repairingtomorrow · 6 months
Every time Blizzard talks about new heroes, I get more and more scared. Both for balancing and writing for them, lmao.
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repairingtomorrow · 6 months
So, they're giving us a little taste of Mauga, huh? It'll be interesting to see how he is in the long run. I've played a few games with him on both sides and he is unfun in both regards.
He's kinda like Doom, Ram (especially in nemesis mode), JQ, Hog, Orisa and Ball. Just ignore each other and just kill everyone else on the enemy team before actually dueling the tank(s).
Maybe he's more manageable with a barrier tank, but we'll see when he permanently arrives in S8 (or when people realize the mirror match is not it). But I am not a fan of his kit as of now, hopefully they'll take the feedback from his weekend to balance him a bit more.
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repairingtomorrow · 6 months
Junkenstein's Rage - Tales from Aldersbrunn #1 (Part 2)
Part one here
Character list
The group stepped past the rubble that was once the gate for the castle. Everything within was covered in thin layer of dust, and there were pieces of broken furniture littered about the area. Warlock swiped her fingers across a railing, then shook off the dust. "It looks like nobody's been here for a while." She said, glancing over to Gunslinger as he stared at a destroyed tapestry. "Maybe we got the information wrong?" Alchemist wondered. Swordsman shook his head. "No, the mad doctor has to be here. There's no where else more fitting for his revenge." Gunslinger sighed and turned to them. "Maybe we should explore the castle. They have to be here somewhere." He started walking off. Right as the group was about to split up, a loud and deep yell came from the main hall of the castle. "Let's go!"
The group ran to the main hall, where they heard the shout. They were greeted with a machine which had a pale yellow crystal attached at the top of it. Below the machine was a table: There was a figure on top of the table, and they were covered with a heavy cloth. Two long and thick cords extended from the machine to the figure, and electricity seemed to pulse through them. The machine released a pulse of electricity, which shocked the figure and caused them to shout. "That has to be him!" Medium said as they approached the table. Gunslinger reached out to pull the cloth, but he stopped when a maniacal laugh rang throughout the destroyed hall.
"Oh, it's been so long since we've had guests!" A voice called out from above. Everybody looked up to see the Mad Doctor Junkenstein sitting on a platform above them. He had his weapon laying across his lap as he kicked his feet playfully. "Well, the party's over, Junkenstein." Gunslinger said, hand on his gun holster. "Is it? I think it's about to start, actually!" The doctor replied with a giggle. "Give us the lord, and surrender, Doctor!" Archer demanded, bow and arrow in hand. "I've had enough of this." Soldier muttered, marching over to the table. "I wouldn't do that if I were you! He's not quite ready yet!" Junkenstein warned, waving a finger at the older man. Soldier ignored him and pulled the sheet off the figure.
It was not the Lord of Aldersbrunn. It was a large person, with disgusting green skin and stitches all over their body. They had a putrid smell to them, which made many in the group gag. "What is that?!" Countess exclaimed, covering her mouth and nose. "My monster! Isn't he beautiful? And a wonderful woman helped me make him!" Junkenstein replied, sounding rather proud of himself. "It's far from beautiful. It's an abomination." Archer spat out, which the Doctor did not like to hear. He stood up and started shouting. "Nobody appreciates my genius! Nobody! Not even the Lord!" He walked over and set his hand upon a switch. "Well I'll show him. I'll show everyone!" Countess shot at him, but he ducked and pulled the switch. The machine seemed to overcharge and it sent down a large amount of electricity towards the creature. The crystal shattered and the machine died down.
There was moment where everything seemed to pause in anticipation. Then, the table creaked as Junkenstein's Monster stood up from it. Its eyes flared up with a yellow light as it let out a roar. "It's alive! It worked!" Junkenstein cheered, laughter ringing around the castle. "What. The Hell?" Warlock looked up at the creature in horror. He did not give her much time to stare before swinging its massive arms at her. Gunslinger quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her away. "No time to gawk! Fight!" Soldier growled as he started to shoot at the creature. Warlock backed up and started firing, along with Gunslinger. The bullets sunk into the creature's decaying skin and it only seemed to get irritated.
The monster grabbed the massive hook on its hip and threw it at Archer: Swordsman took his wakizashi and deflected the hook away. An arrow flew past his head and struck the creature in the stomach, and Swordsman followed up with a fan of shurikens. In a flash, the Monster swung its powerful arms and knocked him away into a nearby wall which partially collapsed on him. "Bro--Swordsman!" Archer shouted. Medium ran over to him, and began pushing rubble off of him. Gunslinger shot the side of the Monster's head, which grabbed it's attention away from the trio. He slammed his fists into the ground, which made many of the group stumble. Countess had grappled up to the platform where Junkenstein was. He seemed to have disappeared, when she heard his insane laughter.
"You're looking for me?" He asked, and she looked up to the rafters. Junkenstein giggled at her, and shook his gun at her. "Watch out!" Countess called out as the doctor started launching small bombs down below. Renegade gasped in surprised and jumped back from a few bombs. He shot at the mad doctor, who just dodged his attacks. Junkenstein's Monster swung and threw its hook at Gunslinger, which grabbed and pulled him closer. It then threw him against a pillar, and grabbed a rock and raised it to throw it at the man. Then, Swordsman pushed himself out of the rubble he was in and plunged his sword into the monster's back. It let out a pained roar as it dropped the rock and recoiled back. Beelzebob shot at the creature's stomach, his fiery bullets burning its sickly green flesh.
Meanwhile, Renegade scanned the rafters, looking for the elusive Junkenstein. Warlock and Countess searched too: They followed his insane laughter as it echoed through the building. "I've had enough of this!" Warlock shouted, tightening her grip on her rifle. "Oh, you're tired of me already?" The Doctor said. Warlock quickly turned around and shot at where she heard the voice. It grazed his shoulder and he let out a growl. He aimed his weapon and launched a grenade at her. It almost immediately exploded when it reached her, and the impact knocked her out. Renegade jumped down and went to her side. "Alchemist! Cover me!" He called out to her, and the older woman nodded and aimed up at the rafters. "Come out, Junkenstein, and surrender! Or die." Countess demanded, looking through her scope. "Countess, why so cold? Is it because you're undead like my dear creation?" Junkenstein taunted, which only angered the woman. She turned and shot blindly at where he was last heard.
Soldier, Archer, Swordsman, Gunslinger, and Medium were whittling away at the Monster's stamina in the meantime. However, the rest of the group were also growing tired, their movements clumsy and sluggish. "We need to finish this, and soon." Medium panted, and Gunslinger nodded in agreement. Just about every bullet that went into this Monster would not do much: Only two things would effect it, Archer's arrows and Swordsman's weapons. "Archer, Swordsman! You're the key!" Gunslinger called out to them. Swordsman dodged the Monster's attack, and quickly nodded at the monster hunter. "Get us an opening!"
Soldier, Alchemist, Gunslinger, and Medium grouped up together, and started attacking and drawing the Monster's attention. It let out a roar as it charged at them. Archer drew back his bowstring, and waited for the perfect moment. The Monster raised its fists up to slam the ground, and Archer let loose the arrow. It struck the creature in the chest, which made it pause and stagger. Then, in its moment of weakness, Swordsman plunged his katana into its back. Both struck it in the heart, which oozed a sickly fluid. It dripped off the arrow and the sword, and Swordsman pulled his blade from its back. It collapsed to he ground with a thud, and the fluid oozed out of its wounds.
"My beautiful creature!" Junkenstein cried out, staring at its lifeless body. "If we cannot survive..." He grabbed a device from his back: It was shaped like a tire, and it crackled with electricity. He pulled a cord and let it go. It roared to life as it dropped below him. Renegade quickly readied his weapon and shot it out the air, causing it to explode. It knocked everyone to the ground, and he laughed maniacally--almost in despair. "If it can't survive, then neither will we!" He had a button in his hands. Warlock and Gunslinger locked eyes, and nodded at each other. She aimed at his hand and shot at it, forcing him to drop the button. Then, Gunslinger quickly pulled his gun out and shot the Mad Doctor in the head. He let out a cry and fell off the rafters. A table broke his fall, and life left his body. It was finally over.
Swordsman walked over to his body, and searched through his pockets. He pulled out a yellow crystal, similar to the one inside the machine. He let out a quiet grunt as he pocketed the crystal, and Gunslinger watched him. They locked eyes, and Swordsman just gave him a smirk. "We need to find the Lord." Alchemist said, looking around. Soldier scanned the room, and glanced upward at a window. A familiar figure sat on a windowsill; It was the Reaper, seemingly observing everything that happened. Soldier aimed his gun at the specter and fired a round. The Reaper disappeared into his mist, and escaped out the window. "An observer. Reporting to his master, no doubt." Countess said to the older man.
The group started searching for the Lord--the mad Doctor had to hide him somewhere. Eventually, the reached the dungeons and found the Lord trapped in a cell. "Haha, my rescuers! It's good to finally leave this place!" He cheered, sounding unusually jovial for being trapped. "You seem to be in high spirits, my Lord." Alchemist chuckled, watching Archer crouch down to pick the lock. "Honestly, he mostly left me alone down here. While I don't enjoy being trapped and 'evicted' from my home, I am at least not dead." He explained, exiting the cell when the lock was picked.
The group of adventurers escorted him to the main hall. He looked at the mess that was the room. "It'll take some time to rebuild everything. I will not be able to reward all of you yet, I'm afraid." Warlock chuckled. "The favor of a Lord is good enough for me." She replied, hands on her hips. "Well, it's not good enough for me. But you'll have to accept it for now. Patch yourselves up, and your work is done here." The Lord dismissed them, and walked off to one of the rooms of the castle. Alchemist, Renegade and Medium went off to tend the wounds of the group.
The adventurers leave the city, and made it to the outskirts of a bustling town. "So, how about a drink, anyone?" Alchemist shook her head. "It's time for Soldier and I to head our separate ways. Wouldn't you agree?" She glanced to her companion who nodded. They quickly said their goodbyes and left. "Countess seemed to have left us already." Archer observed, looking around. "She's probably gone back to her den. I'll deal with her later." Gunslinger's voice was filled with animosity. Warlock put a hand on his shoulder. "No use getting worked up about it right now. One thing at a time." She reminded him gently.
The remaining members sat in the pub of the town, each one of them more relaxed since they've completed the mission. "So, have any of you thought about my earlier offer?" Gunslinger asked, putting down his empty glass. "I'll join. I'm sure you can use my skills." Medium said, and the monster hunter nodded. "As much as I miss it, I won't come back, Gunslinger. In fact, I think it's time for us to go." Warlock said, putting her hat back on. "It was good seeing you again, Warlock." Gunslinger said, flashing her a smile. She walked off, when Archer got up from his seat. "I'll have to decline. I...haven't found what I'm looking for yet." He replied, picking up his bow. "Do you really have to go?" Medium jumped up, taking his arm. The older man shifted nervously, but nodded. The young woman watched him go with a sad look on her face.
Renegade took a sip of his drink and set it down. "I'll join too. You need someone who can get you out of trouble, no?" Gunslinger laughed. "Yeah, that would help. God knows I need it." Renegade laughed with him, then glanced over to Swordsman. "What about you, loner?" He asked, giving him a playful nudge. Swordsman thought for a few moments, then spoke. "Why are you so desperately looking for new members?" He asked Gunslinger. The monster hunter let out a awkward chuckle, and a sigh. "A while ago, there was an...incident. Me and my group of monster hunters were out on a pretty big job. It was a huge den of monsters, and lets just say...it didn't end well. Lost almost everyone. Warlock was part of that group too, she left after the mission. Can't say I blame her, really." Gunslinger explained, taking off his hat.
"I'm sorry to hear that." Swordsman replied, looking away from him. "Yeah, well...shit happens." The other man said with a shrug. "I'll join. Perhaps helping you will help me." Swordsman smiled at him, and Gunslinger raised an eyebrow at him. "Help with what?" He asked. Swordsman remained silent. "If you can't trust us, how can we help you?" Medium pressed the issue, which only made the other double down. "I understand. You're still welcome to join us." Gunslinger replied. After a while, Renegade yawned and stretched. "I think it's time for lights out. I don't know about you guys, but I'm exhausted." "Agreed. Luckily for us, the place is not far from here." Gunslinger replied, paying for their drinks.
The 4 adventurers stood up from their table, and headed out into the night, looking forward to a new set of adventures.
(I finally finished! I didn't really edit this one tbh, because I wanted to get it out before October ended. Also, I said it in another post, but I plan on expanding this into an AU that I'll occasionally write for when I feel like it. Thanks for reading!)
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repairingtomorrow · 6 months
Interesting! I don't really play the Junkenstein events so I never knew about stuff like this. Never really realized how lore filled it was!
I didn't realize it because I don't use the skins often (if at all), but Warlock Ashe and Van Helsing Cassidy have matching prosthetic arms. They're not perfectly identical, but he's missing his left while she's missing her right.
Maybe they got the prosthesis from the same person/creature?
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repairingtomorrow · 6 months
I didn't realize it because I don't use the skins often (if at all), but Warlock Ashe and Van Helsing Cassidy have matching prosthetic arms. They're not perfectly identical, but he's missing his left while she's missing her right.
Maybe they got the prosthesis from the same person/creature?
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repairingtomorrow · 7 months
I haven't been able to post about Will-o-the-Wisp yet myself, since I've been busy, but if you want an idea of her role, in the actual canon of Halloween Terrors Will-o-the-Wisp and The Gunslinger seem fairly familiar with eachother. With lines like;
Will-o-the-Wisp: I'm surprised your taking a side in this fight.
Gunslinger: I'm getting well paid.
Gunslinger: Have you heard about an ape terrorising the country side?
Will-o-the-Wisp: Sounds awfully scary!
To me this always implied that Will-o-the-Wisp knew Gunslinger fron before the "magical tragedy" that turned her into the Will-o-the-Wisp. Most likely being a monster hunter like The Gunslinger due to her hostile interactions with The Countess.
It's also my personal theory that The Countess is in some way responsible for Will-o-the-Wisp being the way she is now. It being the reason The Gunslinger is actively trying to track her down in Halloween Terrors canon.
This actually helps a lot! I do plan on doing a story with Countess and Gunslinger so I'll keep that information in mind. I'll think of something for Will-O-Wisp in time, but I just wanna get this first story done before anything else lol.
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repairingtomorrow · 7 months
Part 1?? PART 1?????
Dude you can't leave me hanging like that-
In all seriousness I am hyped to see what you do with the Halloween Terrors universe. I already really like your characterisation of the characters!! I'm really excited to see what stories you have in store!!
Now for the actual question. I'm guessing the group of monster hunters Cassidy mentions includes Demon Hunter (Sombra), Vampire Hunter (Brigitte) and maybe Will-o-the-Wisp, since she and Gunslinger do seem to know eachother in canon.
Lmao, I had to do a part 1 and 2 because it would be waaay too long for comfort for one post. I think it would take me ages to edit it.
I may continue the stories after October and keep it going as an AU (especially since I took too long to write the first half of the first story haha), and just write for it whenever I need a break from the 'main canon.'
In terms of the monster hunter group, it is in fact Gunslinger, Demon Hunter and Vampire Hunter. I haven't really had an idea of how to implement Will-O-Wisp yet though. She was originally going to be in the first story, but there was too many characters to write with.
Thanks for asking!
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repairingtomorrow · 7 months
Junkenstein's Rage - Tales from Aldersbrunn #1 (part 1)
Character list here
It was a dark and dreary night in Aldersbrunn. The city had been long abandoned, the only sign of life coming from the decrepit pub. A group of adventurers had gathered, answering the call to help from the Lord of Aldersbrunn. The Mad Doctor Junkenstein had the Lord held hostage in the castle, and the townspeople had fled the doctor's wrath. Now it's up to the group to save the Lord and free the land.
The group of adventurers were gathered together: the calm Alchemist, the sharp-tongued Warlock and her companion, the clever Renegade, the enigmatic Swordsman, the lone Archer, the quick-witted Medium, the jaded Soldier, and the elusive Countess. The last person they were waiting for had just arrived; veteran monster hunter Gunslinger. They all had reached the pub with some resistance: The town was overrun with Zomnics, one of Junkenstein's creations. The group will have to find Junkenstein, and fast.
Gunslinger stood at the door of the pub, finishing up his cigar. He tiredly tossed the end of it to the ground, then entered the building. The man came face to face with Warlock, who was about to walk out the door and look for him. "You finally showed up." She chided, Beelzebob waving to him. "Nice to see you again, Warlock." He said, tipping his hat to her. She rolled her eyes at him then walked off, with her companion following behind. He scanned the room, and locked eyes with Countess. Her eyes widened in recognition, then she avoided his gaze. He walked towards her with a disdainful look on his face. "Interesting to see you here. What made the reclusive Countess leave her mansion?" She groaned at him. "This affects all of us, Gunslinger." "You mean it affects your meals, right?" He spat.
"Let's put aside our disagreement for now, monster hunter. The matter at hand is more urgent." "Unfortunately, I agree. We'll have to settle this later." Gunslinger walked off to the rest of the group, who were waiting for his command. "Alright guys, we know the drill. Get to the castle, eliminate Junkenstein, and save the lord. Got it?" Everyone agreed, save for Archer. He appeared to be staring at Swordsman, who didn't give him a glance until just now. "Archer? Are you with us?" Medium asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Yes, I'm sorry. I'm ready to go." He grabbed his bow, but not before stealing another glance at Swordsman. The group left the pub, only to be attacked by a medium sized group of Zomnics. They were dispatched with very little injuries, but there would be more enemies to come. They have to travel from the pub up the road to the castle road gates. And the city is filled with danger.
After some time and some skirmishes, they reached the gate that leads to the castle, which was chained and locked up. "We need a key. I can't pick the lock." Archer examined the lock, slamming it against the door after bending a few lockpicks. "Let's split up and find the key then." Gunslinger ordered. Everyone went their own way, except for Archer and Medium. She hadn't moved from the gate, deep in thought. "Is there something wrong?" Archer asked, gently touching a hand to her shoulder. "We're being watched. I'm not sure by who or what, but I can tell they are not friendly. I just hope we find them before they find us." Medium replied, walking out into the courtyard. Archer followed behind her, scanning for the unseen intruders.
"I found the key!" Warlock called out, noting it hanging high up on a wall. She gestures for her companion to come over. He stands underneath where the key is, and she climbs up and stands on his shoulders. "No, wait!" Medium called out. Warlock stopped, but she touched the key and a ghastly hand grabs her wrist. The woman let out a scream as she fell off the demon's shoulders. The creature then emerged from the wall, then faded off towards the center of the courtyard. "Warlock!" Soldier called out to her, helping her up from the ground. "That...thing...stole the key from me!" She growled, throwing a fit. The group run after the spirit, stopping when they spot the creature standing in the clearing, her back facing them. In that moment, a black mist coalesced next to her: It formed a man, clothed in dark robes, with a carved pumpkin for a head. Alchemist gasped in recognition. "The Reaper!" Soldier snarled, preparing his gun. "Friend of yours?" Renegade questioned, getting ready to fight. "Used to be." The other replied coldly.
The first creature emitted an unholy wail, making everyone wince in pain. Medium quickly shook off the ringing in her ears as she pulled out her kunai. "It's a Banshee! Don't let it's wail get to you!" She warned, flicking a few kunai at the spirit. A couple of them hit her in the back, but she had a quick reaction as she faded away, the rest flying past the Reaper. Medium chased after it; Archer, Renegade, and Warlock and Beelzebob ran after her. The Reaper watched them pass by, as he turned his attention to those that remain. He disappeared in a puff of mist, laughing to himself. "What has happened to him?" Alchemist asked aloud, a mournful look on her face. "He's not the man we once knew, Alchemist." Soldier reminded her, keeping his head on a swivel.
Medium approached another area of the city, scanning around and searching for the Banshee. "Medium!" Archer called out to her, the small group approaching. "She's around here, somewhere." She said, turning to them. "Let's find her. I've got some words for her." Warlock spat, clicking her rifle in anticipation. "We need to get that key." Renegade added. After a few moments, Medium's eyes widened. "Watch out!" She shouted, pulling Renegade away as the Banshee reappeared, attempting to slash her claws at him. Archer let loose an arrow at her, which pierced her shoulder. She let out a screech and pulled the arrow out, breaking the shaft in half with her claws. Then, she extended her hand out, draining life from Archer. He collapsed to the ground, gasping for life. Medium let out a growl as she threw a handful of kunai at the Banshee, all of which pricking her ghastly skin. She recoiled in pain and in her vulnerability, Renegade, Warlock, and her companion fired at the spirit. She disappeared with a scream, the key dropping to the ground quietly. Beelzebob walked over and picked it up, and handed it to Warlock.
Meanwhile, the rest of the group were fighting the Reaper. He disappeared into the mist, laughing maniacally. Swordsman preemptively slashed at the air, predicting where he would appear. The creature let out a guttural growl as the swing connected, shooting a blast from his shotguns at the other, who did his best to deflect it. An opening was available; Gunslinger, Soldier, and Alchemist fired at Reaper. Countess launched her grappling hook up to a ledge, and aimed down her scope for the shot. "Get me an opening!" She demanded, following his movements. Gunslinger hissed. "Not that easy, Countess!" He rolled away from Reaper, who scattered into mist again. "Damn this guy! Can't hold himself together long enough for us to kill him?!" He said, irritated. The Reaper reappeared in the center of the group and he started firing wildly in all directions. Alchemist, Soldier and Gunslinger dive to the ground in an attempt to protect themselves, while the Swordsman deflected much of the spray away from him. The enemy started cackling maniacally, his laughter being cut off by a bullet to the head. "Hm." Countess grunted, lowering her weapon. "Quick thinking there, Countess." Swordsman said, sheathing his weapon after standing up.
Alchemist and Soldier walked over to where the Reaper once was. "Good-bye old friend." She muttered. "I doubt this is the last time we'll see him." Soldier told her. "But it is the end of the man we once knew." She replied back, sadness in her voice. "The Reaper. So she has a hand in this, as I thought." Swordsman muttered, watching the mist fizzle out. Gunslinger opened his mouth to ask him something, but he was interrupted by the other half of the group. Renegade and Medium were helping Archer over, who then slumped down against a wall. "What happened?" Soldier asked. "The Banshee. She tried to drain Archer's life right on the spot. My charms are not helping very much." Medium explained, letting out a tired sigh. "I might have a potion for that here." Alchemist rummaged through her bag, eventually pulling out a vial with a red liquid in it. "Drink this." She commanded, handing it to the sickly Archer. He followed her instruction: He took off the top of the vial, and drank it in one go. A disgusted noise came from him. "Your color is coming back. In a few minutes, you'll feel like new." Alchemist explained as the man already felt strong enough to stand up. "Thank you." He muttered. Gunslinger clasped his hands together. "Alright, lets get a move on since he clearly feels good enough to get up."
The lock fell off the gate easily, as the group pushed the gate up. They all stepped through the threshold, and the gate shut behind them with a thud. They continued down the cobblestone road and silence hung over the area. "So, why do you guys travel? Besides adventure, I guess." Gunslinger asked, turning to look at the group. "Soldier and I are trying to find someone we lost. I guess we did find him." Alchemist sounded mournful. "Yeah, sorry for your loss." Gunslinger replied, shaking his head. "I was doing the same." Medium said, looking at Archer as she spoke. "But I've found him, thankfully." She grabbed the older man's arm and gave him a quiet chuckle. He let out a tired sigh, but a small smile crept onto his face. Renegade shrugged. "It's just fun to travel--I don't really have much to do otherwise." "Well, when this is all over, y'all are welcome to join my little band of monster hunters. If it suits you. I could always use more people." Gunslinger offered.
The group reached the castle door with little resistance. "Yet another blockade." Countess sighed as Beelzebob pushed on the door. "Maybe break it down? Or explode it." Warlock suggested, glancing to Gunslinger. He was scratching his beard, his hat in his other hand. "Yeah, that might be--" "Above us!" Swordsman shouted, drawing his blade. Two of the 'statues' were jumping down from the top of the castle. "Gargoyles?! What kind of allies does Junkenstein have?" Soldier shouted, bringing out his gun. "A powerful one." Swordsman replied, blocking one of the arms of the Gargoyles with his sword. Beelzebob engaged in a fist fight with the second one, chipping away at the statue. Countess grappled up to a ledge and aimed down her scope, scanning for a weak point on the Gargoyles, and Archer climbed the wall to join her. Everyone's weapons were slowly chipping at the statues, but it is not enough to stop them.
After a while, Archer noticed something from observing the fight. "The top of their heads! A crystal!" He shouted, nocking an arrow and launching it. It went flying, and embedded itself in the crystal. This staggered the Gargoyle, which opened an opportunity for Swordsman to jump up and plunge his sword into the crystal. It shattered beneath the blade, and the creature stiffened up. Beelzebob was still fighting with the other statue, and managed to trap it in a headlock. Everyone fired at the crystal, and it shattered into dust. The Gargoyle froze in place, a roar etched onto its face. Beelzebob then picked up one of the statues, and used it to knock down the gate. "Good work." Warlock praised, patting her companion on the back. Alchemist picked up a shard from one of the crystals. "I wonder what these are."
"They are a creation of the Witch. She has a strange fascination with death." Swordsman replied, kicking the remaining shards around. He glanced at his sleeved arm, then ran his fingers over the brim of his hat. "How do you know something like that? Are you working with this Witch?" Soldier asked him, grabbing his arm. The younger man shook off his grip, and merely smirked at him. "You better answer me or--" "Or nothing. It doesn't matter who's working for who. He's here with us, and you don't have to like that." Gunslinger said sternly, putting himself between the two men. "Let's just get this done, and go our separate way." Soldier huffed, and turned away. "The sooner, the better." Swordsman replied, crossing his arms. The group stepped through the rubble into the castle.
(I finally finished at least part of the story! I spent way too long to write this, admittedly. Part two will ideally come soon. Thanks for reading!)
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repairingtomorrow · 7 months
Role reversal? ROLE REVERSAL?!
Dude you have now altered my brain chemistry-
I was hyped to see more of Jack and Reyes before but now I am SUPER HYPED!!! Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see what you do with the Junkenstein universe!!
I'm glad I made you so excited, lol.
I hope it doesn't ruin it for you for me to say it's not going to be such a big role reversal. Reyes is still going to Talon and Jack is still going to be his vigilante self. But things will be different after that point. More will be revealed in the near future.
Also, I'm so excited for the 'Tales from Aldersbrunn' story I'm going to do too. It's not limited to Junkenstein, but the first one will be about stopping him. But I hope people will enjoy the stories!
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repairingtomorrow · 7 months
Ok, this has not left my brain so I need to ask you.
What are your plans for Reaper/Reyes, are you going the cautionary tale route where he basically dies at the end or are you going to give him a redemption arc?
Honestly? Neither is going to happen? I don't really know how to explain it, but I don't plan on killing him. (Or at least in a 'cautionary tale' way as you mention)
Now redemption? I can't really say more because I wanna write for him in the near future. But I will say: I've mentioned that my interpretation of Jack is different from canon, and the same goes for Reyes/Reaper. There will be a little bit of a role reversal if you will.
I really do wanna continue the rewrite so I can stop giving non-answers, but I also wanna do the Halloween stories I'm planning on, lol.
But stay tuned!
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repairingtomorrow · 7 months
For Halloween, I'm writing some stories that takes place in the world of Aldersbrunn! And since the characters you play in that event don't use their character names, I'll be doing the same. Instead, their title/role is used instead. So I'll put a list under the cut so people can know who's who without me having to put a list every story.
Ana - Alchemist
Ashe - Warlock
Baptiste - Renegade
Brigitte - Vampire Hunter
Cassidy - Gunslinger
D.Va - Shin-Ryeong (Spirit)
Doomfist - Swamp Monster
Echo - Ragdoll
Genji - Swordsman
Hanzo - Archer
Illari - Sun Priestess (Priestess)
Junker Queen - Executioner
Junkrat - Junkenstein
Kiriko - Medium
Lifeweaver - Herbalist
Lucio - Satyr
Mei - Jiangshi
Mercy - Witch
Moira - Banshee
Orisa - Forest Spirit
Pharah - Enchanted Armor
Ramattra - Necromancer
Reaper - The Reaper
Reinhardt - Lord of Aldersbrunn
Roadhog - Junkenstein's Monster
Sigma - The Flying Dutchman
Sojourn - Warforged
Solider: 76 - Soldier
Sombra - Demon Hunter
Symmetra - Draconic Summoner (Summoner)
Torbjorn - Artificer
Tracer - Will-O-Wisp
Widowmaker - Countess
Winston - Gargoyle
Zarya - Einherjar
Zenyatta - Acolyte
Notes: Bastion and Wrecking Ball are omitted because I cannot think of a way to implement them. Not every character will be in use for every story. Names in parenthesis is how they will be referred to in the story.
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repairingtomorrow · 7 months
Hi!!! Words cannot describe how hyped I was when I saw that you wrote a Cassidy origin story and I'm so happy with how you wrote him! Absolute perfection!
But I have noticed how you've characterised Jack and it had me intrigued. You mentioned that he has an "good at any cost" mentality along with him viewing Genij in a less then favourable light because of the Shimada clan. You also mentioned that Cassidy saw Jack as a parent, was that mutual or was it just Cassidy's view of Jack? Without spoiling anything what are your plans for Jacks character?
Also I was curious if you are planning to keep the implication that Cassidy saved Reyes's ass a lot in your rewrite and how that would effect Cassidy. Since he'd essentially being going from saving one boss to saving another boss.
I will once again say I can't wait to see what you come up with! Keep up the fantastic work!!
I'm glad you enjoyed it! It took me a while to make it but I'm glad I finally got it out.
In regards to Cassidy and Morrison's relationship, it was definitely mutual. But the more operations Blackwatch did, especially ones that Morrison directed (I've always imagined that while Reyes was the leader of Blackwatch and always led their operations, Morrison would influence especially big operations), Cassidy would become jaded with how the Strike Commander would run things. I plan on getting into it more, of course, so that's all I'll say.
Jack's character is probably going to end up very different from canon. I'll admit, I haven't read the short stories he's in because they all came out before I started playing Overwatch 1, and because of that I think I have a very different idea of his character compared to other people.
Back to Reyes and Cassidy, it's a lot less saving it and more covering it. Reyes tends to go rogue a lot and Cassidy tends to rein him in and a lot of the time, ends up salvaging the mission. But he definitely gets tired of it later on.
Anyways, thanks for the kind words! I am having fun doing this rewrite and I'm glad people are enjoying it!
And speaking of Genji and Jack, it's more than just Genji being part of the Shimada Clan. I didn't want to get into it in the previous ask about it, but I do plan on writing about it soon.
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repairingtomorrow · 7 months
Cole Cassidy - Origin Story
To Master List
I never really thought of myself as a soldier or a leader. But, I guess someone saw the potential in me. Saw that I was tired of the life I was living. I'll always be grateful to the people who pulled me out of that life--even if everything went to hell. I sometimes miss it, though, the high risk high reward heists Ashe and I would do. But all good things gotta come to an end eventually I guess.
Ashe and I were in our base, planning our biggest score yet. There was a train passing by, carrying all sorts of things. Nothing really interested us, except for one cart. There was one in sort of the middle of the train, filled with crates of high tech weaponry. Not my kind of thing to shoot, but it sure as hell fetches a high price on the market. Now that's my kind of thing. But our biggest problems were our approach and who to lead the charge for the score. Ashe was generally the faster rider, and I was the better shot. But I wanted to take the lead, since it was my idea.
"We could jump the train with our bikes and then blow open the cart?" I suggested. Ashe looked at me then put her hands in her head. "Blow up a cart filled with highly volatile weapons? That's a great idea, Cassidy. If you wanna die." I rolled my eyes at her. "Stop with the stupid ideas. This is a big score." She scolded me. "Alright, alright. Maybe we should just stop the train, then grab everything we can before the authorities get there. We've done it before. It won't do any good to over-complicate it." Ashe nodded in agreement. "We can stop it by hacking the automated driver." She added. "And, we can have two teams. We both get crates of weapons, and then we separate. They can't catch both of us." Ashe chuckled. "Sounds like a plan."
It was the day of the score, and I'll be honest, my heart was racing. Stopping a train filled with valuable cargo like this can escalate way too quickly. We parked on either side of the tracks, waiting a decent distance from them--didn't want to alert them too early. "ETA 5 minutes, guys. Get ready." Frankie alerted us on our earpieces. I sat on my hoverbike along with the other members, while Ashe and another one of our members were in the trucks. We heard the train coming up. "Get in your positions everyone!" Ashe said on the comms, and I started up the engine. The train came by us, and it started slowing down. We started following it until it came to a halt, the cart we were looking for stopping right next to us. The guys hop off their bikes and ran to the door of the train cart.
We bust the door open, and we started loading crates onto the back of the trucks as fast as we can. Our looting was cut short when we heard sirens way sooner than we should've. "Run!" Ashe shouted as we got some crates on the bed of the trucks. She hopped into her truck and I got on my bike, and everyone else followed suit. We all sped off in different directions, and the authorities chased us. They were pretty much glued to my ass, and I was barely dodging them. I looked at them in my rear view mirrors: These weren't the everyday cops from around here. I couldn't think on that too much, I was too busy trying to save my own skin. I could only hope Ashe and the others got away.
They won't let me go. "Can I get you a damn ladder to get off my back?!" I shouted, silently swearing at them. Eventually, they seemingly got off my ass. I breathed a sigh of relief, only to realize that they were blocking the way ahead. I couldn't stop in time, so I tried to serve and turn around, but I was going too fast. I went flying off the bike, and skidded across dirt and rocks. Didn't feel too good, if I'm being honest. I ended up blacking out in the crash.
I come to in an interrogation room. My head was pounding, but I was relatively okay, except for some bruises and scrapes. I looked around the room--I was the only person there. I tried to move my left arm, but it was handcuffed to the table. "Great..." I groaned, rubbing my forehead. A few minutes later, a man came in, introducing himself as Commander Reyes. We stared at each other in silence, and I just wanted to get up and leave. "It took a long time getting to this point." He said, and I just kept my mouth shut. He was trying to coax an outburst or anything from me, and I didn't let him. Not until he said something that really pissed me off.
"Couldn't resist a good score, huh? I didn't take you for an eager kinda guy. Not from the file we had on you." "What? That tip came from you?" I spat, leering at the man. "Well, it didn't come directly from me, but a few rumors and whispers here and there..." This was a goddamn set up. I was definitely kicking myself right there and then. "What do you want from me then? Since you went through all this trouble for me." I drawled, impatiently tapping my foot. He chuckled at me. "You're pretty impressive, you know. A good shot, a good leader." I raised any eyebrow at him. "I ain't a leader." "Fine. You're a good second-in-command." He corrected himself and I laughed. "Get on with it."
"I want you to join Overwatch. The covert ops department, specifically." Reyes stated. I think my jaw hit the floor. "And if I don't want to?" I asked, leaning back in my chair. "Then everyone gets thrown in jail, and I have enough to toss the key." He replied. "Not everyone." I said in disbelief. He nodded. "Every single person. Calamity may not have realized it, but she brought us to your base. There's no escape for anyone if I tell them to move in on my command." I felt sick to my stomach. If I say no, Ashe and everyone is arrested and we'll rot in jail. "What if I say yes?" I questioned, heart racing. "We'll let everyone go, and you'll come with me to get some training. I'm hoping you'll be my second-in-command afterwards." I was stunned. I must've done something to impress him. Maybe he somehow knew all the times I've saved Ashe's ass. Or maybe he knew I was tired of saving her life, tired of all the scores. My life felt empty, like it was on an endless loop. This might just be my opportunity to break out of it. It'll be better than rotting in jail anyways.
But I would be branded a traitor by Ashe and the rest of them. I know how this looks: I hear a rumor about a train car full of high-class weaponry, I tell Ashe and formulate a plan once the rumor is confirmed, and then we get captured by Overwatch. They probably think I sold them out, and I can't exactly blame them. I sighed and took off my hat. "I'll join you. Like you leave me with any choice." I resigned. Reyes nodded. "Sorry it ended up this way, kid." He said, coming over to undo the lock on the handcuff. I put on my hat again, and stood up to leave. "Wait here, I'll be back." The commander left the room, and it felt like time slowed down. I thought about it more and more: I'll miss everyone. They were all a family to me, and I'm turning my back on them. Reyes eventually came back, with an older woman. "Cassidy, this is Captain Ana Amari of Overwatch. She'll be training you when we get back to the Watchpoint." He explained.
I tipped my hat at her. "It's an honor to meet you, ma'am." She chuckled. "A charmer, aren't you?" She smiled at me, but her smile didn't quite reach her eyes. I don't know if it was because of me, or her. "I've heard you're a good shot. We'll see about that." Amari said, gesturing for me to follow her. I obeyed her, not really left with much of a choice. She led us, with Reyes trailing behind me. Probably to make sure I don't run. As we were leaving, I saw some of my--well, I guess now old--friends leaving. They turned to glare at me as I was walking by, and I turned away from them. They're probably going to hate me for the rest of my life, and that's just something I'll have to live with. Overwatch will have to be my people now, but we'll see how that'll last.
And for a while, it felt like I made the right decision. I found a new family: Morrison, Amari, Reyes were like parents to me, Angie and Fareeha were like siblings. I even met someone really important to me. But it took me way too long to see the cracks that started to form. I really started to see it a few years after I started working as Reyes's Captain. I started seeing his frustration with the world and with how Morrison led. Morrison had a 'at any cost' mentality, and Reyes just wanted to solve the problem, not make it worse. Unfortunately, Amari and I were the ones to play the middle man in most cases. Until she was gone, and I was the only one left.
Maybe it was a good thing Overwatch was gone. In the end, it just became as bad--if not worse--than the people it was trying to stop. I'm one of the few who really understands what went on back then. Maybe the knowledge I have now will help steer the new Overwatch in the right direction. That's what I can hope for, at least.
(Thanks for reading! It took me a lot longer to write this than I expected. Some real life things got in the way, and I also got distracted playing one of my favorite video games again, lol. Sorry if this story doesn't really sound like Cassidy. I'm from Texas and I don't really talk in an accent like he does, and my writing tends to be a bit more formal. I tried my best though)
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repairingtomorrow · 7 months
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Silly spuri Strip :D (feat briggy) Don't know how they end up like this, imagine a context CX
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repairingtomorrow · 7 months
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i drew more genji bc i think he is so cute (+ kiriko-shimada brothers headcanon bc i just like to think she calls them her childhood friends, but they were actually more like babysitters.)
i love his ow2 default skin but im ngl i only use it bc i have 0 legendary skins
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repairingtomorrow · 7 months
I am alive, I promise, lol.
I've been going through some stuff but I'm finally writing another origin story. I'm hoping to finish it soon.
But, October is coming up and I've been thinking about writing for the characters in the Junkenstein story. Just for fun! Maybe I'll start with a combination of Junkenstein's Revenge and the Wrath of the Bride and maybe some other stories with different groups of the cast afterwards. I think it'll be something fun to do for Halloween.
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repairingtomorrow · 8 months
Both of us wanna bang our head against the walls, lol. I remember, before the age releases, that Sojourn was presumably in her early to mid fifties (It still says that on the Wiki page and they even explained that conclusion). Literally fans have done your work for you, how do you mess it up?
And if you want a headache, look at Kiriko's wiki and look at the age contradictions at the bottom of it. It'll give you a migraine and make your blood boil, lmao.
Anyways, I think this is a sign of the left hand not knowing what the right hand was doing, while not realizing the right hand got cut off a while ago.
Honestly, the whole 'they're 35+ (or 40+) and they look like they're 20' has not a lot of merit to me. Just because a woman is past the age of 39 does not mean she turns old and decrepit.
Like Ashe, for example. I always thought she was in her mid thirties, and I didn't think it was unreasonable for her to be that old. And from what I've hear (people can correct me if I'm wrong), people in Overwatch's time have been living way longer than we do now (Like, well past 100). If that's the case, then Ashe isn't even middle aged yet.
Though I will say, the only character I've had with a problem with is Sojourn because of her gray hair but she still looked so young. She was supposed to be in her fifties, but she didn't look the part--I just thought she was in her thirties.
I'm also not trying to justify Blizzard's character design, but I'm just tried of people thinking older people (especially women) should look ancient at 45.
With the whole life expectancy thing I couldn't find anything confirming or denying it but it should be said that irl, life spans are increasing. So it is safe to assume that with Overwatch taking place in a sci-fi future where there have been multiple break throughs in medical science that life spans have most likely increased. Not only that but I think we as a society are not used to the image of a women in their late 30s/early 40s without the stress of multiple kids. Yes Ashe runs the Deadlock gang but she does run it alone, she has Frankie and Benz to help her. So yeah she isn't going to be looking the same as what is typically expected of a women that age because as a society we are still used to women that age having multiple kids by that point.
As for Sojourn, an excuse could be made by the fact that she is mostly cybernetic. In the book I'm pretty sure it states that she has head plating and stuff so that could be affecting her physical aging. As for her age... I'm sorry but right now her age is like Kiriko in the fact that it doesn't make sense. With her current age she would have been 14 when she joined the military, not only that but her sister would have been the same age when she gave birth to Bonnie. So yeah. I'm choosing to believe she's the same age as Jack until they change her age to something reasonable.
It still isn't as bad as Kiriko, cause I recently found out her age doesn't even make sense with her own lore cause she was twelve when Sojiro was assassinated. Sojiro had to be assassinated at the very least 12 years ago, which would put Kiriko's at the age of 24, not 21. So Kiriko's age is broken broken.
Can you tell I want to hit my head against a wall?
Anyway I do agree that Sojourn doesn't make much sense without an explanation and even the explanation I gave for why she might look like that is a bit spotty.
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