rkpsh-blog · 5 years
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Park Shin Hye, 200x320
Credit as shinju.dot
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rkpsh-blog · 5 years
It had been months of Shinhye waiting for her big break, and while a commercial wasn't exactly what she had in her mind it would have to do. The audition went well enough and while she was no stranger to auditions, her world revolved around them anyway, she couldn't confidently say that she was assured that she would receive a part in the Superstar K commercial. Needless to say, when she received the call back she was excited.
 The part was a small one, the background player in a dance studio scene. She didn't mind this though her goal wasn't to be the star she just had to pad her resume. A small part today could lead to a starring role, or national campaign tomorrow. She just had to make it through the day and hopefully not get cut from the commercial. So naturally, she took the role with the utmost seriousness. 
 Shinhye arrives at the set early, and make sure to meet all of the camera crew and introduce her self to as many people as possible. She wasn't naturally a social person but in this business, it's often not what you know it's who you know, and even a lowly cameraman could one day become a big wig at his own entertainment company. The filming goes without many issues, she keeps to her self for the most part, not making much effort to interact with the other girls unless instructed to do so. By the time she’s left she’s already texting her agent to update he resume with the new commercial.
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rkpsh-blog · 5 years
The female kept her voice soft yet using sharp words as steps up, close & personal with the old friend, “Shinhye you still look beautiful ever, it pity you are not as beautiful in the inside too then again if you did you probably won’t get those modeling gigs of yours.” Minhee isn’t very good at hiding her emotions well especially when it comes the person who literally idolizes so much, she was one of her closest childhood friends until the day Minhee gave up on her as couldn’t bear it any longer. Her heart felt heavy on things on what could have been if she just listens to her….
Seeing Minhee again had a two-fold effect on Shinhye. On the one hand, there was a ping of joy that came from seeing an old friend brought with it. On the other, there was darker emotion lying underneath, Jealousy. There is a part of her that relishes this. That takes a sick pleasure out of the disagreement. She knows that by picking at Minhee she can feel superior, even just for the smallest moment, and as sad as it was that was what she wanted - and she hated herself for wanting it. 
"Stalking you? Minhee that is no way to talk to an old friend. Anyways you should know I have way too little time on my hands to waste on unimportant things."  She smiles mockingly at the girl before continuing "Since you're so curious, and because I don't want you getting too many ideas in that pretty little head of yours I'll have you know that I'm here to meet an old friend, and the life of a two-bit celebrity is the last thing on my mind".
Her smile falters slightly at the woman's stinging words. She had expected Minhee to put up a fight, but something about the emotion behind her words unnerved her. In a different world, she would have apologized to Minhee, begged her to start again - for their friendship to return to the way it used to be, but that was not her reality. So she does what she usually does and lashes out. "I'll take as a compliment and ignore the rest of what you said, for both our sakes. Now run along Hun, I would hate for you to hurt yourself trying to think too hard. Don't you have some silly YouTube video to post online or something?"
Old Frenemies
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rkpsh-blog · 5 years
The female looks at the boy incredulously as he offers her a flyer out of nowhere. On a normal day, she would have ignored the boy and kept walking to her destination, pretending like the interaction never happened. Today, however, wasn't a normal day. It was a very bad one and she was out for blood. Unfortunately for the boy in front of her he just happened to be in the middle of the warpath. She takes the flyer out of the male's hand and mustering up a smile as sweet as she can before it turned into something more sinister. As quickly as she had taken the flyer she was balling up the paper into a wad just as fast before dropping it on the ground between them. "Sorry love, I don't take trash from strangers. With that, she turns on her heels and struts off in the opposite direction of the boy.
. flyer #3 ( @rkpsh )
why didn’t more people want his flyers? admittedly, donghyun could understand why you might not want a piece of paper which was going to end up in the bin eventually, but it still hurt his feelings that more people weren’t taking them off him. at this rate he was going to have to start forcing people to take them. would fake crying work? “hello,” he was quick to grab the attention of the next person to walk past him, “please take one of these. it’s really interesting. promise.” he smiled sweetly as he held the flyer out towards the girl. “plus taking it will make my day. win-win situation for you.” 
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rkpsh-blog · 5 years
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@Eyhnihs uploaded a photo onto Instagram.
Just got some really good news that called for a shopping spree. Do you like my shoes? Gee thanks just bought them.
#HighertheHeels #TheClosertoGod #GirlTalk: Eyhnihs #7rings
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rkpsh-blog · 5 years
What do you think of Joo Minhee? 🤭
“I miss her sometimes.” The thought comes to her in a flash as the one questions she wasn’texpecting  stuns her. For a moment she doesn’t know how to answer it. “Myopinion on Minhee is… complicated. We have a sort of sordid history witheach other and it makes things difficult. Objectively she is a beautiful girl,that much is obvious to anyone with eyes. She looked absolutely gorgeous in theconvex music video it’s no wonder she was signed. Subjectively, however, I don’t think there is much else toher than a pretty face. I mean I’ve seen some of her YouTube covers and the’renot that special. I mean the’re good for an amateur but for an idol I’ve seenbetter.” She pauses for a second before continuing. “ I know I’m being reallybiased at this point but it’s hard for me to put aside personal feelings. Wewere pretty close a long time ago and when my world was falling apart she wasthere trying to be a good friend- but I pushed her away. I know I shouldn’t havebeen as harsh to her as I was, well am,  andI wish I could be a bigger person and just apologize, but seeing her justbrings back so many negative memories and feelings of one of the lowest pointsin my life. I just can’t get pass that.  I guess to be frank I'm just going to leave it at this: I wish her all the best in whatever she does - just don’t expect me to berooting for her anytime soon.”
Honesty Hour: Open 
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rkpsh-blog · 5 years
what are your favorite qualities about yourself?
     ‘Can I say my beauty, or is it a bit too on the nose after that last questions?’ She chuckles at her own little joke ‘ I guess my favorite qualities about myself are my resilience and my confidence. I have been through... a lot in the last few years with my fathers “situation”. It has been very taxing physically and emotionally. There have been many times where I have wanted to give up, but I never have. I know I have to be strong for my family and knowing that I've been able to keep going.’   
    ‘I think it's pretty clear that I have confidence in myself or overconfidence depending on how you view it. My motto in life is love yourself so much that you don’t have to rely on the love of others.’
Honesty Hour: Open
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rkpsh-blog · 5 years
what's something about your appearance you wish you could change?
A laugh erupts from her a little bit too loud ‘ Look,  I’m sure you want me to sit here and pick apart my appearance. To say I’m too fat or my legs are too short or some sad stuff like that. I’m sure that would be the humble thing to do but, to be honest with you, I‘m not very humble. I love the way I look and you may find this conceited but I always have. So to be frank I wouldn’t change a thing.
Honesty Hour: Open
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rkpsh-blog · 5 years
Activity Tracker| Mar 02 19
Hi Loves,
I know I have been Mia for a while and I am really sorry, especially to the muns of rkxminhee and rkxjongsuk. I am currently in the middle of a lot of things. I want you all to know I am trying my best but between my full-time job, wedding preparations, and dealing with school, things are slipping through the cracks.
With that being said  I am committed to getting more active on Shinhye. I have included a tracker below the cut with things I’m working on and to let everyone know I am not intentionally trying to leave you all hanging.
Currently Working on
@rkxminhee | OLD FRENEMIES
Honesty Hour | 4 Prompts
Questions for Honesty Hour
Relationship Playlist
@rksuwoong | Charisma Starter
@judyrk | Charisma Starter
@rkseola  | Charisma Starter
@junheerk | Charisma Starter
@rkdowoon | Charisma Starter
@rkhyojeong  | Charisma Starter
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rkpsh-blog · 5 years
what is your favorite material possession?
‘My favorite material possession’ she takes a moment to ponder the question for a moment before answering. ‘I don’t really like keeping a personal attachment with things because life moves so quickly. One moment their here and the next moment they may not be.’ She shrugs her shoulder with a placid look on her face.'But if I had to pick something I would say it was a matching necklace my baby brother gave me the week before his enlistment. It wasn’t very much to look at, between you and me it was pretty tacky, but he told me that as long as we each had one we would never be separated from each other. So that would be it i guess.’
Honesty Hour: Open
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rkpsh-blog · 5 years
it's time for some honesty,
by reblogging this, your character will answer every question he/she receives in the inbox truthfully. no dodging any questions or giving ambiguous answers that don’t really answer the question at all—be completely honest. please use this opportunity to send each other good questions that may help the mun develop their character’s muse, not questions for the shits and giggles. also, if you reblog this post, send questions! don’t just sit there and expect to only receive. no one likes being the odd one out so let’s make sure to send, send, send! the most important rule is to have fun though— don’t forget that one.
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rkpsh-blog · 5 years
Charisma Starters
Hi everyone, 
I really want to get more active on Shinhye so if you all would be so kind as to like this post for a random starter. I will probably write a preexisting relationship so if you have a preference please leave a - for a negative relationship or a + for a positive one. Than you in advance. 
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rkpsh-blog · 5 years
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                                  — * | SuperStar KTWorld’                               ╔═════ °• ♔ •° ═════╗
                                   Outfit | Script choice: #2
    There was a time in her life where Shinhye dreamed of the big stage. Where she could practically envision her name in bright lights - adoring fans throwing flowers at her feet. A place where she could make a name for herself, without the shadow of her family following her. She had done things the right way. She got an agent, had professional headshots taken, and even went to numerous casting calls. At first, it all seemed so promising, but once her father was arrested things all feel through the cracks.  “No one wanted to hire the daughter of a convict”.
   She spent 3 years courting something to claim as her own, only to be met with constant rejection. No matter what she did no one would give her a chance, or even take a second look at her once they found out her family background. She had all but given up on the idea of fame until modeling fell into her lap, and it was in modeling that she flourished. In modeling no one cared about your background, all that mattered were your looks.
   So when she hears about the Superstar KTWorld the last thing she wanted to do was go to another audition.  Things were going well for her. She had a growing modeling career, a stable job, and for once in her life people weren’t looking at in pity or disdain. For once her life was normal.
   But all it took was one small pebble to start an avalanche in her life, all over again. She remembers the moment clearly, a familiar face flashing across her television screen in some music video,  of some boy group whose name she would never remember, and her jaw dropped. That was Minhee on her television. It had been some years but the resemblance was undeniable and she would recognize that face anywhere.  
    It was as if time stood still. And as each frame of the girl she used to call a friend, flashed across her screen she could feel her blood boil. How had this happened? No, how could this have happened? There was a time when she had it all, when she had been on top of the world, and Minhee was just another pretty backup friend, a doll in her menagerie of admirers   That was supposed to be her on the screen. She was supposed to be living a life of fame and yet here she was at a standstill.
   It wasn’t long after watching that music video she filled out the form and submitted the paperwork. She would not allow herself to fall behind any longer.
She walks into the audition room full of confidence. It may have been a while since she’s been to an audition that required a script, but a pro never loses their skills. She greets the judges with a smile plastered on her face, not one of the fake half smiles she uses at go-sees to unnerve her competition, but a genuine one that almost makes it to her eyes. Almost.  You only have one chance to make a good impression and she was determined to do just that.
"Hello, My name is Park Shinhye".
The scene isn't a particularly long one, but that works to her favor. She chooses to focus more on the emotion rather than the words. A script could be learned but a feeling couldn’t. Her memorization of the script is good but where she excels is her expressions.  She plays up the emotions smiling sweetly at the judges when she begins and feigning disappointment once she realizes that her ‘magic trick’ has failed. She offers the panel a wink as she pantomimes a ring with the ending phrase.
“Thank you”
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rkpsh-blog · 5 years
Long Time No See
Shinhye was excited by the prospect of a fun, worry-free night out with Jongsuk, maybe a bit too excited. It had been so long since she had last seen the male that she was practically acting like a lovesick puppy. She had spent at least an hour between tidying up and pacing restlessly around her little one bedroom home. The auburn hair girl pulls her phone out of her pocket.
[Text To:BFF] Let me know when your downstairs and I’ll buzz you in.
[Text To:BFF] I hope you like Pineapples on your Pizza
[Text To:BFF] If not this is going to be really awkward.
[Text To:BFF] I can’t wait to see you! 
She sends off the texts in quick succession. Before claiming a spot on her old lumpy couch, buzzing with excitement at Jongsuk’s pending arrival.
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rkpsh-blog · 5 years
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Path: The Cusp of Responsible Oscillation
  These Cusp of Oscillation personalities may find themselves torn in any number of directions as they navigate this path. Sensitivity may war with selfishness, cynicism with enthusiasm, and moral courage with indecision or sheer impulsiveness. Yet once they begin to understand that much of their fear of restriction and their issues with authority are but projections of their inner turmoil and indecision, their path will be considerably smoothed. 
Day: The Day of Controlled Movement
 Recurrent themes in the lives of July 19 people are movement, grace and form. Those born on this day are highly attuned to how they present themselves and often involved with mastering their body. This preoccupation stems from their desire to channel and shape their emotions, as many born on this day are prone to mood swings, sometimes resulting in passive-aggressive behavior. They are also likely to be unusually temperamental and as they mature, July 19 people work actively to cultivate their innate grace; they are not only conscious of how they carry themselves, but also of how they speak
Week: The Week of Oscillation 
Those born during the Week of Oscillation show both watery and receptive influences as well as fiery, aggressive characteristics. They generally crave excitement; whether in business, romance or free time, they need to meet challenges dauntlessly. Their calm under fire, their moral courage and their decision-making potential usually stand them in good stead in crises and emergencies, but their drive toward challenge periodically gets out of control. Dramatic changes of affect in these people can make it hard for others to know how to approach them. Those who understand them will often ease into conversations slowly, sitting quietly with them until their mood becomes apparent.  
Way: The Way of Responsibility
Those born during the Way of Responsibility have a nature that is freedom­loving and rebellious. They rail against all limitations. Thus it is their nature to avoid responsibility. Overly aggressive in their approach, they have a tendency to act preemptively. Often they have a kind of manic fear of being controlled by others and they often risk becoming that which they themselves despise: tyrannical and manipulative.
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rkpsh-blog · 5 years
Old Frenemies
No one could tell Shinhye that she wasn't a master of expression. In fact, if you asked her she was one of the best. Looking at her you never had to guess how she felt in any given situation, with one look she could convey the exact mood she was in instantly. While this trait was a good one to have at the occasional modeling gig,  it wasn't very helpful in everyday life. Especially given the situation at hand.
She recognizes the girl in an instant. Recollection hits her swiftly ad the door to Jongsuk apartment closes behind her, and she locks eyes with the oncoming female. The corners of her mouth turn down with distaste and her brows lower.
"Well, Well, Well," Shinhye coos through gritted teeth, a fake smile plastered on her face " Look what the Cat dragged in. It's been a while Minhee"
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rkpsh-blog · 5 years
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