(I cannot comment with this account, so I'm reblogging to comment)
Chapter 135 vague spoilers!
I was wondering if 世銀 would translate to 'Silver Generation' (like, 'Hugh version 2.0'? Such creative naming Tetsu 😆 ) (My Japanese is *shaky* so I could be wrong with how it'd translate)
Someone else has surely made this connection already, but I also like the connection with Hugh and Tetsu's names have now, both being metals.
Chapter 135 reaction
Hello everyone!
I haven't read all the lines, because I've been so busy and tired from work and My God, I'm so behind on many scanlations but in the meantime I wanted to comment on a few scenes in the new chapter, 'cause it will take me a while before I get to make a proper translation.
So, let's start with the scene that I think broke the fandom and that's Hugh's adult form, LIKE OMG HE LOOKS SO SEXY!!!
So pretty😭
It's so cool that now he and Tetsu have a proper contract, he was given a shogi piece (the silver general) and Tetsu added "silver" to his already long name which Hugh found it amusing. So yeah, Hugh the Dark Algernon the Third Silver everyone! xD
Regarding the name of Hugh's ability, it's still called "Black Box", but now it has the alternative reading which I believe is in reference to "Flowers for Algernon" because we have 花束を and the Japanese title is written  [ アルジャーノンに花束を ] however his ability can be translated in a few ways, such as: "Flowers for friends I have yet to see” alternatively, I believe "Friends I have yet to meet" could also work. I don't know if it relates somehow to the story of Algernon..I only found a Japanese song that had まだ見ぬ友 in it's title. Maybe some of you have theories about what it could be referring to.
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@yarrayora (can we still not reply as side accounts? Ugh, sorry 😅 )
That is a good baseline site to keep an eye on, thank you! I'm also thinking about more casual updates, if that makes sense? Like how they post quicker sketched art for birthdays and the like, or annoucements for stuff ^^ (idk if pixivfanbox includes that kind of stuff - might have to check there, if it comes to it ^^" )
Also, some pages of that site look like they haven't been updated since the C3 arc @v@" Though I guess they'll update it if twitter goes down...?
(If twitter does actually go down) Does anyone know if Strike Tanaka's planning to continue blogging elsewhere? (and where, if so?)
(Most of the other people I follow on the bird app are artists who already have accounts on multiple sites - not sure where a mangaka would go next :") )
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(If twitter does actually go down) Does anyone know if Strike Tanaka's planning to continue blogging elsewhere? (and where, if so?)
(Most of the other people I follow on the bird app are artists who already have accounts on multiple sites - not sure where a mangaka would go next :") )
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'Big Brother...'
'Uh, I'm over here...'
Headcanon that Wrath doesn't have RBF, she's just got really bad (untreated) eyesight - she's constantly squinting, not glaring.
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I really just need y'all to know these exist (in very finite quantity). I've got one of the left-side ones, and can confirm it is gorgeous in-person.
(please consider getting one, supporting the artist, and maybe, hopefully, giving them a good reason to make more characters from the series 👀 )
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Everyone else in the Servamp fandom rn (and rightfully so): TOORU? TOUMA?? TSURUGI?!? MAHIRU?!?!?
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Australia ヽ(`▽´)ノ
Servamp fans, reblog and tag with the country you’re from.
I wanna know how international our lovely fandom is!
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New Servamp merchandise
Tanaka Strike will participate at the Winter Comicket 95 and their booth will sell some previous merchandise from the past Comickets, but this year they are releasing a new Sleepy Life comic, featuring an illustration with Tsubaki and there will be a small manga fragment about him in the book (not 4-panel style like the usual ones found in SLS) There’s also a new calendar and more cute acrylic stands with the other characters featuring their image drinks xD (Why does my baby Tsurugi the only one under the glass?? Poor him…)
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As usual, the SLS comic will feature draft designs and here we have one of Jun, who was featured on the recent volume 13. And the biggest surprise which made me yell on Christmas morning is that finally GIL AND RAY are going to be in a comic!!! I have waited so much!! Looks like the boys became buddies with Licht :)) Hey, even Wrath said that Licht was an interesting person! Apparently Licht’s angelic powers are so great that even the boys feel purified, hahaha xD (they are so trolling Lawless :)) Can’t wait to see part 2 (or maybe there are even more!) to this comic. THANK YOU SO MUCH TANAKA SENSEI!!!
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Here you go: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=66648013
Use saucenao(.)com for reverse-image searches for Pixiv, it's really good
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It really frustrates me that I can’t remember who did the original but if you do come across them, please send some love!
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Reblog if
You are still going to be here after the change. If your characters and relationships you’ve made on this shit storm of a site, is too important to abandon.
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Don't forget Mikuni and Tokoyami are voiced by the same guy!
Mahiru and Katsuki Bakugo have the same english voice actor and I literally didn’t notice the entire time I watched the servamp dub
like if you had asked me if Mahiru sounds more like Katsuki or Izuku, I would’ve said Izuku-
and then Johannes (the scientist guy) like I didn’t even notice him and Izuku have the same voice actor until I heard him laugh and was like “holy shit is that what villain Izuku would sound like”
I think the only voice I picked up on that I recognized was Ian Sinclair as Lawless/Hyde because Space Dandy- he also plays Shoji in bnha but I never would’ve guessed lol
edit; and let’s not forget Jerry Jewell as both Snow Lily and goddamn principal Nezu praise the lord
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The idea that she would choose to name him Hamlet* just seemed a little unsettling to me. Why would she name him after someone who’s the cause of madness-leading-to-death for a character who shares her name?
I’m not sure whether it’d make as much sense from an author’s standpoint either. Lawless isn’t a clear reference to Hamlet (that I can see?) - before Ophelia’s death Lawless isn’t shown to be paranoid, nor does he kill any of Ophelia’s family, nor is he a reason Ophelia dies.
(*And we can theorise that Ophelia knew of Shakespeare’s plays, and by extension their content, because she called him 'my Romeo' - regardless of whether nickname or actual name.)
And yeah, usually their names are supplemented with dots after the Eve attached to the name dies - but we have yet to see or be told about any other Eve loved by a Servamp being taken so violently from them, and whether that has any bearing on them afterwards (Wrath assumably loved her Eve, but he died from old age, which isn’t the same).
Actually, as a potential parallel - why does Tsubaki call himself Tsubaki if his title/name/'alias'(as so defined as in the wikia) is 'Who is Coming'? He's not currently contracted to an Eve - unless he had been contracted to their creator, who was also violently taken from him... But that's definitely a discussion for another post >v>"
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Why can't tumblr just post properly =.="
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Do you think that Hyde is into memes and annoys everybody with them?
1000% absolutely sure that’s the case.
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Sadly, I can’t meme even if my life depended on it(?), so I turned to my conversations with my dear friend and accomplice, since she’s the meme queen blamethank you in public once again(?)ww>
Also, sorry for the handwritting orz
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^All you need from SLS 13
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