quaithe-seastar · 17 days
The Dragon's Gold
Chapter Five
Pairing: Aegon II Targaryen x Aerys Reyne (male oc)
Summary: Aerys Reyne, son of Naerys Targaryen, the second-born daughter of King Viserys and Queen Aemma, has been best friends with Aegon since childhood. As boys, they had been inseparable. Many said that it reminded them of the early days of King Jaehaerys reign. When the princes Aemon and Baelon were still children. Wherever one boy was, it wasn't long before the other came running behind him. That was until forbidden desires of the heart forced a wedge between them. After the death of his grandsire, King Viserys, Aerys finds himself torn between two sides: stand by his oldest friend or stand by the only mother he has ever known.
a/n: This chapter takes place before episode eight. There will be a few small time skips in this chapter. Dialogue in italics means that the characters are speaking in high valyrian. I was just too lazy to attempt to translate it. Though, there may be some high valyrian thrown in here and there. No beta, so I apologize for any or all grammar and spelling mistakes. Also, if anyone wishes to be tagged in future updates, just let me know!
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Aerys stared down at the two babies in the cradle, swaddled in white wool blankets. Aegon and Helaena had welcomed the twins a fortnight ago. The king and queen could not have been more pleased. The twins were named Jaehaerys and Jaehaera, both named after the conciliator. No doubt it was the king’s hand's idea to name them after the most beloved Targaryen king. Aerys had quickly become well acquainted enough with Ser Otto to know there seemed to be no limits to the man’s ambitions. Surely, this was just some scheme to prove that his grandson was more fit to be the king’s heir. Aerys was fond of Aegon, but the prince lacked the patience for such a strenuous task. 
Aerys continued watching over the newest additions to the family. There have been so many babies coming into the family lately. His sister-in-law had given birth not too long ago as well. To a healthy son. Aerys had yet to make the trip to Castamere, but he hoped he could soon. He hadn’t returned to the seat of his father’s house since he left all those years ago. Aerys wondered if the boy had inherited the typical reddish-gold hair and blue eyes of the Reynes. The raven his brother had sent only provided the name and gender of the child but not much else.
Rhaenyra had also given birth to another son—Prince Daemon's first son, Aegon, dubbed by many as Aegon the Younger. Aerys had been quite amused when he was told the child’s name. Many at court whispered that it was a slight against Queen Alicent’s eldest son, Aegon. Perhaps it was. Prince Daemon’s hostility towards the Queen and her father was well known. Aegon himself couldn’t care less about it. When Aerys had brought it up, Aegon merely shrugged and changed the conversation to something else.
Jaehaera was such a tiny little thing. Long white eyelashes sat on her plump cheeks, and wisps of white hair sat on her head. She reminded him of a little doll. Jaehaerys was larger and more robust. Unlike his sister, he had yet to grow hair. His chubby little hands were clenched into fists. The extra finger on his left hand twitched. Aerys had heard whispers of the boy's deformity. He shook his head, so the child had an extra finger and a couple of extra toes. Why did it matter? How cruel this world must be to judge such an innocent child so harshly for something they had no control over.
Jaehaera’s body jolted, her eyes fluttering open. However, the girl made no sound. Aerys moved to her side of the cradle. The child began wriggling, trying to escape the confines of the wool blanket. Aerys unswaddled her, allowing the girl to stretch out her limbs. Her pale lilac eyes explored the room, but she still made no sound. His index finger gently tapped her stomach to get her attention. Finally, her eyes landed on Aerys’ face. 
Carefully, he lifted the girl into his hands. She was so light that he believed he had held pillows heavier than her. It was almost frightening. He had never held a baby this small before. The baby started to whine, but she calmed down once he gently bounced her in his arms. 
“Hello, Jaehaera. Aren’t you a pretty one? You must get that from your mother.” Aerys cooed softly, hoping to garner a smile from the baby. She blinked, unimpressed by his attempt.
“Sorry, little one. Humor has never been my strong suit, I’m afraid.”
The girl began gurgling quietly. She moved a hand to her mouth and started chewing on her fingers. Aerys let out the deep, weary sigh he had been holding in. His grandsire had been putting more pressure on him to consider marriage since Aegon had wed Helaena. Aerys had no desire to marry. Aegon had only been married for two months before Helaena became pregnant. Aerys did not wish for that type of responsibility. Yet, as he held little Jaehaera in his arms, he couldn’t help but think... Perhaps it would not be so bad.
“Have you seen them? My flawed whelps.” A voice slurred from behind.
Aerys turned his head to find Aegon slumped against the door.
“What are you talking about?”
“They whisper about them. How imperfect they are.”
“Dragons do not care for the whispers of men. They are Targaryens; that is all that matters.”
Aerys watched as Aegon stumbled over to a chair. He sighed, placing the little girl back into the cradle. The boy moved to Aegon's side, helping him sit down comfortably. The prince reeked of wine, his eyes drooped low, and his cheeks were flushed. No doubt he had been drowning in his cups for hours. He seemed to do that a lot these days, even more than usual. Aerys kneeled to the floor, pulling off the prince's boots. The boy quietly placed them to the side. Aerys’ fingers deftly untied the strings of his cloak.
“You’ve been at it for hours; it’s time for you to rest,” Aerys said, pulling the cloak off his body.
His fingers tucked the cloak around Aegon as he had done many times before. The prince struggled against the cloak, pulling his arms out from under it. Aerys sighed, tucking the cloak around the prince's legs. He ignored Aegon’s fingers twirling his hair. Aerys pulled back, sitting on his knees. He grabbed Aegon's hands from his hair, setting them on the prince’s lap. The prince interlaced their fingers. Aerys gulped, staring down at their intertwined hands. His eyes flickered up to Aegon. Aegon stared back at him, eyes brimming with tears.
“I wish you were a girl,” he whispered.
Aerys stilled, his body stiffening under the prince’s touch. Aegon smiles down at him, and suddenly, Aerys is fighting the urge to pull him into his arms. One of his hands moved to push the white strand of hair away from Aegon's face. He keeps his hand up, resting against the prince's cheek. His eyes roamed over every inch of Aegon’s face. Aegon’s smile fades, replaced with a childish curiosity. Aerys watched as that curiosity turned to realization. The prince leans his face into the warmth of Aerys’ palm. Sorrowful eyes mirroring his own. They must be cursed. It was the only explanation Aerys could come up with for why they were plagued with this irremediable longing in their hearts.
Aerys pulled away, pushing himself to his feet.
“Get some sleep, Aegon,” he smiled sadly, his lips trembling.
He did not await a response before turning to leave the room. Quickly and quietly, slipping out the door. Aerys walked down the dark, quiet hallway. His mind is running rampant. How foolish he was to think they could ever return to the way they were before.
Aerys stared up at the giant skull of Balerion, the black dread. The cold, dark room was deserted, as it always was. The only one who had come down here regularly was the King. But with his sickness worsening, it was harder for him to visit. The boy walked forward, placing a hand on one of the dragon's giant teeth. This dragon was one of the last to see Valyria before the doom. He was born there. How difficult it must have been to abandon his home, not understanding that he would never be able to return. Perhaps that is why he took Princess Aerea there. He just wanted to go home.
The bone was cold to the touch. He walked over to remove one of the torches from the wall. Aerys returned to the dragon, holding the torch close to the skull. Dragons were made of fire. No doubt he missed the warmth. Aerys could feel eyes on him, and it made him wonder. Was Balerion still somehow trapped here? Where do the dragons go when their fire burns out? The realm liked to whisper about the ghosts that plagued Harrenhall. Did the red keep hold ghosts of its own? There has certainly been no shortage of pain and bloodshed within these walls.
“So you’ve found yourself a new hideout?”
“Who says I’m hiding?” Aerys countered, turning his back on the dragon’s skull.
Aegon stood behind him, swirling whatever was in his goblet. Aerys was willing to bet it was a sweet arbor red. That had always been the prince’s favorite. 
“You left the feast early,” Aegon scowled.
“I congratulated you and Helaena on the children and provided gifts. I did not realize I was required to stay the entire night.” Aerys answered with a shrug.
“Did I do something?” Aegon asked.
“No,” Aerys shook his head.
“You’ve been avoiding me again-”
“I have not been avoiding you.” Aerys scoffed.
“Really? You haven’t talked to me in days.”
“I haven’t...” Aerys dropped his head, nervously kicking at the dirt. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. I just... I want to know what I did to offend you.”
“Nothing!” Aerys snapped, cringing at how loud he was. “I mean, you did nothing wrong, Aegon.”
“So then, what is it?” Aegon asked, tilting his head in confusion.
“It’s just... me.” Aerys frowned, tears welling up in his eyes.
Aegon cupped the boy’s face in his hands. “Look at me, Aerys.”
Aerys bit his lip, keeping his eyes low.
“Please look at me,” he pleaded.
Almost immediately, Aerys found himself relenting.  Aerys tilted his head upwards to look upon the prince's face. He stiffened as Aegon ran his thumb over his bottom lip. The boy could feel his heart race as those violet eyes shifted between his eyes and lips. The prince's face seemed almost blank, free from all emotion. Aerys could not tell what he was thinking or feeling until their eyes met again. The look was all too familiar to him. The tenderness, the warmth, the longing... it was the same look he had seen Rhaenyra and Ser Harwin share time and time again. 
“ Gevi͡e,” he whispered, brushing his thumb against Aerys lips.   
Aerys found himself feeling perplexed by the prince's actions. Was he toying with him?
“I should go...” Aerys whispered.
“That would be wise,” Aegon replied, but neither of them moved. 
His right hand slipped around Aerys’ waist and pulled him flush against his chest. Their eyes never left each other, and a small smile tugged at Aegon’s lips.
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” Aerys muttered, but Aegon caught it. 
Aegon always hung onto his every word. When Aerys spoke, he listened. He didn’t simply nod and hum like everyone else; he listened. That was something Aerys greatly appreciated about him. 
“No, we shouldn’t...” Aegon leaned down close and gently pressed their lips together. 
Their fingers desperately dug into each other’s clothed skin, wanting to be as close as possible. 
Aegon slid his hands off Aerys’ waist. The prince pulled away with a slight shiver, slightly leaning in as if he wanted to kiss him again, but he did not. Instead, he trailed his knuckles along the boy's jaw and down to his chin. The prince’s touch sent a shiver down Aerys' spine, and almost immediately, the realization of what they had just done settled in.
“I have to go,” Aerys exclaimed as he brushed past the prince, not daring to look back at him as he hurried away.
Aerys stood outside the large wooden doors of the king’s solar. He fiddled with his ring as Ser Harrold informed the king of his presence. Ser Criston remained at his post, waiting for the king to allow the boy entry. No, he was a man now. Aerys was now six and ten years of age; his name day passed just two days ago. There was no grand celebration, as he did not desire one. The king, however, insisted on hosting a supper with all his family that remained in King's Landing. It had been a rather emotional affair for Aerys. It was the first birthday he had spent without Rhaenyra and the boys. But he managed to keep his emotions at bay until he was alone.
“You may enter, Lord Reyne.” The commander said, holding the door open.
Aerys nodded his head, quickly slipping into the room. The white knight closed the door behind him. The room was cold. Aerys first became aware of the queen’s presence. The woman stood at the fireplace, most likely to keep warm. The king also sat in a chair near the fireplace, staring into the flames. It was the Queen who noticed him first. 
“Your grace,” Aerys bowed.
“Aerys, come my boy.” The king greeted warmly, looking away from the fire.
Aerys could see the sadness in his eyes as he approached him. It was no secret how much the king loved his eldest child. He most likely missed Rhaenyra more than Aerys did. 
“Sit, sit,” the king insisted, pointing at the chair next to his.
Aerys looked to the queen before hesitantly taking a seat.
“Ser Harrold said you requested an audience with me immediately. Has something happened?”
“Yes- I mean no, nothing has happened. I would like your permission to take my leave.”
The king pulled his head back, his brows furrowed. “Take your leave? What do you mean?”
Aerys' eyes moved to the queen before quickly dropping to the ground. He had not expected the woman to be here. She unnerved him. Sometimes, when she looked at you, it felt like she knew all your secrets. Like there was nothing you could hide from her.
“Alicent, leave us.” The king commanded.
Aerys raised his head, his eyes glancing between the two. Alicent looked at her husband, her eyes slightly widened. She fiddled with her fingers as she walked closer, attempting to attend to the man.
“You’re not feeling well, I should be at your side-”
“I wish to speak with my grandson alone,” he raised his hand, dismissing her.
The queen straightened her back, standing tall. “As you wish, my king.”
The king waited until the door closed behind her to speak.
“If someone has done or said something to make you feel unwelcome at my court-”
“It’s nothing like that, grandfather,” Aerys cut in.
“Then what is it, child?”
The king reached his hand out for Aerys to take. Aerys stared at it. His heart began racing in his chest, his eyes pooling with tears. Aerys slumped to the floor, sitting on his knees. He pressed his forehead against the king’s knuckles. Quiet sobs filled the room as the young man could no longer hold back his tears.
“My boy, what is wrong?!” The king asked, alarmed by the young man’s outburst.
Aerys found himself unable to speak. He did not trust himself enough to speak, afraid he might say too much. The king heaved a weary sigh and moved his hand to caress the young man’s head.
“I think I understand what this is about,” the man said, breathing deeply through his nose.
Aerys felt his body freeze in terror. A chill ran down his spine, making the hair on his body rise. Did he know about him and Aegon? The king moved his hand under the boy’s chin, raising his head. He closed his eyes, silently waiting for the king's anger to surface. 
“This is about Rhaenyra, is it not?”
“What?” The young man asked, puzzled by the man’s words.
His eyes opened, and he tilted his head in confusion. The king smiled sadly, his hand still holding the young man’s face.
“I miss her too. She had wished to take you with her, but I refused. Out of selfishness... Out of fear that I was losing all of my grandchildren at once. You are the last piece of your mother I have left. My sweet little Naerys... Sometimes, when I look at you, all I see is her. But now I see how much pain my selfishness has caused you.”
“I permit you to go. Just... try not to forget about this old man.”
“I won’t,” Aerys replied, trying to muster a smile.
The king waved his hand, motioning for a hug. Aerys stood to his feet, carefully maneuvering his arms not to hurt the older man. The hour was growing late. Aerys wanted to leave as soon as possible.
The stone was cold against Aerys' back. The sound of crunching bones filled the air as Agana continued tearing into what little remained of the giant pig. He sat with his back against one of the walls of her enclosure, watching as she scarfed down the last piece of the roasted animal. His index finger trailed expertly along his mother’s enameled face, as it had done many times before. The ring seemed to be fitting a bit loosely now. Has he lost weight? If he did, the boy did not notice it. 
Aerys laughed as Agana nuzzled her head into his chest. She was attempting to rest her head in his lap, as she had done when she was still young. It seemed they were both unaware of the fleeting years of their youth. Growling in annoyance, the dragon settled to rest her head beside his body. Aerys moved his hand to feel the warmth of her scales.
“It seems like you and I are adults now.”
The she-dragon loudly snorted, turning her head away from him.
“I’m not exactly thrilled about it either,” the boy snickered.
Night had come, and the sky looked almost black. The stars had failed to make an appearance. The moon hid behind clouds. A cold wind blew loudly through the city. The grand maester believed a storm was on the way. They would have to leave soon if they wanted to avoid it. The pair would be heading to Dragonstone. The king had granted them leave just a few hours earlier, but Aerys wanted to wait until Agana was well-rested and fed.
“We must be leaving soon, Agana.”
Aerys leaned his head back against the cold stone. He closed his eyes, breathing deeply. His fingers traced shapes into the dirt beneath him. The kiss from five days ago still weighed heavily on his mind. It seemed to be all he could think about. The two boys hadn’t spoken a word to each other since. Once again, Aerys had retreated into hiding, avoiding Aegon as best as he could. Not that it was difficult. Ser Otto seemed intent on keeping the prince close to his side. Aerys tried to keep himself occupied. He was burying himself in his studies or spending time with Agana. The dragon helped quiet down the noise in his head. Aerys didn’t know how he would survive without her. He doubted that he could.
Aerys pushed himself up to his feet. He used his hand to dust himself off as he moved closer to the cave’s entrance.
“Raise the gate,” he said to the dragon keepers on the other side.
They made no noise, simply nodding their heads. The loud sounds of giant chains clinking together filled the air. The massive gate on the hillside creaked as it lifted. Aerys pulled his riding gloves from his pocket, readying himself to climb to his saddle. As his hands moved to grip the ropes, Agana raised her head. She released a low growl, turning her neck to face the cave entrance, where the dragon keepers stood.
“What is it?” Aerys asked, intrigued by her reaction.
He turned his head just in time to catch a glimpse of messy white hair rushing towards him. The young man stumbled backward, his back hitting against Agana’s side. The she-dragon growled louder, her eyes zeroing in on the prince. Aerys quickly rubbed her scales, assuring her he was alright. The young man turned his head to find Aegon glaring at him. His eyes were dark and filled with anger. 
“Leave us!” Aerys commanded the dragon keepers, who quickly bowed before scurrying away.
“How dare you!” The prince spat, pushing him back again.
“You’re leaving?!” He shoved him back again.
“You’re abandoning me!” He cried, hands balling up into fists. “You didn’t even have the fucking decency to tell me?!” His fist punched wildly at Aerys' chest.
Aerys raised his arms, attempting to protect himself from the blows. Agana growled louder, this time baring her teeth. Aerys pushed the prince back, grabbing him by the arm and dragging him out of the cave in fear that Agana would lash out in an attempt to defend him. 
“Get the fuck off me!” Aegon yelled as Aerys dragged him down the hall.
When they were out of Agana’s line of sight, Aerys released him. Aegon stumbled backward, hitting the wall with a grunt. Aerys would have been more concerned had he not been so angry.
“What the hell were you thinking? She could have hurt you!” He yelled, furiously running his fingers through his hair. 
The young man paced back and forth wildly, trying to calm himself down. His heart felt like it was beating out of his chest. Aegon let his body slide down the wall, dropping to the dirt. The prince broke down into tears, burying his face into his hands. Aerys froze, his heart dropping as he watched the prince's body shake. Painful, broken sobs tore through the prince's throat. Aerys moved to the wall beside him, allowing his body to slide down. He leaned his head back, letting his tears fall. A sharp ache stabbed at his chest, so painful he had to rub a palm over his heart. 
Aerys never imagined it would come to this. They were best friends. They laughed together, drank together, and kept each other’s secrets. Now, they're falling apart. Things are different now; they both could feel it. They didn’t laugh like they used to, nor did they smile like they used to. Even the very air around them somehow felt... Different. They had both tried so hard to make things work. They were desperately trying to cling to one another, trying to figure out a way to hold on to their friendship. Aegon turned, pressing his face into Aerys' shoulder. Aerys moved his arm, holding the prince as tightly as he could. He always hated seeing him cry, and he hated knowing he was the cause of it. He hated knowing that he would have to let him go, that he would have to leave him behind.
“Please don’t go!” He cried.
“I’m sorry,” Aerys whispered.
It was all he could say. He hated that. He hated that he couldn’t say more. But once again, the fear of saying too much gnawed at his mind. It was better this way, he told himself. That seemed to be something he has said a lot lately. Perhaps he thought he would actually believe it if he said it enough times. Aerys pressed his lips to the prince’s hair, taking one last deep inhale. He was trying to memorize the prince's scent. Desperate to have something of Aegon’s to take with him. 
Aerys grabs the prince’s hands, which have dug into his clothed waist. He pushes them back into the prince’s lap. Aegon cries harder as he feels Aerys slipping away from his grasp. Aerys pushed himself up to stand. The prince pulled his knees up to his chest. He wrapped his arms around himself, resting his head on his knees. Aerys looked away, focusing his gaze on the dirt covering his boots. He couldn’t look at the prince. If he did, Aerys feared losing what little resolve he had left. He feared he would rush to Aegon’s side, pull him into his arms, and promise he would never leave him. This is for the best. 
With a shuddering sigh, Aerys turned away. His nails dug into the palms of his hands as he walked back to Agana’s cave. Aegon called out his name, his voice breaking as he pleaded for him to stay. Aerys felt like crying and screaming at the same time. He closed his eyes, hoping to block out the noise. When he opened his eyes, his gaze immediately fell upon Agana. Aerys was quick to climb upon the dragon’s back. He had to go now. One second longer, and he feared he would turn back. His gloved hand rubbed over Agana’s silver scales.
“Fly, my dragon."
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Tags: @teamavatar13
21 notes · View notes
quaithe-seastar · 23 days
Hello, when will you update Aegon's story? 🥺
Hello! Sorry, I’ve been a bit busy this past week, so I haven’t had time to update. But chapter four is up now.
2 notes · View notes
quaithe-seastar · 23 days
The Dragon's Gold
Chapter Four
Pairing: Aegon II Targaryen x Aerys Reyne (male oc)
Summary: Aerys Reyne, son of Naerys Targaryen, the second-born daughter of King Viserys and Queen Aemma, has been best friends with Aegon since childhood. As boys, they had been inseparable. Many said that it reminded them of the early days of King Jaehaerys reign. When the princes Aemon and Baelon were still children. Wherever one boy was, it wasn't long before the other came running behind him. That was until forbidden desires of the heart forced a wedge between them. After the death of his grandsire, King Viserys, Aerys finds himself torn between two sides: stand by his oldest friend or stand by the only mother he has ever known.
Warning: Self-harm, depression, religious guilt
a/n: This chapter takes place shortly after the events of episode seven. There will be a few small time skips in this chapter. Dialogue in italics means that the characters are speaking in high valyrian. I was just too lazy to attempt to translate it. Though, there may be some high valyrian thrown in here and there. No beta, so I apologize for any or all grammar and spelling mistakes.
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Aerys sat quietly at the giant dinner table in the great hall of the castle he called home. Yet the place seemed so strange to him. He used his fork to poke lightly at the food on the plate before him. Aerys had little appetite and barely managed to stomach the salty vegetable stew of the first course. Today, Aegon married Helaena in a lavish ceremony. Aerys had not made it to the ceremony as he was feeling unwell. It wasn’t a complete lie. He had been unable to keep his breakfast down this morning. But the king made it clear that his presence at the feast was not optional. So here he was. Sitting miserably at the end of the hall, wishing he were anywhere else.
Aerys reached out to grasp the cup of sweet arbor red that sat beside his plate. It was his seventh cup of the night. The king had put a stop to Aerys drinking after they returned from Driftmark, but he allowed Aerys to indulge himself during the celebration. Before he could lift the cup, he felt a calloused hand covering his own. He followed the hand upward to find the face of the owner. It was Ser Otto. He threw Aerys a friendly smile, but his eyes did not match. It was a warning.
“Perhaps you’ve had enough, Lord Reyne.”
Aerys retracted his hand slowly and placed both hands on his lap.
He glared at the plate, biting his tongue. The loud chatter of the room all around him became muffled in his ears.
Aerys wanted to cry. The familiar sting in his eyes was becoming overwhelming. It took everything in the young man’s power to keep his composure. The inside of his mind was running wild. Is this what the rest of his life will look like? Feel like? He thought back on the past two weeks. The strain growing between him and Aegon was weighing heavily upon him. They had hardly spoken to one another. Their few interactions were brief and always under the supervision of his mother or grandfather. The entire time, Aerys picked nervously at the threads of his shirts as he tried to avoid the glares of Ser Otto and the Queen. 
Then, there was the news of Ser Laenor’s death and the rumors that Rhaenyra and Daemon had gotten rid of the knight so they could wed. Rhaenyra had sent a raven to Aerys, informing him of her marriage and denying all accusations. Aerys didn’t know what to believe anymore. It was all too much for him to handle.
Aerys felt hopeless. It felt like he was standing outside his body, watching rather than living.
He wanted to be wrapped safely in the warm furs in his bedchamber. Another wave of overwhelming sadness swept over him. Aerys pushed his chair back and cringed at the loud noise it made as it hit the stone floor. Suddenly, it felt like all the eyes in the room were on him. He cleared his throat.
“My apologies, my king, but I’m not feeling well. May I be excused?”
The king's dark indigo eyes stared at the young man. He thought for a moment before he nodded his head. Aerys ignored the glare from the hand. The chatter picked up once more as he departed from the great hall, though it was muffled in his ears. As he began making his way to his bedchamber, Aerys heard a voice call out. When he turned, he was met with pale white hair and violet eyes. 
“You left in quite a hurry; I was worried. Are you well?” Aegon asked softly.
Aerys was confused by his look of concern. Why would he come after him? Aerys let out a tired sigh. Perhaps he was overthinking it. 
“I am fine. I apologize for leaving. I’m afraid it was all just a bit overwhelming for me. You know how I feel about big events like this.” Aerys flashed him a small smile, hoping it would be convincing enough. 
Aegon stared at Aerys as if he were studying him. “Perhaps some fresh air would do you some good. Would you like me to accompany you?”
The thought of spending another moment with the prince made his stomach ache. Aerys smiled once again and gently shook his head.
“That is most kind of you, Prince Aegon, but I am fine. I’m sure your wife is missing your company.” 
The two stood in the hallway quietly. At that moment, Aerys wished for nothing more than the comfort of his oldest friend. But things were different now. What he needed was a moment of peace. A moment away from everyone, to be alone to gather his thoughts. The prince nodded, nervously picking at the skin around his fingernails.
“As you wish, Lord Reyne.”
He stepped back and turned to walk into the great hall, returning to the feast. Aerys stood there for a moment, silently fiddling with his nails. It was all too much for him. He didn’t want this. He didn’t want to be here. He did not wish to play the part of the happy old Aerys as his life fell apart right before his eyes. Aerys was tired of being trapped in this insufferable prison, but what could he do? He did not want to leave his home. The thought of leaving terrified him. The idea of being surrounded by people he did not know or trust made his chest hurt. The boy hardly knew most of the people in the great hall; most of them had come from Oldtown. Would this be the life the gods would curse him with? What had he done to deserve such cruelty?
He tried to think of what he had done to upset the gods. He always went to worship in the great sept as often as possible. Aerys also prayed to the old gods at the weirwood tree. He always thanked them for everything they had blessed him with in life. His family, his home, his life. So. . .why? Had he offended them somehow? Did he not pray hard enough? Did he not thank them enough? Aerys turned on his heels and stormed down the hall as fast as he could. 
Aerys could feel the tears as they streamed down his face. His hair bounced, and some fell in his eyes.
Frustrated, he roughly pushed his hair back. He grabbed the suffocating silver chain necklace around his neck and yanked it off, throwing it to the dirt. He had finally made it outside to the deserted old weirwood tree. Sobs escaped freely from his lips, and he did not attempt to hide them. Not that he could, even if he had tried. Aerys dropped to his knees, clasping his hands together to pray.
“Forgive me, gods, for I have sinned. I have committed a most horrific act. I’ve shamed my father. I’ve shamed my mother. I’ve disgraced myself and both my houses. A sickness has rooted itself in me. Please, gods, help me! Please, I beg you!”
The boy cried, hunched over, digging his hands into the dirt. The weirwood tree had tears of its own. Aerys raised himself to look at the moon. His knees were beginning to ache from being on the rough ground—another punishment he deserved. The boy struggled to catch his breath. His head throbbed in pain. Aerys reached into his pocket, withdrawing a small knife. He lifted his tunic to expose his stomach. The boy bit his lip as he placed the blade against his skin. It didn’t need to be deep, just enough to quiet the noise. It was a nasty habit he had picked up over the past two weeks. When he could no longer continue reopening the scab on his cheek. A cut here and there goes unnoticed. If the maids who sometimes helped him bathe did mention it, all he had to do was say it was an accident. They never questioned him; it wasn’t their place to do so.
He watched as the blood pooled and dripped down his stomach, painting his pale skin red. He lifted a finger to press into the wound, grunting at the sting that followed. It was not the ideal way to deal with his pain, but it worked. With a shuddering sigh, he pushed himself back onto his aching legs, hiding the blade in his pocket. Aerys felt his shirt begging to cling to his skin. Fortunately, his tunic was black, so it was unnoticeable even as the blood seeped through.
Aerys closed his eyes, clenching his hands into fists. I’m alright. Everything is fine, he whispered to himself over and over again. He waited until his breathing returned to normal, or at least as normal as it could be before he entered the castle. The celebration was still ongoing. Aerys could hear it even as he was walking up the stairs. He kept his head down, counting each step he took. All he wanted to do was sleep. His mind and his body were at their limit. Aerys didn’t even bother removing his boots as he entered his room. The boy just dropped onto his stomach, ignoring the pain of laying on the fresh cut. Perhaps he would feel better in the morning.
Aerys glared at the angry red line on his stomach. It had been two days since the wedding. The guilt and shame that always came after he hurt himself still gnawed at him. Yet he refused to look away. He always made himself look at what he had done. Aerys dropped his tunic, allowing it to hide the angry red mark, and turned his head up to look at his face. He patted down his unkempt hair, pushing it away from his forehead. The boy who stared back at him was a stranger. His eyes were void of emotion when he only wanted to cry. This is not me, he thought.
His mind drifted to Nyra. What would she think if she saw him like this? And what wouldn’t he do to be wrapped in her arms again? To have her play with his hair and tell him tales of her shared girlhood with his mother, as she had done many times before. His grandsire was right; her presence would be missed. There were many times he had found himself walking past her old apartments. He missed her. He missed the boys. It felt so wrong not being able to see them every day. Not being able to play with them or listen to Luke’s wild tales of the adventurers he would go on someday. The boy planned to make a name for himself like his grandfather, the sea snake, did.
A loud knock at the door brought Aerys back to the present. He walked over to the door, pulling it open. His eyes widened as he spotted Queen Alicent, with her sworn shield, Ser Criston, outside the door.
“Your grace,” he bowed his head in respect.
“May I come in?” She asked.
Aerys’ eyes shifted nervously between the queen and the white cloak. He nodded his head and moved to the side, allowing them entry.
“Wait outside the door, Ser Criston.” The woman ordered.
“Yes, my queen,” the knight nodded.
Aerys closed the door slowly, careful not to slam it. He followed the queen to the small table. 
“May we sit?” Queen Alicent asked.
“Of course, your grace,” Aerys responded almost immediately.
“A raven came this morning. I wanted to tell you the news myself,” Queen Alicent smiled.
“What news?” Aerys asked, anxiously awaiting a response.
“Word has come from Castamere. It seems your brother's wife is expecting a child. You are to be an uncle soon; congratulations, Aerys.”
Aerys smiled at the news. It was the first time he had genuinely smiled in weeks. His brother and sister-in-law were having a child, their first child. He would have to write to them right away. It had been some time since he wrote to his brother. Things had become so hectic for the both of them, with his life falling apart and his brother dealing with the frustrations of ruling a noble house. Once again, he found himself happy to have been born second. The pressure of ruling was something he could do without.
“That’s wonderful. Thank you for telling me about your grace.”
“Of course,” the woman replied.
A quiet silence echoed between them. Aerys gulped nervously. Was there something else? His fingers toyed with the ring around his finger, praying for his mother to give him strength. Queen Alicent stared at him, her face unreadable. He wasn’t sure what she was feeling or what she would do.
“There was something else I wished to discuss with you.” She cleared her throat, shifting in her seat.
“About the incident that occurred two weeks ago. I wanted to apologize for my father. What he did-”
“Nothing happened, your grace. I-”
“Aerys,” the woman sighed.
He dropped his head, staring at his bare feet under the table.
“I know what happened. It was wrong for him to lay a hand on you. I wanted to assure you that it will never happen again.”
Aerys remained silent.
“But I also want to make sure you understand that what happened before my father found you two must never happen again.”
“It won't, your grace!” Aerys said hurriedly.
“I know it won’t,” Queen Alicent smiled. She placed her hands on the table, reaching out for his.
With shaking hands, Aerys moved, placing his hands into hers. Her grip was firm but gentle.
“I believe I understand all too well how you feel,” the queen hesitates, her brows scrunching together. “Matters of the heart can be so overwhelming for someone so young. Especially those that are forbidden to us..”
She kept her eyes on their connected hands. Aerys was confused by all of this. The woman always maintained such a regal appearance. It was hard to imagine her as anything else but the queen. It's hard to believe there was a time when she was just a girl, so tender and free—a time when she wasn’t the queen or the mother of the king's sons. 
“I understand things have been hard for you since Princess Rhaenyra’s departure. The two of you were always inseparable; I can imagine how difficult it must be to no longer have her at your side.”
Aerys raised his head to find the woman staring at him. Her eyes trailed over every inch of his face. She leaned forward, wiping away the tears from his face.
“But it is important that we refrain from acting on desire. You are of royal blood, Aerys. That means there are higher expectations placed upon you. You must be wary of the things you do. Whispers travel fast and cannot be unheard of. You must understand this.”
“I understand,” he said, nodding his head.
“I’m glad to hear that. Well, I'm afraid I must be off. You should send a raven to your brother and congratulate him.”
“I will, your grace. Thank you.”
Aerys escorted the woman to the door, pulling it open for her. Ser Criston stepped out of the way, allowing space for the queen to pass. The boy waited until they disappeared down the hall before closing the door. He turned and pressed his back against the door. Aerys lifted his head, closed his eyes, and breathed deeply. Agana, he needed to see Agana .
Aerys fiddled with his ring as he stood in the outer yard. He was waiting for the stable boy to ready his horse. The outer yard was busy and full of life. It distracted the boy from his problems as he watched everyone go about their business. 
“You're a difficult man to find these days,” a playful voice called from behind.
Aerys stilled, his stomach tensed up like a clenched fist.
“My apologies; I did not realize I was being sought out.” He turned, finally coming face to face with Aegon.
Aerys had successfully avoided the boy for two days, though it seemed his luck had just run out.
“Are you going somewhere?” The prince asked.
“I was going to the dragon pit. I’m sure Agana is missing the wind beneath her wings.” Aerys shrugged.
“I’ll come with you. No doubt Sunfyre is missing me.”
Aerys fought the urge to scream. He fought the urge to tell the boy to stay behind.
“If you wish,” he sighed.
Aerys waited for Aegon’s horse to be brought to him. The two quickly mounted their horses before they were off. They raced through the streets of King’s Landing. Aegon had challenged him to race, to see who could make it to the dragon pit first. It was a childish game, but Aerys found himself unable to ignore his taunts. Luckily, his white mare seemed to be leaving Aegon’s chestnut gelding in the dust. Aerys reached the dragon pit first, though only by a close second. Aerys gloated about his victory as the two entered the giant dragon pit. It was so strange. For a moment, it seemed like it used to be. Like nothing had changed, they were the same boys they used to be. The dragon keepers led the two under the dome to the man-made caves built to house the dragons. 
Sunfyre was the first to raise his head as the group approached. Two dragon keepers stayed with Aegon while the other two carried on. Aerys followed quietly behind the men as they led him to another cave. A rush of confidence filled his body as they grew closer. The cave was dark, even with the torches lit. 
Glowing emerald eyes stared at the two from the darkness. A low growl filled the air as the she-dragon began to stretch herself out. Aerys smiled as the iron gates began to open. He walked forward slowly and stopped when he stood before the dragon. The light of the torches glistened from her silver scales. The boy extended out his hand, waiting for the dragon to make the next move. Her eyes lingered on the dragon keepers momentarily before her gaze moved to her rider. She lowered her neck, allowing his hand to rub along her muzzle. 
“Rytsas arli, Agana.” He greeted her warmly.
The young lord could seldom go a day without visiting his dragon. She was a great comfort to him. Aerys quickly scaled his way up Agana’s back to his saddle. He strapped himself in as he waited for the outer doors of the cave to open. Agana stood to her feet and turned. Aerys swayed side to side with every step she took. The loud creaking out the gates was all that could be heard. The sky was clear. The gods were smiling down upon King’s Landing.
“Sōvēs,” he commanded.
The dragon let out a low roar as she ran forward, leaping into the sky as she reached the end of the cave. The sun shined down on the two of them. A loud chirp from behind them made the boy turn his head. Sunfyre was not far behind. Aerys smirked as he commanded Agana to go faster. It seemed the lord was anxious for another race. The two dragons soared through the skies together. Agana, being slightly bigger than Sunfyre, had the advantage. But the golden dragon and his rider seemed quite determined. The silver dragon pulled up higher into the sky until they were hidden in the clouds. It took only a short time for the other two to follow. Aerys quickly spotted the golden dragon hovering below in the clouds. Aegon had a hand over his eyes as he searched the sky.
“Dive, ñuhys zaldrīzys!” Aerys ordered.
Agana dove right past the golden dragon. Sunfyre let out a roar as he barely managed to move out of the way. Aerys laughed as he held on tightly to the reins. The racing carried on for some time. It was almost sunset before the four finally returned to the dragon pit. Aerys helped the dragon keepers escort Agana back to her den. He met Aegon at the entrance of the dragon pit. They mounted their horses once more.
“You cheated,” Aegon accused.
“I did not!” Aerys argued.
The debate continued as the two made their way through the streets. The boys burst into a fit of laughter.
“I missed this,” the prince sighed, reminiscing about their friendship.
“Me too,” Aerys huffed sadly.
“Aerys, I know things have been-”
“Aegon,” Aerys groaned, dreading what the prince would say next.
“No, just listen,” Aegon snapped. “You’re my oldest friend, Aerys. I don’t want to lose that. Can’t we just start over? Please?”
The two boys stared at one another. The clacking of hooves and the chatter of the city coming alive under the setting sun bridged the gap of silence. How could Aerys deny such a request? The ache he felt in his heart over the loss of his friend these last two weeks was unbearable. His heart aches for the familiarity, the warmth, and the sense of belonging that Aegon provided.
“I would like that,” he lied.
Things would never be as they were. How could they? They crossed over a bridge that had since crumbled to dust. But perhaps they could pretend. Maybe they could ignore the sounds of their hearts calling out for one another.
“The maester believes Helaena is with child.”
Aerys did not dare to look up from the pages of the giant book in his hands. The book held the histories of the great houses of Westeros. It was filled with so many outlandish stories that it was hard to believe many were true.
“Not surprising, you have been performing your duty.”
“Don’t say it like that,” Aegon groaned.
Aerys sighed, raising his head to look at the prince. Aegon was lying on Aerys’ bed with his head dangling off the side. His eyes were closed, and his fingers toyed with the laces of his tunic.
“You make it sound like we’re cattle or something.”
“I don’t mean to sound crass, but is it truthfully any different? I do believe having children is one, if not the main purpose of marriage.”
“I know it is! I just-” the prince groaned, hoisting himself up to sit. “I didn’t expect it to be... this soon.”
“It has been two moons since the wedding, Aegon. Surely, you knew it would happen soon. It only takes one time,” Aerys laughs.
“I’m glad my worries can bring you so much joy.”
“Oh, calm down, Aegon. I’m sure most men are frightened by the idea of becoming a father. You have time before the babe comes. Enough time to prepare yourself.” 
Aerys flashed him a reassuring smile before returning to his book. His fingertips toyed with the edges of the pages.
“But what if. . .” Aegon paused, furrowing his brows. “What if I’m not. . .good at it?”
Aerys slid the book forward on the table. He stood from his seat and walked over to the bed. They both stayed quiet as Aerys moved to sit in front of Aegon, taking the boy's hands into his own.
“Aegon, look at me,” Aerys whispered.
The prince remained staring at his lap. Aerys squeezed his hands to get his attention. The prince shamefully raised his head.
“I cannot guarantee that you will be the best father in the world or that you won’t make mistakes-”
“Your words give me such comfort.”
“Just listen,” Aerys laughed. “As I said, I make no guarantees. But I do know you, and I know that under your entitled, carefree attitude, you are a good person. All you can do is try Aegon. Who knows? Perhaps you may surprise yourself.”
Aegon shot the boy a playful glare. “When did you get so wise?”
“I always have been,” Aerys scoffed.
The two boys glared at each other before they shared a laugh. Aerys tried desperately to ignore the pang in his heart. This was supposed to be a happy occasion. Aegon is going to be a father. Aerys was supposed to be happy for him. So why wasn’t he?
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quaithe-seastar · 1 month
The Dragon's Gold
Chapter Three
Pairing: Aegon II Targaryen x Aerys Reyne (male oc)
Summary: Aerys Reyne, son of Naerys Targaryen, the second-born daughter of King Viserys and Queen Aemma, has been best friends with Aegon since childhood. As boys, they had been inseparable. Many said that it reminded them of the early days of King Jaehaerys reign. When the princes Aemon and Baelon were still children. Wherever one boy was, it wasn't long before the other came running behind him. That was until forbidden desires of the heart forced a wedge between them. After the death of his grandsire, King Viserys, Aerys finds himself torn between two sides: stand by his oldest friend or stand by the only mother he has ever known.
a/n: I want to clarify that Aerys is the same age as Aegon. Dialogue in italics means that the characters are speaking in high valyrian. I was just too lazy to attempt to translate it. Though, there may be some high valyrian thrown in here and there. No beta, so I apologize for any or all grammar and spelling mistakes.
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Red sap was leaking from the eyes of the carved face of the heart tree. It reminded Aerys of something he had been told years ago. A boy from House Blackwood said that when a Weirwood tree cries, it is a sign that something bad is coming. Aerys had believed it to be nothing more than superstition, but now he was unsure. Perhaps there was some truth to the tale. Now that everything in his life had seemingly gone wrong.
His bones and muscles ache from sleeping on the hard stone floor. Though the hot bath he took earlier helped. The old maid had stayed by his side, using soaps and oils to scrub him clean before she allowed him to get out of the tub. Fortunately, he had been allowed to dry himself, but she insisted on helping him dress. She had chosen a black tunic with the red lion of his father’s house embroidered in red thread on the breast, soft black lambswool breeches, black leather boots, and a black wool cloak.
The boy assumed he must have slept at least two or three hours. Not as long as he’d hoped, but it would have to do. The poor old maid who had found him lying naked on the floor also had the misfortune of informing him about the passing of Lady Laena Velaryon. In truth, the news did not trouble him greatly. He couldn’t recall ever even meeting the woman. Prince Daemon and his lady-wife had run off to Pentos shortly after their wedding. They had refused to return, even after the birth of their daughters, Rhaena and Baela. 
Aerys felt for the two girls. Even if he did not know them, the pain of losing a mother was all too familiar to him. Aerys was informed that he and the royal family would travel to Driftmark to attend Lady Laena’s funeral. 
His fingers toyed with a stray thread on his tunic. The events of the previous night still haunted him. Aerys had yet to face the rest of his family. Instead, he had chosen to hide away in the garden until it was time to go. No doubt, the whispers of his face were spreading throughout the castle. The lords and ladies of the court were prone to gossip. He could hear it now; the king’s eldest grandson was a clumsy, drunken fool. As if they needed something else to whisper about him and his family. Aerys had heard the terrible whispers about his parents many times before.
His father, once a highly skilled knight and jouster, suffered a terrible leg injury during the tourney he had hosted in honor of Aerys’ birth. His horse had fallen on top of him, crushing his leg completely. The man had become quite dependent on the milk of the poppy to dull his pain. This caused his father to have violent mood swings, and unfortunately, his mother was forced to take the brunt of it. This continued for a few years until he died after catching the pox from some Tyroshi whore.
Aerys’ mother, Princess Naerys, took the death of his father very hard. The maesters had to lace her nightly tea with sweetsleep for her to get any rest. Most days, she would lock herself away in her bedchamber. The only person she would see was Aerys. Rhaenyra had told him that his mother would hold him in her arms and sob for hours on end. 
However, after weeks of this, his mother's mood had finally begun to improve. The princess seemed to be returning to her normal self. That was until two women came forward, claiming that his father had sired bastards on them. These women were both of noble birth, so their children were acknowledged by his paternal grandmother, who acted as regent until his brother Robb came of age. Despite his mother’s many protests, his father's three bastard sons had been sent to Castamere, to be raised alongside Robb and Aerys. 
Not long after, his mother went to sleep and never woke up. The maesters determined that there was too large a dose of sweetsleep in her usual nightly tea. Whether his mother was killed or had taken her own life is still debated. Though Rhaenyra maintains that his mother had been killed. Whatever the truth was, his mother’s favorite handmaiden was found responsible and had lost her head because of it. Aerys did not remember much of this, as he had only been four years old at the time. 
Aerys lifted his fingers to graze over the cut. The wound on his cheek was beginning to scab over, and the bruising on his cheek and around his eye was becoming visible and sensitive to even the slightest touch. He flinched and dropped his hand back down to his side. Noon was approaching; soon, it would be time to set off. The King, Queen Alicent, and Aemond would travel by ship, while Aerys, Helaena, and Aegon would all travel on dragonback.
The prince hadn’t left Aerys’ thoughts since the moment he awoke. He was the one Aerys wished to avoid the most, but the gods were never kind enough to grant his wishes.
“I knew I would find you here.”
Aerys scrunched his face in anguish. Of course, speak the Lord of the Seven Hell's name, and he shall appear. Aerys bit his tongue to stop himself from lashing out. There were so many things he wanted to say, but he wasn’t sure how to express himself. He didn’t think saying whatever came to him in anger would be the right thing to do. So he stayed quiet, hoping the old gods before him would grant him mercy and send the boy away.
“I was hoping we could speak before we had to depart-”
“There’s nothing to discuss.” Aerys retorted, clenching his hands into fists.
“Aerys,” the prince sighed. “I am sorry. I was a coward. It’s all my fault-”
“You’re right. It is your fault.” Aerys turned around to glare at the boy.
Aegon's eyes widened. For a moment, blinded by anger, Aerys had forgotten the state of his appearance. He covered his cheek with his hand, turning back towards the tree.
“What happened?” Aegon asked, his voice cracking.
“I tripped and fell down the stairs.” Aerys scoffed, chewing on the inside of his cheek.
The prince stepped forward, taking Aerys by the hands. Aegon turned Aerys around to face him, his thumbs running over his bare knuckles. Aegon's hands were cold to the touch, as they normally were.
“Please, don’t be cross with me. I am sorry for what he did to you. I will go to him, and I will confess that it was all my fault. That I was the one who convinced you to lay with me.”
“No, you will not.”
“Nothing happened, Aegon. I was distressed about Rhaenyra’s departure and spent my night wallowing in my sadness. I got drunk and slipped while trying to find my bedchamber. That’s all.”
“No, what happened between us, it-it meant something. I know it did.” Aegon sputtered
“Nothing happened!” Aerys asserted, wriggling free of the prince’s grasp.
Aegon flinched, his lips trembling. His violet eyes welled with tears. In Aerys' mind, the prince looked like a sad little puppy. He wanted nothing more than to pull him close and apologize, but he could not. This was the way it had to be. It was better for both of them.
“The carriage is ready. It’s time to depart!” Ser Criston’s voice called from behind them.
Aerys did not speak another word. Quickly, he passed the white knight, keeping his head down, not having the courage to look the man in the eyes. No doubt Ser Criston knew what had happened. He was the queen’s sworn protector, her confidant. There wasn’t much she didn’t tell him.
When Aerys made his way to the outer yard, the royal family had already been gathered there. Helaena and Aemond stood off to the right side of the carriage, silently waiting. Queen Alicent was attending to the king in front of the carriage entryway. Finally, his eyes landed on the reinstated hand of the king. The man stood to the queen's left. Though Aerys quickly averted his gaze. 
Ser Harrold moved to whisper into the king's ear. The man swiftly turned his head around.
“Gods, be good! What happened to you, my boy?!” His grandsire asked, his eyes scrunching up as he looked over the boy’s face.
Aerys found his gaze moving towards the queen and her father. The queen kept her head down, not making eye contact. Ser Otto kept his face neutral, and his eyes held no expression.
“I had a bit too much wine last night. I slipped, your grace.”
“Yes,” the king hummed. “It’s been difficult for us all. Princess Rhaenyra’s presence shall be missed. Come, sit with me.”
The king was loaded into the carriage before Ser Harrold motioned Aerys to follow. He sat on the king’s left while the queen sat across from them with their children. Aerys kept his eyes trained on his lap as Aegon entered the carriage last. Fortunately, Ser Otto would be riding behind the carriage on horseback. So Aerys did not have to worry about facing him just yet. 
The journey to the dragon pit was not a very lively one. No sounds were made except for the king's small grunts of discomfort. His illness was getting worse; everyone knew it. The maesters had removed one of his arms just a few years back. The man spent most of his days sitting in his chair. The simple act of standing for too long could take a heavy toll on him. It saddened Aerys to think of his grandfather being in so much pain. He couldn’t imagine being so helpless, unable to do anything as his own body began to deteriorate.
“Do you remember-” the king coughed. “Do you remember the lady Johanna Westerling?”
“The lady of Casterly Rock? I know of her, but I'm afraid I don’t remember much of my time in the Westerlands.”
“Yes, of course. I forgot how young you were when you came to court.”
The mention of the court caused the boy to shift in his seat. He had been very young when the king requested him to be brought to court. It had only been a fortnight after his mother’s death. Aerys was under the impression that he would only be visiting. That was until his brother Robb had informed him of the truth. 
Aerys remembered crying the entire journey to King's Landing. He had just lost his parents, only to lose his brother later as well. As the firstborn son of their father, the lord of Castmere, Robb had to stay in the Westerlands. The only communication they had was through letters and the incredibly rare visit. Robb had become so busy lately that it had been two years since they last saw each other in person.
“Well, the lady Johanna has proposed a marriage between you and her eldest daughter, lady-”
“Lady Cerelle?” Aerys questioned, interrupting the king.
“So you remember her?” The king mused, raising his brows with a sly smile.
“She was at court for some time before returning to Casterly Rock. We got to know each other a little, that’s all.” Aerys shrugged.
The lady Cerelle Lannister was quite a boisterous little thing, with hair like gold and beautiful emerald eyes that reminded him of Agana. Though Aerys found her antics amusing, Aegon never took a shine to her. He would always try to convince Aerys to run away and hide from her whenever she tried to play with them. Aerys remembered how Cerelle had given him a daring kiss for all to see during some great feast. Aerys wanted to melt into the floor as all the lords and ladies laughed at the two. That was until Aegon moved forward and pushed her to the ground. He received quite the scolding from both the king and the queen. Aerys shook his head to rid himself of the memory.
“What was your reply?”
“I have yet to give it,” the king groaned. “I had wished to speak with you about it first. You're nearly a grown man now, Aerys; it’s time to begin thinking about such matters. The daughter of the lord of Casterly Rock would be a good match for you, but there are others. You’re quite popular with the young women of the realm,” the man smirked.
Aerys blushed, dropping his head to hide his embarrassment. It was a fact that his grandfather liked to taunt him with. Aerys’ popularity with women was never something he had strived for. All he had ever done was be kind and gallant, as a man should be.
“I believe we’re here,” Aegon grumbled as the carriage stopped.
“Already?” the king sighed. “The three of you will arrive at Driftmark first, as you’ll be on Dragonback. It should go without saying, but I expect you to be on your best behavior. You represent not only yourselves but our entire house. The way you conduct yourselves is important.”
The three dragon riders nodded in agreement. Helaena was the first to exit the carriage, and Ser Criston extended a hand to help her step out. Aegon went next, with Aerys trailing behind.  The shadow of the giant pit began to loom over the three of them. The guards outside of the dragon pit noticed them immediately. A moment later, the giant iron doors creaked loudly as they opened. Two of the older dragon keepers came to meet them at the entrance.
“Jiōrna, Aerys!” The dragon keepers called as he entered. “ And welcome to you, Prince Aegon and Princess Helaena .”
“ Thank you, ” Aerys and Helaena replied kindly.
“We’d like to get on with it,” Aegon said.
“Of course, my prince,” the dragon keepers bowed.
The three followed behind as they led them deeper and deeper beneath the dome. The sun's light shines through the thick outer iron doors of the man-made caves, which open to the hillside. Helaena went ahead of the boys. Dreamfyre was resting in her nest., something the she-dragon was very protective of. The dragon keepers did not think having the boys near the pale blue dragon was wise.
Aegon was next to leave. The light reflected off of Sunfyre's beautiful golden scales. It was almost blinding. The beast lifted his head as they passed before laying back down. A few dragon keepers were already waiting with Sunfyre to assist Aegon. 
Syrax, Vermax, Arrax, and Sea Smoke had all gone to follow their riders to Dragonstone. Only three dragons remained in the pit. Sunfyre, Aegon’s golden dragon. Dreamfyre, Helaena’s beautiful pale blue dragon. And Agana, Aerys’ dragon with scales of silver and aquamarine. The aquamarine scales surrounded her emerald eyes and trailed down her spine. Small pearlescent white-colored horns grew from the top of her head like a baby goat. The dragon keepers that remained with Aerys came to a stop when they reached the end of the dragon pit.
The sunlight did not give off the same radiance that the moonlight did when reflecting off Agana’s scales. A loud purr echoed in the air as the dragon stretched her neck forward. She pressed her muzzle against the giant iron bars to reach her rider. Aerys raised a hand and stuck it through the bars. He held it out, and immediately, the dragon nuzzled her face into it. The heat of her scales filled him with a sense of strength. It was not unheard of. The dragons were the true power of the Targaryens. It’s said that when King Aenys Targaryen bonded with his dragon, Quicksilver, the sickly king began to thrive. 
“I missed you too,” he said softly.
Aerys pulled his hand back as the large gates swung open. Agana lowered her head to the ground. His small hand ran down her long neck. Aerys stopped to walk around her giant wing. The boy used the ropes attached to his riding saddle to help scale his way up her back. When he reached the top, he grabbed one of the saddle bars to pull himself up. Aerys swung his leg over the saddle and strapped himself as he had done a hundred times before. He believed he could do it even with his eyes closed.
“Open the gate!” He yelled to the dragon keepers.
Agana moved to stand on her feet. Aerys held on tightly to the handlebars of his saddle as she began to turn around. He could feel the ground tremble beneath her every step. The sounds of chains rattling filled the air as the giant gate that opened to the hillside began to rise.
He didn’t even need to give the command before the dragon was off. Agana ran forward, her large wings beginning to fan out. As she reached the end of the cave, she leaped into the air. Aerys felt himself being thrust forward, but the saddle straps kept him secure. His grip on the handlebars tightened. The loud flapping of Agana’s giant wings was all he could hear.
There was no other feeling in the world as great as the one you felt being on a dragon's back. The power of looming over everyone and everything. The freedom of being able to fly. There were many times he never wanted to go back to the ground.
Agana flapped her giant wings as she went higher into the sky. Then she began to glide, only flapping her wings now and then. The boy released the handlebars and stretched his arms out to the side. He closed his eyes, enjoying the wind blowing through his hair. Agana suddenly dove down. Aerys could see the sea surrounding them below. The boy quickly took hold of the reins and pulled back. Just as they were about to dive into the waters, the dragon pulled up. There was a giant splash behind them from how swiftly the dragon moved. She was toying with him.
It seemed like they both missed the sky even more than he thought they did. It had been a whole week since Aerys had taken her out to fly. The dragon disliked being kept inside the dragon pit. The two used to be free to fly together nearly every day, but then life had become busy. Aerys found himself always stuck with tutors and septons. He understood how she felt in a way. Sometimes, the red keep felt like a giant cage to him as well.
Agana let out a roar, freeing her rider from his mind. He looked forward. Aerys could make out the silhouette of the giant castle far into the distance. They will be arriving soon.
Agana landed in a clearing not far from the shore. Aerys held on tightly to the reins as he was jerked side to side. He waited for Aegon and Helaena to land before he loosened the straps and swung himself off the saddle. He began to climb down the dragon's side. When he was a couple inches off the ground, he jumped the rest of the way down. Agana growled and moved her neck to shield her rider. The boy sighed and peeked around her head.
“I’ve been waiting for you to arrive,” Rhaenyra smiled. 
However, her smile disappeared when she got a good look at him. The boy rubbed the dragon's muzzle before he moved forward to greet his aunt. The woman gently took his chin into her soft hands. Her violet eyes hardened as she examined him.
“What happened?”
“It was nothing, I fell.”
“You fell?” She asked incredulously.
“Yes,” he replied, pulling away from her grasp.
“Hello, sister,” Helaena called warmly as she and Aegon stood at Aerys' side.
“Hello, my sweet sister.” Rhaenyra greeted her with a small smile. “And you, Aegon.”
The Targaryen prince gave her a brief nod. “To you as well.”
“If you’ll excuse us, Princess, we wish to express our condolences to Princess Rhaenys and Lord Corlys.” Aerys cut in.
The woman furrowed her brow and nodded. “Of course, come on.”
Aerys held out his arm to Helaena. The princess readily accepted it, wrapping her arm around his. He helped her keep her balance as they made their way from the sandy beach to the castle.
The hours seemed to pass by so swiftly. Aerys had done his best to avoid any run-ins with a certain Targaryen prince. Instead, electing to spend his time with his cousins, Jace and Luke. The younger Velaryon had clung onto Aerys the moment he saw him. Jace had been unusually quiet. Probably due to the news of Ser Harwin and his father, Ser Lyonel. Aerys himself was saddened by the news. Ser Harwin was a good man. He cared deeply for the princess, and she cared deeply for him. The boys learned a great deal from him. 
The rest of the royal family had arrived a few hours after they landed on Driftmark. Everyone was waiting around for the burial to take place.
“It’s time, boys,” Rhaenyra called, motioning for her sons to follow. 
Aerys traveled alongside them, holding Luke’s hand as they walked. The boy looked over at all the people's faces. Most had their heads hung low in respect. He spotted Ser Laenor. He looked so sad, so defeated. Aerys wanted to make his way to him, but he noticed the boy standing next to him. It was Aegon. He had been staring at Aerys since he arrived. Aerys looked away, choosing to stand beside Jace. They watched silently as the ropes were attached to the casket. Then Vaemond Velaryon, Lady Laena’s uncle, began to speak. Aerys watched as the man’s gaze turned to Rhaenyra and her sons. He could hear the venom in his voice as he spoke of Velaryon blood. Aerys had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. Of all the places, did he need to do this here? Now, in front of all these people? In front of the dead woman’s husband and her weeping children? The boy was glad the man spoke in Valyrian rather than the common tongue. Only a few in the crowd were fluent enough to understand.
Then Prince Daemon laughed. It had initially startled Aerys, but he supposed everyone grieves differently. Perhaps he, too, was appalled by the lack of courtesy. To use a woman’s funeral to take a jab at the princess, how tasteless. As the casket hit the water, Aerys felt himself being watched. He turned his head to find Prince Aegon still staring unabashedly at him. Aerys turned his head back towards the water. Perhaps he could escape through the crowd as they made their way back.
Everyone had returned to the castle shortly after Lady Laena’s bones were laid to rest. The sky had begun to turn dark. The wind started picking up, sending a chill down Aerys’ spine. He was wandering about the castle. Lord Corlys had wished to speak with Luke, and Jace had been pulled away by his mother. Aerys dashed to the castle, trying to avoid Aegon’s eyes. Fortunately, Aemond had unknowingly provided Aerys with the perfect distraction.
Aerys found the castle a bit ominous. Skulls decorated the halls. Trophies were displayed everywhere, evidence of the Sea Snake’s many conquests around the seas.
“Do you plan to avoid me forever?” There was a slight slur to the prince’s words.
Aerys stopped in his place. He closed his eyes and let out a weary sigh.
“Perhaps I do,” the boy said, turning around. “Did you need something, my prince?”
Aegon sauntered over, raising his hand to run his thumb over Aerys’ lips.
“I like it when you call me that.”
“Call you what?” Aerys tilted his head in confusion.
“My prince. You always call my brother Prince Aemond or just Aemond, but you call me your prince. I quite enjoy being yours,” he smiled sadly.
“Stop it!” Aerys hissed, pulling his head back. “We already had this discussion . ”
“Don’t pretend it meant nothing. I know it did, for both of us...”
Aegon took Aerys by his forearms. Aerys raised his head, looking towards the stormy-looking ceiling. Why did he insist on making this so difficult? 
“The feelings we have for each other go far beyond the love of family. I understand how you feel. The shame, the guilt, the self-loathing. I felt it all, too. But I can tell you now that the thought of not having you by my side is worse than all those feelings combined.”
Aegon took Aerys’ hand, placing it over his beating heart. His violet eyes welled with tears, his lips trembling as he smiled. It broke Aerys' heart to see him this way. His iris eyes wandered up the castle walls. His cheek began to throb.
“Aegon, it didn’t mean anything,” Aerys said, forcing himself to pull away. “We were drunk, and we made a mistake. There’s no need to make it more complicated.”
“Well, I’d say it already seems a little complicated to me,” the prince retorts.
“What do you want me to say, Aegon? How did you think this would play out? I am a man, as are you! What we did, nothing can come of it. I am a man of the houses Targaryen and Reyne, and you are a prince of the realm. Us, this,” Aerys gestures between them.
“It can never be.”
“But it can!”
“And how would that work, Aegon? We marry women and then sneak off in the dead of night to meet each other in dark hallways like we are doing now?”
Aegon cupped Aerys’ face in the palms of his hands, pressing their forehead together. Aerys’ body stiffened but did nothing as he allowed Aegon to pull him close. It was so easy to give in to him.
“Just because I have to wed Helaena does not mean this has to end.”
Those words immediately brought him back to the present. Aerys pulled back his head to stare at the prince incredulously. Aegon, as if just realizing what he said, went pale. Aerys immediately pushed him away. The boy stared at him in disbelief.
“Aerys, just listen-”
“Helaena? What do you-”
“My mother confirmed it this morning. Helaena and I are to wed within a fortnight.” Aegon said as he kicked at the stone floor.
Aerys scoffed, running his hands through his hair.
“You’ve been betrothed, and instead of telling me, you dare to confess some love you have for me? You want me to be your whores? Is that it?”
“No, of course not-”
“Really? Because that’s what it sounds like to me.”
“I didn’t mean it that way. Just tell me what I can do to make this up to you?”
“There’s nothing you can do, Aegon, just leave me be.”
“No, not until you forgive me.”
“There’s nothing for me to forgive. You’re not mine, and I-.”
“But I am!” He yelled desperately.
Aegon’s hands grabbed onto Aerys.
“No, you’re not. Last night was a mistake. It was an awful mistake, and I regret every moment of it.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“I do.”
“No, you don’t.” His hands cupped Aerys’ face. “Please look at me.” He begged.
It took Aerys a moment before he allowed his eyes to meet Aegons. He is sure that Aegon’s tear-filled eyes matched his own.
“That night was special. It meant something to both of us, and you can’t deny that. What we feel for each other, what I feel for you, it’s real.”
“No, I was drunk and upset about Rhaenyra, and you were just...there.”
“That’s it?” He scoffed. “So, what? I was just some plaything to give you comfort?” The prince spat in disgust.
Aegon dropped his hands and stepped back. His eyes had gone cold as he glared at him.
“I suppose so,” Aerys said.
The prince looked as if he were about to cry. Quickly, he cleared his throat, hardening his face as he sniffled.
“Alright then,” he muttered.
Aerys did not have a chance to speak before the prince rushed past him. Their shoulders collided, and Aerys struggled to keep his feet planted on the floor. With tears streaming down, he dropped his head. He raised his hands over his face to stifle his cries. How could this happen? Why was everything going so wrong? None of this was supposed to happen. He had been so stupid. He should have never gone out to the city. He should have never gone into that brothel. He should have never allowed that kiss to get out of hand. But how could he stop himself? When there was something inside of him begging him to continue. Something inside that longed to touch him, to kiss him, to hold him. 
The boy shook his head. No, he needed to stop thinking about it. What happened was a mistake. One that could never happen again. The throbbing in his cheek was a reminder of that. He raised two fingers to dig them into the small cut on his cheek. He could feel the wetness coating the tips of his fingers. Quiet whimpers escaped his lips as he struggled to push past the pain. He deserved it for what he had done. 
Aerys stared up at the white canopy above him. He watched the shadows from the candle flame on his bedside table dance. His arms rested above his head. The young man hadn’t slept at all. It seemed his mind had refused to rest. He had been staring up at the canopy for hours. The giant castle had gone silent. There was a pleasant chill in the air. Aerys found himself enjoying the cooler climate of Driftmark. The boy sighed and turned to his side. He stared at the wooden shutters in hopes it would lull him to sleep. 
An urgent knock on the door made him jump. Aerys pushed himself up, putting all his weight on his hands.
“What is it?”
“Something has happened. The princes were injured, my lord.” A maid called from behind the door.
Aerys jumped to his feet. He quickly redressed and slipped his boots back on. Aerys could hear the loud chatter as he sprinted down the hall. As he descended the stairs, Aerys could see that everyone in the castle seemed awake. Everyone was gathered closely. He gasped when he saw the kids. The twins and the boys had blood on their faces. Aerys was infuriated by the sight. How could this have happened? Who had done this to them? The girls were a little roughed up, but they seemed alright. He immediately went to the boys. Little Luke was crying and clutching his nose. 
“The maester says it’s broken,” he sobbed.
Aerys placed a kiss on the top of his head. 
“What happened, Jace?”
“It was Aemond, he stole Vhagar!” He said in a hushed voice.
“What...? Where is he?” He asked.
The boy turned and pointed his finger. He patted the boy’s head and went to find the white-haired prince. He squeezed his way through the crowd of people. Aerys saw Queen Alicent kneeling beside a maester. The boy noticed Aegon standing near the fireplace and went to stand at his side. He peered his head around and gasped. The maester was stitching the left side of Aemond’s face.
“It will heal, will it not maester?” Queen Alicent asked.
“The flesh will heal, but the eye is lost.”
Gasps filled the room when the maester announced that. 
“Where were you?!” The queen demanded as she stepped towards Aegon.
Aerys gritted his teeth and turned his head when the queen slapped the prince across his face. It was an unseemly thing to do. He watched sadly as the boy cupped his face. 
“What was that for?!” He exclaimed.
“That was nothing, compared to the abuse your brother has suffered while you were drowning in your cups, you fool!” The woman had a wild look in her eyes.
Everyone turned as the lord and lady of the castle made their way down the stairs. Aerys took the chance to look over Aegon's face. He frowned when he noticed a handprint start to form. The prince discreetly squeezed Aerys' hand and smiled to reassure him. It did little to comfort him. Rhaenyra and Daemon were the last to show up. Aerys and Aegon stood quietly as both sides began arguing back and forth. Aerys had to bite his tongue when the queen claimed Lucerys had wanted to kill Aemond. Lucerys was a sweet boy, a handful at times, but sweet. Aemond may not have been Luke’s favorite person in the world, but he doubted the boy would kill him.
“It was my sons who were attacked and forced to defend themselves!” Rhaenyra refuted. “Vile insults were levied against them!”
“What insults?” The king questioned. 
“The legitimacy of my son's birth was put loudly to question.”
“He called us bastards,” Jace put in quietly.
Aerys noticed the looks exchanged between the lords and ladies in the room. The thick tension in the air had grown. Aerys had heard the rumors before. It was hard not to. It was practically all everyone whispered about at court. 
“Aemond, look at me. Your king demands an answer. Who spoke these lies to you?”
The room grew silent as they waited for the boy to answer. It took a moment before he raised his head to look at his mother. Of course, he had heard it from her. The strained relationship between the queen and Rhaenyra was no secret.
“It was Aegon.”
Aerys frowned; as much as he would like to deny the boy's claim, he couldn’t. Aegon was fond of Rhaenyra’s sons; he always has been. But even Aegon has muttered the word bastards when talking about Rhaenyra’s sons. He did not do it around Aerys, as the first and only time he did, Aerys refused to speak to him for a fortnight. 
“Me?” The boy replied, confused.
Aerys felt the boy tense up as the king approached them. He quickly pulled his hand away from Aegons.
“And you, boy. Where did you hear such calumnies?”
The prince remained silent. The two jumped when the king screamed the boy's name.
“Grandfather, he would never-”
“Silence! Tell me the truth of it!”
“My king-”
“We know, father. Everyone knows. Just look at them...”
Aerys stared at the boy sadly. Aegon would not even look at him. Aerys stepped away and turned to face the fireplace. His grandfather’s yelling caused him to tense up. Aerys stayed quiet as the king and queen began to speak.
“I will have one of her son’s eyes in return.”
Aerys turned to look back at the queen in horror. The woman had seemingly gone mad. Everything was happening so quickly. The king tried to calm his wife, but she would have none of it. She ordered Ser Criston to take Lucerys’ eye. Fortunately, the man had refused.
“Alicent, this matter. . . Is finished. Do you understand?” 
The crowd watched silently as the king began to walk away.
“And let it be known: anyone whose tongue dares to question the birth of Princess Rhaenyra’s sons should have it removed .” 
No one failed to see who the king's words were pointed at. He was making it clear, not just to everyone, but to the queen herself. Rhaenyra thanked her father before turning back to her children. Aerys could feel the tension only rising between both sides of the room. He wondered if his grandfather’s words had done more harm than good. 
Suddenly, the room turned to chaos as Queen Alicent ran at Rhaenyra with the king's dagger. Aerys had tried to run to her aunt's side, but Aegon grabbed a hold of him and kept him at his side.
Everyone had gone quiet as they watched the standoff between the queen and the princess. Rhaenyra had gotten the last word before the queen brought the blade down. Lord Corlys had caught Rhaenyra so she would not fall. The blade had sliced open Rhaenyra’s arm. Aerys had gotten away from Aegon. Quickly, he rushed to his aunt’s side, looking over the wound. A heavy trail of blood began trickling down her skin. 
“Do not mourn me, mother. I may have lost an eye, but I gained a dragon.” Aemond rushed to his mother's side.
Aerys turned his head, his dark eyes scanning over the crowd. He noticed what was clear for all to see. The lines had been drawn.
The sun had seemed to rise earlier than usual. The crowd dispersed quite quickly after the events between the queen and the princess. The king had Queen Alicent and her children escorted to their chambers immediately while their ship was being prepared. Daemon had gone with Rhaenyra and the boys to have a maester tend to their wounds. Aerys was preparing to head back to King's landing. Aerys shared tearful goodbyes with the boys before they were ushered to bed. As he exited the castle, he found Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon talking. Prince Daemon noticed the boy first, nodding his head towards him. Rhaenyra turned her head to look for him. Daemon stayed behind as the Princess walked towards Aerys. 
“I am sorry we did not have another chance to speak earlier.”
“There were more pressing matters to attend to.”
“Your cut looks fresher than it did yesterday.” She frowned. 
“Aerys, you know you can tell me anything. If someone hurt you-”
“I reopened it in my sleep. That’s all.”
“Perhaps you should join us at Dragonstone-”
“My place is at court. I must do as my king commands.”
Rhaenyra huffed, a smile spreading across her lips. Her violet eyes traveled across every inch of his face. Warm, soft fingers trailed across his uninjured cheek.
“My little dragon, always so noble.”
If only you knew, he thought. The woman pressed a quick kiss to the top of his head.
“You’re always welcome at Dragonstone.”
“I will keep that in mind.”
The woman pulled him into her arms for a hug. Aerys was careful not to touch her injured arm.
“We have to go, Aerys!” Helaena called from behind.
The two pulled away, sharing one last silent look of goodbye. Aerys walked with Aegon and Helaena to the sandy shores where their dragons lay. Dreamfyre was the first to perk up as she spotted Helaena. Sunfyre and Agana continued to rest their heads together. Vhagar was lounging away from the others. Aemond was not allowed to ride the ancient-looking dragon on the way back due to his injuries. Aerys was still deciding how he felt on the matter. Aemond was well within his rights to claim Vhagar, but he did feel sorry for little Rhaena. Luke had told him that the girl wished to claim her mother’s dragon for herself. But claiming a dragon was not so simple. The rider doesn’t simply choose a dragon and gets to have it. The dragon must also accept the rider, and Vhagar had accepted Aemond.
Aerys pulled on a pair of riding gloves to protect his hand. Once again, he scaled up the silver dragon. The four dragons stood to their feet and began to shake off all the sand.
“Race you home!” Aegon called after he commanded Sunfyre to fly.
“He’s a fool,” Helaena sighed.
Aerys watched as the giant pale blue dragon lifted off into the sky. He gripped the reins to prepare himself.
“Sōvēs, Agana!”
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quaithe-seastar · 2 months
The Dragon's Gold
Chapter Two
Pairing: Aegon II Targaryen x Aerys Reyne (male oc)
Summary: Aerys Reyne, son of Naerys Targaryen, the second-born daughter of King Viserys and Queen Aemma, has been best friends with Aegon since childhood. As boys, they had been inseparable. Many said that it reminded them of the early days of King Jaehaerys reign. When the princes Aemon and Baelon were still children. Wherever one boy was, it wasn't long before the other came running behind him. That was until forbidden desires of the heart forced a wedge between them. After the death of his grandsire, King Viserys, Aerys finds himself torn between two sides: stand by his oldest friend or stand by the only mother he has ever known.
Warnings: (18+ MDNI), Smut between two women, prostitution, underage drinking, implied underage smut (nothing too graphic), incest, Otto Hightower, and homophobia.
a/n: I want to clarify that Aerys is the same age as Aegon. Dialogue in italics means that the characters are speaking in high valyrian. I was just too lazy to attempt to translate it. Though, there may be some high valyrian thrown in here and there. No beta, so I apologize for any or all grammar and spelling mistakes.
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Aerys curled himself deeper into his blankets. His eyes remained glaring at the stony walls of his chambers. The boy's stomach ached from refusing to eat his supper earlier. The room was dark and there was a slight chill in the air. Only the moonlight coming from the window lit up the cold gray stone walls. It had been an entire day since Rhaenyra had departed with her family. Hours since Aerys had moved from his bed. He had hoped to sleep his despair away, but it seemed like sleep was determined to evade him. The castle was quiet, too quiet for the boy. Everyone has most likely gone to sleep by now. Yet Aerys remained wide awake, to mull over his sad thoughts.
Since he was a little boy, Rhaenyra had been the only mother he had ever known. Having lost both of his parents at the ripe age of four. He could remember his mother’s voice, but her face was becoming a fading memory in his mind. Nyra had the ring with his mother’s portrait commissioned for his thirteenth name day. It was his most prized possession. Aerys also had many portraits of his parents that he had made himself, but he was never pleased with them. They always felt like they were missing something.
The slight creek of his chamber door freed him from his mind. Assuming it was a maid, he remained glaring at the gray stone wall, in hopes they would go away. Aerys let out a soft grunt as something collided with his back. The young man quickly sat up, turning to find the assailant. Aegon stood at the end of the bed dressed in beggar clothes. It was not an unfamiliar sight for Aerys. Aegon had stood at the bottom of Aerys’ bed and begged him to join him in his adventures many times.
“Put them on,” Aegon whispered.
Aerys turned his head down. There was a brown sack lying at his side. He began to pull the contents out of the bag. It was a disguise similar to the one Aegon wore. Aerys dropped the clothes on his lap.
“Aegon, I can’t-”
“No!” He whispered harshly. His face was scrunched up in anger. “I understand you are upset about Rhaenyra, but that is exactly why you must come. To get your mind off of it. Besides, how would you live with yourself if something happened to me? Something that you could have prevented if you came with me.”
“You've gone out alone plenty of times,” Aerys scoffed.
“So? Now, get dressed.”
Aerys rolled his eyes before getting out of bed. Perhaps Aegon was right. He needed to clear his head before his sadness consumed him. Aerys quickly changed into the clothes Aegon had given him. The Targaryen prince gave him a nod before motioning him to take his hand. The pair quickly and quietly made their way out of the room. They slipped into a nearby storage closet that had a hidden entrance to one of the castle's many secret passages. The two boys moved a large cart out of the way before placing their hands on the wall. They turned to each other and gave a nod. The two pushed with all the force they could muster until the wall gave in. The two nearly toppled over each other. Aerys was quickly able to grab Aegon's cloak, saving the boy from landing face-first on the ground.
The two boys shared a glance before slapping their hands over their mouths to stifle their laughter. Aegon took Aerys by the hand before leading them through the tunnel. Aerys was unsure of where they were. He didn’t have nearly as much experience using the secret passages as Aegon did. So he quietly let Aegon lead him forward. It wasn’t long before they came to the room that held the skull of Balerion, also known as The Black Dread. The dragon of Aegon the Conqueror, Maegor the Cruel, Princess Aerea, and King Viserys. Though his grandsire only rode the great dragon once, before he died of old age. Oh, what Aerys would give to have been able to simply look at Balerion in his prime.
In the darkness, it felt as though something was watching him. His eyes lingered on the skull as they passed. For a second he could have sworn he saw black eyes staring back at him. Aerys shook his head. His old wet nurse used to tell him that shadows liked to play tricks on the minds of men.
It didn’t take long before they made it outside of the castle gates. Aegon held onto Aerys’ hand as he led him through the crowded streets. The stench was the first thing to hit him. The city smelled of smoke, wine, piss, and what he could only assume was sex. Despite being so late into the night, the city seemed more alive than ever. A stark contrast to the dark quiet castle. There were hordes of people everywhere. Men clustered together as they drank and sang old songs of war. Men pulled women into their laps to fondle them. Women wearing scandalous dresses that left nothing to the imagination. Musicians were seated against the walls as they performed for all the see. The two boys came to a halt as a fight broke out before them. Aegon pulled Aerys to the side to keep him out of the way. One of the men dropped to the ground. He was quickly surrounded by people picking through his pockets.
It was all so thrilling. He could hear hundreds of different conversations all going on at once. As they turned the corner there was a woman on the ground on all fours as a man pumped inside her from the back. Her back arched as she moaned in pleasure. A deep blush crept onto his face. Never in his life had he seen such a sight. Aegon had told him many stories over the last two years since he began sneaking out of the castle, but now he was seeing it all for himself. Even as they passed the couple they did not stop, both eager to reach their climax.
“Riveting, isn’t it?” Aegon whispered into his ear.
Aerys gave him a shy nod. “Where are we going?”
“Don’t worry, we’re almost there.”
They squeezed their way through another crowded street.
“Out of the way boy!” A drunkard growled as he brushed past Aerys.
Multiple women leaned against the stone walls. Their dresses hiked up, flaunting their smooth legs. They waved and called out flirtatiously to all the men who passed. Their looks ranged from young to old, thin to large, tall to short, yellow-haired to raven-haired, pale-skinned to dark ebony.
The two came to a set of wide-opened doors of a two-story building. The entrance was lit up by two ornate lamps of gilded metal and emerald glass. The overwhelming scent of incense filled his nose. Men and women were constantly flowing in and out of the building. Aerys quickly realized it was a pleasure house. They made their way inside. From the entrance of the door, it was a straight shot to the common room. The room was filled with tapestries, colorful curtains, and rugs. Multiple women lounged upon cushioned alcoves. Some were seated on the laps of their patrons, grinding their bodies together, laughing at whatever the men whispered to them as if it were the funniest thing in the world. Some were intertwined with one another, sensually running their hands over each other.
An older woman approached the two of them. She had long yellow hair that reached past her hips. Her body was tall and lean. The two had to look up to meet her eyes. They were blue. They matched the dress she wore. She had a long aquiline nose, high cheekbones, and plump rosy lips. Her skin seemed to have a warm tan to it. The dress pushed her rather large bosoms up for display. Aerys blushed as he returned his eyes to her face.
“It’s been a while,” she smiled.
“Yes, it has. This is my friend's first time in the city. I want to make sure he enjoys himself.” Aegon said proudly as he wrapped his arm around Aerys’ shoulder.
“Of course. Is there anything in particular you’re looking for?” The woman asked.
Her soft honeyed voice was almost heavenly. Aerys believed he could listen to her speak for hours on end. Aegon moved towards the woman who leaned down. He whispered something into her ear that made her laugh. Aerys nervously clenched his hands into fists. There was no telling what Aegon was whispering to her, and the mystery unnerved him. The two finally pulled away from each other. Aegon moved back to Aerys' side.
“Right away my prince. For now, let me have one of my girls escort you to your room. Willa!” The woman called out.
A young woman approached them. Aerys assumed this was Willa. She was a pretty-looking woman. Her long brown hair was thick and curly. Large brown eyes stared at him apprehensively. They reminded him of a doe. A sweet little doe. She placed her hands on her hips in a seductive manner, but he could tell she was tense. Her baby pink dress showed off her voluptuous figure. She was tall and round, but not unpleasantly so. Her skin was a beautiful copper color that seemed to glow under the candlelight.
“Take these two gentlemen to a room.” The yellow-haired woman instructed.
“Of course, this way gentlemen.” Willa batted her eyelashes as she walked ahead of them.
Aegon intertwined their fingers, pulling Aerys along. They made their way up a set of stairs, careful to avoid the woman who leaned against the rails of the staircase. Many of them playfully toyed with his hair as he passed. Willa led them down a hall. The hall was filled with multiple rooms on both sides. Some doors were closed but you could very clearly hear what was going on inside. Some were open with women leaning seductively against the door frames. And then there were some open with small crowds of people inside watching as men pounded away at the women beneath them.
Aegon squeezed his hand, recapturing Aerys' attention. There was a wide smirk on his face as he looked at Aerys' flustered face. Willa led them down another hallway. This one was much quieter, with fewer rooms. All the rooms were dark and empty. She led them to the end of the hall, pushing open a beautifully carved door. The squared room was beautiful. It was lit up by lamps of gilded metal and decorated with colorful jewels. In the center of the room was a large canopy bed. The bed was covered with maroon and purple silks and velvet blankets. The floor was covered with purple rugs. The stone walls of the room were covered with colorful tapestries of nude women.
“Fetch us some wine!” Aegon commanded Willa as he removed his cloak.
“Right away,” the woman nodded before taking her leave.
Aerys waited for the door to close before speaking.
“What did you tell the woman downstairs?” He asked, curiosity getting the better of him.
Aegon let out a bored sigh as he walked over to Aerys. His fingers began tugging at the string of Aerys’ cloak.
“It’s a surprise, Aerys. Consider it a gift from your dear uncle.”
“A gift?” Aerys scoffed.
“Yes, a gift. Now quit squirming, I’m trying to get this off you.”
Aegon let out a shout of triumph as the cloak fell to the floor. The Targaryen prince moved to sit on the bed. He pulled off his tunic and kicked off his boots. He moved to lean against the headboard, resting on a mountain of pillows.
“Well come on, or do you plan on standing the entire evening?”
Aerys nodded before following suit. His skin prickled with goosebumps as the night air hit his skin. There was a quick knock at the door before it opened. Willa returned holding a tray with a flagon of wine and two glasses. Behind her came the yellowed-haired woman and two more people. It was hard for Aerys to discern if they were men or women. They wore thick black cloaks with hoods that concealed their faces. Willa set the tray down on the table next to the bed. She poured the wine and handed it to them. The yellow-haired woman dismissed her once she was done. Aerys found himself watching her until she disappeared behind the door.
“Gentlemen, I introduce you to the lovely ladies, Melira and Serenei.” The yellow-haired woman announced with a smile.
The two figures unlaced their cloaks before dropping them to the ground. The dark cloaks pooled at their feet. The first thing Aerys noticed was their beautiful silver hair. They had pale blue eyes, even prettier than the older woman beside them. As his eyes trailed down Aerys suddenly became aware of their nakedness.
“Two beauties from the island of Lys. Maidens, just as you asked.”
“They will do. Leave us.”
The yellow-haired woman bowed before leaving, pulling the door closed behind her. Aerys tried his best to look at their faces. Aegon jumped to his feet. He circled the two women, inspecting them. The shorter woman was around Aegon’s height while the other stood a head taller. The prince turned his head to gauge his reaction. Aerys cast his eyes down to the wine in his glass.
“Don’t be such a prude Aerys! Feast your eyes upon their beauty,” Aegon proclaimed as he fondled the shorter one’s breast from behind. “It’s what I bought them for. Which one are you?”
“Serenei, my prince.” The woman gasped as his fingers toyed with her nipples.
“Alright,” Aegon sighed. “My friend is new to this sort of thing. I want you both to put on a nice show for us.”
“Of course, my prince.” They both answered.
Aegon moved back to his spot on the bed. The two women crawled onto the bed. They sat on their knees at the edge of the bed. The taller one moved first. Pulling Serenei in for a kiss. Sweet simple pecks at first before they became longer and more passionate. Serenei moaned against Melira’s lips. Their hands pawed at one another. Gently caressing each other's breasts. Melira’s chest was much larger than Serenei’s. The shorter woman pulled back, getting on her hands and knees. She lowered her head to take one of Melira’s nipples in her mouth. Melira threw her head back slightly, moaning at the sensation. She trailed her nails down Serenei’s back. While she used the other to hold the woman’s head.
“Lovely aren’t they?” Aegon whispered into Aerys’ ear.
Aerys could only respond with a nod. He shifted in his seat as he watched Serenei dip a hand between the other woman’s legs. Her arm moved back and forth as she played with the woman’s cunt. Melira let out a loud moan before pushing the woman away. Serenei giggled as she fell onto her back, spreading her legs from Melira to crawl between them.
“Would you like me to taste her, my prince?” Melira asked.
“I’m not sure. Aerys, would you like that?” Aegon asked.
Aerys' face felt like it was on fire. No doubt his cheeks were as red as blood. The two women looked at him, giggling.
“Umm, I-I don’t...”
“Relax Aerys,” Aegon laughed. “Go ahead, taste her.”
The two carried on with what they were doing. Melira kissed down the woman’s body until her face reached her cunt.
“She’s so wet, my prince.” Melira moaned.
Aerys raised his cup to his lips, enjoying the warmth of the wine as it went down. He moved his cup towards Aegon, who was quick to fill it up again. And so the night carried on. The two boys watched as the women played with each other. Aerys was unsure of how long it had been. The wine had begun to cloud his mind long ago. There seemed to be no end to it. As soon as he finished a glass more appeared. Now it was Serenei between Melira’s legs. Her thin fingers pumping inside the woman’s sopping cunt. Feeling eyes on him, Aerys turned his head to find Aegon watching him.
“What?” Aerys asked, raising his glass to his lips. He cursed as he felt the liquid run down his chin.
“You’ve got a little...here.” Aegon laughed, pointing an unsteady finger toward the side of his mouth.
Aerys poked out his tongue, licking the corner of his mouth. “There?”
“No,” Aegon giggled. “Other side, other side.”
Aerys rolled his eyes as he moved his tongue to the other side. He could taste the slight bitterness of the spilled wine. “There, I think I got it.”
He turned his head to find Aegon glaring at him. He furrowed his brows in confusion. Had he done something? They were just fine a minute ago. He parted his lips to speak but something else happened. Aegon leaned in, capturing Aerys’ lips with his own. Dazed, Aerys found himself reciprocating. He felt Aegon slip his tongue into his mouth as if it were the most natural thing in the world. The bitter aftertaste of the wine lingered much stronger on his tongue. Aerys' body responded to Aegon’s affection before his mind could. His hands gripped the Targaryen prince’s hips pulling him closer. They both groaned as their bare chests pressed against each other.
As Aerys felt Aegon's hand slip down between his legs his mind quickly caught up to speed. He jerked his head back, finally breaking the kiss. Aegon tried to lean forward to reconnect but stopped when Aerys placed a hand on his chest.
“What? What happened?” He asked, his violet eyes shifting between Aerys’ eyes and lips.
“What are you- what are we doing?” Aerys swallowed, pressing his hand harder against Aegon's chest to keep him at bay.
“You taste sweet,” Aegon hummed.
“Aegon we- we can’t be doing that.”
“Why?” He frowned as if he was confused as to why what they just did was wrong.
If this were any other circumstance Aerys would have found it adorable.
“Because it’s- it’s wrong.”
“How is it wrong?”
“Because we- we’re family.”
“So? In case you haven’t noticed this is something quite common in our family.”
“We’re both men! It’s wicked and immoral.”
“Ser Laenor fancy’s men. Do you find him wicked or immoral?”
“No, I-. . . that’s not what I’m saying...” Aerys murmured.
He felt Aegon slip his fingers under his chin, lifting his head. Aerys stared into those warm familiar violet eyes. Something he had done many times before.
“This is not wrong, Aerys. It’s just a kiss. We’ve done it once before, you liked it then too.” Aegon smiled, tracing his thumb over Aerys’ lips. “I won’t take it any further than you allow, I swear it. I just...want to kiss you.”
Aerys could feel his self-control melting away.
“Just...kissing right?”
“Just kissing.” Aegon agreed.
Aerys gave a small nod, dropping his hand from the prince’s chest. His body was tense as Aegon leaned in once more, reconnecting their lips. It was awkward at first until Aegon's fingers slipped into his hair. Something that had always calmed him down. Aegon slipped his tongue back between Aerys' lips. And without hesitation, Aerys found his hands gripping onto Aegon's waist pulling him closer. The two women had been forgotten until Aerys felt one move behind him. Her bare breasts were pressed against his chest as she moved her hand to his hair to take Aegon’s place. Aegon pulled his head back.
“Get out!” He hissed.
The two women froze in confusion, until he raised his voice, ordering them out a second time. “Out!”
The two quickly grabbed their cloaks before sprinting out of the room.
“That was cruel,” Aerys giggled.
“I’ll make sure they’re well compensated,” Aegon smirked, as he moved onto his knees.
Aerys scooted his body down a bit so he could be more comfortable. His neck was slightly sore from leaning against the headboard for so long. Aegon crawled between his legs. His hands were placed on both sides of Aerys' head. He bent down and their lips met with such lustful urgency. Aerys pushed Aegon away just enough to roll over on top of him without breaking the kiss. He pressed his tongue deep inside the Targaryen prince’s mouth, taking control.
“I want you,” Aegon mumbled against his lips as they finally parted ways.
He cast his eyes downwards, refusing to look Aerys in the eyes. His voice was soft and timid, no longer holding its usual smug and insouciant tone. Aerys was unsure of what he wanted to do. He had never been with a man before, or anyone for that matter. Sex was never something he was interested in before now. Aegon would often tell him of the many late-night trysts he had with women on the street of silk, but he had never mentioned any men. Aerys wondered if he had ever been with one. And even more concerning for the young man, he found himself growing jealous at the thought of another man touching him like this.
“Are you sure?” There was a slight slur to his voice, another sign of the wine taking effect. “I’ve never-”
“I know Aerys...but I want this. I want to do this together. We’ve always done everything together.”
Aegon gave him a sweet smile. His fingertips trailed from the mole on Aerys’ right cheek down to his chin, pulling him down to kiss him again this time deeper, slower, hungrier.
Aerys felt Aegon dig his fingers into his hips and pull him closer, their clothed middles pressed against each other. He pulled back with a hiss but still rested his forehead against Aegons. Aerys rolled his hips closer, enjoying the feeling of Aegon’s nails digging into his skin. The night was just beginning for the two.
The candles in the room had burned out. The streets were beginning to quiet down, as dawn approached. The two boys were wrapped in each other’s embrace. Aegon rested his head against Aerys' chest, still fast asleep. However, once again Aerys’ mind had refused to let him rest. Aegon had opened the window shutters before he fell asleep, allowing the night air and moonlight to come through. He did not know what to think about what they had just done, but years of hearing how wrong it was began weighing down on him. Yet he could not bring himself to say he regretted it. In truth, he had never experienced something so thrilling, so...addicting.
“You're thinking too loud, it disturbed me from my slumber.”
“How inconsiderate,” Aerys smiled. “You have my apology.”
Aegon pushed himself up, shifting all his weight onto his elbow. His cold, long fingers sent a chill down Aerys’ spine, as they trailed down his chest.
“An apology? So gracious of you, perhaps you deserve a reward.”
Aerys’ face was burning something fierce, as Aegon's soft lips trailed kisses down his stomach.
“Do you want me to stop?” Aegon asked.
Aerys wanted anything but.
“No, keep going...please.” His face burned hotter.
His mind and body both begging to be touched. To feel those cold fingers trace every inch of his skin.
“I think I like it when you beg,” Aegon purred, his nails dug into the boy's skin. Dragging from his chest down to his hips.
Aerys let out a heavy sigh. The slight sting only added to the pleasure. His back arched against the dragon prince’s touch. Aerys’ stomach was filled with anticipation of what was to come. He felt his heart pounding in his chest, beating loudly against her ears. Aerys’ hands clenched tightly at the blanket, unsure of what to do with them. His hips bucked at the feeling of Aegon's warm breath against the skin of his lower stomach.
The sound of a loud bang and splintering wood made them jump in fear. The carved oak door creaked loudly, having nearly been knocked off its hinges. The two boys were frozen, their eyes wide with shock and horror. There at the entrance of the room stood a knight wearing the colors of House Hightower, and Otto Hightower himself. Staring at the two boys with nearly the same expression. Though in his eyes there was something dark, something almost malevolent.
“Grandfather, I-I didn’t know you were here. How did you find us?” Aegon asked, his voice shaky.
“Get dressed!” The man snarled, a look of disgust covering his face. “Both of you!”
The two boys quickly jumped away from each other. Roughly pulling on their clothes as fast as they could. Once they were done they stood a great distance apart, staring at their feet. The older man said nothing as he turned and left the room, his cape swishing behind him. The unknown knight growled at the two boys, motioning them to follow. Not a word was spoken as they followed the reinstated hand of the king. Aerys grew confused and anxious. The way he was leading them was not the way they had come. Yet he did not question it, too afraid of what might happen if he dared to speak. He stared at his feet, not bothering to try and remember the path they took. A door creaked quietly and he found himself stepping out into a small dark alley.
“Lift your hoods,” the hand commanded as they neared the end of the alley.
They walked until they made it to Fishmongers Square, where a small carriage awaited them. The ride back to the castle was silent. Though Aerys’ could feel the eyes of Otto Hightower glaring at him. He suddenly wished to have Nyra at his side. She would know what to do, she always did. She would not hesitate to speak up in his defense. But now she was gone, sailed off to Dragonstone. All that was left was his grandsire, King Viserys. The boy loved his grandsire he truly did, but the man was weak. Always so busy trying to keep everyone happy. Always trying to keep the peace between the queen and the princess. Something he often failed at miserably.
The two boys were taken to the tower of the hand. The castle was practically void of all life at this time, so they did not have to fear lurking eyes. The hand paced back and forth, glaring at them every so often before continuing. The boys sat across from each other at the table that sat in the hand’s bed chamber. The silence was deafening. They were unsure of what the old man was waiting for. Aerys could not bring himself to even look up from the worn-down wood of the table. He felt Aegon kick at his foot, trying to get his attention. But Aerys would not look at him. The door swung open. Aerys looked up to find that the queen had entered the room. She wore a thick green robe, most likely to cover her nightdress. Her hair was unkempt, an unusual sight for the usual well-put-together queen.
“Leave us, Ser Yoren,” Otto commanded.
The knight’s armor clinked as he took his leave. Aerys felt as if he were going to be sick. As soon as the door closed the queen spoke.
“What has happened?” She asked.
“What happened is that I found these two laying together in a brothel, with my grandson about to put his own nephew's cock in his mouth!” The old man hissed, his voice laced with venom.
Aerys jumped in his seat at the noise. The bile rose in his throat, threatening to spill out. His entire body was shaking, riddled with fear.
“What? That is a lie! They would never-”
“Do you believe I would lie about something like this? Something so odious, something so vile!”
“No, I only meant-”
“Your uncle told me there was nothing to fear with you alone at court, and I tried to believe him. I tried to have faith in you, but for you to let something like this happen-”
“I did not let this happen-”
“Silence!” He seethed.
The queen's eyes widened in fear before she quickly cast her eyes to the floor. The man sighed before turning away from her and walking towards the table.
“Fortunately for the two of you, no one was able to recognize you. The two whores have been dealt with. But make no mistake,” the man warned, his voice dangerously low. “This will never happen again, or there will be serious consequences for the both of you. Alicent, escort my grandson back to his chambers. Ensure that a knight is placed inside of his room, to keep an eye on him.”
“Yes, Father...and what of Aerys?” She asked.
“I will have him escorted by Ser Yoren, now go.”
“Yes Father, come Aegon!” She commanded, motioning the boy to go to her.
Aerys turned his head to look at Aegon. Surely he wouldn’t leave him. Aegon stood to his feet, his eyes shifted to look at the boy across the table. Aerys looked at him with the best pleading eyes he could muster, begging him to stay. Aegon lowered his head and walked to his mother. Aerys watched, devastated. His lip trembled, his eyes burned with tears, and his heart began pounding in his ears. He dropped his head, staring at his feet.
“Look at me boy.” Otto hissed.
Aerys remained still. How could he? How could Aegon abandon him like this? This was all his fault!
“Look at me!”
Aerys barely had time to raise his head before the back of the old man’s hand connected with his cheek.
The harsh smack echoed through the room. The ringing in his ear and the stinging in his eyes made it difficult to register what had happened. He looked at the man before him at a loss for words. The man’s hand was still in the air. For a second the man shared a look of bewilderment before his eyes burned with fury.
“How dare you!” The man spat. “How dare you befoul my grandson with your depravity-”
Aerys turned his head to look away but the old man was quick to catch his chin in his hand. Aerys winced at the pain, trying to wriggle away.
“What kind of perversion is this?” He hissed.
His eyes darkened with loathing.
“No doubt this is the influence of your dear aunt and her husband. They’ve spent the last decade flouting their transgressions at court without shame. And I see they have planted the seeds of their debauchery in you. But as I said, this will not happen again. Be grateful for who your family is, boy. If you were anyone else I would have you gelded and sent off to the wall. Though you may prefer that, being what you are. Being trapped with a bunch of men who are so desperate to satisfy their depraved urges that they’ll fuck anything that moves must sound like paradise to you.”
The man backed away, though his eyes still glared at the boy. He stood up tall, his head held high. Aerys could feel the burning heat still emanating from his cheek.
“Ser Yoren will escort you to your chambers. I’ll send someone to clean that up.” The old man pointed his finger toward the boy's face. Shakily, Aerys raised his fingers to touch his cheek. He pulled them back to find himself bleeding. Not a lot of blood, just a drop or two, mostly likely from the large rings on the man’s fingers.
“You will not breathe a word of this night to anyone. As far as you’re concerned it never happened. But heed my warning boy. This will never happen again. Am I understood?”
Aerys moved his eyes to meet the old man’s gaze. Still unable to speak, he nodded in response.
“Good, now go.”
The boy could feel his knees buckle as he stood. He moved hesitantly, scared that the man would strike him again. Their eyes never left each other until Aerys was out the door. He could hear the old man whisper something to the knight. A moment later he heard the sound of footsteps trailing behind him.
Aerys sat quietly, his nails digging into the palms of his hands. The maester dabbed at the small cut on his cheek. They didn’t speak a word. Only the sound of crackling firewood filled the room. The sky was just beginning to turn a light blue. It wouldn’t be long before the pitter-patter of rushing servants rang through the halls of the castle.
“Alright, it should heal up within a few days. No need for stitches. Expect some bruising. You really ought to be more careful. There have been many young lords who met their ends tumbling down a flight of stairs.”
“Of course maester, it was a foolish mistake. Too much wine I suppose.”
“Mmm yes, that sounds about right. Alright, you should try and sleep now. Perhaps some dreamwine would help-”
“No!” The boy snapped.
The maester looked at him taken aback.
“My apologies maester, but I’m alright. There is no need.”
“Of course, I shall take my leave.” The maester bowed his head before leaving.
Once the door slammed closed he moved to the looking glass in the corner of the room. His iris eyes almost could not recognize the boy who stared back at him. There was a small cut beneath his eyes. Dark from the dried blood, and the salve the maester placed on it to keep it from infecting. The skin of his left cheek, as well as his left eye, looked red and slightly swollen. But it was not his injury that perturbed him. He had been bruised before. From accidents during sword training and from actually falling down the stairs once. He undressed, tossing the tattered clothes to the side.
Perhaps Otto Hightower was right. The seeds of sin were planted within him. Such sins weighed heavy on his heart, on his soul. He felt unclean, tainted. His nails dug into his skin scratching away at some unremitting itch that would not go away. Could he ever be forgiven? Would the gods be able to forgive such blasphemy? Such filth...
Aerys turned his head back to the small round table he and the maester had been sitting at. There was a larger copper bowl sitting in the middle. He walked over to dip his fingers into the bowl. The water had cooled. The cold water caused the hair on his arms to rise. He grabbed the rag from the bowl, not bothering to wring it. Water dripped down his skin as he scrubbed with contempt. Sobs racked his body as he struggled to reach his back. In frustration, he tossed the rag to the floor. His chest heaved heavily as he struggled to breathe. He swung his arm out, swiping the bowl off the table. Water splashed everywhere and the metal echoed as it hit the floor.
Aerys allowed himself to drop with it. He rocked himself back and forth, burying his face into his hands. His skin was red and raw, it burned as the morning breeze brushed against him. The boy found himself utterly exhausted now. He lay on his side, curling himself into a ball. Wrapping his arms around himself, he began to hum a tune. It was the lullaby his mother used to sing for him. He could no longer remember the words, but he remembered the melody. At long last, darkness overtook him.
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quaithe-seastar · 2 months
The Dragon's Gold
Chapter One
Pairing: Aegon II Targaryen x Aerys Reyne (male oc)
Summary: Aerys Reyne, son of Naerys Targaryen, the second-born daughter of King Viserys and Queen Aemma, has been best friends with Aegon since childhood. As boys, they had been inseparable. Many said that it reminded them of the early days of King Jaehaerys reign. When the princes Aemon and Baelon were still children. Wherever one boy was, it wasn't long before the other came running behind him. That was until forbidden desires of the heart forced a wedge between them. After the death of his grandsire, King Viserys, Aerys finds himself torn between two sides: stand by his oldest friend or stand by the only mother he has ever known.
Words: 7385
a/n: Dialogue in italics means that the characters are speaking in high valyrian. I was just too lazy to attempt to translate it. Though, there may be some high valyrian thrown in here and there. No beta, so I apologize for any or all grammar and spelling mistakes.
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Aerys sat on the dirt, sketching in the large leather-bound book sitting across his knees. Agana lay before him, resting her head on the dirt. The sun reflected beautifully off of her aquamarine and silver scales. Aerys’s eyes shifted quickly back and forth from the dragon to the book. The sound of laughter alerted the she-dragon and her rider. Agana let out a low rumble as she stretched her neck up. 
“Don’t worry Agana. We’re done for today,” Aerys smiled as he stood.
He ran his fingers over the dragon's scaled neck. She let out what sounded like a purr as she relaxed under his touch. Her emerald green eyes stared at him as he pulled away. She lowered her neck to nuzzle her head against his chest. Aerys laughed as he patted her muzzle. 
“I’m sorry, I have to go. We’ll go for a ride later,” he smiled.
He stepped back and picked up the brown leather bag on the dirt. He lifted the strap of his head to let it sit on his shoulder. Aerys rubbed Agana’s muzzle one last time before he called out to the dragon keepers. Aerys waved his hand until he lost sight of the dragon. It pained him to leave her chained up in this place, but he had no other choice. His grandfather, King Viserys, had told him the chains were mandatory. 
“Make sure she gets a good meal, please. I’ll return later on today. It’s been a few days since she’s gotten to spread her wings,” Aerys said as he walked with the dragon keepers. 
“Of course, Lord Reyne.” The dragon keepers bowed their heads.
The familiar sound of laughter caught Aerys’s attention. He followed the sound until he reached the two brown-haired boys. His younger cousins, Jace and Luke. Luke noticed him first and immediately ran to his side. The boy was jumping up and down in excitement.
“Mother is having the baby! We’ve picked an egg for them!” He exclaimed as he took hold of Aerys’s hand.
The older boy allowed himself to be pulled along. Aerys could feel the heat from the warming chamber without it even being opened. Ser Harwin was standing beside Jace, with an absentminded smile on his face as he watched the boy look at the large bronze-scaled egg sitting in the warming chamber.
“Jace, let me pick it on my own!” Luke smiled.
“You did good, Luke. I’m sure your mother will love it.” Aerys smiled as he patted Luke’s head. 
“Alright boys,” Ser Harwin interrupted, “You should get that egg to the castle.”
“Will you come with us?” Luke asked as he ran to cling to the gold cloak. Harwin had a look of uncertainty on his face.
“That would be safest,” Aerys shrugged. “It’s not every day an egg leaves the dragon pit right?”
Harwin stared at the older boy for a moment before he nodded. Aerys was no fool. He understood why the man cared so much for the two boys. He had heard the whispers that spread through the castle like wildfire. Ser Harwin also did not do a great job of hiding his fondness for Aunt Rhaenyra’s children. However, it was mostly the boy’s colors that gave it away, brown hair, brown eyes, and pale skin. Whatever Velaryon blood they had in their veins was quite. . . distant.
Bastards, people whispered. The first time Aerys had heard that, he threatened to feed the little pompous Frey boy to Agana. Who the boy’s father was did not matter to Aerys. The boys were still his family, his blood. They had dragons. If that did not prove they were true Targaryens , Aerys did not know what would. 
The boys made their way back to the Red Keep. They were escorted by Ser Harwin, a few gold cloaks, and Ser Lorent. Ser Lorent was the sworn shield of Aunt Rhaenyra. Luke was practically bouncing up and down the entire trip. He was excited to meet the newest edition of the family. He couldn’t decide which he wanted more, a brother or sister. He then began ranting about the pros and cons of both. Aerys sat quietly, simply listening to the little boy ramble. The boy thought of his brother, Robb, the current Lord of Castamere and head of House Reyne. Robb was his half-brother, born five years before him. He wondered if he had been as excited about his birth as Luke was about his new sibling. 
Aerys hoped the babe would not cause his aunt too much trouble. He understood how dangerous the birthing bed could be. His mother had nearly died giving birth to him. Aerys had wished to remain at her side, but it would not be appropriate. So he had decided to spend the day with Agana, to keep himself distracted.
The castle seemed to be even more crowded than usual. Though the crowd moved to clear a path as the boys made their way through. Aerys went first, allowing the boys to follow behind him. The group made their way to Nyra's apartments easily enough. Nyra had yet to return to her chambers, so Aerys decided to return to his bedchamber to clean himself up. 
He had to promise Luke he would return as soon as the baby was here before the boy let him go. Ser Lorent had offered to accompany him but Aerys refused. Aerys quietly walked down to his chambers. A few maids giggled and whispered amongst themselves as they watched him pass by. He smiled politely and nodded.
“I’ll never understand why they flock to you.”
Aerys flinched and turned his head. Aegon was standing on his right side, with a childish pout on his face.
“Maybe if you showed them a little more respect they’d do the same to you,” Aerys sighed.
“Respect? They’re servants. They respect me.” Aegon scoffed.
“I’m sure they do,” Aerys hummed.
Aerys sped up his pace to get away from the boy. Though Aegon was quick to follow. Aerys felt a twinge of nervousness as Aegon walked closer to him. This time their arms pressed side to side, their fingers brushed against each other as they walked. Aerys had thought of stepping away but he could not bring himself to do it. 
“What’s the matter with you? Are you ill?” Aegon asked suddenly.
“What do you mean?” Aerys scrunched his face in confusion.
“Your face is red, and your hair is starting to stick to your forehead.” 
Aerys wiped his forehead with his sleeve. “It’s nothing, I'm just worried about Nyra.”
Aegon hummed, “Yes, I heard her labors had started. Mother said she would be shocked if the child wasn’t another bast- boy.”
Aerys shot the older boy a glare, his hands clenched into fists. He picked up his pace, ignoring the Targaryen prince’s pleas to slow down. Aerys finally made it to the thick oak and iron door that shielded his bedchamber. He opened the door just enough to slip through. The young man quickly moved around the door to push it close, unfortunately, he wasn’t fast enough. Aegon slammed his hand against the door to stop it. Aerys sighed and simply walked to the small desk sitting beside his bed. 
He dropped his bag onto the desk and took his seat. He ran his hand through his hair before dragging it down his face. He hadn’t gotten much sleep lately. The young man had known for days that Nyra was nearing the end of her pregnancy. Once again his worries began to overwhelm him. Surely she would be alright, this was her third child after all. Nyra had told him she had little to no trouble with Jace or Luke. So she expected this delivery to go smoothly enough. She had her handmaids and midwives to attend to her. Women who have much experience with delivering children.
“I’m sorry,” the prince apologized.
Aerys jumped slightly as he felt Aegon’s breath against his neck. He hadn’t heard the boy pull up a chair. He had been so caught up in his worries again. Aegon sat behind him, resting his head on Aerys’s shoulder. He could hear Aegon tapping his fingers against the chair, a nervous habit of his.
“I know, it’s just, you know how I feel about that. It’s bad enough they’ll have to deal with the realm whispering about them for the rest of their lives. They don’t need it from their family as well. Especially from you, they look up to you. It would crush them to hear it from you.”
“I know, it’s not their fault. I won’t say it again,” Aegon quickly sat up straight.
Aerys turned his head to see what he was doing. The older boy stood upright. He held his hand over his heart, a look of deep seriousness taking over his face.
“I swear it on my life.”
Aerys rolled his eyes but found himself laughing at the gesture. He lowered his head, not wanting to give Aegon the satisfaction of seeing him lose his composure. Aegon began laughing along with him. Aerys cleared his throat.
“How did it go with your mother this morning?” 
Aegon huffed and shuffled over to the bed, letting himself fall forward. His messy hair fanned out around his head. He buried his face deeper into the blankets.
“That bad?” Aerys questioned, as he stood to his feet.
Aegon said something but it was muffled against the blanket, so Aerys could not understand it. Aerys said nothing as he joined Aegon on the bed. Though he chose to sit with his back against the wall. After a moment of silence, Aegon rolled over with a groan. He turned his head up to look at Aerys. He scooted himself up, laying his head on Aerys’s lap. Aerys’s fingers immediately found themselves gently untangling Aegon's hair. Aegon closed his eyes with a tired sigh.
“She spent the entire time lecturing me on my duties, like always. It's like she thinks I’m some kind of idiot or something.” He scoffed.
“You're her firstborn son, mothers always expect the most of their first. It’s not fair, but that's the way it works.”
“It’s not like I asked to be born first.” He snapped, moving to sit up.
Aerys watched quietly as Aegon moved to sit at the edge of the bed. A deep silence took over the room. Aerys scooted down the bed to sit beside him.
“I’m sorry. Here I am complaining about my mother when you don’t even have one. Shit, that came out wrong, sorry...” Aegon apologized, dropping his face into his hands.
“You have nothing to apologize for Aegon,” Aerys smiled and shook his head. 
Aerys was thinking of what to say next when a loud knock came from the door. He stood quickly to see who it was. It was Ser Lorent, Nyra’s sworn shield. The older man had a smile on his face as he informed Aerys that the princess had given birth to another son. And more importantly that his aunt was alright.
Aerys dismissed the knight and quickly moved to change his clothes. He didn’t want to show up covered in dirt and charcoal. He had forgotten why he had returned to his chambers in the first place. Aegon had returned to lying on his back, glaring at the ceiling.
“I have to go, I promised Luke I would return to see the baby,” Aerys said as he finished lacing his boots. 
Aegon stretched his limbs and moved to stand up. He patted his hair down.
“You want to come? I’m sure Nyra wouldn’t mind.”
“No thank you, we need to be at the dragon pit soon. Mother wants me to stay close to Aemond. Plus, I have a few other things I need to take care of.”
Aerys let out a groan. He had forgotten all about their training today. Oh well, so he would have to be a little late.
“Alright, I’ll meet you there.”
The two nodded and headed their separate ways. Aerys wondered what Aegon was up to. He thought of asking for a moment but then decided he didn’t want to know. Knowing Aegon, it probably has something to do with some new childish game of his. Aerys shook his head and quickly made his way to Nyra’s bed chamber. As he neared, he noticed a few servants cleaning up what appeared to be a trail of blood. His heart began to race as he sped up his pace, but still being careful not to get in the servant's way. Ser Lorent was standing watch over the door and quickly moved aside to allow Aerys entry.
Aerys entered the room just as Laenor was handing the baby over to Ser Harwin. He congratulated Laenor before he moved to find Nyra. She smiled as he moved to sit by her side.
“Are you alright? I saw the blood. Should we send for a maester?” He whispered urgently.
She chuckled softly and shook her head. “I am fine, Aerys. I’m exhausted, but I’ll recover.”
He nodded in understanding, but his face must have given away his concern because she placed a comforting hand on his face. 
“I will be fine, I swear. Now, what would make me feel better is knowing you accompanied the boys to the dragon pit to keep an eye on them for me. The last thing I need is for them to get into trouble. We can visit more later alright?” Her thumb gently stroked along his face.
Aerys smiled and nodded in agreement. Laenor was trying to herd the boys together, mainly Luke, who was trying desperately to get his hands on the baby. Aerys quickly moved to help, gently pushing Luke along. He rode along in the carriage with the two Velaryon boys to the dragon pit. Luke had told him the baby had been named Joffrey. Aerys thought it was an odd choice of name, but he did not mention it. Jace seemed to be a little nervous. He was still learning how to command Vermax. Aerys could remember how he felt when he had begun training with Agana. However, he had very little difficulty with her. She learned everything quickly enough. He ruffled the older Velaryon boy’s brown hair to comfort him.
Aegon and Aemond had already arrived at the dragon pit before Aerys and the boys. Dragon keepers were awaiting them by the giant doors of the dragon pit. They followed them inside to meet with the other two princes. The dragon keepers decided that Aerys would go first. He waited eagerly for Agana to appear. The light gleamed off of her beautiful silver scales as she appeared from the darkness. She had grown much larger over the past year. Agana let out a soft growl as she moved forward.
“Serve! Halt, Agana!” Aerys quickly commanded.
The dragon came to a quick stop. She lowered her neck to press her head against his chest. He had been pushed back a few steps but he was quick to regain his balance. Aerys laughed as he rubbed his hand over the side of her face. 
“Well done.”  The old dragon keeper praised.
The sound of a bleating goat caught the dragon’s attention. She watched intently as the dragon keepers chained the goat in place, but she did not move from her spot. The dragon keepers quickly moved away from the goat. Aerys waited until they were at a safe distance before he gave the command.
“Dracarys, Agana!”
Agana quickly moved closer to the goat, raising her head back high. She let out a loud screech before a blast of flame shot from her mouth, engulfing the large goat. She scarfed it down quickly. When she was done, the dragon keepers escorted her back to her nest.
Aegon was up next, with his dragon Sunfyre. Sunfyre was truly a magnificent creature. His scales shimmered like freshly polished gold. Even the two long horns on his head seemed to shimmer. Aegon's lessons had gone by as quickly as Aerys. The two older boys had nearly mastered control of their dragons.
 Finally, it was Jace’s turn, he was the last one. Luke was still too young to control Arrax, and Aemond had yet to claim a dragon. Aerys nudged Aegon’s shoulder when the older boy let out a fake yawn. The old dragon keeper nudged the Velaryon boy forward. It was important for Jace to stay in control of his emotions. If he got too afraid it would agitate the already ill-tempered Vermax. Jace jumped back when the green dragon lunged his head forward, but he was quick to command him to halt. Which earned him praise from the old dragon keeper. Jace was practically jumping with excitement as he asked if he could give Vermax the command. There was a wide smile across his face as he turned to face the group. Aegon and Aerys nodded their heads in encouragement. 
“Dracarys, Vermax!”
The room lit up as the dragon fire consumed the goat. Aerys moved to stand beside Jace. They watched as Vermax quickly began to feast upon the roasted flesh. 
“You did well.” He praised the brown-haired boy.
Aerys turned his head as Luke began to run ahead. He moved to go after him but Aegon shook his head. Aerys listened quietly as Aegon went on about Aemond not having a dragon. He knew it was a sensitive topic for the young Targaryen. Aerys could not even begin to imagine what his life would be like without Agana. It pained him to think about it. He furrowed his brows in confusion as Aegon claimed they found a dragon for him. It did not take long to understand what was going on. 
Luke appeared from the darkness with a large pig by his side. The pig had wings tied to its body. The boys began laughing and taunting Aemond. Aerys found himself letting out a laugh, though he was quick to stifle it. The three boys ran away, leaving Aemond with the so-called pink dread. Aerys moved to stand by Aemond’s side.
“Don’t listen to them, Aemond. You still have time.”
The young Targaryen boy said nothing in return. Aerys placed a hand on his shoulder before he ran off to catch up with the other boys.
They had quickly returned to the castle after the dragon keepers had shown up with a very disheveled-looking Aemond. Luke and Jace waved as Ser Lorent escorted them back to their mother’s apartments. Aerys tried to wave as Aegon pulled him along. The two boys walked alone down the empty hall. Aemond had been sent to the queen as soon as they reached the castle. 
“What you did to Aemond was cruel.” 
“It was harmless fun. You laughed didn’t you?” Aegon turned his head to question him.
Aerys lowered his head to hide his smile. Aegon began to laugh. 
“That’s not the point, Aegon. It was still cruel.”
The two boys returned to Aerys’s chambers. Aerys rolled his eyes as Aegon gawked at the serving girl who brought them wine. The young woman was quick to bow and leave the room. Aerys handed a cup to Aegon, who had made himself comfortable on the bed.
“You could at least take off your boots, they’re filthy.” Aerys scoffed as he kicked off his boots.
Aegon huffed and lifted his right foot. Aerys chose not to argue and simply pulled off Aegon's boots. He dropped them to the ground and climbed onto the bed. The two boys lay beside one another quietly. Aerys groaned as he stretched out his limbs. Perhaps he could slip in a quick nap before he had to train with Ser Criston. Aegon slowly crept his hand closer to Aerys’. His fingers toyed with Aerys’s hand until the boy lifted it, allowing Aegon to intertwine their fingers. He turned his head to find Aegon already watching him.
“We should go to Essos,” Aegon said.
“Essos? What would we do there?” Aerys scoffed.
“We could do whatever we want. We have dragons, the people there would treat us like kings. We’d drink the rarest wines, dine on the finest food, and have all the beautiful women we could ever want.”
“If only it were that simple. Your mother would never let you go. She’d send Ser Criston after you.” Aerys snickered as he poked at Aegon’s side. 
The Targaryen prince swatted his hand away. “I doubt that. She’d probably cry tears of joy.”
Aerys laughed at the comment, making Aegon punch him on the arm.
“You could at least disagree!”
Aegon sighed and turned his head back towards the stone ceiling. Aerys began to think of what their life in Essos would be like. The idea did not appeal to the boy very much at all. His life and his family were here in Westeros. Wine, food, and women were not so important to him that he would abandon his family.
“I’m sorry, I’m sure she would be very distraught.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Aegon grumbled. “Forget I said anything.”
There was a sadness in Aegon’s voice as he turned his head away. His grip on Aerys’ fingers lessened and he moved his hand away. Aerys did not understand why the boy was so upset so he decided it was best to move on.
“Sunfyre has grown quite a bit,” He smiled. 
The mention of Sunfyre always seemed to perk up the elder boy’s mood, but Aegon only hummed in agreement.
“Perhaps you could join me later. Agana is growing restless, she needs to stretch her wings.”
“I would have to ask my mother first. You know how she is,” Aegon sighed.
An awkward silence filled the room as the two boys stared at the ceiling. Aerys struggled to find the right thing to say. Aegon could be very difficult when he got into one of his moods.
“So, tell me more about this street of silk. How was it?” Aerys asked.
The older Targaryen boy scoffed, but a sly smirk slowly crept onto his lips.
“Was it that good?”
“Good? Gods be good Aerys, it was riveting. The people are absolutely mad. The girls are willing to do anything for a bit of coin. You will join me next time.”
“No thank you, that’s your thing. I think I’ll stick to my boring late-night reading.” Aerys shook his head.
“It was not a request. We shall go tonight.” Aegon proclaimed as he stood up triumphantly.
Aerys’ protests fell upon deaf ears as Aegon pulled on his boots, murmuring about his plans for the evening. Aerys, deciding to stop wasting his breath, moved to sit at his desk once again.
“We shall meet tonight by Balerion’s skull.”
Aegon declared as he made his way out of the room. The thick wooden door slammed loudly behind him. Aerys let out an amused sigh as he shook his head. What has he gotten himself into now, he questioned himself. Aerys grabbed a hold of his leather bag to hang it on his chair. As he lifted it into the air the strap snapped off sending his belongings tumbling onto the floor. The clink of metal caught his attention first. He was quick to scoop the ring into his hands. His eyes trailed over the bejeweled ring for any sign of damage, before unclasping the hinges on the side.
“I apologize muna,” he whispered as his finger trailed lightly over the enameled portrait within.
The young man closed the ring and slid it back onto his finger. He had forgotten to put it back on earlier. He only took it off because it was a bit difficult to sketch with it on. A feeling of sadness began to creep into his mind. How desperately he longed to have his mother and father back. It has been a little over a decade and yet the wound remains fresh in his heart. Aerys could feel his lips begin to tremble and his eyes well up with tears. He quickly cleared his throat and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. There would be time for tears later. For now, he had to prepare for his training with Ser Criston.
Aerys sprinted through the halls of the castle. Trying carefully to avoid contact with the passing nobles. As he rounded a corner a woman appeared. He tried desperately to come to a halt but was too slow. Aerys was quick to grab the woman before she could fall, but the tray in her hand clattered against the stone ground.
“I apologize, Lord Reyne. It was an accident,” the young woman began apologizing profusely.
 She pressed her hands together as she prayed for mercy. Aerys shook his head. His hands gently closed around hers, as he tried to comfort her. He didn’t recognize her, Aerys assumed she must be new. The woman seemed to be around his age, maybe two or three years older. But she stood a head taller than him.
“It’s alright my lady, it is I who is to blame. I should know better than to be running around the halls at this busy hour. Come, let me help you.”
He smiled as he knelt to the ground. Fortunately, it was only cheese, grapes, and bread, so it was easy to pick up. The girl quickly knelt down and gently pushed his hands away.
“No-no my lord! I will clean it, don’t worry!”
“Nonsense, it's my fault.”
Aerys quickly snatched up as many of the fallen items as he could and placed them back in their bowls. It had almost turned into a competition. With everyone he reached for, the woman was quick to grab it first. When their work was done the woman quickly stood and bowed her head. Aerys watched as she scurried away, mostly likely back towards the kitchen. His gaze remained on her until she disappeared. He stood there for a moment longer before cursing under his breath. He was late.
By the time Aerys made it to the outer yard the rest of the boys were already swinging at dummies. Ser Criston spotted him first. Suddenly Aerys wished he hadn’t shown up at all. Ser Criston detests tardiness. The scowl on the white knight's face as he approached him filled his stomach with dread.
“Nice of you to finally show up, Lord Reyne, we feared you were unwell.”
“My apologies Ser Criston, I accidentally crashed into a maid on the way here. I had to help- my apologies.”
He silenced himself as the knight gave him a bored expression. Ser Criston nodded before nudging his hand towards the wooden swords. Aerys quickly took one before moving to the free dummy in the center. Aegon snickered as Aerys passed by him. Aerys swung his arms, striking the dummy with his wooden sword. He did this five more times before they began rotating. Aemond took his place as Aerys moved to take Jace’s place. Aegon groaned loudly as he struck the dummy with all his might. Aerys did the same. Aerys was not a fan of swords. He was adequate with a sword, but he did not believe anyone would be singing songs of his skills for years to come. His skill with a bow, however, was much better. However, sword training was a requirement. He had no say in the matter.
A quick thwack to the nape of his neck caught his attention. He turned his head to find the culprit. Aegon nodded his head ahead. Aerys followed his gaze to find two incoming maids. When they spotted the prince they quickly turned their gaze and scurried away. Aerys let out a weary sigh. He switched places with Jace again, moving away from Aegon. He gave the young boy a light pat on the shoulder as he passed. Ser Criston called for Aegon and Aemond to try and attack him. Aerys grabbed hold of Jace and Luke, gently pushing them back so they would not be in the way. 
The two boys groaned as they threw their full weight into their attacks. Yet Ser Criston evaded them all, skillfully dodging every swing.
“You’ll have to do better than that,” he taunted.
The white knight quickly deflected Aegon's next blow. Sending the prince rushing forward. Ser Criston whacked the prince's bum as he stumbled. Ser Harwin called out to Jace and Luke. Aerys turned his head to listen as the gold cloak gave instructions. The boys followed his instructions, quickly lifting their swords. Aerys found himself doing the same. Ser Harwin’s gaze drifted over to Ser Criston. Aerys could feel the tension between the two men. It was no secret that there was bad blood between the two men. Though the reason why was unknown to Aerys, he knew it had something to do with Nyra. The white knight seemed to hold no love for the Princess.
“Seems the younger boys could do better with a bit of your attention, Ser Criston.”
“You questioned my method of instruction Ser?”
“Oh, I merely suggest that method be applied to all your pupils.”
Aegon and Aemond moved to stand with the rest of the boys. Luke smiled as he tried to taunt Aegon. The elder boy merely pushed him away. The young boy chuckled to himself. Aerys gave him a nod to get back in line. His smile slightly dropped as he moved to stand still.
“Very well,” the white knight replied to the gold cloak.
“Jaecaerys, come here.”
Aerys furrowed his brows as he watched the white knight grab Jace by the collar, roughly pulling him along with him.
“You’ll spar with Aegon.”
Aegon and Aemond chuckled to themselves. Aegon quickly fetched his sword before moving forward.
“Eldest son against eldest son,” the knight announced.
“Hardly a fair match-”
“I know you’ve never seen true battle Ser, but when steel is drawn a fair match isn’t something anyone should expect.” Ser Criston quipped.
Aegon gave Jace a pat on the back as he passed him. The two boys raised their blades as Ser Criston instructed.
Aegon lunged forward with a yell. Jace was quick to deflect the attacks, but he was quickly becoming overwhelmed. Aegon forced him back with every blow. The elder prince moved his hand out, pushing the dark-haired boy to the ground. Aerys cursed under his breath. 
“Come on Jace,” he whispered encouragingly.
The brown-haired boy was quick to his feet. This time it was Aegon who was pushed back with each attack. Jace swung the sword with all his might. He was fast, so fast that as soon as Aegon blocked a hit, another was right behind it. Aegon, clearly growing frustrated, moved behind a dummy. Pushing it forward so that it nearly toppled onto Jace.
“Foul play!” Ser Harwin called out as he moved to advise Jace.
“I’ll deal with him,” Ser Criston retorted as he pulled Aegon towards him.
Ser Harwin smiled as he quietly advised Jace, his gloved hand gently holding Jace by the chin.
“You!” Aegon yelled, gaining the younger boy’s attention.
Once again the two began their dance. Aegon’s attacks were unrelenting. The younger boy struggled to keep up once more. Ser Criston yelled out instructions to the elder prince. Aegon raised his leg kicking Jace in the stomach, sending the boy to the ground. The brown-haired boy was forced to try and defend himself on the ground. The white knight refused to allow Aegon to ease off. Instructing him to keep attacking.
“Enough!” Ser Harwin yelled as he grabbed Aegon, pulling him away from Jace.
The prince struggled against the gold cloak’s grasp. Ser Harwin released him, sending the prince stumbling.
“You dare lay hands on me?!” Aegon howled in anger.
The noise made Luke jump and tense up. Aerys put a comforting hand on Luke’s shoulder. He moved to stand behind his cousin. Resting his hands upon the small boy's shoulder, keeping him close.
“Aegon!” The king called, from where he usually sat, watching the boys train.
“You forget yourself Strong, that is the prince.” Ser Criston voiced.
“Is this what you teach Cole? Cruelty to the weaker opponent?” Ser Harwin said as he picked up the wooden swords.
Ser Criston dropped the wooden sword he had been holding to his feet. Ser Harwin kicked it away, refusing to bend down and pick it up.
“Your interest in the prince's training is quite unusual, Lord Commander.” Ser Criston replied. “Most men would only have that kind of devotion towards a cousin, or a brother... or a son.”
Aerys could feel his breath get caught in his throat. Cole would be so bold as to say such a thing in public? He watched the two men with uncertainty. Ser Harwin was not known for his tranquility. Nor was Ser Criston. Aerys remembered hearing the tale about how the white knight beat a man to death with his bare hands. It was on the very same night that Nyra married Ser Laenor. The gold cloak paused for a moment before he lunged towards Ser Criston. His large gloved hand connected to the knight's cheek. Aerys quickly grabbed Jace and Luke, pushing them behind his back.
Ser Harwin landed another hit, sending the white cloak to the ground. Yet he refused to relent, quickly climbing on top of the man, and continuing his assault. Ser Criston did not even put up a fight against the gold cloak. It took four other white cloaks to pull Ser Harwin off of Ser Criston. Though they struggled to hold him back.
“Say it again!” Ser Harwin roared. “Say it again!”
The lord commander had to be dragged out of the outer yard like an animal. His reputation would certainly take a heavy blow. Attacking a member of the king's guard was madness.
“What do we do now?” Luke asked, clinging onto Aerys’ sleeve.
“Don’t worry, let’s get you both back to your chambers.” Aerys smiled as he pulled the two boys along with him.
Luke still held on tightly as they walked quietly down the empty hallway. Jace had yet to speak, choosing to keep his head down. Ser Lorrent walked ahead of them, escorting them back to the young boy’s chambers. Ser Lorrent pushed open the thick oak doors. He moved out of the way, allowing the three boys to pass. Aerys gave him a nod of appreciation before the white cloak closed the doors. It was just the three of them now. They were in Jace’s room. Luke’s room was next door, but the boy wished to stay at his brother's side.
“Is Ser Harwin in trouble? What will happen to him?” Luke asked.
Aerys looked down at the small boy. He used his right hand to ruffle the boy’s curly hair. Aerys was aware of how close the boys were to Ser Harwin. Luke practically idolized the man. Ser Harwin’s father was the hand of the king, surely his punishment wouldn’t be that severe. Aerys gave him the best reassuring smile he could muster.
“I don’t know Luke, but I’m sure everything will be fine. Why don’t we go play with your toys hmm?” 
Aerys waved his hand out towards the large wooden toy chest against the wall. Luke nodded before running off. Jace remained silent, staring at his shoes. Aerys placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder breaking whatever trance he was in.
“Come on,” he whispered, attempting to coax him into following Luke.
But the boy would not move. Aerys craned his neck to try and get a good look at the boy's face, but couldn’t. He finally placed a finger under the boy's chin, forcing him to look up. The poor boy was desperately fighting back the tears threatening to spill from his eyes. His trembling lips were curled upside down. Aerys kneeled on the floor to be at eye level with Jace. He placed a comforting hand on the boy's shoulder.
“What’s wrong Jace?” Aerys asked, as gently as he could.
“Is Ser Harwin my father?”
The young lord froze. He felt like he had been punched in the gut. His eyes glanced over to Luke, to ensure the boy had not heard the question. Fortunately, he seemed too preoccupied with his toys. At that moment it seemed like all the words he had ever learned were now lost to him. What could he say? What was he supposed to say? He supposed it was only natural for Jace to be curious. The boy was growing older. It was only a matter of time before the whispers of the court began weighing on his shoulders. He may still be young now, but he certainly was no fool. But it was not Aerys' place to confirm his suspicions.
“Ser Laenor has raised you since you were born. If that is not a father, I don’t know what is.”
“But Ser Criston said-”
 “The Velaryons have claimed you as their own. The opinions of others do not matter.”
The brown-haired boy went silent. The look on his face made it apparent to Aerys that his words did nothing to satiate the boy’s curiosity. But regardless, Jace nodded his head and moved to join Luke. Aerys remained on his knee, cursing himself in his head for his tone. He had snapped a bit after the mention of Ser Criston. It was not intentional, but the boy's questions had left him feeling like a trapped animal. He would have to apologize later.
Aerys used the tips of his fingers to light smudge the charcoal, giving the dragon’s wing a more blended finish. He could feel small beads of sweat beginning to form on his forehead. Quickly, he used his sleeve to wipe them away. The young man had been working on this piece for nearly a week now. It was proving to be one of his greatest challenges yet.
“You’ve improved.”
Startled, he jumped in his seat. Aerys turned his head to find Nyra standing behind him. He hadn’t even noticed her come in. She gave him an apologetic smile as she gently rubbed his back.
“My apologies, I thought you heard me coming.”
“No worries, I just got a little distracted with this.” Aerys shrugged.
He turned his gaze back towards the drawing. Suddenly he was hyper-aware of all the flaws, little or imagined. Aerys moved to cover it but Nyra stopped him by placing a hand over his. Her eyes trailed over every inch of the dragon.
“Is that Syrax?”
Aerys gave her a simple nod. It was the first time he had ever drawn another dragon beside his and Aegons. Agana and Sunfyre were the perfect studies. They were able to lounge about for hours on end, allowing him to capture their magnificence. Aegon would mumble and groan every time Aerys dragged him along to the dragon pit just to sit there while Aerys sketched, but he always went along anyway. Though most of the time it would end in the two of them racing through the skies on dragonback. He had countless drawings of them, but Aerys wanted to do something different. In time he hoped to capture the beauty of all the dragons of the realm for his book. Dragon lore was scarce in this world. And who better to record it, than a dragon rider? Syrax was his next target. The she-dragon had recently brought forth another clutch. Before the new additions arrived, Syrax had become even more slothful than usual. So it was easy to sit and draw her while she lounged about in the dragon pit. 
“I love it. You’ve captured her perfectly.”
Nyra pressed a quick kiss to his head.
“Though there is something else I’ve come here to discuss with you, Aerys.”
The young man nodded before turning his body to face her. She looked tired, which was understandable. The woman had just given birth to a child. Something Aerys understood was much more taxing on women’s bodies than men gave them credit for. He stood to his feet, offering her his chair. Aerys waited for her to be seated before fetching one for himself.
“What is it?” He inquired politely.
“Laenor and I have decided to leave for Dragonstone. The ship is getting ready as we speak.” Nyra spoke gently, as she caressed the back of his hand with her thumb.
“Oh,” Aerys furrowed his brow. “Alright...it shouldn’t take me long to pack my things.”
Aerys moved to stand but Nyra stopped him. He tilted his head in confusion. There was a sadness behind her violet eyes. His body stiffened under her touch, as she held his hands in hers. A sharp ache stabbed away at his chest. That familiar burning sensation reached his eyes. And he struggled to keep the frown away from his lips. He pursed his lips and turned his face to stare at the desk beside them.
“You’re not taking me with you...” he murmured.
“The king wishes for you to remain at court.”
A pregnant pause filled the air. Aerys was unsure of what to say. He did not trust his voice, too scared of possibly showing his affliction. Rhaenyra owed him nothing. She was not his mother and he was not her son. The princess was not required to take him with her. He was the king's ward, not hers.
“But that does not mean we’ll never see each other again. We’ll exchange letters, and you’re always welcome to come visit when the king permits it.”
Aerys said nothing.
“You have friends here. I understand you and Aegon are...close. Surely he would be upset if you left. You’ll be happy here, just like you’ve always been.”
“Of course,” he smiled. “I wish you a safe journey, Princess.”
Her face fell upon hearing her title come from his mouth. She opened her mouth to speak when a knock upon the door stopped her. Aerys quickly called out to them to enter. He pulled his hands away and stood to his feet. It was Elinda Massey, one of Rhaenyra’s handmaids.
“The ship is ready, Princess.”
“Thank you Elinda.”
The woman bowed before taking her leave. Aerys still refused to meet the Princess’s gaze. Instead choosing to stare at the tapestry next to his door. It was a man, pale-skinned and bare. His long white hair flowed down his body, which was entangled with a green dragon. The soft click of her shoes echoed as she moved to stand in front of him. Her fingers gently brushed his hair away from his face, before trailing down to cup his chin. That sweet sad smile returned to her face.
“This is not goodbye Aerys,” she pressed a gentle kiss to the top of his head.
Something she had done a million times before. Yet now the kiss that had always made him feel so warm, so safe, left him with nothing but a hollow feeling in his chest. He gave a simple nod. It was all he could do to not beg her to take him. To plead with her to not abandon him in the stony confines of this castle. But alas, he would not. He was nearly a man-grown. A man of the houses Reyne and Targaryen. He must always act with poise and good deportment.
“Perhaps you would like to see the boys before we depart?”
“No,” he snapped. “I mean, the hour is growing late. You’ll have a long journey ahead of you. I’m sure you’re all anxious to get out onto the sea already.”
“Aerys,” she sighed, gazing into his iris-colored eyes. “I know-”
Another knock sounded at the door. This time it was Ser Lorent who entered.
“We must be going now Princess,” he declared.
Aerys used this time to step back, pulling away from the Princess’s grasp. The woman pursed her lips and gave the young man a small nod.
“Alright,” she whispered.
Aerys said nothing as he watched her walk away. Her white hair slightly swayed behind her as she walked. Aerys moved to call out for her, yet he could not speak. The young man moved back to his desk. Allowing himself to drop back into his seat. He was alone now.
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A/N: If you've made it this far, thank you so much for reading my work!
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