padayonpcomweblog · 4 years
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padayonpcomweblog · 4 years
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 Raindrops and unawareness
It’s early morning, it was raining cats and dog and I though to myself “Ahh a good day to relax with the sound of the rain” as I sip my morning hot chocolate my mom gave me I watched the tv and it was on it’s weather report alarming the people about the strongest typhoon that will hit us and scrolled through my facebook timeline. As I was scrolling there were already a lot of pictures of fellow Filipinos’ in Luzon calling for help on their rooftops, babies wrapped in a plastic, dogs that are still attached to their chains being left at home, hotlines being posted, locations and numbers of people who need help are all over my timeline. It hurts me knowing that a lot of people are going through seeing them pondering on how to survive, how to start again, why did this even happen to them. To be honest, I felt guilty for embracing the rain when I woke up. A lot of questions went through my head, what is this? What could I do? What happened? Why is thing happening? I hurriedly picked up my phone and chatted my friends that in times like this we should work hand and hand to inform and persuade people what they should do and should not do. It doesn’t mean that we can’t help because we can’t go there. This simply means that we should go beyond our capabilities for the betterment of our fellow Filipinos and for the Filipinos of tomorrow.
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padayonpcomweblog · 4 years
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According to the latest news from the government, 82, 900 people remain unsettled in the provinces greatly affected by Typhoon Rolly, of which 38, 600 are in 481 evacuation centers while 44, 300 are being served outside of formal shelters. Sadly, at least 25 people departed this life and more than 390 have been injured while 6 people are still missing in the aftermath of the typhoon, according to the Government.
 The affected areas are still pursuing to reel from the consequences of Typhoon Goni and three preceding cyclones in October when another strong typhoon has further hampered response efforts and caused more extreme destruction. Typhoon Vamco/Ulysses lashed the main island of Luzon on 11-12 November, whipping destructive winds and dumping torrential rainfall over a wide area, triggering extensive flooding in several areas, including Metro Manila, and which has led to further displacement and increased the hardship of vulnerable people - heavy rains affected the Bicol provinces where flooding incidents were reported in 37 municipalities. Catanduanes, which was the worst-hit province by Typhoon Goni, experienced flash floods and landslides. Tens of thousands of homes in low-lying suburbs of the national capital were submerged in roof-level floods, trapping residents in their rooftops while awaiting rescue. In Marikina City, the mayor reported that 40,000 houses were either partially or fully submerged, and that all 47 evacuations centers in the city are full, with some evacuees seeking temporary shelter in nearby homes. The police reported at least 13 dead, 20 injured and 15 missing. The rains also caused high turbidity of the water in Ipo Dam in Bulacan, leading to service interruptions as the concessionaire reduced the production in its water treatment plants; nearly two million households were also without electricity as high winds toppled power lines.
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padayonpcomweblog · 4 years
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Calling from above
 As they look for ways to get through their roof tops, save family members and save some valuable things, most of the people call for help online, letting their friends and relatives know that they are in great danger due to the rising of water in certain areas. Many of them posted the photos online showing the current situations of their places. Most of the posts seen in social media was all about the stranded people calling for the attention of rescuers because there was a lot of people that were unable to evacuate and just stayed in their roof hoping for the water to stop from rising. The people from different places in the Philippines was trying to help in the way that they share online the rescuers’ contact numbers and hotline. They were trying to make a call for help to the affected areas viral as much as possible so it will be noticed and will be reached for help.
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padayonpcomweblog · 4 years
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 Am I a responsible friend? Notice that we didn’t use the word “owner”? it is because your pets are more than just “pets” “guardians” “stress relievers” they are also a part of the family they are our friends. During this point of time where we are experiencing the wrath of nature bought by the typhoon it is also important to say and do “NEVER LEAVE YOUR PETS BEHIND”. When did pets become so disposable? I guess they always have been, but for an animal lover person like myself, it’s hard to wrap my brain around even the thought of leaving my pet behind. And sometimes I wonder if it’s just a lack of knowledge and effort that people just don’t want to deal with the animals. It’s not just natural disasters that pets are left behind. In storms of life like a divorce, sudden move, or loss of a job and people are quick to give up their pets. A pet is a lifetime responsibility, and unless you’re willing to make that type of commitment, DON’T GET A PET. There is this story where a woman recently had lost her husband after 20 years of being married, then lost her home to a fire, and now she is homeless living on the streets. The things she holds near and dear are her two dogs. She lives outside of a homeless shelter center because they won’t let the dogs inside and she is unwilling to abandon those dogs and that is a TRUE commitment. There are plenty of resources available to help people and pets stay together even in times of calamity of life or natural disaster, all you must do is put in the effort and make it happen. Let me say it one more time, in ANY storm, DON’T LEAVE YOUR PETS BEHIND.
Here are following few ways how to take care our pet animals in times of Calamity:
· Prepare!” Failing to prepare is preparing to fail”, we must be always ready because being ready and prepared reduce fear and anxiety that will lead to panic sometimes and make us think rush decisions and that is one of the reasons why we leave our pet animals behind.
· Put a Pet Alert sticker where rescue workers will see it. A Pet Alert sticker will let rescue workers and others know there are animals in your home.
· Choose a safe location indoors
· Unchain your dogs and unlock their cages if you cannot evacuate with them during times of emergencies or disaster.
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padayonpcomweblog · 4 years
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 The #helpCagayanandIsabela is now trending and is a new alarming disastrous event because in decades this has been the worst flood has ever happened in the history. Our Government are also struggling on how to cope up with this situation because they have never expected what the flood could cause. Netizens were trying to help the people of Cagayan and Isabela by spreading emergency contact numbers for them to know who they will call for rescue. Rescuers also helped the government and sacrifice their life just to save people who are stranded by the flood. Not only the residents of Cagayan and Isabela past away but also some of the rescuers. Leny Robredo is connecting with the military and said that arial rescue may not be available as of now. Robredo is providing updates through twitter on what are the progress of their rescue.
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padayonpcomweblog · 4 years
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We personally think that the Philippines is one of the countries in Asia that is prone to typhoons. Sadly we cannot avoid natural calamities but we can prevent these by preparing and giving importance to the citizens in Luzon. . People suffering from the floods and deaths of their loved ones. In our point of view the local governments in Luzon should give their 100% power to the citizens and protect them at all times because the people of Luzon trusts them to lead and attend to their needs. People who live near the dam should be aware and be prepared at all times since they are prone to the flood caused by the overflowing of the water that came from the dam, not only that everyone should be responsible for their actions so that when tragedy will strike or happen again, they can protect themselves. As seasons change, let’s admit it some become stubborn everyday. Infrastructure here, cutting trees there and digging holes behind not even thinking what could happen if they push through those things. Are they really in for the money? Looking how precious it is? Don’t they know that lives are way more precious than those papers? As the saying goes “Think before you click” we should also remember to “Know the consequences before you decide”
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padayonpcomweblog · 4 years
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Positive or negative change? Will my eyes continue to be blind? Or will I open my eyes and start to look for ways? It entails all angles of human being, financially, spiritually and physically and in a larger sense the economy of the country lost to life and property or among damage and affected which produces as a consequence hardship to the life and well-being of those affected hereby. The second issue will result in the downfall of the economy, particularly agricultural production business commercial institutions, among factors that will bring down the growth of national products. However, this is not all about damage and destruction in a way it teaches us deficiency and perseverance to this challenging time. This experience will also give us reflection on how to deal with future challenges or in this natural calamity and its prevention, deduction, management and planning.
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padayonpcomweblog · 4 years
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 Since our country is located near the pacific no doubt we are prone to natural disasters like typhoons which we cannot stop from happening. We can't prevent typhoons in hitting areas where we at, but what we can do is to respond immediately right after we hear news about the upcoming typhoon. Indeed prevention is better than cure. What we can do is to keep ourselves and family away from any danger this calamity will bring. It is necessary to be alert at all times, follow notices of the government, and pack things that is needed the most. Safety is what matters the most, and we humans are born having our survival instincts amidst any kind of disasters. What I know is that, we shouldn't wait for our houses to get flooded or our stuff to float. What we need is the strength to do what we think we can in order to survive at the very moment. Asking for help to be rescued, posting information online, of calling out relatives to come and rescue could be done. At the end of the day, our greatest weapon is our prayers and faith, that God will save us during these times that we needed saving. During this calamity ,how would a school and its students make a distinctive contribution to address the current situation? We can contact associations in our locality (red cross, NGO’s etc) and may ask if they are collecting some funds or relief goods or any usable clothes to be distributed in a certain area affected. We can also continue to spread the hotline, contact numbers of the rescuers online. To end this blog, I would like to acknowledge my fellow filipinos who never stopped on helping our brothers and sisters. As one Filipino community and as a family together, we will rise. PADAYON GIHAPON MGA PINOY.
 Here's a rundown of emergency hotlines that you can contact in case of emergency:
National emergency hotline: 911 l
NDRRMC: 911-1406 / 912-2665
Red cross: 143 / (02) 527- 0000
PNP Hotline patrol: 117/ 722-0650
CDRRMO: (078) 304- 1714
PDRRMO- 09178500670
Command Center: 09560697141 / 09560697141
TCIO: (078) 377-1632 l
PAGASA: (078) 304-1994/ 844-1994
here are some links that can be helpful and for you to know more about our topic.
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