Surprised the majority of proshippers aren't Christian since the bible is about fictional characters raping each other and it being portrayed as a good thing.
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Proshits aren't people.
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Proshippers will publicly admit that they project their disgusting urges onto fictional characters and try to use it as a claim against the fact they are disgusting.
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There are no excuses for romanticizing incest, pedophilia, abuse and etc.
Could there be reasons? Yes, but no excuses.
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Genuinely cannot understand these people saying pedophilic fiction is alright, I was groomed using fanfics about all that stuff and it took me YEARS to try and fix myself without talking to anyone about it because I was terrified. I've thankfully managed to suppress most of those feelings, but I still refuse to see be around irl children and I've taken it upon myself to block sites like Ao3 because of what they host how many more people need to deal with this shit until these pedo-apologists get the message that jerking off to kiddies isn't free speech??
Pedophiles and pedophile apologists should never be expected to take a hint. So ethically they should take a bullet or two. Anyone who grooms children or makes excuses for those who do should be put to death.
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They absolutely don't. In real life they avoid all contact with human beings except when it's absolutely impossible and online they seek out children, for obvious reasons.
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this isn’t even the only DM I got like this one; people are SO mad at me for saying fan art and fanfiction can qualify as pedophilic that, somewhere on the internets, they’re holding little angry circlejerks I guess over how they think my spookley halloween doodles are like, practically the same thing as them drawing hey arnold’s butthole or whatever it is they all do all day with their only lives. I think these might be people whose enjoyment of media is SO universally intertwined with sex that when they hear “horror art” or “gore” they also automatically assume it’s in a fetish context. I don’t think gore or horror fetish is bad at all, I’m just making the observation that these folks believe kink is the default state of creativity.
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Hey guys! For those of you who ship characters, there's an easy fix for this so you won't have to worry:
Be normal. Don't get off to the idea of incest, pedophilia, or abuse.
That's about it guys, hope this helped!
Hey antis!
Eventually somebody’ll think up a reason why your OTP, the ship that gave you joy during your darkest days, is problematic.   They will turn against you because you shipped it.
What then?
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Getting off to the idea of incest is a pretty solid reason for having CPS called on you imo
“Do your parents know you’re a proshipper?!”
My mom literally ships Dexter x Deb (his foster sister) AND she ships Tyler and Kinsey from Locke and Key (also brother and sister).
Can y’all stop with your pathetic attempts at a gotcha
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"real life politics is just like my fandom"
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twitter image reads:
@\heartspocky: Apparently conservatives are claiming antifa stands for "anti first amendment", which ofc reminded me of fancops claiming proship stands for "problematic ship." Both groups accuse you of lying when you correct them. Rly shows how much antis model themselves after the far right.
As a bonus, both groups are making accusations that border on comically evil and rely on a heavy amount of projection.
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explain how “fetishizing fictional depictions of underage girls = pedophilia” is an anti-queer dogwhistle without implying that queer people are pedophiles.
well? go on. i’m waiting.
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Geez, it's been a while. I should check on the clearly very well adjusted proshipper community and see wha-
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Would pay real money to watch a reddit lolicon and a tumblr proshipper argue
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"AO3 doesn't have child porn!"
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What's this? What's this? Tell me what this says. Tell me this definition of pornography. What's this? What does it say?
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Proshippers when they meet an "anti" and their arguments aren't exactly like the strawman their "fandom mom" told them about
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There's so much that can be said about this
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"Hello, proshipper? I'd like to commission a smut fanfic about two consenting unrelated adults!"
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