What the-.. really!? I wasn't expecting this.. and how old are Ichirou and Ryoba in 2022?
Guys, aren't Ichirou and Ryoba supposed to attend the same school?
I couldn't find him
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Probably, by the way this rule is in my school too
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Guys, aren't Ichirou and Ryoba supposed to attend the same school?
I couldn't find him
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What is this?
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So what the hell does a dentist's office have to do with Yandere Simulator?
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unpopular opinion:
Megami gives me Elsa's vibe (from Frozen) like gloves that are hiding something (I still have the theory that Megami is hiding something in her arm like a scar), high responsibility and a dangerous secret that can defame her reputation.
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Now that made me a bit sad, also, do you mind sharing the other questions and answers?
NO,i just cant😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Why do you break my heart,dev😣
(Dev answered some of my questions in an email)
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Megami: Kaga are you listening?
Kaga: no.
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Today's teaser image is of ten new manga that the protagonist can find! It looks to be horror and romance manga, and Dev even references romance manga in his blog post, but those genres already exist in the game. Why would he add more of the same type of book? Maybe they just extend the stat boosts you can get. Or maybe... the books that are already in the game... haven't been published yet 👀 potential evidence for 1980's Mode???
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You can send it, sometimes I send questions about the characters and he answers them all.
Does yandev happily accept these sort of questions related to characters? I have a few related to Kencho but i just wanted to make sure I wouldn't be a bother, you can read what I have planned below if you want.
Hello Yandere-Dev! Thank you for opening my email, I am a huge longtime fan of the game, and I am also a huge fan of one of your minor characters, Kencho Saikou. I have a few silly questions to ask about him, and a few more serious ones, so here they are:
1. What does Kencho want in a relationship, whether it be platonic, romantic, or whatever lies inbetween?
2. Does Kencho have any direct ties to Info-Chan?
3. Does Kencho have any friendships or romantic relationships, and are any of them genuine, or are they either fake/one-sided?
4. Would you be able to directly interact with him sometime during Megami's week or earlier?
5. Will he ever be seen on locations other than the boat, such as some days he's on the boat while others he can be seen around town or spying on the school?
6. Would he adopt a more of a hypebeast-esque style? (https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/hypebeast if you are unfamiliar with the term) if he weren't under the pressure of impressing his dad and his family's strict rules?
7. Does he have any hobbies? Any additional desires other than to "beat" Megami?
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Megami and Kaga with a child:
Kaga: Meg! Meg! Meg!
Megami: For love a God... What's happen?!
Kaga: Satoshi don't stop to cry and I can't found the turn off button!!
Megami: Dear...
Kaga: What?
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I have a headcanon of Kagami:
In short, Megami is in a bad mood. So Kaga sets up a simple singing show for her, he has brought a mic and a jazz, and a small chair. Kaga is the singer and the musician (I hope he can play jazz lol) and the little chair is for Megami.
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Assumption: you are super duper cute aaaaaaand you like cake!
When did I get this question? I hope it's not too long ago, anyway, thanks and yup I like cake.
Specially the chocolate cake
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Osana is that toxic friend who fills her friend with bad thoughts after she gets a boyfriend or fiancé, but she doesn't mean to break them up, she just thinks her friend deserves someone better.
(I'm not sure if anyone thought of this before me or not, sorry if that's true)
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Kaga talking with Megami's father:
Ichirou: So... What are you here?
Kaga: Míster Saikou... I know that you are probably angry, may in a 100% but I just want to say... that you're an exemple to how a genius as me can be an extroardinary buissnes man: elegant, responsable and a man of justice!!
Ichirou: You only say those things because you want to go out with my daughter!!
Kaga:...and as I see, míster... You are very intelligent too!!
Megami: God... Kill me, please.
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Kaga: Just trust me. Have I ever put you guys in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation?
Horo: All the time!
Kaga: Then you should be used to it by now.
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I want to scream excitedly.
you ever get an idea stuck in your head and decide to wait on it in favor of your other ideas first but then your other ideas suck and you end up getting carried away with the first idea? yeah. anyway here’s part two of this drabble about kaga proposing to megami
Keep reading
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