#binocular vision disorder
thebibliosphere · 1 year
How are the new glasses working out?
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Yeah, they're um, *clears throat and starts crying anyway* they're working great.
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Work Cited
Ansons, Alec M., and Helen Davis. Diagnosis and Management of Ocular Motility Disorders. 4th ed., John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2014.
Barden, Anna. “Binocular Vision and Binocular Vision Dysfunction.” All About Vision, AAV Media, LLC, 1 Nov. 2022, https://www.allaboutvision.com/eye-care/eye-anatomy/what-is-binocular-vision/.
“Binocular Vision Dysfunction.” Vestibular Disorders Association, Vestibular Disorders Association, 24 Aug. 2021, https://vestibular.org/article/diagnosis-treatment/vision-hearing/binocular-vision-correction/.
Coubard, Olivier A. Neurovision: Neural Bases of Binocular Vision and Coordination and Their Implications in Visual Training Programs. Frontiers Media SA, 2015.
“Department of Health.” Types of Vision Problems, New York State, Jan. 2012, https://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/conditions/vision_and_eye_health/types_of_vision_problems.htm.
Evans, Bruce J. W. Pickwell's Binocular Vision Anomalies: Investigation and Treatment. 6th ed., Elsevier, 2021.
Hussaindeen, Jameel Rizwana, and Mitchell Scheiman. Keep It Single and Simple Binocular Vision Testing and Treatment Made Easy. Nova Science Publishers, 2021.
McCoun, Jacques, and Lucien Reeves. Binocular Vision: Development, Depth Perception, and Disorders. Nova Science Publishers, 2010.
Scheiman, Mitchell, et al. Clinical Management of Binocular Vision: Heterophoric, Accommodative, and Eye Movement Disorders. 5th ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2020.
Stidwill, David, and Robert Fletcher. Normal Binocular Vision: Theory, Investigation and Practical Aspects. Wiley-Blackwell, 2017.
“Trip Medical Database.” Trip Medical Database, https://www.tripdatabase.com/.
Wray, Shirley H. Eye Movement Disorders in Clinical Practice. Oxford University Press, 2014.
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jaimekhaji · 3 months
hi im in a bad spot financially again… my paycheck was barely enough for me to pay rent but i also have bills coming in at the beginning of the month and i dont have the money leftover to pay them. i need $89 for the storage lot my car is in (hopefully this is the last month ill need it in there) and $150 to pay the eye doctor for my new glasses. i really need these new glasses bc theyre going to be specialty ones for the eye disorder i just got diagnosed with (BVD / binocular vision dysfunction) and i couldnt afford to buy new frames so i sent my original glasses out and been without glasses for almost a month now.
if anyone could spare some money to help with these bills or reblog this post to boost it and help me through the next 2 weeks until i get paid again i would appreciate it so much. thank you again 💙
v*nmo: @micahmad
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copperbadge · 2 years
I had an eye exam yesterday and they are So! Much! More! Pleasant! than they used to be. I was never afraid of the dentist or reluctant to go (I had really, really good pediatric dentistry) but I hated eye exams passionately. I hated the blue thing that touched your eye and the air puff thing and having to have drops put in for dilation. The dilation was fine, it was the drops I hated. 
Anyway now they do it all with digital scanners and I got to look at a 3-D model of my own eyeballs. Pretty sweet. And the good news is that I don’t have binocular vision disorder, and still don’t need bifocals. My prescription has had to ramp up a little, but other than that I’m fine.
I ended up getting one set of new frames and a paper copy of my prescription, so I’ll have one nice, slightly pricey new set, and I’ll order a second super cheap set online at some point.
My optometrist, who is new to me, asked me “So what made you choose us?” and I said, “Well, you’re close by -- I used to walk past your office every day on the way to work -- and also you always have a Pikachu wearing glasses in your window” which cracked him up. He collects stuffed Pikachus and he told me to keep a lookout, his sister’s boyfriend is proposing to her this coming week and he’s considering putting Pikachus dressed like a bride and groom in the window.  
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hellscape-halogens · 11 months
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Hey I'm Sal. I had an old blog on here but lost access, so I started a new one. I am going for complete anonymity this go around, but I will tell some true to life stuff here sometimes. Though I might litter it a bit with fictitious occurrences ✨just 'cause✨, so regard me entirely as a fictional character.
It's the internet. EVerything is fake. Nothing is real.
About Sal Geiger
I'm mid-20s, I like grunge, and being a bastard (affectionate).
4 bands/artists I like:
My Chemical Romance
Lil Peep
4 colours i have dyed my hair:
3 facts & 1 lie:
I have vision and balance problems which frequently cause me issues in my day-to-day life
I have three cats (they are loud bastards and I love them)
I have a crippling fear of the dark and cannot sleep without a night light
I spend an ungodly amount of time each day playing My Singing Monsters
4 safe foods:
chicken nuggets
cheese pierogis
pizza lunchables
Kraft Dinner™ macaroni and cheese
4 favourite movies:
Jim Henson's The Labyrinth
Hellboy 2: The Golden Army
The Black Phone
The Crow
I also have some tattoos and piercings, and I haven't cut or dyed my hair in over a year so my hair is about to the middle of my neck, and the tips are a faded seasick green from the last time I dyed my hair blue.
I frequently have to read things with an eyepatch or one eye closed because of binocular vision disorder, and I am possibly dyslexic.
I use he/him pronouns exclusively, and I am trans-positive/affirming, and I am also a gay man who supports the ENTIRE community, so exclus and TERFS can go fuck themselves.
I am not a man of mystery, I am a bastard of balls-to-the-wall buffoonery.
Pleased to meet you, don't forget my name.
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perditious · 1 year
neuro appt i booked seven months ago is finally upon us! hopefully tomorrow i can begin actually trying to uh. treat the migraines! or else they will tell me this is all dramatics and in my head again and you’ll see me on the news for gnawing on their bones. but i’m trying to be optimistic.
things to not forget to ask about:
• how to get referred to a neuro-ophthalmologist for binocular vision disorder screening/if there’s anyone they recommend for those locally
• can we try a non-triptan abortive plz? also may i pretty please have a zofran rx 🥺🙏
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joydemorra · 2 years
Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to the FAQ. Here are some of the most often asked questions in my inbox.
- Who are you, and what am I doing here? Hello, I’m Joy, and this is my little corner of the internet. You may know me from such viral posts as Crucifix Nail Nipples, Robin Williams punching death eaters, or from my advocacy work where I focus on issues of disability, chronic illness, and neurodivergency. You may also know me from my international best-selling novel about vampires and werewolves kissing.
In which case, the vampire nipple thing probably comes as a bit of a shock. I also co-host @theayesphere, an interactive podcast with my bestie @ayeforscotland, on his Twitch channel.
If you genuinely do not know how you got here, welcome anyway. I hope you find a reason to stay.
- I sent you a message, and you never responded! I’m sorry about that. I get a lot of mail daily, and it’s impossible to keep up with. It’s not a reflection of you or my regard for you. I appreciate every kind word and message of support sent my way, even if I can’t always reply to it.
I am but a humble peddler of smut who never expected to have a viral blog. I’m also multiply disabled, so the struggle to keep up is real.
- So, what’s wrong with you? How long have you got?
The quick answer is I have a connective tissue disorder known as Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hEDS), comorbid with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). All three were diagnosed in 2020 after a lifelong struggles with chronic pain, chronic fatigue, fainting episodes and what I thought was asthma and chronic vomitting but actually turned out to be slow-acting idiopathic anaphylaxis. I am now on a treatment plan and am considered stable.
In late 2022 after losing the entire year to debilitating migraines, I was also diagnosed with atypical Binocular Vision Disorder by a neuro-ophthalmologist. This was a major root cause of my chronic migraines which had been missed by both a regular ophthalmologists and several neurologists. My case was considered ‘atypical’ because I did not present with the classic double vision symptoms checked for by most ophthalmologists. But upon extensive testing by the neuro-ophthalmologist, the misalignment in my eyes was diagnosed correctly and I was prescribed micro-prism glasses. I was also prescribed red-tinted lenses to help with extreme photophobia, as red blocks more blue light than other colors.
After three months of screen rest and allowing my eyes to adjust to the lenses – as well as extensive vision therapy–my monthly migraine count went from 20+ migraines a month down to 3. My remaining migraines appear to be hormonal in nature, but I have found that taking 400mg of b2 (riboflavin) a day, as prescribed by my neurologist, has greatly reduced the pain.
Despite the recent progress in my treatment, I am still a very sick, very fatigued individual and struggle to keep up with life sometimes.
I also have chronic ‘double depression’, cPTSD and ADHD, leaning more toward the hyper end of the spectrum. So I’m doubly cursed with a slow, slow body and a fast, fast mind that sometimes wants to yeet itself off a cliff. It’s an Experience. All of my posts pertaining to mental health are tagged as #mental health. Most of my ADHD stuff can be found under #adult adhd.
You can read more about my health issues by following my #chronic health tag or blacklist if you prefer! I also have one for my teeth #chronic health tag: teeth, though that one is less active since the nerve damage in my jaw was resolved.
- Why do you use affiliate links? Good question! There are a lot of hidden costs that go into indie publishing, and a large part of that is what we lose to places like Amazon in fees. Using affiliate links to promote our work allows authors to recoup some of that loss from our royalties, though not quite all of it. The links don’t cost you anything, nor do they tell me anything about your private data or shopping habits. They’re just a way for me to claw money back directly from Amazon. I try to limit how often I link to Amazon as the only thing I’m interested in peddling are my weres. And maybe a couple of vampires while I’m at it.
- Who is ETD/Mothman?
ETD/Mothman was the name my blog gave to my husband several years ago when my blog started getting popular. He has since joined Tumblr, and you can follow his shenanigans @mothman-etd
- Wait, you wrote a book?! I did! Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites is a 2x international best-selling paranormal, pun-filled polyamorous queer romance series with elements of Gaslamp fantasy and political satire. It features vampires, werewolves, and several other manner of creatures that go bump in the night. It has been described by those who have read it as “like reading the queer-goth-punk love child of Terry Pratchett meets Jane Austen. You can read more about it here or check out my website. The primary tag used by the fandom here on Tumblr is #Phangs.
- Vampires or werewolves? Why not both? \_(ツ)_/
- Hi, I want to support your work! Which purchase method best supports you? Any way you choose to purchase my books helps me! Purchasing through my Payhip or Gumroad nets me the most money, but purchasing through sites like Amazon contributes to my sales ranking, which increases my chances of trending in the algorithm and gaining a wider audience. Reviews are also a fantastic way to support an author, as is word of mouth.
Please note, I will be phasing out the Gumroad links following their stance on NFTS and the ensuing behavior of their CEO on Twitter. This should not affect your files. If, for some reason, you lose your digital copy and Gumroad won’t let you download it again via your email link, please reach out to me at info @ joydemorra.com
- Can I write fanfic/create fanart of your work? Please do! I want nothing more for you to enjoy my work to the point of creation. Just be careful not to tag me in any fanfic, and please don’t send me any headcanons. If someone accidentally guesses my plot and shows it to me, it can risk any of my future book plans. Keep fandom discussions within fandom. The author is (un)dead, and their opinion doesn’t matter. If you make fanart, you can tag me in that, but please don’t link to your Patreon or Ko-Fi in the post where I can see it. If I see you are making a profit from my work, I am legally obligated to file a takedown. If I do not see any such links, which may or may not exist in any reblogs I am not immediately tagged in, we do not have a problem. 🙈🙈🙈
- Can I cosplay your characters and tag you? Absolutely! Just make sure you follow the above advice about Ko-Fi and Patreon links.
- Will you sign my copy of [____] If this is post-pandemic times and we are at a meet and greet, yes! I’ll also have bookplates for sale soon that you can insert into your copies or do with them as you please.
- Are you going to turn any of your books into audiobooks? Yes! My audiobooks are narrated by Catherine Bilson (aka @caitlynlynch) and you can find them listed under my buy link options.
- Why do you write two versions of the same story? Glad you asked! I write two versions of all my stories so that people who enjoy sex scenes can enjoy them, and those who prefer not to read depictions of sexual acts don’t need to skip pages to avoid the more explicit scenes. You can read more about my decision to do this here.
- Help! I bought the wrong version! Most of my retailers will allow you to return the book for a full refund, freeing you to purchase the correct copy. If you bought a copy through my Gumroad or Payhip, drop me a line at info @ joydemorra.com, and we’ll get it resolved :)
- You’re an editor, right? Will you look at my manuscript? Regrettably, I am not taking on any new clients at the moment, but if you would like to check out my editors, you can fine them at @roselarkpublishing
- When will you be editing again? When I have the mental and physical capacity greater than the depth of a teaspoon.
- When is your next book coming out? When I have the mental and physical capacity greater than the depths of a teaspoon. (Sorry, I know I’m taking too long.)
- Will you reblog my donation post? I’m afraid that due to the high volume of requests that I get (anywhere from 5-20 a day), I am currently only reblogging donation posts from mutuals. I’m sorry. There are just too many for me to keep up with without flooding my dash. But please do look into @copperbadge’s Radio Free Monday, which I always try to reblog. The submission form is here, and Sam wrote a guide on how to write fundraising posts here.
- What’s your favorite book? Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett. Closely followed by Going Postal by Terry Pratchett and Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones.
- What’s your favorite movie? Singin’ in the Rain!
- Favorite music? I’ve been listening to The Amazing Devil on loop for over eighteen months, so it’s safe to say I like them.
- Why do you use Amazon? Aren’t they evil incarnate?!?
They are, but they’re also the biggest-selling platform for eBooks for indie and trad authors and not using them is career suicide. If you don’t like Amazon, I have plenty of other platforms for you to use, including directly from my Payhip, which allows you to use Kindle without giving Jeff Bezos a penny.
- Can I send you something I made/thought you might like? Sure! My PO Box is:
- I saw you from the essential oil discourse and was just wondering… Please have pity on my chronic fatigue and refer to the master list post compiled very kindly by @paradoxanomalyenigma. You may find that I have already answered your question. If not, come ask me!
- Why did you move from Scotland to the US? I met and fell and love with Mothman. Originally we were going to live in the UK, but they changed the immigration laws six weeks before our wedding, and it ended up being more accessible for me to move here than for him to move there. Ideally, we would both like to have dual citizenship one day.
- Does Mothman really believe in me? Always.
- Are you Wiccan? No, I’m a pagan who identifies as a secular witch and have been for the last 20+ years. I don’t hold to any particular creed or belief. The gods might well exist. I’ve just got little time for them.
- Can you post to your bad luck chain-mail spell breaker? It makes me feel better. Here you go! Here’s my other curse breaker post if you want it, too.
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its-ticsticstics · 10 months
So any disabilities. That was my dry sense of humour, course you have at least 1 as your blog name implies, but any others you’re open to sharin?
Hey there! :D
Along with Tourettes syndrome (bahaha) I'm also diagnosed with OCD, ADHD, ASD, Dyspraxia, a couple of mood disorders that were put on my chart as a teenager, and Irlens Syndrome and BVD (binocular vision dysfunction), Diplopia (double-vision), and visual snow syndrome
I was meant to get tested for PANS/PANDAS/BGE which if I *do* have, would likely consolidate a lot of these into one diagnosis as opposed to whatever this clusterfuck i, but, getting access to testing is a nightmare.
Ty for asking my dear bananaguns friend!
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invizigothx · 11 months
genuinely not sure binocular vision disorder is the right diagnosis bc a) none of the french doctors did exams to check the physical make-up of my eye balls b) in theory if u have bvd and u close one eye then you can see alright. but when i close one eye everything gets really blurry regardless of which eye. so. that is bad. c) pain is back to a daily occurance
prayer circle that my partner and I both get jobs w benefits although honestly if I have to pay for another round of extensive tests and appointments and etc I may just do a kickstarter or something. because all the med stuff in Arkansas left me so fucking broke and also psychologically wounded, I don't think I can go though that again without some kind of additional support.
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
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I made it to 31 days migraine-free until last night my neck adjusted and pinched a nerve. It’s not too bad. I took a Tylenol to take the edge off, something which was previously unheard of for me. Normally no amount of otc painkillers helped.
There’s also likely a hormonal fluctuation at play. My menstrual cycle is due, and that monthly spike in hormones always makes my hEDS so much worse. Hence my neck adjusting by itself and cronching the nerve. Which was honestly more painful than the migraine itself has been.
Part of having binocular vision disorder is constantly tilting your head from side to side to try and keep your eyes in focus.
Since getting my glasses, I’ve been “weirdly still.” I still fidget and move because ADHD, but I’m no longer doing a constant “confused puppy” impersonation as I tilt my head from side to side to keep my eyes in focus.
I’m realizing now that this has likely greatly helped my craniocervical instability, and I’ve not been pinching the nerves in my neck so much.
If this is true, and my hormones become my main trigger—both for the migraine itself but also contributing to other factors like joint laxity and worsening my craniocervical instability—then that means I can better target my physical therapy, but also take preemptive precautions in the week running up to my monthly cycle and brace my neck to prevent the joints from moving around as much and pinching the nerves.
This is another potentially life altering revelation and I’m not even mad my 31 day streak got interrupted. Because I had 31 days migraine-free and that’s something I haven’t been able to say in over a decade, and if it comes to it, I’ll gladly take 1 migraine a month vs 20.
Anyway. I’m going back to sleep for a bit. I just had to jot this thought down in case the migraine gets worse and I forget.
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ashokamarketing · 7 days
Best Neuro Vision Therapy for Children with ADHD
Neuro Vision Therapy stands as a beacon of hope for children grappling with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). This innovative approach harnesses the power of the brain's visual system to enhance focus, attention, and overall cognitive function. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of Neuro Vision Therapy tailored specifically for children with ADHD, offering insights into its benefits, methodologies, and transformative potential.
Understanding ADHD and Its Visual Component: ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulties in sustaining attention, controlling impulses, and regulating activity levels. While traditionally perceived as solely a behavioral issue, emerging research highlights the profound impact of visual processing deficits in individuals with ADHD. These deficits encompass challenges in visual attention, tracking, and spatial awareness, exacerbating symptoms and impeding academic and social success.
The Role of Neuro Vision Therapy: Neuro Vision Therapy represents a paradigm shift in the treatment of ADHD, addressing the underlying visual impairments that contribute to symptomatology. By targeting the intricate connections between the eyes and the brain, this therapy aims to optimize visual processing, thereby enhancing attentional control and cognitive functioning. Unlike conventional treatments reliant on medication or behavioral interventions, Neuro Vision Therapy offers a non-invasive, holistic approach with enduring benefits.
Key Components of Neuro Vision Therapy for Children with ADHD:
Visual Assessment: A comprehensive evaluation of visual function is conducted to identify specific deficits, including eye teaming, tracking, convergence, and depth perception. This assessment serves as the foundation for designing personalized treatment protocols.
Vision Training Exercises: Tailored exercises are prescribed to stimulate and strengthen neural pathways involved in visual processing. These may include activities to improve eye coordination, visual tracking, binocular vision, and visual-motor integration.
Sensory Integration Techniques: Integrating sensory modalities such as auditory and tactile stimuli enhances multisensory processing, fostering greater cognitive engagement and self-regulation.
Environmental Modifications: Optimizing the child's visual environment through strategies like minimizing distractions, using visual schedules, and incorporating visual aids promotes optimal attentional focus and task completion.
Home-Based Reinforcement: Parents are empowered to reinforce therapy gains through structured home exercises and activities, ensuring continuity of progress beyond clinic sessions.
Benefits of Neuro Vision Therapy for Children with ADHD:
Enhanced Attention and Focus: By remedying visual processing deficits, Neuro Vision Therapy cultivates sustained attention and concentration, facilitating academic learning and task performance. Improved Executive Functioning: Strengthening visual-motor integration and spatial awareness bolsters executive functions such as planning, organization, and impulse control. Heightened Self-Esteem: Success in overcoming visual challenges instills confidence and self-efficacy, empowering children to navigate academic and social endeavors with newfound resilience. Reduced Reliance on Medication: By addressing underlying neurovisual impairments, Neuro Vision Therapy may reduce the need for pharmacological interventions or complement existing treatments, leading to more holistic management of ADHD.
In Conclusion: Neuro Vision Therapy emerges as a beacon of hope for children with ADHD, offering a transformative pathway to unlock their full potential. By harnessing the brain's remarkable neuroplasticity and addressing visual processing deficits, this innovative approach paves the way for enhanced attention, cognitive function, and overall well-being. Through personalized interventions and holistic support, Neuro Vision Therapy empowers children to thrive academically, socially, and beyond, heralding a brighter future filled with possibility and promise.
For more details visit our site: https://docneurovisiontherapy.com/home/
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hadnewscom · 1 month
Does dream inception work?-Will Dowd lost his ability to read over a decade ago. He has a condition called binocular vision disorder, which makes it difficult to coordinate his eyes. Words drift across the page, getting tangled up in one another, and the pain of trying to extract...
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lazyeyetreatment · 1 month
Vision Wellness: Balancing Treatment for Lazy Eye and Digital Eye Strain
In today’s digital age, where screens dominate our daily lives, issues related to eye health have become increasingly prevalent. Among these, conditions like lazy eye (amblyopia), digital eye strain, and computer vision syndrome (CVS) pose significant challenges. Additionally, squint eye, or strabismus, requires attention for both children and adults. In this blog, we’ll delve into the various aspects of these conditions and explore treatment options available.
Understanding Lazy Eye:
Lazy eye, or amblyopia, is a vision development disorder that typically begins in childhood. It occurs when one eye doesn’t receive adequate use, leading to vision impairment in that eye. If left untreated, it can result in permanent vision loss. While lazy eye treatment is commonly associated with childhood, it’s important to note that adults can also undergo treatment to improve vision.
Lazy Eye Treatment for Adults:
Traditionally, lazy eye treatment primarily targeted children, as early intervention was believed to be crucial for successful outcomes. However, advancements in vision therapy techniques have expanded lazy eye treatment for adults as well. Vision therapy, including eye exercises, prism lenses, and occlusion therapy, can help improve visual acuity and binocular vision in adults with lazy eye.
Digital Eye Strain and Computer Vision Syndrome:
With the widespread use of digital devices, digital eye strain and computer vision syndrome have become significant concerns. Symptoms include eye strain, headaches, dry eyes, and blurred vision, among others. Prolonged screen time can exacerbate these symptoms, impacting productivity and overall well-being. To alleviate digital eye strain, it’s essential to practice the 20–20–20 rule (taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes, looking at something 20 feet away) and ensure proper ergonomics when using digital devices.
Squint Eye Treatment:
Squint eye, or strabismus, is a condition characterized by misaligned eyes. It can lead to double vision and depth perception issues if left untreated. Squit Eye Treatment options include corrective lenses, vision therapy, and in some cases, surgery to realign the eye muscles. Early detection and intervention are crucial for successful treatment outcomes.
Preventive Measures:
While treatment options exist for lazy eye, digital eye strain, computer vision syndrome, and squint eye, prevention is always better than cure. Practicing good eye habits, such as taking regular breaks from screens, maintaining proper posture, and scheduling routine eye exams, can help preserve eye health and prevent the onset of these conditions.
In a world dominated by screens, prioritizing eye health is paramount. Whether it’s seeking treatment for lazy eye, managing digital eye strain, or addressing squint eye, understanding the condition and available treatment options is crucial. By implementing preventive measures and seeking timely intervention, individuals can safeguard their vision and enjoy optimal eye health for years to come.
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choroida · 2 months
Fundus Examination: A Comprehensive Insight
Fundus examination is a fundamental aspect of ophthalmology and plays a crucial role in diagnosing various eye diseases and systemic conditions. This article aims to delve into the significance of fundus examination, the procedure involved, equipment used, common findings, indications, challenges, and future trends associated with this diagnostic tool.
Introduction to Fundus Examination
The fundus of the eye refers to the interior surface of the eye, including the retina, optic disc, macula, and blood vessels. Fundus examination involves the evaluation of these structures to assess ocular health and detect abnormalities.
Importance of Fundus Examination
Fundus examination is vital for diagnosing and managing a wide range of ocular conditions, including diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and hypertensive retinopathy. It also provides valuable insights into systemic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disorders.
Equipment Used in Fundus Examination
Direct Ophthalmoscope
A direct ophthalmoscope is a handheld device used to examine the fundus by illuminating and magnifying the structures of the eye. It allows for a direct view of the retina and optic nerve.
Indirect Ophthalmoscope
An indirect ophthalmoscope is a binocular instrument equipped with a light source and a condensing lens. It provides a wider field of view and allows for a more comprehensive examination of the fundus.
Procedure of Fundus Examination
Preparing the Patient
Before performing a fundus examination, it is essential to obtain informed consent from the patient and explain the procedure. Dilating eye drops may be administered to dilate the pupil for better visualization of the fundus.
Positioning and Lighting
The patient is typically seated comfortably in a dimly lit room. The examiner adjusts the lighting and positions the patient's head to achieve optimal visualization of the fundus.
Using the Ophthalmoscope
The examiner holds the ophthalmoscope in one hand and uses the other hand to stabilize the patient's head. By adjusting the focus and aperture settings, the examiner directs the light beam onto the fundus and systematically examines its various structures.
Common Findings in Fundus Examination
Fundus examination may reveal abnormalities such as retinal hemorrhages, exudates, cotton-wool spots, optic disc edema, and macular degeneration. These findings provide valuable diagnostic clues for identifying underlying eye diseases and systemic conditions.
Indications for Fundus Examination
Fundus examination is indicated in various clinical scenarios, including routine eye examinations, diabetic screening, hypertensive evaluations, preoperative assessments, and monitoring of ocular diseases.
Role of Fundus Examination in Various Medical Conditions
Fundus examination plays a pivotal role in the diagnosis and management of conditions such as diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy, retinal vein occlusion, age-related macular degeneration, and glaucoma.
Fundus Examination in Ophthalmology Practice
In ophthalmology practice, fundus examination is an essential diagnostic tool used by ophthalmologists to evaluate patients with visual disturbances, ocular trauma, and systemic diseases affecting the eye.
Fundus Examination in Non-Ophthalmology Settings
Fundus examination is also performed by non-ophthalmic healthcare providers, including primary care physicians, internists, and emergency room physicians, to screen for eye diseases and assess systemic health.
Fundus Examination in Diabetic Patients
Regular fundus examination is recommended for diabetic patients to detect and monitor diabetic retinopathy, a leading cause of blindness worldwide. Early detection and timely intervention can help prevent vision loss in these patients.
Challenges and Limitations of Fundus Examination
Despite its utility, fundus examination may be challenging in patients with small pupils, media opacities, or uncooperative behavior. Limited access to specialized equipment and trained personnel can also hinder its widespread implementation.
Future Trends in Fundus Examination Technology
Advancements in imaging technology, such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) and fundus photography, are revolutionizing fundus examination by providing high-resolution images and quantitative data. These technologies hold promise for early disease detection and personalized treatment approaches.
Training and Education for Fundus Examination
Proper training and education are essential for healthcare providers performing fundus examination to ensure proficiency and accuracy in interpreting findings. Continuous medical education and hands-on training programs help enhance skills and knowledge in this specialized area.
Ethical Considerations in Fundus Examination
Ethical considerations in fundus examination include patient autonomy, informed consent, confidentiality, and equitable access to healthcare services. Healthcare providers must uphold ethical standards and respect patients' rights throughout the examination process.
Fundus examination is a valuable diagnostic tool that provides crucial insights into ocular and systemic health. By understanding its significance, mastering the procedural techniques, and staying abreast of technological advancements, healthcare providers can optimize patient care and improve clinical outcomes.
1. How often should I undergo a fundus examination?
It depends on your age, medical history, and risk factors. Your eye care provider can recommend the appropriate frequency based on your individual needs.
2. Does fundus examination require dilating eye drops?
In many cases, dilating eye drops are used to dilate the pupil for better visualization of the fundus. However, not all examinations require pupil dilation.
3. Can fundus examination detect systemic diseases?
Yes, fundus examination can detect signs of systemic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disorders through changes in the retinal blood vessels and other structures.
4. Is fundus examination painful?
No, fundus examination is a painless procedure. You may experience slight discomfort from the bright light and dilation drops, but it is generally well-tolerated.
5. Who performs fundus examination?
Fundus examination can be performed by various healthcare providers, including ophthalmologists, optometrists, and primary care physicians, depending on their training and scope of practice.
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mconsent · 2 months
Advancements in Pediatric Optometry Services | mConsent
Providing comprehensive eye care to infants and children requires specialized approaches and tools. Pediatric patients have unique needs due to challenges with cooperation, communication, and accurate testing.
Fortunately, recent innovations are equipping optometrists with better technologies and techniques to enhance pediatric vision care.
Implementing these advancements will help optometrists detect issues sooner, slow progression of disorders, and improve vision outcomes for children.
1. Advanced Photoscreening Systems
Photoscreening devices provide a critical first vision screening for children as young as 6 months. The handheld devices use infrared cameras to photograph the eyes and detect several amblyopia risk factors within seconds without child cooperation.
This allows lifesaving early detection of issues like strabismus, high refractive errors, and media opacities that warrant further evaluation.
2.Enhanced Handheld Autorefraction
Devices now allow quick, portable autorefraction and keratometry testing on pediatric patients.
The animated displays with familiar shapes and characters keep children engaged and minimally distracted for more reliable readings even on pre-verbal patients. This aids early detection of significant refractive errors.
 3. Myopia Control Methods
New techniques like overnight orthokeratology, low-dose atropine eye drops, and specially designed contact lenses have proven up to 60% reduction in myopia progression in children.
Starting these interventions promptly at the first signs of myopia allows prevention and slowing of pathologic high myopia severity later on.
4. Expanded Amblyopia Treatment Options
Traditional amblyopia treatment using eye patching has expanded to include new modalities like iPad apps, Bangerter filters, and office-based vision therapy activities.
These can improve compliance and outcomes by offering more varied stimulation and treatment engagement. This reduces long-term visual deficits.
5. Objective Accommodative Testing
Dynamic retinoscopy and handheld devices allow objective measurement of focus and accommodation abilities.
This aids early diagnosis of accommodation anomalies like deficiencies and infacilities that can significantly impact learning.
6. Immersive Binocular Testing
Virtual reality headsets allow advanced 3D testing of binocular vision function using immersive games and activities.
This allows earlier identification of issues like convergence insufficiency, lazy eye, and subtle depth perception problems that may be missed on static clinical testing.
7. Pediatric-Friendly Refraction Tools
Refraction apps on iPads allow game-like activities to keep pediatric patients engaged during the subjective refraction process for more accurate and efficient prescriptions. Automated phoropters also minimize the need to switch lenses manually.
8. Genetic Testing for Diagnosis
Genetic tests from dry blood samples can identify over 300 inherited retinal and optic nerve disorders. This allows earlier diagnosis and management guidance without requiring child cooperation for imaging procedures.
9. Specialized Contact Lens Fitting
Smaller contact lens diameters, customizable peripheral curves, and advanced fitting techniques accommodate children's eyes as they grow. This expands contact lens correction options for pediatric patients.
From photoscreeners to genetic tests, groundbreaking technological and clinical advancements are shaping the future of pediatric optometry.
Implementing these innovations will equip your practice to provide optimal eye care for infants and children. Leveraging the latest pediatric vision care tools and techniques demonstrates your commitment to helping every child see clearly and thrive.
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arohieye · 2 months
Arohi Eye: Nurturing Vision with Excellence in Paediatric Ophthalmology
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The field of paediatric ophthalmology plays a crucial role in ensuring the visual health and development of children. Arohi Eye, synonymous with excellence in eye care, extends its commitment to paediatric ophthalmology, catering to the unique needs of young patients. This article explores how Arohi Eye stands as a beacon of specialized care, fostering healthy vision and addressing eye-related concerns in children.
Arohi Eye's Dedication to Paediatric Ophthalmology
Arohi Eye distinguishes itself with a dedicated focus on paediatric ophthalmology, recognizing the significance of early intervention and specialized care for children's eye health. The team at Arohi Eye combines expertise with a compassionate approach, creating an environment conducive to addressing the distinct eye care requirements of young patients.
Comprehensive Eye Examinations for Children
Ensuring the visual well-being of children begins with comprehensive eye examinations. Arohi Eye employs state-of-the-art diagnostic technologies and child-friendly examination techniques to assess various aspects of vision, eye health, and potential abnormalities. These thorough examinations enable early detection of issues such as refractive errors, lazy eye (amblyopia), and eye misalignment (strabismus).
Treatment of Amblyopia and Strabismus
Amblyopia and strabismus are common eye conditions in children that require prompt attention. Arohi Eye specializes in the treatment of amblyopia, commonly known as lazy eye, through methods such as patching therapy and vision exercises. Additionally, the clinic offers effective interventions for strabismus, addressing eye misalignment and promoting visual alignment for improved binocular vision.
Paediatric Refractive Error Correction
Correcting refractive errors in children is crucial for optimal visual development. Arohi Eye provides tailored solutions for paediatric refractive errors, including myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. The clinic utilizes advanced techniques such as prescription eyewear, contact lenses, and orthokeratology to address refractive issues and ensure clear vision for children.
Specialized Care for Childhood Eye Conditions
Arohi Eye extends its expertise to manage various childhood eye conditions, including congenital disorders, paediatric cataracts, and childhood glaucoma. The clinic's experienced paediatric ophthalmologists collaborate with parents to devise customized treatment plans, ensuring the best possible outcomes for children facing these eye challenges.
Parental Guidance and Education
Recognizing the integral role of parents in a child's eye care journey, Arohi Eye emphasizes parental guidance and education. The clinic provides valuable insights into maintaining eye health at home, recognizing signs of potential issues, and fostering visual wellness in children. Education is a cornerstone of Arohi Eye's approach, empowering parents to actively participate in their child's eye care.
Arohi Eye emerges as a trusted guardian of children's vision, epitomizing excellence in paediatric ophthalmology. Through comprehensive eye examinations, targeted treatments for amblyopia and strabismus, refractive error correction, and specialized care for childhood eye conditions, Arohi Eye ensures that every young patient receives the attention and expertise needed for optimal visual development. With a commitment to parental guidance and education, Arohi Eye not only addresses immediate concerns but also empowers families to prioritize and nurture their children's eye health for a lifetime of clear and vibrant vision.
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