scfied-blog · 12 years
Okay, yes, I've got it! The new site's up! URL: ! Go and check it out already! -lethalogica
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scfied-blog · 12 years
Hiatus End
Yeah, we never even said we were having one, did we? Well, it was all for the good. I created a nine page comic about a funny little incident at a go-cart soccer game. However, its posting will have to be postponed. I may or may not have accidentally deleted my account and am in the process of figuring out how to figure out this whole mess. I'm only able to send this because the email is still connected to the account... Or at least what's still on cqutelovesyou. - lethalogica
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scfied-blog · 12 years
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So... Sorry again. But this sorry has finally brought you a STORY ARC!!!
I know, right?! OMFGS! Okay, not that much too be excited about... BUT IT'S ALSO THE ORIGIN STORY ARC!!!
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scfied-blog · 12 years
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As another sorry, "MY Perfect Guy Checklist".
To tell the truth, this IS what I'd want in a guy. Cut-off again, sorry. /:D
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scfied-blog · 12 years
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I'm SOOOOO INCREDIBLY SORRY that you'll have to struggle reading this, especially all first panels of each period have a chunk missing in the left area!
I'll put up some captions later, I'm PROMISES.
PS, the comics that aren't a part of an arc go under the tag "random scfied comic", as does this one.
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scfied-blog · 12 years
Mey Taj, i wanted to ask, how did you meet Masion? I love your blog by the way! :D
lethalogica: Why, thanks! Gah, I'm so sorry for lagging in my part to put up the origin story.
Taj: Well, after I wound up on the beach, wet, unconscious, but weirdly NOT dead, I found my things and Chu. We wondered around the place, since it was all really new to us. Then, in some crazy weird forest where I saved a guy from a pack of ice wolves, *cough, cough* Derek, a handsome dude stepped out of some shadows. Mason. He helped me and my poor baby get used to our new surroundings, and, yeah...
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scfied-blog · 12 years
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Hey, hey! Its coquet again, I made a character profile for my character, Luna~
Name: Luna Vargas
Race: Snamush
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Red-ish
Age: 13
Style: Gothic Lolita
Weapon: Jointed Spear ( like a normal spear but with joints so it can bend)
Details: Luna is the owner of Dusty, her pet bear that she saved from a wild fire. Her mother was a normal Snamush, but her father is a Cat demon, the reason behind her natural cat ears. She has a huge crush on Ace O. Hearts, prince of the heart kingdom, and best friends with Taja Candy. Her favorite past times are to adventure, draw, and messing with Mason Flame. She loves to swim, despite her cat traits. Although she's not athletic, she can run very fast, and is rather strong.
Side note: Luna knows a lot about what most 13 year-olds wouldn't. Need advice or just info on all things drugs and alcohol? Shes your girl.
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scfied-blog · 12 years
Omg~ I , like, am SOOOO in love with your blog! I will, like, SOOOO make an account just to keeps up with this FANTABULASTICAL blog!
Heehee, thank you. From both of us. :D
lethalogica: I'm so stealing that word, dude. :3
Coquetlovesyou: thanks so much! I'm glad you like it~ :3 we have a lot of comics in store to put up soon~
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scfied-blog · 12 years
Oh, dear god (I'm sorry if you're offended by my lax use of the Lord's names... but I'm not). The wallpaper is distracting, it seems, so I'd like to propose a question for anyone out there with ideas appropriate for SCFIED. Pretty please?
EDIT: Nevermind, I found this rainbow tile I made a bunches of years ago. Cute?
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scfied-blog · 12 years
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Here's a profile on pet Luna's bear~ :3
Name: Dusty (Vargas)
Fur color: Dark grey/ lighter black with white spots
Eye color: Black
Age: (bear Years?) 26, still looks like a young cub.
Power: Ability to shrink and grow, like Duchess Pink's power.
Details: Dusty is Luna's loving and loyal companion, ever since Luna saved her from a wild forest fire when she was just a cub. Dusty doesn't have a crush on any of the other magical pets, (or so she says) but she does enjoy the company of Uno, Prince Ace and Princess Jacky's pet dog. She especially good friends with Duchess Pink and Chu. Dusty likes I scale trees and cliffs, and to swim. She like to hang out with other animals as well. Her favorite past time is to shrink herself and ride on Luna's shoulder while they're exploring.
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scfied-blog · 12 years
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Heehee, I'm on a roll today!
So. character profiles for Taj and Mason, and one with all four of them. I messed up on Mason's hair in his solo profile, I know. GAH, HIS BEAUTIFUL, LUSCIOUS HAIR, RUINED!!!
Anyhoo, this is what the profiles say:
Taja "Taj" Candy *off the side, it says "Hat off, hair down.")*
Position: *intentionally nothing*
Race: Snamush
Age: 13 (looks 10 or 11)
Details: Technically owner of Chu. Lives with him in what was an abandoned lighthouse in the neutral area between the Fire and Ice Kingdoms. Hates Ariana Hydra (at first). Doesn't like it when Derek Hyrda or Mason Flame fight in front of her. Hates to run or anything too much, but loves fighting, tackling, kicking, et cetera. Usually subordinate unless really P.O.ed. Best friends with Luna, and later Ariana as well. Mean, extremely, at times. Smart, so-so at art and psychology, but tries to help when needed.
*under Taj, it says,"Philosophical!" and "Origamic!"*
Mason Flame *off to the side, it says,"Can grow hair at will! ><"*
*above Mason, it says,"Holy syrup-covered crepes!"* *under him, it says,"Fudge that!"*
Position: Fire King
Race: Kires
Age: 117 (looks 14)
Details: Owner of Duchess Pink, lives in the Fire Kingdom with her. Ex of Ariana Hydra, as well as Martina Max (obsessed about him). Would be best friends with Derek Hydra if it weren't for Ariana's clingy-ness and eventual break-up. Can spontaneously light fire. High temperature, most of the time. Athletic. Cannot resist being a hero to a damsel in distress. Enjoys saving Taj Candy when she fails in saving him.
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! with Taj and Chu (or, SCFIEDwTaC)
*from left to right, then top to bottom*
Name: Taja "Taj" Candy
Race: Snamush (Lifertina)
Age: 13
Weapon/power: Bright yellow umbrella with hollow inside for katana.
Lives: in an abandoned lighthouse with Chu between the Fire and Ice Kingdoms.
Name: Chu (Candy)
Race: Dog (Milanese)
Age: (Dog-) 28
Weapons/powers: Flexible body, cuteness, expanding/decreasing.
Lives: with Taj in an abandoned lighthouse between the Fire and Ice Kingdoms.
Name: Mason Flame
Race: Kire
Age: (looks 14) 117
Weapons/powers: Instantaneous fire, can't be hurt by heat.
Lives: as the ruling king of the Fire Kingdom.
Name: Duchess Pink
Race: Dragon (Milanese)
Age: (Dog/Dragon-) 28
Weapons: Can shrink and grow. Also breathes fire.
Lives: as Mason's pet and best friend in the Fire Kingdom.
It's obvious that the last one is the oldest of the three. However, all are still pretty old. Sorry I just got the power to copy 'em up now. There's are also some inconsistencies, too.
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scfied-blog · 12 years
Another peek at what will be another LATER story.
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Kamikazannas, anyone?
Yeah, kind of forgot to add the "za" between the first "a" and first "n."
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scfied-blog · 12 years
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Because I was bored.
A gender-benders of them! Yay~
So, there's Tad Candy (Taj Candy), Madison Flame (Mason Flame), and Daria Hydra (Derek Hydra).
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scfied-blog · 12 years
Oh, my. At first, I was shocked. I NEVER DREW THAT! But then, I saw your name. Hi Cly,  hope you're feeling better (I wanna see you at school tomorrow!). Well, the drawings styles are significantly different enough, so readers should be able to know who's the artist for the piece.
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Anyhow, this is just a little peek at a distressed Taj from a story that's going to happen LATER on in the story (Luna has to get a place in the story, so do the Heart twins, *wink, wink*). So. Whaddaya' think?
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scfied-blog · 12 years
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Hey, it's coquet, I finally got around to posting my drawing of Taj. I'm not actually sure if the shirt has a patter or not because I forgot...oh well!
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scfied-blog · 12 years
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Belated Happy Valentine's Day?
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scfied-blog · 12 years
Below This One...
It occurred to me now that it's unreadable to some, and probably most.
SCRIPT (from top to bottom, left to right):
First Box- Narrating: TAJ'S NOTES!
Taj: Hi<3
Narrating: 'Sup? <3
Second Box- Taj: I'm so sorry for doin' jack for weeks now!
Narrating: Really, really am!
Third Box- Narrating: Yup.
Taj: Between school and a tiny scanner-
Narrating: WHY?!?
Taj: And being lazy...
Fourth Box- Taj: OH, FUDGE IT!!!
Narrating: ... Desperate.
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