sethrosa · 9 years
sorry for not being on, busy few days tbh, ill be on tomorrow after work thought probably!!
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sethrosa · 9 years
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Seth was walking behind the other, his hues following as the male pushed past people-- just as he had done to him beforehand. After a bit, he'd ended up behind him, falling back a step when the other suddenly turned on his heel and consequently made contact with his torso. Up until this point, he didn't quite know what was wrong with the other, but it didn't take him more than one glance at his features to acknowledge his state-- Seth being quite knowledgeable in this particular field. "You good, man?" He asked, the words leaving his lips in a partially concerned tone. There was a light pause before he posed another question, "So, what are you on right now? You seem pretty fucked."
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One foot in front of the other, breath in and out through the nose— that the thought process running through the blonde man’s head as he pushed past several people in search of somewhere quiet to sit for a moment. “Fucking, fuck, fuck, fuck.” He hissed. Grant knew better than to take anything in the middle of the day, especially molly in high concentration, he’d been scolded more than once for it. Yet, the moment his hands started trembling he couldn’t stop himself from reaching for it. He was a fucking rockstar, it was to be expected. This was the life he lead and if they didn’t like it, then fuck them. “Sorry, shit, sorry.” He said spinning around on his heel having come in contact with what could only be thought of as a brick wall. Focus. The wall was definitely moving, speaking. Talking. “What the fuck.”
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sethrosa · 9 years
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“Er — help?” In any other circumstance,a kitten having found it’s way onto Carter’s back would be adorable, really — but seeing as he was borderline deathly allergic, he would rather not take the chances. And it wasn’t like this was the most comfortable position to be in to begin with. “It seems I’ve been mistaken for a tree.”
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His head turned after hearing the voice, his brows furrowing upon the sight. Nonetheless, he lifted the cat from the other's back, letting it instead lay down in his lap after he'd sat down. Seth then looked to the other, a questioning look in his hues. " Not fond of cats? "
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sethrosa · 9 years
i wanna interact damn
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sethrosa · 9 years
i redid my theme im so ready 2 be back
update: i fucked up
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sethrosa · 10 years
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sethrosa · 10 years
i havent been on in like a week i m sorry, i might be on tonight
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sethrosa · 10 years
@rosa4seth: @sethrosa we all know that jonah punched you cause he found out you're cheating on him with coralie ;)) #livinginafanfic
@sethrosa: @rosa4seth the whole thing is a cover story obviously, people were catching on so he married gemma and punched me
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sethrosa · 10 years
@RA_UpdatesUK: @sethrosa @rxcklessxth why did he punch you anyway? Xx
@sethrosa: @RA_UpdatesUK @rxcklessxth uhhh, he was accusing me of doing something i didn't, and then when i denied it and explained, that happened..
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sethrosa · 10 years
@rxcklessxth: @sethrosa how's your broken nose bby :-( I thought you and Jonah were friends, sighh
@sethrosa: @rxcklessxth it's almost healed i think, and so did i
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sethrosa · 10 years
text. // seth
val: i'm sorry about him... you shouldn't have to take the blame for something i did. it just upsets him to see me on drugs idk
val: i know that's no excuse to punch you tho, i promise i'll talk to him about it
val: yeah, i will be. thank you, that was honestly just a mistake i didn't do thinking clearly, it won't happen again. are you okay?
seth: yeah, i'm fine, i can take a punch
seth: i just don't like him being mad at me y'know, because it wasn't my fault
seth: if it was my fault i could deal with him being mad because i'd get it but
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sethrosa · 10 years
text. // seth
valerie: what??
valerie: no of course not
valerie: i knew what i was taking, seth... i probably shouldn't have mixed it with drinks that probably had more stuff put in them, and i did nevertheless. that wasn't your fault
seth: idk i tried explaining that it wasn't my fault to jonah but he seems to think otherwise
seth: that's the whole reason he punched me y'know
seth: and be more careful, yeah? i dont want anything bad happening to you
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sethrosa · 10 years
text. // val
seth: do you think it was my fault?
seth: like the whole overdose thing..
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sethrosa · 10 years
   ”Yeah, I’ve got to agree.. If, of course, your goal is to supply the resources for people with a family history of drug abuse to overdose in clubs, then yeah. You’re fantastic at what you do. You should be proud of yourself.”
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     "I went over this. It wasn't my fucking fault."
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sethrosa · 10 years
   ”Do you get mobbed? I never noticed your fans actually.. cared, I guess. I mean, after you were nominated for two VMAs and didn’t win in either category. Perhaps that was just a bad night for Reckless Abandon.”
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     " What can I say? Guess I'm a better drug dealer than musician. I'm sure Valerie could confirm how great of a drug dealer I am. "
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sethrosa · 10 years
How do you even have fans when you’re not grateful for them? You can’t just pick and choose when you want them to be around, it doesn’t work like that.
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You're twisting my words.
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sethrosa · 10 years
The people that recognize you in public are your fans. Didn’t you just say that you liked them?
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Don't get me wrong, I like meeting them and all, but if I could just do stuff sometimes without being recognized it'd be nice.
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