Kimonosandkunai-- ✍
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Send me '✍' and I will draw your muse horribly on MSPaint
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Chika Hamasaki || DGM OC RP Blog || Kunai Exorcist || Multi Ship || Multifandom || AU Friendly || Yuri Friendly [Muse swings both ways]|| NSFW [Not smut] ||
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An unsettling grin stretched his face, amused. Seeing the Exorcist bleed caused a giddy feeling, or something akin to it. Beaten bloody bodies of Exorcists were his pride and pleasure to witness- to create.
Her words were close enough to incoherent to the blood-lusting Noah. He had a habit of doing that, but was able to stash it away a bit, for now. Despite her babbling (in his opinion), the Noah managed to respond. "Nice call, Exorcist." He replied in affirmation. "But..." He seemed to pause, but soon continued. "We don't have any time for introductions, little girl. It's about time for you to die, don't you agree?" He laughed sharply, cutting off any sort of response.
As suddenly as the laugh had come and gone, one of the tentacle extensions whipped forward, intent on ramming into the Exorcist once more. As if underestimating the Exorcist, as always, he never moved from where he stood. Alongside the tentacle was a familiar purple ball of dark matter shooting towards her, maliciously glowing.
"Let's see you bleed, Exorcist~!!"
"Hurts, doesn't it?"
Chika winced at the fresh bruise on her side from impact. Damn that really did hurt. Everything hurt right now. She had been taking a beating from him…but nothing she couldn’t endure.
"Yeah…It does but…" Chika smirked as blood trailed down her forehead from a fresh cut. "Worse has happened…" Then, it registered to her that only a few people were able to do this to someone without motivation. Without thought.
"You’re a Noah aren’t you?"
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{ This is a side blog, but can any DGM roleplayers reblog this so I can know who to send asks to? }
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Any traces of amusement were soon gone from the Dark Knight's visage. Tyki was visibly irritating the Noah. He tsked, "Tyki, Tyki, Tyki." He began, his tone berating. "You seem to misunderstand our positions, do you not? Why don't I make this clear right now, hm? You represent me. Tyki represents the Memory of Pleasure." He emphasized, slowly, as if Tyki were merely a child. In all honesty, Tyki was very well a child to the Noah. "The worst part is everyone that represents me seem to suppress my original memory, as well. Which, in short, prevents me from being able to fully express true pleasure. Make sense?" He swore that these hosts were idiots. Never letting him do anything, leaving him behind, trying to do his job themselves. Tyki had to be the worst, though.
The mention of the 14th soon came out of Tyki's mouth. Hardly anyone spoke of the 14th. "Don't play games, Tyki. That man is a traitor, and he murdered all of us. In fact, you weren't even there. My previous host was there, as was my memory, and he was murdered by that 14th you speak of." Joido looked disgusted at the idea of the 14th. Even more, the idea of the way the Earl had coddled him. That spoiled 14th had received all the attention, even down to allowing his relation to that brother of his. Not even Road- 
"Tyki should give in so the true intent of the Noah of Pleasure can ensue. We were so close, until you suppressed me once more." He snarled, in a foul-mood. "You're wasting time, you know. The sooner that we can get rid of those Exorcists and find the Heart, the sooner we can finish what we had originally set out to do so long ago!" 
Unintended Meeting
Tyki rolled his eyes at Joido, while speaking to no one in particular  ”It’s not a nuisance really. So what do you know of this dirty habit.” He clenched his fist in a ball. "What do you know really of pleasure?" He didn’t want to debate a useless opinion of smoking a damn cigarette, out in the open like this.
He tries so hard because someone has a lazy-ass for a host. Tyki wanted this debate to fucking end for once  ”It’s cause I am human through and through Joido. Tyki tries to help Allen.. because there’s that bloody connection of Neah and him.” 
"Well obviously and why should Tyki give in really?" He said, while clenching his jaw.
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Ah! I would be glad to role play with you, whenever! I believe it would be rather interesting~!
It’s funny to me because out of my followers I only roleplay with three or four of you. ;-; }}
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exorcist-of-light replied to your post: It’s funny to me because out of my fol...
[[I’m busy atm but I really wanna role play with you!]]
Ahhhh, that's great to hear! I had sent something to your other OC already, though I'm not sure if you received it~! Being honest, I've wanted to roleplay with you for a while, too!}}
neaxwalker replied to your post: It’s funny to me because out of my fol...
-raises hand slowly-
Same to you! I would love to roleplay with you at any time, and have wanted to from the time I followed you~! Whenever you'd like to start something, I'd be up for it! ;u;
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It's funny to me because out of my followers I only roleplay with three or four of you. ;-; }}
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He laughed, amused by the silent girl. "No need to be so rude, Miss. I haven't lifted a finger to do anything. Do you mistrust me that much?" He feigned an injured tone, but only ended up losing it at the end. Despite his apparent ignorance towards her, and honest underestimation, Joido was carefully observing the detested Innocence held by the woman.
As far as Joido could remember (which wasn't far back at all), he had never seen nor fought this woman since his waking. That's what made it even more interesting to start a fight. At least then he would understand what that Innocence would do. Call it stupid, as it was. No one ever said that he didn't do stupid things.
"Don't you know that you shouldn't play with sharp things, Miss? You could hurt yourself."
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She ignored what he said, still walking away with even turning her head back. A few seconds later though, she began to hear feet hitting the dirt ground beneath them, and they weren’t her own.
She sighed in just the slightest. So he was going to follow her. Didn’t he hear what she said? She didn’t want to fight him, but for some reason it just seemed like he wasn’t going down so easily.
It seemed like he was going to try to evoke her annoyance in this situation and turn into a fight. Regardless of all this though, she still continued walking.
The only thing that she did was un-hook her weapon from the brown straps on her thighs and hold it close to her. If he were to actually attack, at least now she would have some protection and maybe even an advantage, considering how her innocence works and such.
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do you ever just want to gently place your hands on someones cheeks and hold their head there in your hands and looking into their eyes and then violently jerk their head on a right angle and snap their neck
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A noise traversed from the back of Joido's throat, not pleased with the retort. "You would put it out because it's a nuisance. With no necessity to be here, it should just die away." He sneered, "just like you." The true Noah didn't understand where Tyki was coming from. Just because it didn't harm someone or something didn't mean it needed to be there, and since it wasn't needed, it should have never come into existence. 
There was only so many chances someone had at proving their usefulness. Not only that, but soon enough they would lose it, even if they had it. "Why do you try so hard?" He asked, suddenly. "You're constantly failing, yet you try. Can you not see your inability to do things that are necessary as a Noah? Why do you try so hard to stay in the middle of both? You're not meant to be friends with any of the humans. Shouldn't you have learned your lesson by now? It would just be easier for you to give in. Let someone who knows what they're doing do their job." 
Unintended Meeting
"Yes, alright fine Tyki screws up everything.." He cautiously spoke to no one in particular. The noah suddenly scowled at Joido. "And tell me why would Tyki put a cigarette out?"  The man teased while continuing to smoke it. "It’s not harming anything or anybody.." He just.. trails off.
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Guys if that one animal abuse petition thing is still coming around and bothering you, which I understand (I blocked it after signing the petition), you can download xkit's post blocker and block the post.
It'll stop showing up in general.
In case you guys wanted it to leave and all~
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A sigh escaped the Noah, obviously not too keen on having to chase the Exorcist. He didn't understand why it had to be him to gather as many as he could. Half of them tried to fight him, and the others were cowards. This girl though... She got on his nerves more than the others had. She seemed careless, disrespectful, and generally someone he would murder five times over.
He couldn't say he wasn't entertained by her, though. At least she was brave enough to literally turn her back on him. While it was irksome, he couldn't help but commend her for it. Though he wasn't here to just let her get away. "I am rather sure the Earl would not really mind me killing one Exorcist, right?" He murmured to himself, leaning against the tree he was by.
"Now, now, Exorcist. No need to be harsh."He teased, catching into step with her. From the distance between them, unless she were just that quick, or her Innocence was that long, she wouldn't knick him if he overstepped his boundaries. Which he had planned to do.
Call him underestimating them, but he was severly underestimating them. Not enough to where he was walking even close to the other, but enough that he was instigating a fight.
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"Funny, because it seems like you’re wasting my time." She said in her usual cool, smooth tone, the same emotionless look on her face. "I’m not here to fight you and I don’t plan too. So if you don’t mind, I’d rather be making my way back to where I should be."
She didn’t want to deal with the Noah. She only came here to have some peace and quiet and take a break, but now with him here she wasn’t able to do that. Just her luck. She didn’t seem scared at all though.
Sure the thought of him killing her crossed her mind when she turned on her heel and began walking away from the Noah of Pleasure, but right now she didn’t care. All she wanted to do was relax while she didn’t have to do much and do what she wants to do, not what he wants her to do.
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Ahaha, that's true. I just don't like taking chances to offend anyone, in case something is somehow offensive, or something like that. Though it's rather reassuring to have you say that~! }}
sadistic-gratification replied to your post:|| I’m kinda tired of always being the one who has…
Ah! I’m sorry, my muse isn’t very kind, and I didn’t know if you would be alright with that, so I never sent anything in to ask to roleplay with you because of that. Sorry, I would have asked if I were braver ;v; }}
|| Hun, my muse isn’t kind at all either: she has plenty of enemies, so I would be perfectly fine with roleplaying with you!! I won’t bite!! ;o7o
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He grinned when the Exorcist had flinched. Nothing was better than the fear they felt towards him. Killing her would have been the most exciting thing at the moment. "Do calm yourself, Exorcist." He began, a dark humor in his voice. "I am not here to do you harm. Or... Rather I cannot do you harm." He begrudgingly added, not caring if she would have taken that chance to attack.
"We need as much information as we can gather, as of now. The Earl has sent me to retrieve any Exorcist I can bother to find, and bring them with me." He purred, not moving towards her out of sheer laziness. "Though you do not seem much. Should I have had my way, I would rather kill you than take you along... Do not try and fight, girl, it is only a waste of my time. Just come along and this will go by quickly."
She slightly stiffened as well as flinched when she saw the Noah. “… Do you need something?”
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His smirk was irritating. Any traces of the grin Joido had before had left, and a frown marred his face. He responded loud enough for his voice to echo through the dark space they stood in. "Tyki seems to screw up at everything. This is no different." His opinion of the other still wasn't very high. Getting along would never happen with Tyki and Joido, in his own opinion.
Joido swore. "Put that out. It's unnecessary." He said, speaking of he cigarette just lit. If he found it unnecessary, he definitely would not want it near him. The habits of the other were annoying.
Unintended Meeting
"Why would Tyki screw up something so trivial as this?" Joido growled at his other half.  It was true that Tyki was subconsciously suppressing Joyd but it wasn’t intentional nor wanted. Tyki leaned against a wall and smirked at the other man standing there, while smoking a cigarette. 
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