the witch, the wardrobe and the AUDACITY of henry viii
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coldplay songs + colours i associate them with
(don’t even ask me what this is)
also i’m just choosing my favourites from each album (how did i choose? ahsjahskjhjs) so i’m sowwy if some songs you like aren’t here :(( feel free to debate about the colour choice though!!
don’t panic ~ grey/ olive green [maybe it’s the music video, maybe it’s the melody, we will never know]
shiver ~ bright bright white
spies ~ navy blue maybe but the chorus is kinda orangey red
we never change ~ light blue and pistachioey green
yellow ~ ....................................................................
politik ~ daaaaaaark blue nearly black
in my place ~ pale yellow
god put a smile upon your face ~ the darkest red you can think of before it becomes marooney
the scientist ~ sfskdfnhkdufnku grey? maybe? aaaa
clocks ~ the colour of bricks in the sun so light reddish brown
warning sign ~ theoretically it should be red but the refrain makes it feel like light yellow and blue?
green eyes ~ .........................................
amsterdam ~ greyish blue
if you want more!! or modifications!! please!! do tell!!
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