HE’S NO STRANGER TO THE TRANSFORMATION ,     steel made from the emotions which run so deep they threaten to slice bone itself. There was an emotional tether between Albus and Minerva which would remain undeniable, even now. To buy into the man rather than the mission, however, had been a point of contention even in his own comfortable proximity to the man. He had been honest with even the youngest ones, of what was expected to be sacrificed in taking up such a cause. Victory is paramount, and laying down one’s life could be the path to such, though he hadn’t expected Dumbledore to do so as suddenly, and without first ensuring the continued momentum they had been building.
His gaze flickers at her change in tone, the straightening of her spine as she in a moment’s notice begins to share the same blazing like the man being laid to rest had adopted in recent months.     “     I wasn’t planning on letting it fall to nothing.     ——-     It’s bigger than what he built, and he wasn’t the only one putting the work in for it. Never has been,     ”     he states calmly, falling silent yet again as she explains the politicking involved in securing a job that was rightfully hers. 
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——-     One, he can not help but think, which keeps her in a place for which she is suited. Though, she seems keen on doing so for his part.     “     Are you presuming t’tell me how to do my job, Minerva?     ”     Never having doubted her capabilities at coaching young ones towards adulthood which would leave them responsible and capable, there is a stark difference from his duty. From what he has gotten accustomed to seeing in the field. Sending children off to missions which almost certainly could result in their demise is no place for an educator. It’s not the place for such a discussion, too many close by to leave it up to interpretation.     “     ——-     We can discuss your involvement later.     ”
Was there a part of her that wished she knew more? Certainly, but Minerva had felt that way around Albus ever since he’d been her professor so many yeas ago. She was too used to that dynamic to really question much beyond it. Even now Minerva had faith that Albus likely had put something in place to help ensure their continued success, even though the was no longer here. Of course that didn’t mean she planned on using the same methods on the younger Order members, several of them had been her students and it was her job to continue to guide them now to the best of her ability and she would do so.
“That’s good.” she said with small sigh, “I didn’t think you would but in times like this it feels just a little bit better to hear something said out loud.” Something said plainly. After dealing with Ministry officials for so long Alastor’s honesty was a refreshing, and sorely needed change of pace. “We shall rise from the ashes of this tragedy and see to it our home is made safe for all who wish to practice and learn magic.” Starting with making her position in Hogwarts official.  
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She turned back to him and raised an eyebrow, “No, I’m assuming you’ve already done or are doing your job and wanted to know what your decisions were.” It wasn’t as though she planned on being some sort of foot-solider in this whole affair and whether he wished it or not Alastor’s chosen words raised her heckles slightly, “Now you sound like a ministry official.” she said dryly, “I’ll be involved regardless.” She knew too much and could give too much to the Order to be left at the way-side, even before she’d officially been a member, Minerva’s information scouted from the Ministry had been highly useful in several of their missions.   
Butting Ideals || Alastor & Minerva
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“He is retired,” she said, shaking her head. “Or he’s supposed to be. Gets a bit out of sorts if I leave him too long and don’t let him deliver the occasional note.” Amelia grimaced slightly, snapping her fingers loudly and calling the owl back toward her. He landed on her shoulder with a softer, happy hoot. Honestly, when he’d been younger and somewhat less spoiled he had been far better behaved, but these days Amelia probably let him get away with too much. He wasn’t going to live that much longer, she predicted, might as well enjoy the time he had left. Scooping the smallish bird off her shoulder, she ruffled his feathers gently then ordered him home in a soft voice. He seemed to huff but obeyed. 
Smoothing her hair back, Amelia took a deep breath and was grateful that the bird hadn’t caused more of a fuss. She really ought to replace him, she just hadn’t been able to bring herself to do so yet. 
It was nice to be able to shift the focus back to Minerva and off of her. “It’s honestly hard to believe they’ve managed to come up with any excuses,” she said, rolling her eyes. “You deserve the job and I’m sure it will be official in no time. I mean. honestly, who could they even be considering?”
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“An owl retires when they decide to. Or when they’re cajoled too by comforts they cannot refuse.” she said with a small shrug. “Perhaps you could chose one person and give him his own personal job to deliver to them. Someone who’s home isn’t likely to have too many closed windows.” Though that was likely a rarity in these times. Strictness and planning came too easily to Minerva, all her life she’d been in positions of authority. First with her brothers, than her fellow classmates, clients at the ministry and then her students when she took up teaching. Soon that list would include her fellow faculty members and it was one more reason she needed to plan as thoroughly as possible.
“They’re in government, Amelia, you know quite well there are fewer better qualified to hold things up then them.” she said somewhat dryly, though she didn’t hold the younger woman up to that impression.
“Thank you dear, after that meeting it’s nice to hear someone with a wholly positive idea of my taking the position.” she sighed slightly, “I’ve yet to hear any concrete names and I doubt I shall. Albus kept the ministry’s influence in the school at bay and I plan to do the same, I suspect they don’t enjoy that prospect.”
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It was a little odd, being in the same organization with Professor McGonagall but being, for all intents and purposes, equals now instead of teacher and student. Granted, while she’d been strict and harsh and she gave him and the other Marauders a lot of detentions in school, she’d still always had Sirius’ respect and she’d still been one of his favourite professors. They’d never really chatted about Quidditch before, aside from knowing which teams the other supported. It was refreshing, if a bit strange. “Wishing downfall upon one’s rival team is perfectly acceptable when it comes to Quidditch. You’d be doing the same thing if our situations were reversed and you know it.” He snorted. “Never was much good at that but I can have dreams, can’t I?” They were far-fetched, he knew, but that had never stopped Sirius from having big dreams before. Sirius groaned and took another calming puff from his cigarette. “Yeah, well, everyone loves an underdog, right? Sometimes they come out on top.” He knew that was unlikely but he was going to keep hoping for it until the match was over.
Sirius nodded, not sure how she put up with all that tediousness and bureaucracy but kind of admiring her for it at the same time. “Bet that can’t come soon enough for you.” He smiled a little. “What other pursuits, exactly? I’m betting running Hogwarts will take up a lot of time.” He was cursing up a blue streak a few moments later and merely rolled her eyes when she commented on it, though at least a little thrilled that she had no real power to punish him for it here. “Good think we’re not back in the day then, and you know I’d just have won them back for being brilliant in your class.” Sirius had actually been particularly good at Transfiguration. He made a face when she cheered the Harpies on. “Traitor.” 
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Teachers did not have favourites. That was a mantra she’d forced herself to learn and learn well before she’d begun teaching her first class so many years ago. And yet, despite her iron will in such things, some students had managed to worm their way into her heart even if she’d never let it show. Students with talent, or passion or in some cases some with grit that she could easily recall even if she’d not seen them in years. It was an impossible task, to remove one’s emotions from teaching and her thoughts on her now ex-students going into battle were neither pleasant, nor calm. But, she’d force them down as best she could; Minerva was not about to let Alastor think she couldn’t make hard decisions. “Mr. Black, that would imply I’ve been rooting harshly against the Slytherin Quidditch team ever since my own years as a student.” she said, the wryness in her tone all but concealed since she’d been doing just that. “Sometimes they do, but others they get their backsides sent packing under the talent and prowess of a superior group of players.”  
“No, they can’t.” she said with a small sigh, taking a sip of her tea and adjusting her seating position, “This.” she told him simply, gesturing around them, “The School shall always be my first concern but I need not be present there as much as I was while engaging in teaching duties.” Albus had often been absent for months at a time to do Order work, Minerva was thinking of appointing Filius as her deputy so that she may do the same as needed. “Hmm, Mr. Black I also now need not worry if I choose to whack you upside the head for being unduly crass.” she told her with a smirk, “And you did have some talent for the subject, you and your fellow troublemakers.” she shrugged lightly at him, “Come now, losing with dignity and grace is an art you’ve yet to show talent in.”  
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Quidditch Radio || Minerva & Sirius
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HE’S QUIET ,     but he’s usually quiet. This is nothing new as he scans the area before muttering a muffling spell, as he watches the crowd for any movement that could be seen as a threat, as he prepares to voice something close to critique. Albus had always been able to easily recruit the more idyllic among the members of the Order, buying into the same concepts he seemed unsure of himself.     “     Not sure that was the best way to go about it.     ——-     Feeling the effects of it now, aren’t we?     ”     Had he been a bit more honest, a touch more transparent, maybe there wouldn’t be as many in the crowd acting as though hope had died with him. 
Of course the frustration he feels is unavoidable. Questions as to why Albus, ever the strategist, would walk into a forest without the guarantee he would win     (     what was the Order for, if not to set the groundwork towards victory?     ).     Questions of intent, of a plan he hadn’t been privy to, all leave him with an unsettled feeling in his stomach. 
Shielded now by magic to allow them to speak freely, he’s still careful with his words. Even if they make attempts towards encouragement.     “     Hopefully they’ll run out of excuses sooner rather than later. It’s your job.     ”     Attention turn towards his, Moody shrugs a shoulder and offers little in the way of detail. No spell could offer comfort no one was listening.     “     One lead has sprung up but otherwise they’re as scattered.     ——-     Won’t last long, though. Never does.     ” 
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Even now, even in this state she wants to roll her eyes at the spell he’s cast; this was a funeral, surely they’d be left in their peace to mourn? Though it would do them no good to argue such a point now, Minerva’s gut instinct was to swing to Albus’ defence, all that he did was to see the threats against them beaten back. His methods may not have been perfect (by a long stretch) but in the same position could any of them have been sure they’d do differently? “You wouldn’t have been able to change his mind,” she said eventually, “He was wholly himself. We mustn’t let what he built fall to nothing,” Minerva looked over to him, “I’ll be stepping in, the sidelines won’t be enough anymore.”
Minerva, if nothing else, had great faith Albus had some kind of plan, even if it went wrong he’d not gone in there blind, without thought. They simply needed to find something that would tell them what to do; Albus’ will, the Headmaster’s office, either could have something in it just waiting for her to find.
“It will be my job.” she told him with certainty, “I wasn’t there for long but I’ve several friends in the ministry who’re more than happy to apply a little extra pressure.” Mostly from the Law department. “Once the position is official a new teacher can be hired and I’ll have more time to be involved.” Just as Albus had. Minerva’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Are you acting on it now? Or have you prepared someone to send and investigate?”  
Butting Ideals || Alastor & Minerva
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Of course it was Minerva McGonagall who’d see her owl misbehaving in the middle of London. She felt like she was fourteen years old again, trying to impress her favorite professor. Amelia resisted the urge to blush like a school girl caught out of bounds and instead tucked her wand away. 
Her brain scrambled for a moment while she tried to formulate a response. Should she call her Minerva? That felt awkward. Professor? No, she was interim headmistress now. But that felt even weirder. Nothing, just don’t use her name or call her by a title. Avoidance was clearly the solution.
“Of course,” she said, “Sorry, I didn’t realize it was you.” 
Her owl hooted from somewhere behind her and she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. “He’s getting old… Even for a magical owl,” she explained, a sheepish smile tugging at her lips. “But, uh, yes, I did just finish up with work, I was just grabbing a cup of coffee. I wouldn’t have expected to run into you in London – did you have more meetings with the governor board today?” 
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Amelia was aware of the issues going on at the school since the Headmaster’s death. Not that anyone had asked for her opinion, but it had been offered to anyone willing to listen – Minerva McGonagall would get the job done. Hell, she was already getting the job done. Bringing in someone else would just cause further unnecessary upheaval for the students and staff. 
Minerva tried not to hold people to their animals, she’d not really had many in her time but they’d always been expertly behaved, she still kept the large raven she used in a few of her transfiguration demonstrations, it never acted out of place.
“Well you likely wouldn’t until I rounded the corner.” she responded, “One cannot be too careful in these times after all.” And she’d much rather Amelia was prepared and willing to cast her spells first and asked her questions later.
It could save her life.
Minerva’s sharp gaze flitted up towards the noisy owl and back down to Amelia, “Perhaps he’d be suited to retirement and more leisurely flights now.” While it was far from the worst thing a muggle may come across it was one thing to keep an eye on. “I did. The school board and education department are running out of excuses to stave off giving me the Headmistresses title officially.” And she’d made them very much aware of that.  
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Especially since Albus’ will had explicitly stated her aptitude for the position including a very... touching letter of recommendation. Reading it had almost brought a tear to her eye but she’d done her crying, there was no more time for tears now; she would act instead and damn anyone who tried to get in her way, the ministry and school board included.  
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THERE ISN’T MUCH HE CAN OFFER NOW.     Gifted in healing for only staunching the blood flow of wounds while needing to keep moving, this slow blood letting is foreign and he feels too clumsy. But he can see the way Minerva tilts her head, not entirely out of sync with those around him, and lacking entirely cruelty to at least not make an attempt at what she is looking for. Recognition in the face of stories exchanged, he nods.     “     ——-     Sometimes I swear he acted like doors didn’t even exist.    ”
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Conversation turning to something in this waking world, Alastor swivels his head back in her direction. It’s not entirely surprising, so it lacks in the cadence of his voice, but a slow-burning frustration pricks the palms of his hands once more.     “     How could they possibly drag their feet on that?    ”    More needless hoops to jump through, like the mauling over a will or last wishes that weren’t followed regardless, like inaction while told by the public they served they were willing to die to set things in the right order. After a moment, he offers,     “    You’re the right fit for it.    ”
Distraction not entirely a way he would describe his line of work though he understands the sentiment well enough. As he understands the need of it.     “    Finding new ways about it, too.     ——-     This certainly isn’t going to help things.    ”
“It was a habit of his,” Minerva sighed, “He told me one of the hardest things for an educator to do was to let students, former or current, see them as anything less than unbreakable. Turning up seemingly from thin air was maybe one more way he did that.” she trailed off softly, wondering for a moment if she’d been a ‘former pupil’ to the end... No. Their conversation in a dark transfiguration classroom had changed everything; she was more to him than that, and him to her.
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Minerva sighed, this was a conversation she’d had before and in its own way the familiarity of the gripe served as a momentary distraction. “Several board members are within the Sacred Twenty Eight, I believe having a half-blood as Headmistress may not sit with them. Of course they never say it, instead they ‘must ensure a thorough search’ is done for any candidates.” As though any could be more suited than her. “I know.” she replies, a little pride in her tone but not without merit, “And I will protect that castle and all within it with my life.” She could not be sure another would do the same.
She paused a moment and nodded, “I see. And have you traced down any... suspicious persons worth investigating in the wake of this tragedy?” It was likely the Death Eaters were scrambling just as they were, whoever recovered first would be at an advantage, she would help in that recovery.
Butting Ideals || Alastor & Minerva
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A RARE DAY WITHOUT CALL IS SPENT TENDING TO the ever - growing list of chores that accumulate over days spent almost entirely in hospital ; Hugo is overdue for ( a very unwanted ) bath, and the pile of unlaundered scrubs has grown rather too embarrassing to cart back for the ward’s next washing.  Still, TIME SET ASIDE for an indulgently long bath or an evening spent with a lovely friend is never time wasted ––––––– which is to say that when a knock sounds at the front door, Arabella has been delightedly waiting, but not for long.
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❝ Ma chérie, look at you ! ❞  Door held open wide, Arabella leans in as Minerva passes, greeting her with a kiss on both cheeks.  ❝ Now you are thinking, ❞ she moves to relieve her of at least some of her packages.  ❝ — — The evening is quite more enjoyable if I am not doing the poisoning, yes ? ❞
Hugo — — who seems to have forgiven her for the earlier offense, or perhaps he’s simply just as happy to see Minerva as Arabella is — — leads the way through to the kitchen, tail aloft as the marshal of this particularly lighthearted parade.  ❝ Wine — — was this really a question ?  Has that Headmistress position already muddled your brains, am I worrying ? ❞
Minerva would’ve greeted in kind but she’d discovered that any form of French attempted with a slight Scottish brogue tended to be something of a mish-mash inflicted upon the senses. So she accepted the two kisses and chuckled as she pushed the door closed behind her, “Hardly much to look at, between the school-board, the ministry, Hogwarts and other pursuits I’ve hardly kept up my appearance.” she was a tidy woman but had not the time to spare to dote on herself as much as she would like. But then, she hardly had an occasion to dress up.
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Handing off the wine to her friend she moved through to the kitchen and placed the bag of food on the table, “I daresay I and the wider-world thanks you for avoiding the stove for another day.” Humour laced her words as she easily moved to cupboards and pulled out plates, leaving the other to grab the glasses.
Seeing the magnificent beast walk into the room Minerva didn’t hesitate to reach a hand out for Hugo to brush against, “As majestic as ever,” she told him lightly before turning back to Arabella, “Honestly, there are some people I’ve had to deal with who make me wish I had no sense.” she said lightly, “But I’ll settle for a large glass to wash this down with.”  
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“The world won’t be the same without him.” There was a sadness to her tone. “It still doesn’t seem real.” And yet it was all too real. “Well, experience is the greatest teacher.” A laugh escaped her, she couldn’t help it. “Oh what I would give to be a fly on the wall if that were the case.”
More wisdom from her friend had her smiling. Molly wanted to write a book with Minerva’s quotes because the woman was quite profound. She didn’t know whether Minerva or Albus had more wisdom, but between the two of them combined, it was a lot. “Well, I want to be there to watch and cheer you on, of course.”
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“No,” Minerva said softly, her gaze falling to her tea cup for a few moments, “It really doesn’t.” But it was, and she needed to act on that fact, more so now than ever. “I’ll send you a pensieve memory once It’s happened,” she said, a tiny smile curling her lips.
Minerva chuckled softly, “Come now, I wouldn’t want to make a scene or anything.” Which was something of a lie since as much as she would deny it, she had a slight inclination for the dramatic, though it usually came out in her animagus demonstrations, perhaps she’d still be able to perform them, even while no longer teaching the subject.  
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Pitter-Patters of Happiness || Minerva & Molly
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Where: London, Kardomah Coffee Shop When: Late evening, mid October
For the first time in what felt like forever, Amelia had managed to leave the office at a relatively decent time. It was still later than what would constitute a traditional workday, but the sun had only just set…an hour ago. Alright, so maybe it wasn’t quite as early as she’d originally thought. If it had not been for her blinding need for coffee, she’d probably still be at her desk. But hey, a win was a win, right? She sat at the counter, sipping her coffee. It, unfortunately, left her back to the door and Amelia wasn’t entirely thrilled about that part. There was a decent chance she’d give herself whiplash checking over her shoulder every time the door opened. Until a table opened up, however, it couldn’t be helped. These days a person couldn’t be too careful. This little shop was close to the Ministry, known to be friendly to muggles despite being wizard owned, and she’d become a regular. 
Not that she expected to be a target. 
Amelia turned again as the door opened, watching a young couple stumble in. It seemed they couldn’t stand to stop snogging long enough to walk properly in the door. She made a face. “Not my problem,” she muttered, turning her attention back to her coffee and the newspaper. 
Until the door opened again, this time bringing two men, one supporting the other who was clearly drunk. Coffee to sober up perhaps? “Bit early for that,” she observed, mostly to herself. “Not my problem.”  
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There was quite enough on her plate to worry about, she didn’t need to get involved. For several minutes the door was still and Amelia was able to catch up on the news in peace. She was about to order another coffee when there was a loud thump against the door. A female voice behind her asked Was that an owl? and Amelia groaned. 
“Not my problem,” she muttered, even as she gathered her things. It was absolutely her problem and she knew it. 
Damn bird.  
Coins clattered to the counter as she made for the door, already lying to the woman who’d seen her owl smack into the glass. “No, too small to be an owl. Probably one of those water birds looking for dropped pastry. You know how they can get.” The lie was told with enough conviction that the stranger nodded and launched into a story for her companion about seagulls and how they’d ruined a day at the beach just last summer. 
Amelia slipped out of the shop, surprised by how dark it had gotten, and around the corner, giving a low whistle for the inappropriately named Rover. She’d thought herself clever at eleven, giving her own a dog’s name in protest over the fact that she couldn’t bring a dog as a pet to Hogwarts. Rover dropped to her arm and she pulled the note from his leg. “Nuisance,” she muttered affectionately. “Clearly we need to work on subtlety again.” 
Before she could read the note, however, a noise sounded from the direction she’d just come from. Tossing the bird gently into the air, she pulled out her wand and held it pointed down. Ready, but also easy to hide if it was nothing. 
Meetings, meetings and further meetings all justifying she was fully, competent and the best choice, for the headmistresses position within Hogwarts. She was already performing the duties the job required and the castle had yet to fall to the ground. Frankly she was getting tired of the many excuses certain board members were thinking up.
Luckily for her (and their safety) Albus’ will finally being released seemed to have sped things along.
Though it held no grand revelations... Not that she’d expected it to.  
She couldn’t help but grin slightly though, Albus, the sly fox had been sure to include a highly praising letter of recommendation for her to take up the position in the event of his passing, almost as though he knew some in the ministry would try and cause problems for her. After being told they needed ‘a little more time’ she bid them good evening and left feeling more confident in her success than she had in some time.  
She left the Ministry and planned on walking a little ways away before apparating back to the boundaries of Hogwarts, though she stilled in her walk as she saw an owl taking to the sky, a little too on the nose, even in these times to see an owl flying around urban London. Heading in that direction she didn’t break stride once she recognised the likely owner of the owl, her eyes flicking to the stance she’d taken and noting it with approval.
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“Good evening, Ms Bones.” Minerva said with a nod, “While I appreciate your preparation I assure you there’ll be no need for that this evening.” Not with her at least. “I take if you’ve just finished an evening’s work? How is the Law Department?”
Despite only being there a few months Minerva left quite the impression, several of the older employed recalled her fiery drive with fondness.    
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ALASTOR’S OWL KNOWS THE WAY TO HOGWARTS RATHER WELL, despite the dearth of opportunity for him to travel that distance recently.  Still, the trip is proposed on an unseasonably clear morning anyway, reinforced with the offering of a bit of toast along with the letter, sealed up inside a plain, Muggle envelope and addressed as if for the Royal Mail, rather than the airborne one.
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I am sorry I missed you at Albus’ services … I imagine you understand how a day like that one passes by without very much attention paid at all.  I am thinking that perhaps we are overdue for a happier occasion, no?  Take a time away from the students and meet me for dinner, let us talk about things that are not so dark and hoping to make our own light.
Please you understand I am not offering to do the cooking … you remember how well that was working for us the last time.
Ciao, Arabella xo
Minerva recognised the owl as it landed in her office (she still had to stop herself from calling it ‘Albus’ office’ sometimes) and frowned, what did Alastor want now? She still felt somewhat at odds with him after the events at the funeral and while she wasn’t so immature as to avoid contact she felt a jab of irritation before she’d even read the letter... Until she opened it and saw a different hand had penned the page and a smile spread over her lips, a much preferred message with a sorely needed offer for an evening. 
It wasn’t too hard to find time for an evening to herself now, they had an (only just) suitable step-in holding down her classes for now while she wrangled through her position with the school-board and it left her evenings marking free. With such time left over she left the office come the early evening, changed into a wide pants and a matching blouse before grabbing some muggle money and heading to the London shops. Once she’d acquired one, or two, bottles of wine, she picked up an indian takeaway and found a deserted ally to apparate to Arabellas, noting with pride the food was barely jostled on the journey.
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She knocked on the door and smiled as the woman answered, “I have food to save us the perils of your cooking,” she greeted in a deadpan, “And wine to save the perils of a unhappy evening.” a small smile formed on her lips, “Whichever shall we indulge with first?” 
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You return home to find an envelope tucked away, charmed to open only at your touch. A single phoenix feather rests atop it, and inscribed on the front, where an address should be, is a word of warning:
By reading what lies within, you are hereby taking responsibility  for a Fidelius Charm.  You are now the sole keeper  of this secret: hold it close, lest all  that you have worked for be in vain.
When you open it, a single note in thin, spindly hand-writing is disappointingly sparse:
Parents always leave their mark. Begin in Little Hangleton. 
You feel, as you read it, the weight of the knowledge pressing into you as the magic of the Fidelius locks into place. With the original Secret Keeper dead, this note, shared in his own hand, passes that legacy on to you. As the magic settles, the parchment bursts into flames, and while they do not harm you, they do away with envelope and note both, leaving only a single, lonely feather behind.
Minerva stepped into the Headmaster’s… Headmistresses office with a heavy heart, the sound of the griffin rotating back down seeming akin to a nail in a coffin, it was over now, there could be no change. Albus was gone and she was here to fill his place within the school-
Yet, there she stood in the entrance, unwilling to take another step, unwilling to look up and behind her at the newest portrait to adorn the wall, most of the others were asleep already, the few still awake respectful enough to either leave or offer silence as she stood. Opening her eyes, she saw a letter upon the large desk within the room, a familiar feather upon it.
Eyes narrowing slightly, it gave her the push she needed and the first step was taken, even now Albus was helping her step forward, and so she moved until the desk was before her and the letter in hand.
She carefully opened it and tensed as she felt the magic seal in place, there was no doubt she’d taken on the burden, but the details within caused her frown to deepen.
Little Hangleton…
Minerva held the paper until it burnt away to nothing, untouched by the flames and even after she didn’t move again for some time. Eventually, she turned-
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There he was, fast asleep upon a chair, oblivious to her aching heart, to this knew knowledge she had.
“Alright, Albus,” she said softly, eyes wet but strong, “One more task for the list.”
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I’m supposed to be studying but instead I made a pair of glasses for my cat and pretended he was studying 🙃
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Sirius generally kept busy when he didn’t want to handle things. There’d been a few trips around town as Padfoot, too, since things were a little less…present in dog form. They were still there, of course, but it was easier to forget them and follow an interesting scent or let his paws take him where they would or just run without having to worry about where he was going. That was a temporary solution, at best, as was everything he’d tried. Even getting completely smashed only worked for so long but he was loathe to just sit in his grief, it wasn’t his style. At least if he could focus all his energy on this Quidditch game for now it was another distraction that didn’t really require him to do anything. What he really wanted to do was go on the attack, round up anyone he could find that might even be slightly connected to the Death Eaters and make them hurt like he was hurting but that was hardly an option. He was still sore tempted, though, but at least he’d wait until the match was over.      
He smiled slightly at McGonagall’s words and gestured with his cigarette as he spoke. “Just the kind of blow they need, you mean. Imagine the upset. It would be glorious, and hopefully crush their spirits so that they play poorly for the rest of the season.” It was a lot to hope for but Sirius was optimistic about it, even if it was rather falsely so. Sirius made a slight face when she answered his other question and took another quick puff. “Sounds tedious. Don’t know how you stand it. I guess there’ll be a lot of that, now, with you as Headmistress.” That was bordering on too close to what Sirius was avoiding but luckily, or rather unluckily, the Harpies scored another goal which gave him the opportunity to let out a string of rather impressive curses and shake his head. 
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Minerva raised an eyebrow at Sirius’ too hopeful prediction on the Harpies’ downfall, honestly she never spoken much about Quidditch with him before; to her mind she could look at him and still see the struggling eleven year old who’d found himself and his friends in the years under her tutelage. Merlin... when had she gotten so old? “Now really Mr. Black, wishing downfall upon people is never a kindly thing. And predictions like that would be better suited to a Divination class rather than a Quidditch commentary.” she said wryly. It was little secret how much she loathed that subject, all faff and no substance. Minerva appreciated skill and practice leading to results, not drinking tea and being creative with guessing what the leaves may resemble. “Although, you may need to rely on such tactics if you’re expecting the Wanderers to pull this mess back.” Maybe she was having a little too much fun at his expense, but she hadn’t had the chance for a simple sporting conversation in some time, so she made the most of it.
And then, as always, it was too soon switched back to her position within the school, “A great deal.” she nodded, “Still, once I’ve officially got the position and a replacement is found I’ll be able to focus further on other pursuits.” Like the Order and bringing down the toe-raged scum who sought to undo the safety of their world. Minerva had been on the sidelines of such events for too long, and no one, not the school-board, Alastor Moody nor You-Know-Who’s spectre would stop her from taking a stand now. She was swiftly booted from such thoughts but the commentator enthusiastically declaring another goal for the Harpies and Sirius’ many expletives. She turned to look at him once more and raised an eyebrow, “You’ve have lost twenty-five points for Gryffindor back in the day with that rant Mr. Black.” she smirked quietly adding an, “Atta’ girls.” to the radio.  
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Quidditch Radio || Minerva & Sirius
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HIS ENGAGEMENT WITH THE MAN     always had stood in stark contrast to those he had known, what he had seen. No riddles exchanged, or promises of hope, Alastor hadn’t seen much use in the symbol the man had crafted of himself. Rather, they had spoken in realities and rarely had they ever delved into anything personal. No less trusting, he still can not recall the twinkle everyone seemed keen on recalling, not when he had seen it for what it was. More hope, carefully packaged, presented to willing audiences, attempts to encompass the ideals he may have thrown himself behind but didn’t necessarily believe in. Still, the bell tolls and Alastor is ultimately accepting of the possibility that who he had known was as much of a riddle after all. Gaze averts to Minerva, he nods,     “     ‘Course.    ”
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“     He always could certainly capture an audience.    ”    It’s no surprise that parents would want their children at what felt to be an end of something more than a life    (     to expose them to loss, he thinks, or to gloat.     )     There are young ones around, more than what he has just been left with in terms of recruitment. He veers back to something akin to a polite conversation.    “     ——-     How’re you holdin’ up?    ”
She couldn’t speak for others’ relationships with Albus, she only had her own and it was one she would cherish; parts of him had been confided in her that she would take to her own grave, when the time came. Until then she would be forever grateful and ensure she carried on his legacy, both within Hogwarts and within the Order, standing to the side was no longer an option. That was one more reason she was here, not only to honour a dear friend but to make a statement, she’d remain in Hogwarts alone no longer. And if she had her way, they’d lose no more lives to this senseless barbarism. Minerva’s head tilted slightly as Alastor looked away, searching for more in the single word than it seemed he was willing to give.
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“I called him a drama queen once,” she deadpanned, a barely-there chuckle following, “He just said thank you.” Looking back he probably thought her small showing of temper was quite funny. She sighed at his question, “About as well as can be expected. It’ll be better soon though, once the School Board and Education department give me the Headmistress position proper.” Then she could find a full-time replacement and would have more time free. “Work is something of a welcome distraction.” she added with a small sniff, “Is the Auror’s department as hectic as usual?”  
Butting Ideals || Alastor & Minerva
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She nodded. “Your wisdom never ceases to amaze me.” It was one of the things she admired most about Minerva. How she could be so wise for someone so young. “I suppose sometimes yes, we all do it.” A laugh escaped Molly. “Oh poor Peeves. He has no idea what he’s in for. Fred and George Weasley are going to make a name for themselves at Hogwarts.”
“Yes, well, unfortunately, there are many archaic concepts that many refuse to let go of. And it upsets me to no end that people refuse to adapt with the times.” She knew she couldn’t control other people, but the fact that so many where stuck in their ways infuriated her. “Let them try, goodness will prevail.” Molly smiled, proud of her friend. “I cannot wait for that day. And to see the smug smirks knocked off the faces of those smarmy prats.”
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Minerva smiled, “Albus always used to tell me; an ignorant person is someone who doesn’t know what you only just found out. In that same vein I’m only wiser for being older.” she chuckled softly, “Thought I daresay you already know more about dealing with children than I do.” She could already feel a headache building, “If they lose Gryffindor the house cup I may have cut-off biscuits for some time... after I’ve gotten them addicted to them first.”
“Evolution is a slow process, and what takes decades to build can be torn asunder in moments. But, persistence is key, that much I’m sure of.” And it was gratifying to know Molly, Arthur and several other ‘pure-blood‘ families were moving forward, even while more dug their heels in. “I’d settle for equality, that’s a goodness of its own right.” she smiled, “Since it’s just us, I can’t wait to be the one who does the knocking.”
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Pitter-Patters of Happiness || Minerva & Molly
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Molly knew how right she was. “I know. And every child is different, every situation.” She had learned that from experience. “It’s impossible to be prepared because it varies. You just have to wing it and pretend you know what you’re doing.” She rarely did, but that was how she grew as a mother, by learning from what worked and what didn’t.
“It just pains me that I can’t give them a perfect world.” She knew that she couldn’t, but she wished she could. “I want the absolute best for my babies.” Her smile grew. “Oh, that is a given. Believe me, no one could possibly love them more than we do.” Molly loved her boys from the moment she knew they existed, and it was a love she hadn’t even imagined possible.
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“Part of what makes my job so engaging. I think I’ll miss teaching in the classroom.” But a Headmistresses had other business to attend to. She wondered now if Albus had missed teaching with his post change; one more thing she’d not thought to ask that she’d never have a chance to now. “But I suppose I may have time for other pursuits now as well.”
“I know. Or rather, I understand.” she said with a sigh, “It’s not my place to act as though I’ve felt a mother’s love.” Even if she cared deeply for several of her pupils it wasn’t the same as raising them from birth. “But, I do know love is one of the most powerful magics in the world. If anyone can keep them safe it’s you and Arthur. I want to ask though,” she paused a moment, “This may not be the place to ask but, are you sure you still wish to be a member of all the clubs you’re currently in?” The Order could take a heavy told on a person, and if Molly could be with her children, perhaps that was for the best?  
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