ragingbolt · 4 months
"You don't sound too confident." Laxus observed.
He's sure Elfman has his share of inner saboteurs, and while it can be difficult to tell at times what's on his mind if he hasn't opened his mouth to say so, Laxus is interested in helping or at least encouraging him.
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"Something digging at you?"
@ragingbolt asked: “Do whatever you think is right.“
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"--'Course I will." The pep talk came as sort of a surprise, coming from the resident Lightning Dragon - but it was more than welcome. If Laxus supported him on his quest to the peak of Manliness, he could not be stopped. "..." All he needed to do was truly, stay true to his wishes and do what he thinks is right. A code he lives by, certainly, but even he is human. "Of course I will."
Did Laxus catch on that something was on his mind?
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ragingbolt · 4 months
💝 Happy Valentine's Day! 🏹
Something special, from me to you: without looking (or look, I don't really care!), pick a number between 1-24 and send it to another inbox. The attached item is the Valentine's gift they find waiting for them. Send it anonymously if you're the chaotic type.
a handsewn ascot.
a large silver ring, very old
a bejeweled necklace
an obnoxious photo of your abs
a baseball cap
a fine katana, polished to a shine
a basket of fresh fruit
an oni mask, hand-painted
a small, knitted animal
a suit of impenetrable armor
a small figurine of your favorite hero
a large white feather
a scented bookmark
a pair of wearable cat ears
a small music box
a thick fur coat
a simple, but elegant silver earring
a face mask with teeth on it
a wolf fang necklace
a blue rose
a bottle of medicine
a black choker
a thick woolen beanie
a cake
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ragingbolt · 4 months
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"I've never had a lot of time for meaningless chatter. You just aren't good at it. Or did you become a suave poet while I was gone?"
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❝ ever the romantic, aren't ya. no wonder girls are tripping over themselves for you when you are such a sweet talker.
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ragingbolt · 4 months
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"I don't have a 'type'. Either I fuck with you or I don't."
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ragingbolt · 4 months
If I'm very reserved and quiet on this blog it's because I wasn't actually planning on coming back to it; I was all but prepared to let roleplay go pretty much last week.
I'd probably be slow either way, I got two jobs and my back ache won't let me forget it. I'll still make an effort to be here but slow is probably gonna be the default.
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ragingbolt · 4 months
Breaking News! Local Thunder god dragon confirmed losing to a bicycle!
Reporters say Dragon Slayers having unanimous motion sickness is bullshit, however facts show that...
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"I was literally six years old, fuck off."
No one but Gramps is allowed to dig up anything from before his S-Class days, let alone his childhood. Whoever procured this information has to be purged.
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ragingbolt · 4 months
“It’s not so bad, once you get used to it. But once you get out? All Hell breaks loose.”
Misc. sentence & symbol starters
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"Yeah, I imagine so."
Take Over magic has always seemed too complicated to suit him. He dislikes the idea of something within his body, his being, that operates differently from himself and could rebel. Not to mention the physical ramifications.
"Your first few Take Overs must have been a pain in the ass."
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ragingbolt · 4 months
Write me a “News Report” about my Muse.
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ragingbolt · 4 months
Send my muse a Valentine's Day message, and they will react to receiving it as an anonymous note
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ragingbolt · 4 months
Misc. sentence & symbol starters
Send one for my muse’s reaction (sfw & nsfw):
Feel free to change pronouns/etc, or add descriptions of what’s happening!
“It’s not so bad, once you get used to it. But once you get out? All Hell breaks loose.”
“I don’t need you to hold my hand. I can do this alone.”
“That letter you wrote–did you mean every word?”
“Come watch the sunset with me.”
“Once, just once, I’d like for someone to bring me flowers instead of corpses.”
“Everyone I’ve asked says you’re someone who can’t be trusted. What do you make of that?”
“You’ve been so quiet, lately. Is there something we need to talk about?”
“Nobody completes another person. There’s no such thing as a soulmate.”
“If we die tomorrow, I want you to know that you were the (best/worst) thing to ever happen to me.”
“Love doesn’t always involve suffering. At the very least, it shouldn’t.”
“Who taught you love was supposed to hurt?”
“I’m not asking for your deepest, darkest secrets. I’m just asking you to open up a little.”
“You wouldn’t hurt me. You can’t.”
“Does (name/pronoun) know you’re here with me?”
“When they died, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I just… got lost.”
“Rage will only get you so far.”
“There are more lives at stake here than the ones you care about! What gives you the right to decide that one person’s life weighs more than countless others?”
“You look at (name/pronoun) like you want to fuck (name/pronoun).” 
“It’s been a bad day, please pay attention to me.”
“I want to make you feel good.”
“Can you stop eye-fucking me for five minutes?”
“What I’m saying is: I want to fuck you.”
“Not that I’m complaining, but your hand keeps brushing my groin.”
“Hands to yourself until I say otherwise.”
“On your knees, there we go.”
“Everyone knows the two of you have been fucking.”
“Getting laid might help you relax a little.”
“I could kiss you all day.”
“I’m not saying I don’t love you. I’m saying I don’t trust you.”
“Don’t think for one second that there’s anything I wouldn’t do for (name/pronoun).”
“Did I ever tell you about my parents?”
“You must have done something truly awful, to end up where you are now.”
“I didn’t know how to tell you, so I didn’t. I’m sorry.”
“Stop trying to make me feel guilty.”
“Tell me something nice, please. About anything.”
“If you don’t get out of bed, I’ll pour this coffee on you.”
“I’m afraid of a lot of things. You’re not one of them.”
“If you would just let me take care of you, this would be a lot easier on us both.”
“What makes you think I’d ever help you?”
“Do you need me to kill someone?”
Symbols (add as much or as little description as you’d like!)
★ to clap a hand over my muse’s mouth and drag them out of sight
❉ to kiss my muse on the mouth (or somewhere else, if specified)
↑ to pick my muse up and carry them, for whatever reason
™ to wrap an arm around my muse’s shoulders and pull them in for a hug
♫ to playfully slap my muse’s ass
✂ to grab my muse by the throat
☛ to start shouting at my muse for something they did
♦ to slide a drink towards my muse (alcoholic or otherwise)
♠ to tend to my muse when they wake up injured and confused in your muse’s home, having been rescued by your muse
≠ to slap my muse across the face!
♡ to touch my muse any way you’d like - add a description!
Add ‘reverse’ for our muses’ roles to be reversed!
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ragingbolt · 4 months
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who tf--
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ragingbolt · 4 months
"That was a joke, Elf."
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He exhales, a stream of smoke carefully aimed to the side so as not to be disruptive. Despite the clear failure of communication, he's smiling in full now. He'll take the L for this one, he's never been good at jokes.
If Elfman wants to pose, though, he'll need something to complete the image. Laxus removes one more cigarette from the pack and offers it to him. Just to see what he does.
"Oh, yeah!" Appearances were important for this guy, right. That would explain the initial Lacrima headphones he used to go with, and the ever-present fur jacket around him. It really did serve to toughen his image.
If he wanted space, he got some. Mindfully taking distance, Elfman took a mere three steps back; leaning back some to straighten his posture and making a somewhat serious expression - with his complexion, looking more like a glare than anything.
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If they were feigning the silent Manly image, Elfman is experienced enough in that regard. Nevermind the fact he never actually caught the hint Laxus was probably getting at.
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ragingbolt · 4 months
The hand holding the cigarette moves up, so the back of his hand is resting against his brow. Despite his attempt at exasperation, a smile is twitching at the corners of his mouth.
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"I'll keep that in mind, Elfman." And he will, that's a promise. He's still not too great at the social stuff, but he does admire Elfman's bright outlook. "Now gimme space, I need to look cool while I'm medicating."
Zap. One end of the cig lights up orange, the other finds its way between his lips. The picture of stoic masculinity...right?
Resisting the urge to take that one literally, Elfman cleared his throat. He's been one of the better bunch at keeping in high spirits, courtesy of numerous routines and, a very simplistic mindset. Evidently, the more you think about something, the more it drains from you.
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"Man..." He grumbles. "If ya need a Man to talk to, ya can always come say hi, y'know?" Laxus may have been intimidating in the past, but nowadays he seemed a lot more... Welcoming.
Especially after Tenrou Island. "Oh, and food helps too!"
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ragingbolt · 4 months
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Sneezes. He's in someone's thoughts.
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Laxus bald?? she doesn't want to picture it ...
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ragingbolt · 4 months
"Most people aren't, these days." And nobody is every day.
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No, he's not at ease. It's nothing that happened today--just a buildup of a bunch of bullshit from the past few days, and he can feel it lingering on him in his muscles.
"I'm fine," (will be fine) "Elfman. I just needed a pick-me up, promise."
Right on the nail. Nothing more transparent than that, fortunately his intuition was correct. "Then that'd mean yer not at ease now, are ya." That's about the most logical thing it'd translate to.
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Elfman would know stress. He knows tragedy like no one else, and was miraculously saved from its consequences. Despite that, he's managed to find a different path - albeit arguably just as obsessive.
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ragingbolt · 4 months
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"Nobody smokes because it's cool." (This is a lie, it is exactly why he started smoking when he was younger.) "People smoke to feel at ease."
He'd gotten pretty close to cold turkey when he was first kicked out, but he still buys a pack every now and again.
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"-- I've been wondering this but," Yeah he's going to ignore that jab entirely. "What's so cool about smoking?"
If it's stress, that part's gone since Makarov accepted him back, right? ...He vaguely recalls/assumes seeing Laxus with a cigarette when he was younger, too.
Still worried about that hairline though.
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ragingbolt · 4 months
Alright, he can't smoke with someone staring at him like that.
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"I could do hard drugs, if you'd prefer?" Maybe Elfman will let him off the hook if he offers him one...nah, lost cause.
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He's not sure why Laxus would take to smoking.
Wakaba's bald, might happen to Laxus too.
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