scurpuss-blog · 7 years
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         A soft hum, and it takes a second and a half longer than the usual for her to process his words – partly because she’s had way more to drink than she normally does, mostly because the heaviness weighing down on her heart is impossible to ignore. It’s difficult for her to deviate her attention from the sinking feeling gnawing at her chest when she entertains the possibility that she’s really lost her chance to be with him for good. ❝ Maybe. But I also think it’s because underneath all that… bitterness and sarcasm, you’re a good guy. ❞  she finally says, a melancholic smile finding its way to her lips.  ❝ You take care of people. ❞   You take care of me.  &&  Her grip around the neck of the bottle tightens as she makes a confession – ( wishes it were something she could just tell him ).  ❝ To je jeden z důvodů, proč jsem se do tebe zamiloval. ❞ A pause, and she supplies him with an inaccurate translation accompanied by a light chuckle, teases –  ❝ It’s mostly why I keep you around. ❞
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           His  gaze  is  still  fixated  on  the  crown  of  her  head  when  she  speaks ,   as  if  his  concentration  is  able  to  make  up  for  their  lack  of  eye  contact .   It  takes  a  pause  for  her  words  to  sink  in ,   but  the  moment  they  manage  to  land ,   a  feeling  of  resentment               almost an OBJECTION          stirs  within  him .   Soft  and  harmless  as  the  statement  was ,   it  felt  like  anything  but  a  benediction .   A  curse .   If  his  predicament  could  be  chalked  up  entirely  to  his  feeling  of  obligation  to  others ,   he  didn’t  see  how  it  could  be  anything  else .     ❝   Yeah ,  well .  Real  far  it’s  gotten  me ,   ❞   he  mutters ,  greedily  eyeing  the  bottle  in  her  hand .   The  moment  he  hears  how  his  own  thoughts  sound  aloud ,  he  softens ,  if  only  by  a  hair .   It  sounds  harsh  and  ungrateful  to  his  ears ;  especially  when  he  knows  that  any  bitterness  or  regret  that  ails  him  now  would  only  be  amplified  were  he  to  neglect  those  he  cared  for  in  favor  of  his  ambitions .   He  had  to  believe  that  some  things  were  worth  the  sacrifice .   His  father  was  one  of  them .   So  was  she .   ❝   Ah ,   ❞   he  nods ,  permitting  her  teasing  with  a  small  laugh  of  his  own ,   ❝   I  figured  there  had  to  be  some  ulterior  motive  for  you  to  have  kept  me  around for THIS  long .   ❞
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scurpuss-blog · 7 years
Heather can tell he’s uncomfortable at the mention of Rebecca, and she opens her mouth to apologize for pouring salt in what was likely still a fresh and open wound, but what Greg says next makes anything SHE was going to try and say seem obsolete.
   “ To see ME? ”
It’s definitely UNEXPECTED, but not in a negative way. Heather is just genuinely shocked by the visit. Whether she should be this shocked or not – she was undecided on that.
She has to smile at Greg’s awkward (but thoughtful) attempt at saving a situation she’s sure he must think is heading SOUTH, with the way he’s rambling.
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   “ You’re visiting town and you decided to stop by. That’s SWEET of you, to think of me.
   —- I’d ask you if you wanted to come in, but I sort of have a HUNCH you would want to say no, but say yes out of politeness, and then it would be super weird for you. So, we’ll SKIP that. How does Boba sound? ”
         ❝   Well ,   yeah ,   I  mean ,   you  know ,   ❞   he  shrugs ,   the  pinched  smile  on  his  face  nothing  short  of  awkward .  There’s  nothing  in  her  expression  that  tells  him  she’s  bothered  or  even  uncomfortable  with  his  unannounced  arrival ,  but  her  surprise  still  informs  him  that  they  had  been  on  two  different  pages.  He  had  never  been  the  best  at  reading  Heather ,   though  this  time ,   perhaps ,   he  had  been  reaching . 
         He’s  quick  to  try  to  mend  the  situation ,   play  it  off ,   but  her  decidedly  warm  reception  brings  his  babbling  to  a  HALT .   All  he  can  do  is  return  a  weak  ‘ yeah ‘  as  she  accurately  describes his  predicament ,  allowing  her  to  take  charge  of  the  conversation  before  he  sticks  his  foot  in  his  mouth . 
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        ❝   Right ,  yeah ,   ❞   he  nearly  winces  at  the  image  of  their  little  get - together  being  interrupted  by  Rebecca  (  and ,  potentially ,  Josh ) ,  but  the  tension  dissipates  when  she  initiates  a  change  in  plans .   ❝   Boba  sounds  perfect .  It’s  been  a  while  since  I’ve  had  the  stuff .   ❞   There’s  a  pause  before  he  nods  in  the  direction  of  the  street.  ❝   Uh              I  brought  my  car .  If  you  want ,  I  can  drive .   ❞
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scurpuss-blog · 7 years
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            “ Sometimes, I think the loneliness inside of me is going to explode through my skin and sometimes I’m not sure if CRYING or SCREAMING or LAUGHING through the hysteria will solve anything at all. Sometimes I’m so  d e s p e r a t e  to touch, to be touched, to feel, that I’m almost certain I’m going to fall off a cliff in an alternate universe where no one will ever be able to find me. ”
––  OPEN  (  to  mutuals  ) 
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       ❝   That’s      .  .  .    pretty  intense .   Why  don’t  you  take  a  load  off                 try  and  get  your  mind  off  things  for  a  while              and  I’ll  get  you  something  to  drink ,   alright   ?   It’s  on  me .   ❞
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scurpuss-blog · 7 years
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scurpuss-blog · 7 years
Life is unfair. you put someone first who puts you second. you study your ass off for a final only to get a C. you give 110% to someone in a relationship who only gives 40%. you’re there for a best friend at 3:00am and the next day they don’t pick up their phone. it seems like you’re giving everyone everything and they’re just walking away with it.
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scurpuss-blog · 7 years
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she hates the way warmth spreads across her chest when his gaze meets hers – hates the longing she constantly feels for him when they’re apart and more so when he’s so, so close, hates the ache to have more, to be more than just his best friend. it’s her fault anyway. she passed on the chance to be with him all those years ago   (  &&  for what ? )   and now it’s too late. petra takes a swig at the bottle, and there’s a hint of sadness and regret in her eyes when they find his again.   ❝ sorry. ❞   she says, a small apologetic smile appearing on her lips before she inches closer, rests her head on his shoulder.   ❝ do you ever think about how odlišný things would be if you hadn’t made the same rozhodnutí at certain points in your life? ❞
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         It’s not just his level of intoxication that keeps him from getting a grasp on Petra’s thoughts, but the fact that he’d shut himself off to the very idea that concerned them YEARS ago. Even still, given her recent divorce, it wasn’t difficult to draw a different conclusion. An unvoiced huff is released in place of a chuckle and he dons a small smile at her apology. The intermittent shifts in language are humorous, if anything, to him, given the way they are easily ( and, perhaps, unconsciously ) woven into her speech. His face softens as her head perches on his shoulder, gaze fixed on her forehead given it’s the only visible part of her face. ❝ ...Well, yeah; sure. All the time, ❞ he shrugs, careful not to jostle her head. ❝ I mean, if I hadn’t stayed for my dad, my life would be totally different. It sucks         but I chose it for a reason. I don’t know it it’s about choice. I think life just deals some people some shitty cards. ❞
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scurpuss-blog · 7 years
O N E 🍎
name: christine
nickname: idt i really have any related to my name
zodiac sign: taurus
height: 5′8″
orientation: ehh hetero/demisexual
ethnicity: italian idk is that an ethnicity
favorite fruit: pomegranate
favorite season: fall
favorite book: the count of monte cristo
favorite flower: peonies and daisies
favorite scent: i tend to like dessert-y scents like gingerbread, cinnamon, cocoa
favorite animal: lambs : )
coffee, tea, or hot cocoa? probably hot cocoa, but i like tea as well
average hours of sleep: 5-9
cats or dogs? dogs
favorite fictional character: greg serrano, peyton sawyer, joe hardy, ilya kuryakin and 10,000 more
dream trip: probably israel ( my friend is going soon and should take me, cough ), or st. petersburg
when was your blog created? early february i think ?
what do you post about? threads, greg, school taking up all my time
do you get asks on a regular basis? lmao i’ve been here for like 30% of the time my blog has existed so no
aesthetic: gardens, denim overalls, late night skype calls
favorite band/artist? idt i have one omg i usually like only a few songs from a variety of artists rip
fictional characters i’d date: *stares into the camera* michael cordero jr.
hogwarts house: it took me 500 years to figure out but i think i’m a gryffindor with ravenclaw as close second
T W O 🍏
countries I’ve lived in: usa
favorite fandom: crazy ex girlfriend, nancy drew
languages you speak: english, and intermediate-ish russian and french
favorite film of 2016: tbh i think i went to the movies like once last year so i have no idea
last article you read: not sure
shuffle your music library and put your first three songs here: take me out by franz ferdinand, бейся сердце время биться by sirotkin, and stuck on the puzzle by alex turner
last thing you bought online: i think my laptop case ?
how would your friends describe you? lmao i have no idea. probably goofy, talkative, obsessed with mbti
how would your enemies describe you? idt i have enemies? at least i hope i don’t :|
who would you take a bullet for? uhh wow i’m not sure. maybe my dad or a friend idk ??
Tagged by: @petrasplaining​ Tagging: anyone who wants to !!
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scurpuss-blog · 7 years
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to my fellow musical hoe, ultimate stantino, real life anna and one of the most creative people i know – i hope you have a fun-filled day and a wonderful year to come  &&  i wish you all the best in the world and i hope you get everything you’ve ever wanted in life and more. thanks for bein a friend and know that i’m always here if you need me !! :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTINE !!  ( @scurpuss , @pochemvchka )
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scurpuss-blog · 7 years
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      Hey, guys ! I know I’ve been awful about being on here lately, but I’ve been getting swamped with loads of assignments now that the semester is finishing up. I’ll be trying to get some things done during the weekend, but I’ll be back in full swing for real at the end of April when classes are finished : )
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scurpuss-blog · 7 years
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scurpuss-blog · 7 years
Heather didn’t really feel the need to take sides. She HAD, initially—- and it wasn’t his. But sometimes, when Rebecca’s antics (which she insisted time and time again she did not do) became a little too much, it was hard not to reach out to someone who was completely and totally UNINVOLVED.
That was the great thing about talking with Greg again. It was new topics, it was drama-free, it was— quite possibly the only thing keeping Heather from losing herself completely in another person’s life.
All that being said, she was sure it was just that — two people keeping in contact so that they weren’t totally thrown into unfamiliar territory with no ties to their old lives. The last thing she expects is a visit, which is why she’s muttering a “did you forget something?” as she opens the door.
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   “ Greg? What are you — ”
This is a RISK, she realizes. A big risk. Why the HELL would he come here when he knew he could run into Rebecca and have to face that awkward encounter? Was he here to win her back? He did probably see all of Josh and Rebecca’s RIDICULOUS Instagram posts…
   “ Rebecca’s at work, ” she tells him.
         Registering her genuine confusion, it only takes a beat for him to realize that he might have gotten it all WRONG. It would have been easy, not having many close contacts in Atlanta, to over-hype their friendship ( if it could even be called that ) as something more than the casual series of texts that it was. Showing up unannounced, he feared, may have crossed a line.
           Before he can explain himself, though, she shifts the subject to Rebecca and his cheeks nearly burn. It’s hard to say whether the feeling stems more from the obvious sting he still feels over the over-the-top romance between his best friend and his ex, or embarrassment that Heather expects him to STILL be chasing after her in spite of it. Not that the idea would be entirely unfounded. He’d done it before.
          ❝ Yeah, I was kind of banking on that, ❞ he feels the need to clarify, ❝        Actually, I came here to see you. ❞
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         Considering her initial reaction, he feels the need to backtrack and further explain himself. It wasn’t like he was the type to just invite himself over and expect to be entertained. The idea of surprising her had seemed....relatively OKAY in the moment, and he had been in the area visiting his dad before stopping by. Not that it would make a really valid excuse.
        ❝ You know. I mean, I was in the area and thought I might drop by...see if you wanted to grab some coffee ? Or       ❞ His face is caught between a grimace and a smile as he lets his words trail off, begging her to chime in for him.
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scurpuss-blog · 7 years
&&. @scurpuss​ liked this.
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       ‘ listen, greg, don’t get this wrong. i like, still really dislike you — but i can’t let you walk around like this. you look like you’ve been wearing the same shirt since the 90′s. let me shop for you. ‘
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      ❝ Right. Glad we got THAT out of the way, ❞ he replies dryly, impatient to see where she leads, ❝ As tempting as that offer is, though, I’m not sure I want to start looking like I shop at Banana Republic.        And since when do you care about my outfit choices ? ❞
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scurpuss-blog · 7 years
        There was no denying how uncomfortable it had been returning home for break. In spite of his many years spent in the town that never seemed to change, it finally HAD ----  though perhaps not for the better. Nearly everyone he knew had begun a new chapter in their lives; one that no longer included him           and he was fine with that. It made it easier for him to move forward with his own life without looking back every five seconds ( not that he needed much incentive ). There were some just some changes, however, that left him more than eager to fly under the radar until he returned to Atlanta.
        That being said, he wasn’t planning on going out of his way to run into Rebecca or Josh.
       If there was ONE pleasant surprise, though, it was the friendship he had developed ( redeveloped ? ) with Heather over the past few months. Whether it spoke more for the degree of their connection or his avoidance in other areas, Greg wasn’t sure, but she had still been the first of his friends he’d chosen to visit. Of course he had made sure to drop by while her roommate was at work, but ringing the doorbell to the house, he began to wonder if the impromptu visit had been such a great idea. 
       No turning back now.
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scurpuss-blog · 7 years
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crazy ex-girlfriend characters: greg serrano (season 2)
Chernobyl next to us looks like a campfire! Hurricane Katrina was just bad weather! We have chemistry, of course, but that’s a formula for divorce. A play about pieces of feces is what we are together!
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scurpuss-blog · 7 years
Reblog if your muse is made of  ANGER  and  BAD DECISIONS
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scurpuss-blog · 7 years
gretra for the ship meme 8)
send a ship and i’ll tell you.accepting, @scurpuss
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who said “I love you” firstdid greg ever actually say the words i love you pre-wedding? i don’t think he did? lmfao. i feel like it’ll probably be petra who says it first.who would have the other’s picture as their phone backgroundneither lmfao. who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirrorneither omg.who buys the other cheesy giftsgreg usually goes for more thoughtful gifts but there’s the occasional flowers sent to her office just because, which is cute. petra would probably be more cheesy though just wait til she’s hormonal.who initiated the first kissgreg did when they were hella drunk in vegas and welp, it did not go too well for him :\who kisses the other awake in the morningpetra. who starts tickle fightsgreg. petra is NOT AMUSED GREG. but laughs anyway bc what can you do when you’re getting tickled lmfao.who asks who if they can join the other in the showergreg is the trashy half of this pair lbr, he’s usually the instigator. petra doesn’t mind getting smashed in the shower before they leave for work tho :)who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunchwith lunch or with sex i mean :\ lmao. greg goes to her office with lunch. petra goes to his office with nothing but her coat on.who was nervous and shy on the first dateneither. i mean probably a little nervous but not really either. petra’s more :”) and excited more than anything, i think. she’s waited for this for so long.who kills/takes out the spidersobviously greg. who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunkpetra did once in czech and it was awesome because greg did not understand a single thing.
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scurpuss-blog · 7 years
someone: if you are a rp blog then how come you never post any replies?
me: *sweats*
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