p-pyrocynical · 6 years
yo yo guys long time no talk!! thanks so much for 600 followers!! new fic soon! <3 u guys :)
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p-pyrocynical · 6 years
Do you still use this blog. Btw love it :)
yes this blog is still active! i am just struggling to find time to write due to school and just life in general but there are some fics in the works!
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p-pyrocynical · 6 years
waddup, lad. this isn’t a request,  i just wanted you to know i think your blog has a cute theme, it’s also v aesthetic<3
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p-pyrocynical · 6 years
It's 3 am and I'm reading your amazing fanfiction and I think I'm actually going to die of how much blood there is in my face...
i’m not sure why there is blood on your face but i’m going to take this as a compliment! thank you my sweet, sweet child
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p-pyrocynical · 6 years
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You have now been blessed. ♡
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p-pyrocynical · 7 years
guys it’d be super cool if some of these were requested! 
WRITING PROMPTS FOR DAYS Feel free to request any of these for any character.
1. “Do you want me to leave?” 2. “I swear it won’t happen again.” 3. “I’m not jealous.” 4. “You can’t keep doing this.” 5. “I’m going to take care of you, okay?” 6. “You can’t die. Please don’t die.” 7. “You did what?!” 8. “Were you ever going to tell me?” 9. “Don’t ask me that.” 10. “I might have had a few shots.” 11. “What’s with the box?” 12. “Say it!” 13. “I could kiss you right now!” 14. “Are you done with that?” 15. “Are you still awake…?” 16. “Excuse you?” 17. “This is all your fault!” 18. “I shouldn’t be in love with you.” 19. “I could kill you right now!” 20. “Just admit I’m right.” 21. “That doesn’t even make sense.” 22. “That’s irrational.” 23. “Just pretend to be my date.” 24. “Are you really going to leave without asking me the question you’ve been dying to ask me?” 25. “When you love someone, you don’t just stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy… even then. Especially then!” 26. “I think I’ve been holding myself from falling in love with you all over again.” 27. “I’m not going to apologise for this. Not anymore.” 28. “That’s almost exactly the opposite of what I meant.” 29. “It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.” 30. “Can I sit here? The other tables are full.” 31. “You weren’t supposed to laugh!” 32. “This is, by far, the dumbest thing you’ve ever done.” 33. “I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.” 34. “These stars are nothing compared to the ones I’ve seen in your eyes.” 35. “Before I do this, I need you to know that I have always loved you.” 36. “Did I say that out loud?” 37. “Do you think they could have loved me?” 38. “Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.” 39. “How long have you been standing there?” 40. “Have I ever lied to you?” 41. “Have you lost your fucking mind?” 42. “His ego is so visible; I can almost watch it grow.” 43. “I am not losing you again!” 44. “I don’t know why I’m crying.” 45. “I had a nightmare about you and I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.” 46. “I just need to be alone right now.” 47. “When I picture myself happy… It’s with you.” 48. “I made a mistake.” 49. “I may be an idiot, but I’m your idiot.” 50. “I need you to forgive me.” 51. “I see the way you look at me when you think I’m not looking.” 52. “I think I’m in love with you and that scares me half to death.” 53. “I’m flirting with you.” 54. “I’m not good enough for you.” 55. “I fell in love with my best friend.” 56. “I’m sorry, what? I keep getting lost in your eyes.” 57. “I’m up to the challenge.” 58. “I’ve been in love with you my entire life. Ever since the day I first met you.” 59. “I’m yours.” 60. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me.” 61. “If you go anywhere near them, you’ll have to deal with me!” 62. “It’s okay to cry…” 63. “What do you mean? It’s exciting!” 64. “Talk to me.” 65. “Look at me—just breathe, okay?” 66. “Look, I don’t have much time, but I wanted to say I love you.” 67. “Oh my god! You’re in love with them!” 68. “Well, this is where I live.” 69. “We finish it the same way we started—together.” 70. “What are you afraid of?” 71. “You are the single best thing that has ever happened to me.” 72. “You deserve so much better.” 73. “You don’t have to stay.” 74. “You don’t know you the way I do.” 75. “You fainted, straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes.” 76. “You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.” 77. “You shouldn’t have even been there!” 78. “You weren’t supposed to hear that.” 79. “You’re safe now. I’ve got you.” 80. “Teach me?” 81. “We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you want to stop and feel the rain?” 82. “Looks like we’ll be stuck here for a while.” 83. “Just once.” 84. “I can’t believe you talked me into this.” 85. “It’s not what it looks like.” 86. “I got you a present.” 87. “Hey! I was gonna eat that!” 88. “See, now, what that so bad?”.” 89. “You’re the best part of me.” 90. “I don’t want to think about what I’d be like without you.” 91. “Can I hold your hand?” 92. “Let’s move in together.” 93. “It’s a real shame nobody asked for your opinion.” 94. “What time is it?” 95. “Just wait a second.” 96. “Here, let me.” 97. “You’re so cute when you pout like that.” 98. “Hold me back!’ 99. “I don’t care what they said, it doesn’t mean shit!” 100. “I adore you.”
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p-pyrocynical · 7 years
can you do pure fluff ((cuddling on the bed ;););) )) with our furry papi Pyrocynical where the readers the lil spoon and pyro is the big one, and they just have a genuine conversation about how IHOP is the best and they make each other laugh ???? It sounds dumb but hey lmao thanks ily fam
tbh loved this prompt here ya go my bud 
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p-pyrocynical · 7 years
Cheesy Eggs
requested: IHOP and chill talks
 “Your hands are so small,” Niall says as he holds your hand in his, dancing your fingers along his palm.
  “Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll be sure to buy some new ones next time,” you say sarcastically while laying your head on his chest. Niall laughs softly. 
  The both of you zone out, smiles still lingering on your faces. Your ears are filled with white noise and the chatter of the streets outside your window. Moving the sheer curtain aside, you watch hundreds of strangers walk past and wonder what they’re up to. Are they busy, in a hurry? Or are they just passing time? Your eyebrows furrow together in concentration.
  “What’re you thinking about?” Niall breaks the silence while still playing with your hand.
  “IHOP. I’m thinking about IHOP,” you flip over onto your stomach and lean on your elbows, facing Niall’s lazy eyes and puffy cheeks. He still gives you butterflies.
  “Are you fucking serious?” That forever smile grows upon his lips once again.
  “Why wouldn’t I be?” 
  “You make a good point. Shit, now I want IHOP,” he sighs.
  “Those golden pancakes,” you daydream.
  “Strawberry syrup,” Niall interrupts.
  “Holy shit, the strawberry syrup, oh my god.”
  “Hands down, best hashbrowns I’ve ever had.”
  “I’m gonna have to stop you right there, honey bunches. IHOP’s hashbrowns are nothing compared to Waffle House. And they’re cheaper. You just can’t compete with that.”
  “Nah, nah nah nah nah. See, that’s where you’re wrong. Quality over quantity, my dear. You don’t feel like you’re getting stomach cancer when you eat IHOP’s hashbrowns.”
  “I will take cancer over IHOP’s hashbrowns any day. Except today. Let’s go get some fucking IHOP. Also, I don’t think you used that expression right,” You say, bouncing up and ripping Niall from the bed. 
  You both race while shoving your shoes onto your feet and run to the door. Sprinting towards the car, Niall suddenly makes a U-turn back towards the apartment. 
  “Where are yo-”
  “I forgot the keys,” Niall yells, making you bust into laughter.
  After a few seconds, Niall returns, shaking the keys in his hand. You hop into the car and start the long journey to IHOP. 
  You enter the restaurant and are seated by a window, tucked away from everyone else.
  “Gee, why don’t you just scare off everyone in the restaurant. Look, they’ve sat us alone in a corner.” You nudge Niall playfully. 
  “Ah, sorry love.” He jokes.
  The food arrives (you both ordered extra hashbrows)  and you stuff your faces in silence for a bit. The sky fades to dark, and the majority of the restaurant clears out. You’re in the middle of giggling from something Niall said. He watches you. How your eyes seem to close more and more the harder you laugh. How your cheeks squish and your dimples sink.
  “You know I love you, right?” Niall stops you mid sentence.
  “Getting a bit deep for being in IHOP, aren’t we?” You sheepishly try to brush off his words.
  “Can you shut the fuck up, I’m trying to be a good boyfriend,” he teases.
  “Fine, fine. Yes. Yes, I know,” you grab his hand from across the table, “hm.”
  “What is it?”
  “I don’t recall ordering cheese with these eggs...”
  “Oh my fucking God,” Niall drops your hand and covers his face. 
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p-pyrocynical · 7 years
hey guys just wanna say a quick thank you to everyone who likes and reblogs my fics, it really means a lot. tbh this blog would get no traction if it weren't for you guys and i really appreciate all of you. ok i'll stop being sappy lov u guys stay safe bye
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p-pyrocynical · 7 years
not a question or request but like your fanfics are amazing i live for them and there aren't enough of this quality content so thank you.
cough cough you’re so nice thank you ily 
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p-pyrocynical · 7 years
fuck him.
heyo long time no see. i’m sad so this story is gonna b sad lol. just a quick update: i am currently working on all the requested fanfics, thank you all for being so patient! if you submitted a request, it will be posted in the near future! anywho here’s the story. 
  The cold air froze your toes; your skin was purple and your muscles felt tight. You took deep breaths like everyone always advised you, but no amount of oxygen could slow your heartbeat. In and out, in and out. 
  The shingles of your roof felt rough against your legs and palms. Goosebumps felt like knives as you watched the sun rise. Your phone sat a few feet away from you. Its buzzing disrupted the peace. 
  You refused to check your phone. You knew who was on the other line, and it took all the energy you had left to ignore him. You shuddered at what happened a few hours prior. 
  "You’re a piece of shit!” You stood in the hallway, your breathing uneven and fast, almost as fast as your heartbeat. Your blood pounded against your ears. Niall looked at you with wide eyes and pale skin. He spoke, but you were too angry and his words were spoken too fast and too loud. His feet were surrounded by glass shards. Your hands felt...wrong. Joints felt stiff and sore, you felt stiff and sore. You ran. 
  “What the fuck is your problem, Y/N?” Niall called after you through the thin apartment walls. “Y/N!”
You locked yourself in the bathroom. Pacing, you questioned your actions. They were justified, right? Maybe Niall is different. No. No, he deserved this! He needs to realize you won’t be here forever. But oh God, you want to. You don’t want to leave. 
 Sock-clad footsteps softly walk to the door. A shadow appears under the door. Someone is leaning on it. You hear a deep sigh. 
  “Y/N?” He says gently. He knows that tone kills you. “Love, what’s going on?”
  You don’t say anything. This has been building up for too long. It’s time to do what you do best. With a deep breath, you open the door. 
  You’re met face to face with Niall. His pleading green eyes met your bloodshot E/C eyes, begging for an explanation. Before he could speak, you wrapped him a tight hug. You rested your head on his chest and allowed him to tower over you; his figure swallowing yours. He was confused and taken back, but he quickly returned the hug, digging his head into the crook of your shoulder. In that moment, you regretted everything that was about to happen.  
  Your throat was tight, and each word was painful, but you spoken confidently, “I’ve already moved all my things back home. I hate you. You’re messy and you only care about yourself. I want you to delete my number and i never want to hear from you again. You were just a summer fling that lasted too long. I never cared about you.” You made sure to lace every word with venom. 
  He pulled away from the hug. He looked hurt, which is exactly what you wanted. But it wasn’t enough. You needed to make sure he wasn’t coming back. 
  You shoved him off you and he lightly hit the wall behind him. “Don’t touch me. I never loved you. Even after all these years, I’ve prayed for this day.” And with that, you slipped on your shoes and slammed his apartment door shut. 
  You got an uber back to your parents house. You couldn’t stop thinking about what happened. When you arrived, you rushed inside and went to your room. The walls felt like they were caving in. The window was practically begging you to open it and climb outside, so you did. 
   You finally allowed yourself to cry. Something was different about Niall. You used to never dream about your future with your past relationships, but with him you had everything planned in complete detail. That’s when you knew you were too wrapped up. You needed to destroy whatever was happening before it got too painful to leave. Everything you said was a lie; you were completely infatuated with that boy. But he couldn’t know that, he deserves better. So you sat there on the roof, with the orange sunlight painting your skin and your cellphone going crazy, resenting every atom that created your being. 
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p-pyrocynical · 7 years
hey hey i know this is my 1000th post about not posting BUT i shall return soon my children
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p-pyrocynical · 7 years
Dude this blog is fucking adorable and your fan fics are great keep up the great work man
thank you!
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p-pyrocynical · 7 years
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p-pyrocynical · 7 years
Your blog is one of my few reasons for living tbh :)))) that sounds depressing but I love it and you so much boo💞💞
oh my goodness you’re too sweet! tysm ily please stay safe
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p-pyrocynical · 7 years
Could u do like a movie night or something like that (I really liked ur past fics)
ty! just posted it! 
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p-pyrocynical · 7 years
it’s time
Requested: movie night
  Quick, heavy footsteps echos throughout your apartment. Right, left, right again; what is Niall doing? You were about to call out his name when you hear him quietly saying something in the kitchen. As he comes closer, you’re able to make out what he was saying, or more accurately, chanting. 
  “Movie night.. movie night... movie night..,” Niall chants as he stomps into the living room where you were sat. You simply roll your eyes at his childishness, but that didn’t stop his enthusiasm. “Get up! We have things to do!” he yells. You laugh softly but stay put, not moving an inch. Niall raises his eyebrows at you. A sly look covers his face as his eyes shift from the unpopped popcorn bags in his hands to you again. Catching onto his game, you being to protest, but a smile spreads across his cheeks and he begins throwing the bags at you. All the while playfully yelling, “It’s movie night, bitch! It’s movie night! Come on, don’t be a cunt!” You hide behind anything you can get your hands on, including pillows and blankets. 
  “Okay, okay! I surrender! I’ll pop the fucking popcorn!” you give in. Triumphantly, he strides over to the T.V. and sets up Netflix. You pick up the popcorn bags off the floor and go into the kitchen to pop them. After about two bags were popped, you emptied them into a large bowl and walked back to the living room. 
  The couch has been transformed into a giant pillow fort. Dozens of blankets are spread across and tall pillows line the sides of the couch. Niall squints his eyes as he read different movie titles; sometimes you couldn’t help but awe at how adorable he was. That is, until you notice he was browsing the comedy genre which makes you internally groan. 
“I don’t want to watch a comedy. Let’s watch a horror film,” you say.
 “Your movie taste is absolutely terrible. We’re watching a comedy,” he jokes and reaches across your lap to get a handful of popcorn. He selects a movie and covers you both with a blanket. 
  During the boring parts of the movie, you both held mini competitions. The main one being “who could catch the most kernels of popcorn in their mouth.” And eventually, you couldn’t shut up long enough to actually hear what was going on in the movie. The end credits flash onto the screen. Niall looks over, smiles, and says, “Movie night again tomorrow?”  
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