shadowflayeronlyfanz2 · 4 minutes
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guys in unison we say happy birthday to this thing
( and yes im the creator who made it 🎊🎉 )
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"will byers is secretly evil uwu" tell me you don't understand his character without telling me
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rose 🌹
★ twitter | ko-fi | ig | prints ★
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byler nation how did we have byler doubt after vol 2 when we got this scene....like it is so obvious the endgames standing next to each other and el standing by herself like the queen she is....i honestly cant wait to see independent el!
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listen. fiction may be fiction, but fiction is created by real, actual people and it has real, actual implications and consequences. fiction does not exist in a bubble of “it doesn’t really matter”, it has never existed in a bubble of “it doesn’t really matter”, and people being critical of fictional works for how they present real, actual things that really, actually happen is important.
“IT’S JUST FICTION” is not a fucking defense. it is not a good excuse. it has never been a good excuse. it will never be a good excuse. creations by real, actual people have real, actual implications in our real, actual world, and if people are critical of some work of fiction, there’s usually a pretty solid reason for that.
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girl what on earth are you saying
"my theory is that will is Brenner from the past!🤓☝️" you are a moron. will would never hurt anyone the way Brenner hurt people. you just hate will and it shows.
47 notes · View notes
reminder that you've made posts about Brenner being a rapist. just FYI
"my theory is that will is Brenner from the past!🤓☝️" you are a moron. will would never hurt anyone the way Brenner hurt people. you just hate will and it shows.
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Catra's Abuse of Adora Has No Excuse
I know this is an old series. I know a lot of people don't believe in talking negatively about shows that have already ended and that it doesn't matter anymore.
But it matters to me.
Because spop has framed the abuse victim in this story as the idiot and the one in the wrong, the one who should've just stayed with her abuser and never "left" her, while the abuser gets off scott free and likely continues her actions.
Victim blaming very and real and prevalent, forgiving or defending abusers in real life is very real and prevalent.
This is an important thing to call out and discuss because what you put in your creations affects reality.
Spop IS a kids show, and kids often accept what they're exposed to as the norm or as something to copy. You can't just sweep it under the rug, saying it's just a show.
So that's why I want to talk about Catra and why all the trauma in the world does not sxcuse abusing your partner, or at the very least should not frame your partner as the one in the wrong for wanting to leave you.
Catra is a character adored and worshipped by the fandom and defended with cult-like ferocity and obsession (death threats, gaslighting, doxxing, bullying, etc).
Many of her actions are actively ignored and excused by the fans and writiers, especially the main thing about Catra:
Her blatant abuse of Adora
I can hear the cries of outrage now
"You're just homophobic! Of course you criticise the queer couple! You just hate Catra! Catra is a victim of a abuse! They're in a war! Catra said sorry! But Catra loves Adora! You don't know what abuse is!"
And then they write an essay about Catra's sad backstory
In response to this I would like to quote one of my favourite B99 characters Jake Peralta:
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Or in this case:
"Cool backstory, still abuse"
I really like Catra.
She's a cool character and an excellent villain. She has a very interesting and complicated psyche, a result of growing up in the Horde. A toxic, abusive environment that gave her attachment issues and likely ptsd and other problems. She lashes out because of her trauma, she is aggressive and rude so that she isn't vulnerable, to avoid being hurt.
There are many reasons for her actions, but it does not excuse them even if the narrative does.
Expecially her actions towards Adora, the person's she supposed to have loved all this time.
As I've said in another post, most abuse in media isn't very subtle because people still don't really take subtle abuse that seriously and often blame the victims. (Which is a whole other kettle of fish)
Not subtle abuse in media often consists of the following:
•Screaming or yelling at your partner, tearing apart their self esteem or threatening them
•Gaslighting/guiltripping them*
•Hitting them or physically assaulting them in any way
•Trying to kill them
•The victim is immensely afraid of/distressed by their abuser
*Note for this: it can depend on the depiction because its either abusive and in your face or romantic and just trying to help you depending on the story and writer
It astounds me to see Catra has done every single one of this things to Adora, and both the fandom and the writers excuse it or say "it isn't abuse, actually"
I'm gonna go through each bullet point and discuss how Catra does these things, mention excuses fans make up for it and point out their errors
Let's go
•Screaming and yelling at your partner, tearing apart their self esteem and threatening them
Catra is not someone who screams her throat raw, but she does yell when she lashes out and does so often at Adora.
She's constantly insulting her intelligence, making her doubt herself, telling her nothing she does matters, calling her weak and demeaning her.
She rips into her and treats her like trash beneath her heel when they were in the fake reality.
Again, we often see Adora repeating a similar rhetoric, believing what Catra and SW say fully or sometimes starting to believe it.
DURING her confession, Catra calla Adora an idiot. While Adora is basically dying, in this crucial moment for both of them, she resorts to insulting her intelligence.
"But her feelings were so obvious and Adora didn't notice!"
Let me tell you, spop has a massive tell don't show problem. This defence could've easily been true IF the writers bothered with evem something small like Catra hesitating to harm Adora or treating her with more care when fighting than with her other enemies, or at the very least treating her kindly.
They have done none of that. Instead they had other characters (E.g Horde Prime) talk about how much she cares for Adora and how strong her emotions are for her.
Literally the only way anyone could've known Catra loved Adora is through these characters giving exposition.
Adora is not an idiot for not realising Catra loved her, because Catra's actions do not show love or even an ounce of basic respect.
Making Adora doubt her intelligence and abilities is not love. Mocking Adora the way she does is not love. Torturing Adora is not love.
Telling Adora that she was a mistake and that "none if this would've happened if you didn't come through that portal" is not love.
Nothing she does to Adora is an act of love.
And also, not being very good at deciphering or recognising emotions that are "obvious" does not make you stupid, jfc
"Catra just says those things because she's angry, she doesn't mean them!"
It doesn't matter if she's angry and doesn't mean what she said. She says it. And there's never a scene were she regrets her words.
Her anger is a reason, not an excuse. That behaviour is not okay.
•Gaslighting/guiltripping them
Catra often likes to talk about Adora abandoned her, how Adora kept leaving her alone, and the show shifts to frame this as true and paints Adora in the wrong.
In Season 5 she's asks Adora "Please, just this once, stay?" After Catra herself being the one to run away, to make Adora feel guilty for the very much correct actions she took previously.
Adora refused to return to the Horde which was committing mass genocide and destroying everything in its path and painted as the bad guy for doing this.
Adora told Catra what they were doing. Begged Catra to come with her so they could start a new life. Throughout the series she is giving Catra chance after chance and trying her best to stay with her.
Every time, Catra has been doing the leaving.
Running away, abandoning Adora in the temple, vanishing in a blast or puff of smoke when it covers her.
She does the leaving, and she convinces Adora that it is in fact Adora leaving, and that she is bad person/friend for wanting nothing to do with the Horde.
The portal reality is the worst for me.
Adora is distressed and afraid, feeling like she's losing her mind and that something is wrong with her.
Catra, fully knowing the truth, gaslights her by saying she's crazy and just seeing things. And also is insults her intelligence yet again.
Making Adora doubt her own intelligence is also a form of manipulation and gaslighting.
Blaming Adora for everything that happened in the fake reality is gaslighting.
"But Adora DID leave Catra!"
Yeah. At the beginning after learning the Horde was committing mass genocide and after Catra tazed her twice. Refusing to go back. She was fully in the right. She apologised later and tried to get Catra to join her, so they could both continue being together. But Catra left her over and over again after that.
"The portal reality made Catra happy! It helped her cope with her trauma! She was having a mental breakdown!"
Hmm let me see isn't allowing your partner to continously be distressed and afraid and gaslighting them so you can be happy idk... selfish and abusive?
Yep she was having a break down. She was still in full control of her actions, and no trauma makes that okay in any way
•Hitting them or physically assaulting them in any way
Literally something Catra has done since they were children.
I can forgive the times they were small, because they don't know better and are abused children. But from episode one before Adora even left the Fright Zone Catra was pulling her around by the hair shoving her and over all being very aggressive.
After Adora leaves the Horde Catra: tazes her, tears at her skin with claws that can cut through metal, leaves her with scars, tortures her, kicks her and so much more.
Over and over again. Without a single sign of remorse.
"They were in a war!"
Yeah. Emphasis on the "they". Adora was in that war too. She was always worried for Catra, actively holding back, trying not to hurt too badly, treating her with respect.
Catra did none of that. She didn't even bother to show the slightest remorse or hesitate one second before clawing at her back and face.
Catra, in fact, is less violent with the sort of strangers that are Bow and Glimmer. She tackles Bow to the ground and hisses at him, that's it. Adora? Tearing at her skin, kicking her in the back, grabbing her by the face, torturing her, etc
War is not an excuse
"Catra's backstory! It's how they were raised! She's a victim of abuse copying her abuser because she doesn't know any better! She's lashing out!"
Cool backstory, still abuse.
Okay. She's lashing out. Doesn't excuse it. She is still actively harming Adora, and if she really can't control herself or see the wrong in it like some people claim, then that only supports the fact she is NOT good for Adora.
•Trying to kill them
The portal.
Catra knew what was going to happen.
She knew what she was going to cause.
She looked Adora dead in the eyes and pulled the switch anyways.
She didn't care as long as Adora lost. She is willing to let Adora die in order to win.
"But Catra wanted to die too!"
Okay. That doesn't matter. That doesn't justify anything. Being suicidal does not justify attempted murder.
"But (any excuse)!"
I honest to god do not care.
Just like Adora said:
"I didn't make you pull the switch. You made your choice. Now live with it!"
There is NO conceivable way for Catra knowingly doing what she did just so Adora didn't win to be okay.
She tried to kill the woman she supposedly loved.
That is not excusable.
That is not love.
And what's worse is after Adora begins to accept that Catra will not change and that trying to be peaceful will not work. Being together again is a dream. And the show rips that away.
•The victim is immensely afraid of/distressed by their abuser
Adora is absolutely terrified of Catra, or at the very least a bit afraid of her.
Every time Catra grabs Adora by the face or pins her down, Adora's eyes are wide with fear or at the very least immense discomfort.
In Roll With It, Adora is incredibly distressed and works herself into a complete state because nobody is considering what Catra will do.
"But Adora just wants to see Catra! She's thinking about her obsessively like this, it's a sign of her feelings!"
Adora knows what Catra is capable of. She knows what will happen to them if they aren't prepared. Planning out every possible option because of what could happen is not a sign of her feelings. It's a sign that she knows Catra will show no mercy, and she does not want the mission to fail or her friends to get hurt.
While Catra isn't directly present here, this is all because of her actions. Actions that have a reason, but not an excuse.
It is not healthy or romantic for your love interest to be afraid of you.
Moving on
At the end of the portal incident, Adora stared at Catra with cold eyes that clearly said "You've crossed a line"
It is here that many critics agrees that it's a bit late for Catra to have a redemption, because this truly was above anything else she had ever done.
This was where they could have had Adora move on from Catra and begin unlearning all the negative things Catra and others have embedded in her psyche.
If they did manage to do Catra's redemption right, whether during S5 or before it, I think it would've been best for the two of them to separate. It's made clear with how being away from the Horde and Adora made Catra happier when she was in the Crimson Waste.
I don't think either of then should've been in romantic relationships at all. Horde soldiers don't even know what proper food is, they've never heard of basic things like parties and the like.
I think it would've been better for them to slowly heal in their own time, Adora being happy with her newfound friends and learning the ways of Etheria and Catra staying in the Crimson Waste or somewhere else.
Romance should've been something to come to them when they've both matured and healed, and with different people.
Spop had the perfect opportunity to show that even if an abuser has trauma it is still abuse and it is not selfish to walk away.
It doesn't how sorry they are, it doesn't matter how much they claimed to have changed.
You are not obligated to be with them.
You are not obligated to be their punching bag just so they can be happy.
But spop didn't take that opportunity.
Instead this behaviour is excused or romanticised.
And the fact that the creator says this is based off his own relationship makes me deeply concerned.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed and that this wasn't too much of a mess! If you disagree with me, feel free to give your reasons and I will happily discuss with you. If you're just going to call me a homophobe and throw a fit and start fights, you can screw off
Tagging: @spop-romanticizes-abuse
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i hope yall realize that will being child Brenner would be a homophobic way to end his storyline right..? like isnt it implied that Brenner raped henry? will being Brenner would basically imply that a sweet innocent boy is capable of doing that simply cause he's gay. but no, you people don't realize that. you're too busy circlejerking and cornplating your awful theories.
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prev why do you hate will. why do you think he is capable of such horrors. and don't try to say you don't hate him, cause it's obvious you do.
"my theory is that will is Brenner from the past!🤓☝️" you are a moron. will would never hurt anyone the way Brenner hurt people. you just hate will and it shows.
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reminder that catradora is awfully written and abusive!! just in case u forgot:)
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someone told me because I ship byler I must hate eleven and i just wanna speak on behalf of all bylers because wdym thats literally my daughter??
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this is an eleven appreciation post
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"my theory is that will is Brenner from the past!🤓☝️" you are a moron. will would never hurt anyone the way Brenner hurt people. you just hate will and it shows.
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btw if it turns out will is Brenner from the past I'm killing the duffers
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stranger things 3 was BAD. there was some good stuff obviously, but bro WHY did they make Karen a pedophile. WHY were the main villains the Russian government. WHY WERE HALF THE CHARACTERS SIDELINED FOR NO REASON. fuck st3 like actually
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a bottom-tier autistic experience is being told throughout your entire childhood that you are just an overthinker when it comes to social situations and later finding out that your friends did, in fact, hate being around you and tried to communicate that through weird little hints
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All the pretty bugs~
Lady Jane Prentiss- Corpse eating butterfly
Queen Agnes - Monarch butterfly
Jon Sims (witch) - Small emperor moth
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