What is Binocular Vision Disorder?
BVD a condition where both eyes are unable to coordinate properly because that are slightly misaligned. The eyes struggle to send one clear image to the brain which can create a myriad of symptoms such as head, neck, and shoulder pain, reading difficulties, fitful and restless sleep pattern to name a few. This reference subject guide is intended for anyone who is doing research into BVD which can include students, professors, and patients.
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This textbook Diagnosis and Management of Ocular Motility Disorders by Alec M. Ansons and Helen Davis gives resources to orthoptists and ophthalmologists when it comes to their patient care processes. It gives a practical and clear overview of assessment and management of specific disorders such as amblyopia, infantile strabismus, supranuclear and so on. It includes a table of content as well as an index for easy use. This textbook was written by experts in their field with experience in teaching and research. It is a fourth edition published in 2014. Its intended audience are students of optometry. I found this textbook through the Illinois College of Optometry library website.
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This website All About Vision provides the article “Binocular Vision and Binocular Vision Dysfunction” by Anna Barden and reviewed by Valerie M. Kattouf, OD, FAAO. On this page are description of what binocular vison is and what BVD is. It provides two visual aids as resources for those with binocular vision disorders. This article was medically reviewed on July 22, 2022 and published on the website on August 9, 2022. It also provides additional information for those who need it. Its intended audience are those who have BVD or are questioning their binocular vision.
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This website, The Vestibular Disorders Association (VeDA), is a resource for patients. It includes a description of what binocular vision dysfunction is as well as the history behind it. The website gives a list of symptoms such as headache, face ache/sinus pain, dizziness, lightheadedness, off-balance feeling, motion sickness, difficulties with reading concentration, fatigue with reading, ready comprehension difficulties, and so on. It gives a list of research, resources, and who provides all this. Its intended audience are patients or anyone who want to do further research into BVD. I found this website through a basic google search.
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This textbook Neurovision: Neural Bases of Binocular Vision and Coordination and Their Implications in Visual Training Programs but Olivier A. Coubard binocular vision and binocular vision disorders. The focus of this book reviews recent finding in brain imaging and neurophysiology of binocular vision and eye coordination in both humans and animals. It takes studies that provide knowledge of visual training programs that target binocular function disorders. This text was published in 2015 with an intended of optometric students, optometrists, and ophthalmologists. It includes illustrations, an index and digital PDF files ready for download. I found this textbook through the Illinois College of Optometry library website.
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Types of Vision Problems by NY Department of Health
The New York State Department of Health provides a interactive page about the types of Vision Problems. It includes links about most common adult vision problems such as blurred vision, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataract, and diabetic retinopathy. It also includes childhood vision problems such as blurred vision, crossed eyes, and lazy eye. This website serves as a resource for parents and induvial wanting to learn more about vision disorders who want to conduct some initial research themselves. It includes visuals and many links to further resources. All this information is given by professionals at the National Eye Institute and National Institutes of Health with a revised edition published in January of 2012. I found this website through a basic google search.
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This textbook Pickwell's Binocular Vision Anomalies: Investigation and Treatment by Bruce J.W. Evans, provides a practical into to binocular vision. Included theory, clinical guidance, and summaries of current research. It goes over every day examinations and testing protocols. Including video quizzes to test your knowledge and 3-D display of the lates information on vision therapy. The text also includes summaries of testing procedures for every binocular vision test. The text includes a table of contents and appendices for easy use. It is a 6th edition published in 2021 with an intended of optometric students, optometrists, and ophthalmologists. I found this textbook through the Illinois College of Optometry library website.
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This textbook Keep It Single and Simple Binocular Vision Testing and Treatment Made Easy by Jameel Rizwana Hussaindeen, M.Phil. Opt, Ph.D., FCOVD-I, FAAO and Mitchell Scheiman, OD, PhD, serves as a case-based learning tool. It takes the theoretical framework of binocular vision as its resources and goes by case by case studies to teach optometry and ophthalmology students. Bringing everyday clinical practice cases surrounding binocular vision and vision and vision therapy. It is a first edition published in 2021 and includes a table of contents and index for a easy to use experience. I found this textbook through the Illinois College of Optometry library website.
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This textbook, Binocular Vision: Development, Depth Perception, and Disorders edited by Jacques McCoun and Lucien Reeves looks at the ways our eyes function together. It dives into how people use both eyes ad what happens when clinical disorders such as strabismus and amblyopia occur. It explains how eyes develop movement control and assessment of binocular vision disorders. It is a first edition published in 2010. The textbook includes a table of contents and index as well as visual aids for easy use. The intended audience of this textbook are optometric students, optometrists, and ophthalmologists. I found this resource when searching through the Rebecca Crown Library website.
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This textbook Clinical Management of Binocular Vision: Heterophoric, Accommodative, and Eye Movement Disorders edited by Mitchell Scheiman and Bruce Wick takes research studies and literature to provide insight into the diagnosis and treatment of binocular vision. It goes in-depth on evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of binocular vision. It is an excellent guide for students and doctors to learn about managing and diagnosing anomalies having to do with binocular vision. The fifth edition was published in 2020 with an intended audience of optometric students, optometrists, and ophthalmologists.
I found this resource when searching through the Rebecca Crown Library website.
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This textbook, Normal Binocular Vision: Theory, Investigation and Practical Aspects, by David Stidwill and Robert Fletcher serves as a resource of those who want to know about binocular vision. How peoples are used together to form sight. It teaches people how binocular operation works with the intention of being able to detect and teat dysfunctions that occur. It is a first edition published in 2017. The text contains a table of contents, index, and references for easy navigation. The intended audience for this textbook is current and prospective optometrists.
I found this recourse when searching through the Rebecca Crown Library website.
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Trip Database is a free online resource where you can search clinical research and have access to millions of articles. Their motto is “Find Evidence Fast.” It the free version of Trip, there is a basic search where you can input “binocular vision disorder” and get over 1000 results. Results that have a date range for the last 10 years. This includes abstracts as well as links to full text articles. You can order your results by quality, relevance, dates, and popularity. The results of your searches can include systematic reviews, evidence based synopses, guidelines, key primary research, clinical Q&A, controlled trials, primary research, patient information leaflets, blogs, eTextbooks, and so much more. The database is for anyone who wants to conduct research into studies and medical conditions. This database was listed as a good resource for my guide by my MLIS 701 Professor Molly Beestrum.
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Work Cited
Ansons, Alec M., and Helen Davis. Diagnosis and Management of Ocular Motility Disorders. 4th ed., John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2014.
Barden, Anna. “Binocular Vision and Binocular Vision Dysfunction.” All About Vision, AAV Media, LLC, 1 Nov. 2022, https://www.allaboutvision.com/eye-care/eye-anatomy/what-is-binocular-vision/.
“Binocular Vision Dysfunction.” Vestibular Disorders Association, Vestibular Disorders Association, 24 Aug. 2021, https://vestibular.org/article/diagnosis-treatment/vision-hearing/binocular-vision-correction/.
Coubard, Olivier A. Neurovision: Neural Bases of Binocular Vision and Coordination and Their Implications in Visual Training Programs. Frontiers Media SA, 2015.
“Department of Health.” Types of Vision Problems, New York State, Jan. 2012, https://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/conditions/vision_and_eye_health/types_of_vision_problems.htm.
Evans, Bruce J. W. Pickwell's Binocular Vision Anomalies: Investigation and Treatment. 6th ed., Elsevier, 2021.
Hussaindeen, Jameel Rizwana, and Mitchell Scheiman. Keep It Single and Simple Binocular Vision Testing and Treatment Made Easy. Nova Science Publishers, 2021.
McCoun, Jacques, and Lucien Reeves. Binocular Vision: Development, Depth Perception, and Disorders. Nova Science Publishers, 2010.
Scheiman, Mitchell, et al. Clinical Management of Binocular Vision: Heterophoric, Accommodative, and Eye Movement Disorders. 5th ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2020.
Stidwill, David, and Robert Fletcher. Normal Binocular Vision: Theory, Investigation and Practical Aspects. Wiley-Blackwell, 2017.
“Trip Medical Database.” Trip Medical Database, https://www.tripdatabase.com/.
Wray, Shirley H. Eye Movement Disorders in Clinical Practice. Oxford University Press, 2014.
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