Silence is Golden
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Silence is golden unless you have children and if you have children and silence you have a problem. Silence and a child does not mean they are sleeping unless you have wrestled them to bed yourself. Silence and children can only mean trouble, and they are in it up to their itty bitty eye balls.
I first learned this as a child myself being responsible for my younger sister who was often…
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It's Not Ben Franklin's Library Anymore
It’s Not Ben Franklin’s Library Anymore
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Benjamin Franklin along with giving us so many things he gave us the first public lending library in the United States in 1731.Today public libraries fill a whole host of needs for the public. For example in the middle of a pandemic my local library is hosting a drive-in of sorts. They are showing Toy Story 4. You can still check out books from them you just can’t go inside and wonder the isles…
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Pretend It's Halloween and Wear Your Mask
Pretend It’s Halloween and Wear Your Mask
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I was in my 40’s when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease. Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. My immune system is attacking my thyroid and I still can’t imagine how I let that happen to myself. In any case my thyroid has become damaged and cannot make enough thyroid hormones. So I take a synthetic hormone. What would happen if I didn’t take the synthetic…
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Symphony of Birds
I’m not by any stretch a bird watcher I am, however, a bird listener. I love the sound of birds granted some birds are beautiful even majestic in their own right, but I enjoy the sound of birds. For example we once had a bald eagle sit on the lamp post across the street and cry out. It was a mournful sound loud and guttural like a woman crying for a lost love. It made me feel sorry and want to…
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What's New
What’s New
If you all remember I told you a while back that my husband and I were approved to adopt a dog. Remember how excited I was about the whole thing. I’ve been away for the last month because I have a beautiful Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. And she is beautiful. We brought her home and immediately started house breaking her and training her to learn her new name (Katie.)
That was the first…
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The Not So Sweet Story About Sugar
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I’ve been thinking about this for a while. It’s been just rolling around in my brain and I just need to get it out of there and out into the world, so here it goes. I just ate 12 black jelly beans. I hate jelly beans, but I ate them anyway because they were kind of sweet. I have a sugar addiction and it’s bad. Sugar at the levels that I eat it is very bad for me. It causes inflammation in my body…
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Five Best Dogs For Older Adults
Five Best Dogs For Older AdultsI am so excited today in the middle of the COVID -19 quarantine I am going to go and get my dog form National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR.) I haven’t met Cinders but I have heard about her and I have read her biography, and I have
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I am so excited today in the middle of the COVID -19 quarantine I am going to go and get my dog form National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR.) I haven’t met Cinders but I have heard about her and I have read her biography, and I have fallen head over hills in love with her she is a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. Before I chose her I did lots of research I talked to a vet about the breed and I looked the…
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Let The Sun In But Have A Glass Of Milk
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I need more vitamin D than I used to. I know this because I got vitamin D deficiency. I slept a lot and was moody my hair fell out. My back hurt. It was awful, and it could have been dangerous because you lose bone when you have a vitamin D deficiency. Older adults like me need 800 International Units (IU) of vitamin D every day. We used to only need 600 IU a day.
You can get vitamin D from…
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Hair, Hair, Beautiful Hair, But Bald Is Beautiful Too Female balding it’s a secret no one wants to talk about. Including me, but it’s happening to me.
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It's All About The Relationship
It’s All About The Relationship
A while back I read an article about mixing a child day care facility and a retirement home.  My first thought was oh my God how terrifying for those retired people. It’s been a while, but the article suggested that both the children and the retiree’s benefit from the relationship. (Now that I think about it, it might have been a documentary not an article at all. The mind is slipping today.)
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Getting To Know Each Other
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Sooo, I’ve written a couple of articles now and you are getting to know me a little. But, today I thought I’d tell you more about me. My name is Billie Daddario. I was named after my father, who I adore. I’ve been married for forever since the dark ages or 10 years. I forget, because my husband, and I dated for a long time before we moved in together. And we lived together for a long time before…
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All The Reasons To Adopt A Dog
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I am so excited my husband and I have been approved to adopt a dog from #NationalMillDogRescue. When we started looking we were looking strictly for a Cocker Spaniel but we are interested in adopting one of four dogs and none of them are Cocker Spaniels, One is a King Charles Spaniel and the others are all Wheaten Terriers. The reason I’m excited is that my husband works in his retirement and I…
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Mental Health and Social Isolation
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Social isolation in the age of COVID-19 has become the norm not the rarity in fact it has become the life saving measure. But there is still a cost. And shouldn’t we at least consider that cost. Loneliness is a serious health risk. Studies of elderly people and social isolation concluded that those without adequate social interaction were twice as likely to die prematurely. The increased…
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Not COVID-19, But Pneumonia
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It started yesterday my father didn’t feel well. With all that is going on we took his not feeling well seriously we took his temperature which was 99 degrees we checked his oxygen level and his pulse and blood pressure. My sister is a retired nurse assistant.. His oxygen was low his pulse was slightly slow and his blood pressure was normal. But he wasn’t feeling well. That was 3 o’clock in the…
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Its The Plan
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What do you want your retirement to look like? Have you asked yourself that question? You’ll have much more success if you know what you want before you start. Financially, knowing what you want your retirement dreams are in the beginning increases the chances of them coming true. If your dream is nothing more than to stay home and garden and watch your grandchildren you’ll need less money than…
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Cut A Rug For The Brain
Cut a Rug Scientists have found that the areas of the brain that control memory and skills such as planning and organizing improve with exercise. Dance has the added dimension of balance. Specifically dance stimulates the hippocampus and increases neuron
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Scientists have found that the areas of the brain that control memory and skills such as planning and organizing improve with exercise and dance has the added dimension of balance. Specifically dance stimulates the hippocampus and increases neuron connections. Regular dancing reduces the risk of dementia by 76%. Studies are conclusive cutting a rug on a regular basis is good for the brain.
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Get a Little Happy
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I suffer from debilitating depression, and so do 7 million other adults over the age of 65 according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC.) My depression is caused by genetics and brain chemistry I take medicine for it every day and the medicine helps, but not enough to make me feel normal, but enough to function as long as there are no stressors to add to my depression. Not only is depression…
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