rhyewood · 5 years
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rhyewood · 5 years
every single one of you reblogging this are going to hell
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rhyewood · 5 years
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Masha The Hero
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rhyewood · 5 years
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rhyewood · 5 years
incredible how "the hungry deserve food" and “the sick deserve medicine” are radical communist beliefs in 2017
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rhyewood · 5 years
when welcome to night vale said: “Sleep heavily and know that I am here with you. The past is gone, and cannot harm you anymore. And while the future is fast coming for you, it always flinches first, and settles in as the gentle present. This now, this us, we can cope with that. We can do this together you and I.”
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rhyewood · 5 years
Left at London’s How to Make a Mitski song
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rhyewood · 5 years
nothing summarizes dennis’ dramatic gay ass better than these 8 seconds
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rhyewood · 5 years
This may just be my experience as an autistic person, but the kids I’ve nannied whose parent’s complain of ‘bad awful in cooperative selfish autistic behavior’ are… Not like that? At all?
Like, for example, I cared for a kid for a while who was nonverbal and didn’t like being touched. Around six years old? Their parent said that they were fussy and had a strict schedule, and that they had problems getting them to eat. Their last few nannies had quit out of frustration.
So, I showed up. And for the first little while, it was awkward. The kid didn’t know me, I didn’t know them, you know how it is. And for the first… Day and a half, maybe? I fucked up a few times.
I changed their diaper and they screamed at me. I put the TV off and they threw things. Not fun, but regular upset kid stuff.
Next time, I figured, hell, I wouldn’t like being manhandled and ordered around either. Who likes being physically lifted out of whatever it is they’re doing and having their pants yanked off? Fucking few, that’s who.
Next time, I go, ‘hey, kiddo. You need a new diaper?’ and check. ‘I’m gonna go grab a new one and get you clean, okay?’ ‘Wanna find a spot to lay down?’ ‘Alright, almost done. Awesome job, thanks buddy’.
I learned stuff about them. They liked a heads up before I did anything disruptive. They didn’t mind that I rattled of about nothing all day. They didn’t like grass or plastic touching their back. They were okay with carpets and towels. They liked pictionary, and the color yellow, and fish crackers, and painting. They didn’t look me in the face (which was never an issue- I hate that too, it fucking sucks) but I never had reason to believe that they were ignoring me.
Once I learned what I was doing wrong, everything was fine. Did they magically “”“become normal”“” and start talking and laughing and hugging? No, but we had fun and had a good time and found a compromise between what I was comfortable with and what they were comfortable with. (For the record, I didn’t magically sailor-moon transform into a socially adept individual, either. In case anyone was wondering.)
I don’t like eye contact. It’s distracting and painful and stresses me out.
They didn’t like eye contact either.
Is eye contact necessary to communication? No. So we just didn’t do it.
Was there ever a situation where I HAD to force them to drop everything and lay down on the lawn? No. So the thirty second warning came into play, and nobody died.
“But they never talked!”
No, they didn’t. And they didn’t know ASL, and they didn’t like being touched.
So you know what happened?
My third day in, they tugged on my shirt. ‘Hey monkey, what’s up?’ I asked. And they tugged me towards the kitchen. ‘oh, cool. You hungry?’. They raised their hands in an ‘up’ gesture. ‘you want up? Cool.’ and I lifted them up. They pointed to the fridge. I opened it. They grabbed a juice box out of the top shelf, and pushed the door closed again. ‘oh sweet, grape is the best. You are an individual of refined taste.’ I put them down and they went back to their room to play Legos.
“But they didn’t say please or thank you!” “But you should be teaching them communication skills!” “But!” Lalalalala.
1. The entire interaction was entirely considerate and polite. I was never made uncomfortable. I was made aware of the problem so that I could help them solve it. There was no mess, no tears, no bruises, no shouting.
2. Did my brain collapse into a thousand million fragments of shattered diamond dust out of sheer incomprehension? No? Then their communication skills were fine. Goal realized, solution found, objective complete. They found the most simple and painless way to communicate the situation and then did it.
Kids are not stupid. AUTISTIC kids are not stupid.
I’m willing to bet real cash money that the real reason the last few nannies had quit had a million times more to do with their own ability to cope, not the kid’s.
To this day, that was the most relaxed and enjoyable job I’ve ever had.
And I know I don’t speak for everyone. All kids are different. All adults are different. But in my time and experience, pretty much 95% of all my difficulties with children come from ME not being understanding enough. Every single “problem child” I’ve worked with turned out to be a pretty cool person once I started figuring out how to put my ego aside and let them set the pace.
Again, not speaking universally, here. I’m just saying. Sometimes social rules are bullshit, you know? People are people
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rhyewood · 5 years
The burned tower was once a breathtaking sight, built as a symbol of the friendship between people and Pokémon.
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When the fire struck, all but three unknown Pokémon were able to escape the flames. They died amongst the tower’s debris, succumbing to the smoke and embers.
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It was only after the fire was killed that the townspeople of Ecruteak City were able to grieve the charred, lost bodies of the deceased Pokémon.
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They say that during that tragic moment of mourning was when the darkened sky was suddenly brought alight.
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A mighty, bird-like beast appeared, their very presence seeming to clear the smoke from the sky. They cast their shadow upon Ecruteak City, the beast so large that they blocked out the sun like an eclipse. But their vibrant feathers reflected the sunlight like crystal prisms, and the burned tower was bathed in the light of the most beautiful rainbow.
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No one can quite explain how Ho-Oh was able to give life to the deceased Pokémon. But Ho-Oh’s rainbow is mighty, and the Pokémon were imbued with this power. Whether it was some sort of legendary evolution, or simply the price of resurrection, may never be known.
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What we do know, however, is that the light of Ho-Oh’s rainbow was so vibrant, so gorgeous, and so pure, even the three Pokémon who had perished within the flames reared their heads to gaze upon Ho-Oh.
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All beheld Ho-Oh and the three Pokémon as they witnessed the ashes of the tower rise and breathe.
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These three Pokémon were undoubtably powerful.
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And although it was a gift Ho-Oh had given, it is common for us to fear the unknown.
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The villagers did not welcome the resurrected Pokémon. They reacted out of fear, and violence ensued.
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But the Pokémon did not fight back. They simply turned their backs and ran off into the wild.
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They were not afraid of the villagers. They were ashamed.
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Ashamed that the townsfolk mourned their deaths but threatened their lives.
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Disappointed that the people of Ecruteak City had taken Ho-Oh’s gift so ignorantly, Ho-Oh took their leave as well. Thus marked the day that the race of man lost Ho-Oh’s respect.
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Ho-Oh was never again seen by the eyes of man. According to the elders of Ecruteak, Ho-Oh will only appear once more to a trainer whose heart is gold and soul is silver, to a pure being who can redeem the people of Johto.
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Perhaps one day, such a trainer will finally appear.
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rhyewood · 5 years
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a shadow the hedgehog introspective
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rhyewood · 5 years
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rhyewood · 5 years
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rhyewood · 5 years
tan france gave john mulaney a makeover. you should go watch the full video :)
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rhyewood · 5 years
for jewish people + allies who live in the united states, there are multiple actions across the country where jews and allies, under a never again campaign, blockade ICE detention centers. i encourage anyone who can get involved, to do so. if you can’t or do not live in the states, please share this and consider donating to the bail and court funds! 
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rhyewood · 5 years
so last night I was saying how playing cuban pete vastly improves all the fight scenes in evangelion
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rhyewood · 5 years
tumblr’s vibes stress me out like I just don’t have the energy to aggressively hate everything and everyone all the time
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