quranwithsehar · 4 days
I don’t want to be anyone’s comfort or go-to person ever anymore. If you want to be “my” go-to person, lmk.
Actually I wanna be someone’s comfort person. their go to. their favorite. the person they wanna grow with and heal with.
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quranwithsehar · 19 days
As for those who persist in disbelief, it is the same whether you warn them or not—they will never believe. [02:06]
When we read the Quran, we come across words like "disbeliever" and think that they refer to all non-believers. But this is not true. It's crucial to understand who this term really applies to and why we should be careful in using it.
In the Quran, when Allah speaks of disbelievers, He's not just talking about anyone who isn't Muslim. The term is meant for those who have received the best message—the Quran itself, taught by the best teacher, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)—in the best environment, using a language they understand, and still choose to deny the truth. They have all the knowledge and guidance but decide to reject it anyway.
Today, we often label anyone who isn't Muslim as a disbeliever, which isn't accurate or fair. There are many reasons someone might not be Muslim—they might not know about Islam, or they might have grown up in a different religion. Some might even worship multiple gods or simply be unaware of Islamic teachings. Calling them disbelievers is inappropriate and can be offensive.
The word "kafara" which comes from "Kufr" in Arabic has an interesting meaning—it refers to burying a seed in the ground. When someone knows the truth but hides or denies it, it's like burying a seed deep underground, hiding it from everyone. This is what a true disbeliever does: they know the truth but reject it and refuse to change.
In the case of true disbelievers, no matter how much the Prophet (peace be upon him) warned them, they wouldn't listen. It's as if they're at a point of no return—they've made up their minds to reject the message. Those people were then called "disbelievers".
This is why we should be careful not to judge others too quickly or call them disbelievers without understanding their journey.
If we assume everyone who isn't Muslim is a disbeliever, then what's the point of spreading the message of Islam? Dawah, or inviting others to Islam, is about compassion, patience, and understanding. By being too quick to label someone a disbeliever, we might close the door to their path to Islam. We should be more open-hearted and recognize that everyone is on their own journey to faith.
Let's approach others with compassion, understanding, and the hope that they may find their way to the truth.
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quranwithsehar · 1 month
Story of Ibrahim AS - Chapter 7
Hajrah is left alone in the desert by her husband. She has a newborn baby who needs milk, food, and shelter. There were no fields, no animals to get milk from. And when the husband was leaving, she asked him, "Is this what my Lord commands?" Ibrahim AS replied, "Yes, this is His command."
She replied, "Allah is sufficient for us, and He will not abandon us." So, because she relied on Allah, she was given water - just water. Even though the Zamzam water was a great miracle, it was still just water that could not help. Neither could the child grow, nor could life go on with just water. Water can quench thirst but not hunger. Water cannot build shelter or protect. Humans need sustenance to keep themselves alive and to create a sense of security and peace in their lives. Only water cannot fulfil all these needs.
If Hajrah had been an ordinary woman, she would have thought, "What has Allah given me? He only gave water.” But Hajrah was not ordinary. Her faith in her Lord was very strong.
Water doesn't seem like sustenance because it can't satisfy hunger or fulfill life's comforts. But those who trust in Allah, Allah provides them with all the treasures from within water.
When Hajrah discovered the spring of Zamzam, birds were the first to notice. Mecca was originally a transit point where many caravans passed through. One such caravan coming from Yemen was named Banu Jurhum. They were desperate for water, searching tirelessly but finding none. Seeing the birds, they hoped for water. When they came closer, they found a woman and her child there. Hajrah made it clear to them that this well of Zamzam belonged to her and her son because it was provided by Allah for them.
The people of Banu Jurhum were noble and asked permission from Hajrah to use the water from the well. They also offered to compensate her for it. In those times, there were no paper currency notes. It was either a system of barter or trade. So, in exchange for water, they would offer goods such as grains, meat, and other items.
So, Hajrah began selling water to them, and they paid its price in exchange. They wanted to settle in the same area. Hajrah agreed to this as well. Thus, a whole tribe from Yemen, originally part of the ruling elite of Yemen, but forced to leave their country for some reason, settled near Hajrah. And that is how Allah helped Hajrah and Ismail.
What is water for us?
The Quran itself has been called water. Divine revelation. Knowledge given by Allah. Allah's Quran.
Do you think the Quran is only useful for quenching the thirst for knowledge and that the good deeds it brings will accumulate like credits for the afterlife? The Quran doesn't bring you any material benefit in this life?
But... that's not the case.
The Quran is like water that will pour into your life one day. If you think that the Quran can only give me rewards. You are wrong.
Because the Quran is what will bring birds to your desert-like life. It will attract influential people to you who can bring sustenance and progress to your life. It is the Quran that will create such attraction in front of the world that people will come to your door for help. It is the Quran that will provide you sustenance from where you couldn't even imagine. Because if anyone has fulfilled their promise from eternity, it is your Lord. And He says that whoever trusts in Him, He will provide sustenance for them from the depths of the earth. Meaning, He will create sources of income for you from places you couldn't even think of.
Your Lord has promised you that if you hold onto this water(Quran) and trust in Him, He will turn all the birds and caravans towards you. Hajrah owned the well her Lord had provided. You need to own your Lord's water, your Quran. Zamzam was Hajrah and Ismail’s miracle. What is the miracle of this ummah? Quran!
If you make the Quran part of your daily routine, whether through memorization, tajweed, or tafsir classes, listening to recitations in gatherings or daily reflection, the Quran will open doors of blessings in your life. The reward of this world and the reward of the hereafter are separate. The Quran will bring you success and prosperity in this world too.
Hajrah obeyed Allah's command. She accepted Allah's decision for herself, and Allah opened water and sustenance for her. In a barren desert, He provided sustenance for them and a community too. The only condition is that you become content with your destiny first. The thing you can't change at all, accept it wholeheartedly, and then witness the miracles.
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quranwithsehar · 2 months
Story of Ibrahim AS - Chapter 6
Ibrahim AS left Hajra in a desert. She is alone. The child is alone. There is nothing to eat or drink. The child kept crying. And the mother ran barefoot between Safa and Marwah. Until the spring burst forth from the child's footsteps. And that spring is still flowing today. And the patience of this mother became a sign.
Millions of Muslims have been running to follow her example for centuries. They walk thousands of steps on air-conditioned roads and marble floors. And they get very tired. They complete the Sa’i and shave their heads. Then they head straight to the nearest restaurant or mall. They eat food. And go to sleep in their hotels.
But when Hajra was alone, there was no hotel or mall near Hajra. The water flowing did not mean that her life became easy.
What do women usually do? They need their husbands for everything. If he's there, they can manage everything, but if he's not, they struggle a lot. Obviously, husbands should be there because they are both responsible for the child. But sometimes, according to Allah's will, what you "need" doesn't happen. Humans don't always stay together. Death, illness, tragedy, anything can separate you from your biggest support. In such situations, many women walk into self-doubt.
We say, “what should we do? We are helpless. We are left alone.”
But Hajra didn't do that. Hajra trusted in Allah. Just like Allah allowed Ibrahim to enter the fire, similarly, Allah also allowed Hajra to walk between Safa and Marwah.
Allah will test your limits and tire your body on His path. Its reward comes after the difficulty. The hardships have to be borne first.
It's not like Allah abandoned Hajra. If Allah told Ibrahim to stay with Sarah, it doesn't mean Allah didn't care about Hajra. Rather, Hajra's life was more important than that marriage.
Every person has a purpose they need to fulfill. Hajra had work to do in her own share. And it couldn't happen while staying in Palestine with this marriage. Allah had a separate plan for Sarah and a separate one for Hajra.
So whenever you feel like Allah has given someone else the blessing you wanted in your test, like if Sarah wanted children, it doesn't mean Hajra didn't want companionship with her husband. She did too.
So whenever something like this happens, or you feel deprived of a blessing, then know: that blessing is not included in the plan that Allah has set for you. He has a separate plan for you.
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quranwithsehar · 2 months
Story of Ibrahim AS - Chapter 5
After months of traveling, Ibrahim AS brought his wife and newborn baby to a desert in Arabia. There was nothing there. No buildings. No houses. Just a desolated, empty desert.
Now Ibrahim AS receives another command. He's told to leave them both here and return towards Palestine, to Sarah. It was difficult for Hajrah AS in the desert with the child. But for a moment, Let's forget about that. Let's just try to understand the task given to our father, Ibrahim, AS.
For years, no child was born in his family. He faced injustice in life, being mistreated by his father and family. After some time, a son was born. But what happened next? Ibrahim AS was then told to leave this child.
We've been reading for years that Ibrahim AS didn't sacrifice Ismail AS, but he did sacrifice him when he left him in the desert. It was a sacrifice, wasnt it?
According to Abdullah bin Abbas, it is narrated that:
Ibrahim (AS) took his son Ismail and his mother along, towards the upper part of the place where later the Kaaba was built, near the Zamzam well, to a shaded place where signs of living were not visible for a long distance, neither was there any arrangement for water, nor was there anyone's presence. Ibrahim (AS) left a bag with them containing some dates and a water flask, then he tied his luggage and returned from where he came. Ismail's mother ran after him and started asking:
"O Ibrahim! Why are you leaving us alone in this valley, where there is no one to console or help us, and no other thing?' She kept repeating this question, and Ibrahim (AS) did not even look back to answer, until finally when she asked, 'Has Allah commanded you to do this?' Ibrahim (AS) replied: 'Yes,. To which Hajrah AS replied... 'Then He will not waste us away.' And it is also narrated that she said, 'Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best Disposer of affairs.'
After saying this, Ibrahim AS walked away. Back to his and Sarah's world.
But what do you think? Was he happy to leave? No. He must have traveled alone for months to reach Palestine. Imagine: Allah gave you children after years, and then says to leave this child. Not leaving it with its mother or with relatives where there are comforts. No. Leave it in the desert where there isn't even water.
There were no cell phones. Nothing he could have used to inquire whether Hajrah AS and Ismail AS were fine after he left. How hurt must he be?
We focus on the event of sacrifice and say, "Yes, it was just a dream." Ibrahim AS came and started to sacrifice his son, but Allah put a sheep under the knife, so Ismail was saved from sacrifice.
But Ismail had already been sacrificed. Ibrahim had sacrificed his own son when he left him.
The lesson to learn here is: It's painful to leave something for the sake of Allah. It can't be without pain. The heart does become empty.
We believe that those good people who trust in Allah and leave things for Allah are not troubled by leaving, or their faith is so strong that it doesn't affect them. But that's not the case.
There is and will always be pain. And you will have to endure it. Help will come. But only after you are put through that pain.
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quranwithsehar · 2 months
Story of Ibrahim AS - Chapter 4
Ibrahim (AS) was thrown into the fire by Nimrud. We don't take the incident seriously because Ibrahim (AS) was saved in the end. The fire became cool for him. But when did the fire become cool for Ibrahim?
When he was thrown into it. Not before.
Wouldn't his heart tremble before being put into the fire? Wouldn't he have thought, "Why isn't Allah helping? Let it rain, let some big event happen, let something happen so that this fire can be extinguished." Like in movies where the police come in time to save the main character. But no one came to save Ibrahim before he entered the fire. Allah let Ibrahim fall into the fire.
Ibrahim (AS) was tied up and thrown into the fire from a great height, like throwing a ball from a cannon. From tying him up to throwing him into the fire, Allah's help was silent. Why? Allah could have extinguished the fire. He could have made all those who started the fire disappear. But Allah let the fire burn. The wood was so strong that it took several days for it to burn completely. Allah could have turned the wood into ashes before they caught fire. He could have stopped the fire from starting at all. But Allah didn't do that. He let the fire start. He let it burn. People were allowed to do their job. Because it was Ibrahim's test. It was a test of faith.
Facing the blazing fire in front of him, would Ibrahim lose hope in the Lord he had found through his own intellect? Would Ibrahim lose faith in justice and truth? Would Ibrahim give up hope? And to pass this test, it was necessary to descend into the fire. Until Ibrahim descends into the fire with complete calmness, how will it be proven that his faith in Allah is strong?
Why was Ibrahim calm when he was thrown into the fire? Because he knew that if believing in Allah as his Lord costs burning, then I will pay it. If telling the truth is the punishment, then I accept it.
Let’s look at our lives. Although no one throws you into the fire after burning wood. Nor does anyone tie you up with ropes. But there are other fires in our lives.
Sometimes you are bound by chains of relationships and obligations. To the extent that you become imprisoned. You can't escape. Because there are chains on your feet. Family. Spouse. Children. Siblings. Blood relations. Social ties. No matter how much they hurt you, you can't leave them. No matter how troubled they become, you can't leave them.
And then there are some people among them who always ignite fires for you. They also set your heart on fire, sometimes reducing you to ashes with their words.
And in such situations, who do you lose hope in first? Your Rabb. We ask, “Why isn't He helping me? Why isn't He taking me out of this? Why is He letting this happen to me?”
We ask these questions to Him countless times with shock and regret. But Allah had let this happen with Ibrahim too.
Allah will not extinguish the fire for you beforehand. Nor will He cut off the hands of those who set it. Allah will let them light the fire. He will let you enter that fire as well. Because that's the test.
And what is Allah’s help? Allah will not let you burn. He will turn that fire into a garden for you. In the world's eyes, it will remain a fire, but you won’t feel it. For every trouble that keeps you clinging to Allah's promises, Allah will let you enter that trouble and send help, but after you've entered it, so that He doesn't let you burn. He won't let that fire turn your life into ashes.
By abiding by Allah's command, the fire that enters your life will never be able to burn your house. It will only be terrifying to look at. It will be cool in intensity. You will conquer your fear and enter that fire. There will be no fear for you.
So, if someone opposes us because of Allah, let them. If someone gives us trouble because of Allah, let them. We'll endure it. Because this trouble will never ruin your life.
Allah’s help will not come until you have entered the fire. Entering the fire is necessary. Allah's help comes after that.
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quranwithsehar · 2 months
Story of Ibrahim AS - Chapter 3
Ibrahim AS, Hajrah AS, and their son Ismail went to a place called Arab. Upon reaching there, Allah ordered Ibrahim AS to leave Hajrah and Ismail in Makkah and go back to Sarah. So he did exactly that; he left Hajrah and Ismail in Makkah and went back to Palestine to live with Sarah.
In those days, travel was on horses and camels, and these journeys could take many months. Imagine a man, with his wife and newborn child, leaving his home and setting out for an unknown, desolate, and barren land. He had never been there before and knew nothing about it.
Why did he do this?
Because he was commanded by Allah. The command of Allah was so important to him that he was willing to leave everything behind and set out on this difficult journey.
You might say, he was a prophet. He used to get direct commands from God. And this is why he was so obedient.
But we also get direct commands. We believe that the Quran is the final word. The Quran says not to lie. But sometimes, out of fear, we end up lying. The Quran says to leave certain things, but we don't. We don't have the courage to leave everything behind like Ibrahim did. But Ibrahim (peace be upon him) had it.
Ibrahim visited Makkah only four times in his lifetime. Otherwise, for the rest of his life, he stayed with Sarah in Palestine. When Ibrahim and Sarah were old, angels came to them in human form and gave them the good news that Allah has given them the news of a son. It is mentioned in the Quran that Sarah laughed upon hearing this. Allah does not utter a word without purpose in the Quran, and He has recorded Sarah’s laugh to tell us that happy endings happen for people who do not lose hope in Allah and that happy endings exist.
Despite Sara's infertility and years of waiting, Allah blessed her with Is'haaq AS. This was Sarah’s happy ending.
Ibrahim had to go through several trials, including being deprived of his son growing up with him and not being with him in important moments of his life. He was left by him, and then Allah asked for that same son in a dream. Ibrahim did not attend his son's wedding either. Whenever he went to Makkah, he went for the work of Allah. From those four times of his visit to Makkah, two times Ismail RA was not even there. So we can say that Ibrahim lived his entire life without a child. But by telling us about 'Sarah's laugh', Allah has conveyed to us that Ibrahim AS and Sarah had a happy ending.
If the bearers of truth don't lose hope in Allah, then they get the laughter that has been written for them.
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quranwithsehar · 2 months
Ibrahim AS - Chapter 2
Allah blessed Sarah with beauty, Imaan, a loving husband who was a prophet of Allah, but He did not give her a child. So, when Sarah saw Hajrah’s child, her heart started to ache.
Whether it was envy or jealousy, we have to understand that Sarah is a human, not a robot. She was so upset that she told Ibrahim AS to take the child away from there. She said, "If I kept looking at him, maybe I would kill him.
When you read about this incident, your heart suddenly becomes heavy. You expect perfection from pious people, and you don't expect human emotions from them. This is what we need to learn here: that prophets were also human beings, and their wives were too. They were not robots. They walked on the straight path of Allah with their emotions and desires, and so can we.
Therefore, everything you desire, and it looks very easy for someone else to find it in front of your eyes, while you beg Allah for it, seeing it will hurt you. There will also be jealousy. And the heart will break. These are your human emotions. Face them. Don't hide them under the carpet.
Sarah was a brave woman. She did not conspire against Hajrah’s son. She did not say bad things. She communicated her emotions to the person who could take a step. She went to Ibrahim AS and told him everything.
But what do we do when we have a problem with someone? We go to every X, Y, Z and vent out, take out our heart's frustration, and avoid that one person we have a problem with. Only one person whom we don't say anything to is the person who is the problem for us. We gossip because we are cowards. We are afraid to communicate our heartfelt emotions to that person. Sarah was brave. She said what she felt.
So, know that Allah understands your heartfelt emotions. If you think about this story, then Sarah said a huge thing (that she can take this child's life). Obviously, she wasn't going to take a life. She was expressing the intensity of her emotions because she didn't have any children of her own. How could another child in the house feel good? So, Sarah spoke out.
And who did Allah give support to?
Allah gave support to Sarah.
What would you do if you were there? If you see a woman in a similar situation, you might console her. You might say she should have a big heart, etc. But Allah understands humans like no one else can. Allah did not tell Ibrahim to ask his wife to have a big heart. Why?
“Because Allah knows we should never burden those with harsh words who are already wounded.”
Allah had tested Sarah by not giving her children. If Allah does not understand His servant's distress, then who will understand? So Allah commanded Ibrahim to take Hajrah and Ismail and leave from there and go to Makkah.
Allah is aware of our distress. He is the one who created us. He is the one with whose permission we get afflicted with pain. If He doesn't know our emotions, then who will? So don't think that Allah expects perfection from you when you receive trouble, and he expects you to smile and say, 'I'm fine.' Nooo!
Like Yaqoob AS, tell Allah, complain about your sorrow and pain to Him. Tell Him who you're complaining about. He understands whoever He gives trouble to. He who could understand Sarah's emotions when perhaps no other human could, why wouldn't He understand yours?
The troubles that come from Allah are also taken away by Allah, and the cure for the troubles caused by humans is also with our Lord. Why do we think He won't understand us?
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quranwithsehar · 2 months
Story of Ibrahim (AS) - Chapter 1
Nemrah Ahmad in her Seerah course, before talking about the Prophet pbuh, talked about Ibrahim AS, as he is the father of the ummah, and without understanding his life, we cannot understand the son (Prophet pbuh)’s life.
So, we learn that Ibrahim, upon leaving Iraq, took his wife Sarah with him. They say Sarah was given half of the beauty of all the women in the world, just as Yusuf was given half of the beauty of men. When Ibrahim took them to Egypt, the king there, known as Pharaoh of that time, was so taken aback by the beauty of Sarah that his intention turned bad. But when he reached out to touch her, his hand became paralyzed. This happened three times. Each time, Sarah prayed for him, and he would repeat the same action and his hand would become paralyzed. The third time, he realized she was no ordinary woman. When Pharaoh realized she was not an ordinary woman, he regretted his actions. And as a form of compensation, he gave Hajrah as a gift to Sarah from his palace, as a remedy. Since Sarah was childless, after some time, she gave Hajrah to Ibrahim, meaning she married them. Thus, Ibrahim, Hajar, and Sarah settled in Palestine.
Ibrahim and Sarah had spent a long time in marriage, but they had no children. Allah deprived Sarah of motherhood but gave her all worldly beauty. And on top of that... Allah put them in such a trial that Allah blessed Ibrahim's new wife, Hajar, with a son. Whose name was Ismail.
Try to understand the condition of Sarah's heart at such a moment. You have so much beauty, a loving husband, but everything seems tasteless without children.
The question now arises. Doesn't Sarah pray? Doesn't Sarah have any heartfelt connection with Allah?
Her husband was a prophet. Her righteousness and piety were such that the king's hand became paralyzed when he raised it to touch her. So, what would her life be like?
Do you think she would be enjoying money, friendships, and feasts? Where will all this be in her life? Nowhere to be found. She was the wife of Ibrahim AS. In her life, there will be supplications and continuous ibadah. And then a difficult life in which the husband was facing opposition because of religion. If you look at Sarah's life, she will be perfect in everything. She will not be committing sins. Her worship will be much better and more factual than mine and yours. Her prayers will be sincere. But still, Allah did not give her children. Allah did not fulfill the biggest desire of her heart. Why?
Because what we get and when we don't get, Allah decides. He has written the story of our lives. We cannot question Him. If you intensely desire something and your prayers and worship don't bring it into your fate, what do you give up first? Hope in Allah. First, you question your faith and ask yourself, “Do I even matter to Allah? Even after leaving sins, Allah still doesn't listen to me. What's the point of these prayers?”
Let us ask ourselves, is our worship better than Sarah's worship? Are we better than her? If Allah delayed Sarah’s dua, does that mean He had abandoned her?
No. Unfulfilled desires and unanswered prayers don't mean Allah has forsaken you. Don't judge your relationship with Allah based on the acceptance of your prayers. Don't measure your relationship with Allah by the acceptance of your prayers. Prayers are a bonus. Whether they're answered or not, it shouldn't affect the relationship. Sometimes, you bow in every situation.
So, what happened next? We'll find out in the next post.
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quranwithsehar · 2 months
Hello and Assalamualikum!
I’m active on Instagram these days (let’s see for how long).
Would you follow me on Instagram as well 🥹
Jazakallah khayran kaseer🫶🏻
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quranwithsehar · 2 months
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And ˹remember˺ when Abraham said, “My Lord, make this city ˹of Mecca˺ secure and provide fruits to its people—those among them who believe in Allah and the Last Day.” He answered, “As for those who disbelieve, I will let them enjoy themselves for a little while, then I will condemn them to the torment of the Fire. What an evil destination!” [Al Baqarah - 126]
Ibrahim AS prayed to the Lord and asked Him to transform "the building or structure that was built by him at that time" into a peaceful city. It was a structure of kaaba, not how it looks today. It was surrounded by desert. Nothing at all in sight.
So, Ibrahim AS prayed to not only make it a city all around, but a peaceful one, providing its people with all kinds of food. It was all desert around him; he was looking at nothing while making the dua, but what an imagination. SubhanAllah.
While making dua, why do we limit ourselves? Why do we think, "Nah, Allah won't provide me with that"? Why? Look at the dua of Ibrahim AS. And yes, you might say that he was a prophet, so of course, Allah heard him, but here is a lesson to learn. Ibrahim said yes to everything Allah asked him to do, then he built the Kaabah, and then he made the dua which was fulfilled. So, what is it that you and I need to do to get our duas answered? Try to be like Ibrahim AS. When a command comes to us, we say labbaik to it. We say yes, and we strive our best, we do our best. We give our best. And once we do, once we are in the process of fulfilling Allah’s commands, make dua, ask Him for the impossible, and see it become possible.
He is asking to make the desert into a city, then a secure city, and then a city with a good economy. Safety and prosperity. Two things you need for a stable society. If there is no security, people will not come to live here and will not be safe if they do. If it has no good economy, no all kinds of food, which means no good economy, no prosperity so people will not have jobs to survive there.
So make it a city, make it prosperous, and make it for believers, people who believe in Allah and the Last Day.
Allah replied, even the one who disbelieves, I will provide him a little too. And after I let him enjoy, I will drag him to the punishment of the flame. What a horrible place to go back to.
So, yeah, even those who disbelieve will have the luxuries of dunya too, but their end will be horrible.
May Allah protect us from it. Ameen
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quranwithsehar · 2 months
I have been studying the Quran for years, but I didn't realize the importance of reading Seerah alongside it. I always thought that I would find the time to read a book on Seerah or watch a series by some ustadh on YouTube. However, I am doing what's important, which is reading and understanding the Quran as it's meant to be. So, I gave secondary importance to the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
I never had tears in my eyes hearing about the Prophet SAW, nor the desire to go to Madinah to visit him, or to be buried in Madinah so that I could be near him or see him in a dream. I could never feel all this or relate to it.
Yes, I heard lectures, felt compassion, and love for a while, but then got over those feelings and thought that maybe this is it. This is all I should be doing.
But then, Nemrah Ahmad launched her course, and like a die-hard fan of hers, I knew I was missing out on something, so I enrolled in it. Still, my thoughts remained the same: that reading and learning Seerah are additional things I would be doing. I didn't give it much importance as my entire focus was on the Quran and Ahadith.
So, I got the course, I opened the first lesson, and I started reading. And boy oh boy, did NA just drop a bomb over my head? She said, “You love to read and understand the Quran, you pray five times a day, you have a relationship with Allah, you want to go to Makkah and Madinah to seek forgiveness. You give Zakat, Sadaqat, and even stay away from sins.
So you believe that in doing so, you have enough faith to enter Jannah. Right? But it is not. It’s like taking an exam, answering all the questions correctly, giving your 100% in the test, but forgetting to write your roll number on the answer sheet. Will this make you pass your exam? No! Because there is a condition to having faith, which was told to us by the Prophet himself (SAW) years ago: "None of you will have faith till he loves me more than his parents, his children, and all of mankind.”
So, you’re telling me that if I’m reading the Quran, praying all my five Salah, doing Tasbeeh, staying away from Haram, giving Sadaqa and Zakat, but I do not have love for the Prophet (SAW) in my heart more than my parents, my children, and all of mankind, that means I have no faith?
And how can I have his love in my heart more than for the entire mankind without reading about him? Without hearing his stories? Without learning what he was like and what he did for us?
And that’s where Seerah comes in 🥹
I don’t think I will ever be able to consider Seerah as something extra now. It is a part of our Deen, our Ilm, and we must learn it as it deserves to be learned because we can only love the Prophet (SAW) when we learn about his life and the sacrifices he made for us. This is why reading Seerah should be a part of our daily lives, just like the Quran and Salah.
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quranwithsehar · 2 months
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Allah tested Ibrahim AS with certain instructions (کلمات) and he completed all of them perfectly
Hunna is not typically used for Kalimaat, Hunna is used because Allah is saying those instructions were not easy to fulfill. To show how hard those were, instead of using "Haa", Allah uses Hunna here.
1. He was asked to jump in the fire.
2. Take your kids in the desert, which is tough, because a road trip with kids to a desert, on a camel. Imagine the heat, the journey. And then leave your kids out in the middle of the desert. Can we leave our kids anywhere for 5 minutes by themselves? No! He is supposed to leave his kids there when he knows it's dangerous. What sort of submission do you have to have to do this? What sort of sabr does the wife have? Once she finds out it's from Allah, she says, okay, you can go. What sort of belief is this? Can the women today do this?
3. Now, years later, Ibrahim AS's son has grown up, and Ibrahim AS hasn't even seen him. He finally gets to see him, and the instruction comes down, "slaughter him". And what kind of kid is he that says, "go ahead dad, the hukam is from Allah."
These were not easy instructions; these were not easy tests. And yet he fulfills all of them perfectly.
When we are reminded of these sacrifices, when the Bani Israel, and the Jews, and the Christians are reminded of these sacrifices, it's a way of Allah asking us, "what are you asked to do that is so difficult for you?"
If you're from the legacy of a man who did these impossible things, then what are you complaining about?
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quranwithsehar · 2 months
Hearing the news coming out of Shifa Hospital is so painful. How has it been 6 months already without any action? Remember when they first invaded Shifa Hospital, they said it's because there are tunnels built by H@m@$ under it? What is the reason today??? today they are kidnapping, killing, raping women, forcing their men to watch, and I am sure there’s much more happening which we are not aware of.
When is this going to end?
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quranwithsehar · 2 months
This Ramadan, a sense of sadness has taken over the peace we once used to know. The joy of fasting, the happiness of suhoor, and the excitement for iftar now seem far away, hidden by a feeling of deep sorrow. It's like the air itself is mourning for the people of Gaza.
How can we find solace when innocent children lie trapped amidst the rubble, their cries unheard, taken hostage, and suffering from the deadly effects of disease and malnutrition? How can we feel the warmth of fasting when so many, young and old alike, go hungry, their only sustenance is animal feed and weed leaves?
Every corner of creation, from the depths of the earth to the expanse of the skies, seems to be in mourning - except for us humans.
There will be no peace now, no warmth, and no sweetness. They have all left with the people who have perished.
Do you feel the same? 🥺
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quranwithsehar · 2 months
Do we truly believe in Allah when we cannot even take out time to read His book?
“Those We have given the Book follow it as it should be followed. It is they who ˹truly˺ believe in it. As for those who reject it, it is they who are the losers.” [02:122]
If I don't read it, how can I follow it? If I don't follow it, how does that make me a true believer?
Those to whom we have given the book read and follow it as it deserves. Those are the ones who actually believe in it.
It is they who truly believe in it: People who don't read and don't follow the book as it deserves to be read. That means they don't really believe in it.
How can you believe that this is the most valuable thing ever in your life if you don't even read it? How can you follow it when you don't read it?
Then what kind of belief is that? When something is of value to you, it gets your time automatically; you make time for it no matter what.
When you know something is connected directly to your success and you don't even bother reading it, then how can you say that you believe in it? What sort of belief is that?
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quranwithsehar · 2 months
I got myself the Isdal robe for Taraweeh. I’ve had it and used it before, but wearing it today felt so different. The whole time, I kept thinking about how for me, this is only a robe I use to pray, while I wear anything comfortable beneath it. On the other side of the world, this same robe has become a safe haven, a security, and a source of privacy for every woman. I wear it when I want to be prepared to stand before Allah, while they wear it 24/7 because they are ready to meet Allah every single second of their day. Amid an ongoing genocide, they have enough courage, love for Allah, and understanding of their hijaab that even when they are witnessing loved ones dying around them, lack of food, and so much that we cannot even imagine, they wear it to keep themselves covered. Why covered? To keep their Lord pleased.
This reminds me of an incident from the time of the Prophet (pbuh):
Ataa Bin Abee Rabah [may Allaah have mercy upon him] narrated: Ibn Abbaas [may Allaah be pleased with him] said to me, “Shall I show you a woman of the people of Paradise?” I said, “Yes.” He said, “This lady came to the Prophet [SAW] and said, ‘I get attacks of epilepsy and my body becomes uncovered; please pray to Allah for me.’ The Prophet said (to her), ‘If you wish, be patient and you will have Paradise; and if you wish, I will pray to Allah to cure you.’ She said, ‘I will remain patient,’ and added, ‘but I become uncovered, so please ask Allah for me that I may not become uncovered.’ 🥺
[Saheeh Al-Bukhaari 5652 & Saheeh Muslim 2576]
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