pulppoetry · 8 months
Q: Why hasn't the SAG-AFTRA strike been resolved?
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pulppoetry · 8 months
"It’s likely that aliens don’t have this."
Not necessarily. The moon has acted like a protective shield, gravitationally deflecting many potentially catastrophic collisions.
It's entirely likely that a planet needs a large moon to allow millions of years of uninterrupted evolution for intelligent life to make it.
In a round-a-bout way, eclipses are at least extremely helpful for intelligent life to have a fighting chance at all.
fucks me up that by total coincidence the sun and moon’s size difference is exactly matched to their difference in distance from us, thus making our beautiful total solar eclipses where you can see the silver threads of the sun’s corona possible because the moon just covers the sun completely
The stars (literally) aligned just right for this experience to be possible. It’s likely that aliens don’t have this
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pulppoetry · 1 year
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“Lie close,” Laura said, Pricking up her golden head: “We must not look at goblin men, We must not buy their fruits: Who knows upon what soil they fed Their hungry thirsty roots?”
A wolf goes for a walk in the woods and meets a dog for the first time
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pulppoetry · 1 year
Wouldn't help. Hasbro is a multinational corporation. The only reason they would fire anyone is because they weren't stealthy enough and that cost then business. They would only replace them with someone better at making money. TSR sold to WotC because they were going bankrupt. WotC sold to Hasbro for the payout. Two years ago Hasbro brought WotC fully into the fold, no longer a separate operation. They don't care about community or a healthy product line or even the employees and freelancers that have worked for WotC. They care about profits and money. Period.
It's weird the guy who played a big role in raising the alarm, calling people to action to cancel their subscriptions still has any taste for their products and promotes buying rulebooks. Nostalgia and tradition are powerful toxic forces. There are much better companies and better games and caring creators in the TTRPG space deserving of our time and attention and especially our money.
Evil Hat (and their network of collaborators)
lumply games
Bully Pulpit
Just to name a few off the top of my head.
If you're not tired of games about killing intelligent beings who are different to take their stuff, there's even some who make games exactly like D&D. Do not give Hasbro any more money.
That was a well written post about the D&D rules. This controversy must have Gary Gygax rolling in his grave if you pardon the pun.
Someone at Hasbro needs to be fired, that's for sure.
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pulppoetry · 1 year
We got you buddy
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pulppoetry · 1 year
Yeah quiet quitting is great and all but have you tried chaotic working?
Like. I remember back in my grocery store cashier days I did so much crazy shit.
When WIC (Women, infants, and children voucher program to help low income mothers/families with children) people were in my line I would pretty much know who they were. Before the cards they had to tell us upfront they were WIC and show us their vouchers for what they were allowed to get (it was awful some times. Like. 2 gallons of milk. $4 worth of vegetables etc etc). They’d always have items hanging back, waiting to see what the total was and if they would have to take it off the belt.
I began to place the fruits/vegetables a certain way on the register scale so that like 1/2lbs of grapes read as like .28lbs or something. Then act shocked when I said that they still had X amount of lbs left. They got all their fruit and vegetables.
I think it started to kinda? Catch on to the women? Because I would have the same moms in my line month after month. And even after they switched to the cards (they worked like food stamp cards?) I’d still do the same thing. They were able to get more produce for whatever shitty max amount Indiana gave them.
Anyways. Be chaotic. It’s more fun that way.
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pulppoetry · 1 year
Just installed Firefox on my with desktop after a year, before seeing this, just thinking, "why am I putting up with these ads?" uBlock is great, you can easily pause or whitelist sites that display ads responsibly if you want to support them that way.
You might think it's good behavior to allow sites serve you their ads so they can make money, but it's also an easy attack vector with poor vetting, especially when sites are run by companies with more greed than sense (which is too say the vast majority of them). It's even worse with the AI generated ad trap sites. Support sites after they prove trustworthy, not by default.
Also the DuckDuckGo extension is great for the majority of searches and keeping your web data private.
I echo the liberal use of containers. There are suggested defaults and you can create your own. Keep your shopping, banking, work, hobbies, and any other categories separate from each other and general browsing. Be sure to set websites to automatically open in their proper container by clicking the container icon when visiting them.
Also get Facebook container to put FB in it's own special prison and get warning flags on websites that might have FB code lurking in them.
Firefox is the only large browser with top tier compatibility support that best keeps you safe from the modern Internet.
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pulppoetry · 1 year
TERFs are using the same arguments against trans people that were once used to invalidate gay and lesbian people.
Clippings from The Implausible Girl over at Twitter.
It is truly sad to see how lesbian trans-exclusionary “radical feminists” are now using the same arguments against trans people as bigots used against gay people not that long ago. They have become copies of the monsters that sought to destroy them.
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The Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, IL) 1977-06-14
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The Post-Crescent 1977-11-14
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The Daily Utah Chronicle 1998-04-06
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The Province (Vancouver, BC, Canada) 1973-02-01
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Philadelphia Daily News (Philly, Penn.) 1974-04-19
More newspaper clippings and sources here.
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pulppoetry · 1 year
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print ♥️ sticker
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pulppoetry · 1 year
Also it makes conversations about masking fun and sometimes confusing.
My spouse and I joke that masks make masking easier. You only have to make big eyes to give someone a friendly look. No more bother with making your mouth into a happy shape!
Why should I wear a mask? What are the different types of masks? Can I wear my mask more than one time? We have the answers to all of your questions in our video. 
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pulppoetry · 1 year
Okay but that mirror is the horror. This side, the bride is alive and the seated woman is only blushing, embarrassed at lifting up her dress. Only in the mirror is the seated woman horrified to be next to a walking skeleton.
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Ghosts (No.14, April 1973) Cover Art by Nick Cardy
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pulppoetry · 1 year
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pulppoetry · 1 year
Amazing TED talk on the way the strict gender binary harms us, by XY intersex woman Emily Quinn
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Here’s an extract of her talk:
“I have a vagina. Just thought you should know. Just thought you should know. I look like a woman. I’m dressed like one, I guess. The thing is, I also have balls….I’m not male or female. I’m intersex.
“Most people assume that you’re biologically either a man or a woman, but it’s actually a lot more complex than that. There are so many ways somebody could be intersex. 
In my case, it means I was born with XY chromosomes, which you probably know as male chromosomes. And I was born with a vagina and balls inside my body. I don’t respond to testosterone, so during puberty, I grew breasts… I don’t actually have a uterus – I was born without one, so I don’t menstruate, I can’t have biological children…
“We put people in boxes based on their genitalia. Before a baby’s even born, we ask whether it’s a boy or a girl, as if it actually matters; as if you’re going to be less excited about having a baby if it doesn’t have the genitals you wanted; as if what’s between somebody’s legs tells you anything about that person. 
Are they kind, generous, funny? Smart? Who do they want to be when they grow up? Genitals don’t actually tell you anything. Yet, we define ourselves by them. In this society, we love putting people into boxes and labeling each other…
“But there’s one really big problem: biological sex is not black or white. It’s on a spectrum. Besides your genitalia, you also have your chromosomes, your gonads, like ovaries or testicles. You have your internal sex organs, your hormone production, your hormone response and your secondary sex characteristics, like breast development, body hair, etc. 
Those seven areas of biological sex all have so much variation, yet we only get two options: male or female. Which is kind of absurd to me, because I can’t think of a single other human trait that there’s only two options for: skin color, hair, height, eyes…”
Listen to the whole talk here. Believe me, it is worth your time!
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pulppoetry · 1 year
HarperCollins Strike Update
For the full breakdown of what’s been going on since November, read here.
January 20, 2023
It’s been over FIFTY days. The strike is still ongoing. Harper has yet to even speak to the union.
Union members are still scraping on their second and third hustles (which most entry-level publishing people have) and donations to the strike fund. The union has set up a hardship fund (here’s the post about it on their official Instagram, for verification) so no more fiddling with checks or Venmo.
If you can donate, please do.
And whether you can or can’t, please do still share.
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pulppoetry · 1 year
There's a hill. In Hürtgen Forest it was labeled Hill 400. There site of the longest battle the US Army has ever fought. It lasted 4 months. Over 33,000, possibly as many as 55,000 Americans died to take that hill from fascists, along with 100,000 other allied deaths on many other hills to break the German Western Front. The fascists took it back shortly after. It was critical to their final offensive, commonly known as the Battle of the Bulge. It was seen as a defeat.
We are not unwilling to die on hills in the fight against fascism. Death of the body is sometimes a necessary sacrifice to stop the death of the mind, death of the soul, death of liberty, and the death of freedom that right wing fascists seek to inflict upon humanity.
We have died on hills before to stop fascism. We will do it again if necessary. If they steal or governments from us again, we will fight them on hills, in valleys, on fields, and at sea. And they will lose again.
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I know it’s not hard to point out reactionaries hypocrisy when it comes to like safe spaces or hug boxes or whatever but genuinely how much of an echo chamber do you have to exist in for you to think this is a reasonable thing to say
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pulppoetry · 1 year
tall soft thick socks with insulated underwear
so separated we are from our bodies we are unaware of our unaware
logic is designed to deceive itself about all its ignorance
lost in our un- knowing how to go on close with our own unknowing held
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pulppoetry · 1 year
Unmute !
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