open the lid, but once I did, a dog head darted out and bit my hand, forcing me to jerk my hand away, letting the basket lid bonk them on the head.
Carefully, I dragged the basket inside and into the living room. I hesitated to open the lid back up, but I worked up the courage to do so. Once I did, I was met by three pairs of vibrant auburn eyes situated on three separate canine heads, all looking right at me. I hesitantly reached down to pet the two outer heads, but all three seemed to be panting in unison. I abruptly stopped to pet the middle head with both hands, same reaction. It was at this moment that I put two and two together and figured it out: this was THE Cerberus! I saw a note on the basket, picked it up, and read it. It read as follows:
To the new owner of Cerberus,
I’d be raising him myself, but there are complications going on between the gods, and the kid’s not old enough to help us. Due to this rather unfortunate predicament placed upon us, I leave Cerberus entirely in your care.
Signed, The Ruler of the Underworld, Hades.
PS: Each head has it’s own personality and they are all sapient, Try to take note of each one’s likes and dislikes.
It was then my mother calmly walked down the stairs in a hurry. “Avidala, are you alright?” She asked, before noticing the three-headed beast in the basket. “And what’s with the basket, an where did you find it..?”
“I’m fine, mom...” I calmly respond, “I found this basket on our front door after I heard the doorbell ring. Inside it is our new pet, and it came with a note that i think you’ll find to be very important. You may also wanna wake Helosia for this,” I handed her the note, watching her eyes widen as she read it, before heading upstairs. After a short while, she and Helosia came back downstairs.
“The hell do you think is so important that you’d wake me up 3 hours early, sis..?” Helosia asked, a combination of sleepy and upset.
By this time, I had completely ripped open the basket, giving Cerberus a chance to climb out. “Well, other than the fact that we essentially now own Cerberus? Apparently, the gods are in a bit of turmoil.”
“Wait what..!? Mom, is this true..!?” She looked at mom, who silently handed her the note. After reading it, a slight look of horror emerged from her, “...oh. Oh no...”
“Yeah... At least it gives me an idea what I plan to become in the future.” I casually retort. “It’ll give our kind a bit more chance to prosper if it works...”
“Are you insane!?” Mom yells out, “You wouldn’t last a day as a god! You, Helosia and I all know you can’t do it!”
“She’s half right,” Helosia adds, “You can’t do it. Not alone at least! If that’s your plan, I want in on it! Those gods will know of our kin’s wrath!���
“Heh... I never said I WANTED to be alone in it anyways, big sis. Besides, having Cerberus with us while we train to attempt becoming gods ourselves will certainly even the odds” I casually remark, petting Cerberus, their asphalt black fur half sooty from the basket. “But first things first, we gotta get the little one something to eat.”
[To Be Continued]
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