Maggie is a couple of years older than Alex and loves to tease her about it. Always telling her she needs to respect her elders or that she gets seniority cause she's older. Alex's response is to start referring to her as "grandma" or "granny" whenever physically possible while making jokes about getting Maggie a wheelchair since she's getting to old to walk around by herself anymore.
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The first time Maggie spoke to Eliza it was three in the morning and Eliza had called to talk to Alex (she'd forgotten they were in different time zones) and Maggie accidentally answered the phone thinking it was hers. What Eliza didn't know (and Maggie definitely never mentioned) was that during their two long hour conversation both Alex and Maggie had been naked and Maggie had spent half the time trying not to be distracted by a very cuddly, sleeping, naked Alex. (She failed miserably).
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Maggie listens to a lot of country music and Alex pretends it drives her crazy. (Until Maggie dresses up as a cowgirl for her for Halloween one year... Alex never complains about her music choices again.)
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Maggie never actually verbally agrees to marry Alex until they say "I do" at the altar.
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One year they count up their accumulated vacation days and realize they both have three months paid leave minimum that they haven't used. They proceed to take the summer off and travel via motorcycle to major cities in all fifty states (they have Kara fly them to Alaska and Hawaii) since they found out it was something they'd both wanted to do as teenagers.
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I'm going to change up the way I do things a tad. Up to this point I've not posted anything that's really sexual in nature. Starting now I'm going to start adding these ones in (cause I have several of them too). I'm going to be tagging anything like that NSFW.
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Maggie has chronic muscle tension (which is part of why she takes yoga). Alex finds out one morning when it's acting up and Maggie can barely get out of bed because her back's not wanting to cooperate with her. Maggie quickly learns that Alex is really good with her fingers... In more ways than one...
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After the invasion Alex and Maggie set up a place where they are supposed to meet each other in case of an emergency where they can't get ahold of each other.
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During the Daxamite Invasion Maggie鈥檚 apartment complex is destroyed, which is what leads Alex to finally ask her to move in with her.
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Whenever there are any type of anti discrimination rally's in National City Alex and Maggie go together to help provide some extra unofficial security. (Along with other members of the Superfriends.)
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They go to New Zealand for a month for their honeymoon (they both have a ton of vacation days saved up by that point) partly because it's a great tourist spot but also because it's an LGBT+ friendly location.
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Alex doesn't know how to handle snow since she grew up on the coast so the first time there's a severe snow storm in National City she's convinced that they're going to die in a blizzard (there are like three feet of snow on the ground). Maggie, who's been in several actual actual blizzards, finds Alex's panicked stocking of food and water hilarious. (At least until Alex shows up with a dozen super thick blankets and more pillows than she could count and forced them to spend the weekend hiding in a pillow fort to keep warm... Not that Maggie was really complaining since Alex said they had to both be naked in order to "better share body heat". Which is how Kara found them on Monday after Alex didn't show up for work... Needless to say that was a very awkward conversation.)
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Alex and Maggie have biweekly training sessions together on Monday's and Thursday's so they can work and spend time together at the same time. This often turns into a competition between the two of them which ends in some interesting bets being won.
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When they get married, Kara spends several months trying to convince them that the best thing they can do last name wise is to mash them together and be Alex and Maggie Sanvers... They end up sticking with Danvers in the end but sometimes people will "accidentally" write Sanvers instead of Danvers... They can't decide if they find it amusing or exasperating when this happens.
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After really stressful days at work they'll take a bath together and play with their excessive rubber ducky collection to help them settle down and remind them they aren't in the middle of a life threatening situation anymore. (They have at least two dozen rubber ducks between the two of them and they'll spend a good two or three hours playing with them.)
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Alex likes to steal Maggie's button downs and wear them to work, which Maggie finds hilarious cause they aren't long enough for Alex to wear but she insists on wearing them anyways cause she wants to wear Maggie's clothing just like Maggie wears hers.
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They are both super clingy first thing in the morning which makes it difficult for them to get up. Even worse is when one of them needs to go to work earlier than the other one and they spend thirty minutes just trying to figure out how to get the other one to let go of them.
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