silverhawx-blog · 7 years
How to change America.
Start a gang. Hardcore kill people for looking at you wrong gang. Recruit. Recruit. Recruit. Get big. Get known. Stay serious. Start trouble. Run drugs. Take protection money. Then you find the smart members. Send them to college. They become cops, lawyers, doctors, etc. Your cops allow you to work. Your doctors keep your people healthy. Your lawyers work the system to get your guys out of jail time.
Then reform happens. Make some of your cops good cops. They catch and arrest your guys. Some of your lawyers become judges who are hard on your jailed guys. Long sentences. They recruit while in jail. Except some of your psychiatrists have set up a reform system. They reform your guys. The reformed gang members become productive members of society. They get educated. They do real hard working jobs. They start small businesses. Your "good" cops get promoted. This goes on until you run the police force. Until you control the justice system with lawyers, police, judges, and the prisons. You have to keep spreading your gang. Continuing to grow. Cross state lines. Become a real threat. Continue to school the smart ones and take over medical and justice systems. The leaders of the prison reform programs run for office. Start small. Mayors. State congress. Get their names known. After a while one becomes Governor. After all if they can work a prison to reform gang members just imagine what they could do on a bigger scale. Now you control a state. After awhile it becomes more. You put people in the national guard and reserves. Maybe even active duty military. Get them promoted. Make some officers. Now you have a foot in the military.
Your governors come down hard on your gang. Making it flee from the states to new states. This goes viral and everyone knows them. These are the guys who were able to beat the gangs. They run for congress. Get them in the senate and house. Make them all different political parties. You do this until you control congress. Have the majority vote. Then two of your guys run for president. Doesn't matter who wins because you control both of them.
Now you own the president and congress. Make whatever reform you need to. Whatever reform you want. Supreme court doesn't like it? They die. Guess who appoints new judges. That's right. The president and congress. So your guys are now also on the supreme court. You now own the government. Do what you need, want, or whatever. Make your reform.
TL;DR: you and everyone else are now being watched by NASA.
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silverhawx-blog · 7 years
I'm sorry.
But you don't get to be mad at me for suggesting you have a dick when you just told me to suck it.
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silverhawx-blog · 7 years
As a Kyle I must reblog.
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silverhawx-blog · 7 years
Something part 8
Captain Ladd stood in shock. He didn't know who had fired the first shot, and at this point it didn't matter. Those monsters, he refused to believe they were dinosaurs, had come charging from the doors and it seemed time stood still. At least until the first gunshot. Then he watched as his men lost all training. Not that there was training for this. Some running for their lives, some frozen with fear, and others who had reacted to the initial gunshot and were just firing as many rounds as they could. It was the third option that left him in shock. The sounds of gunfire were a common thing for him. Screams were not unknown. But it was the reaction of the beasts, or rather lack thereof that caused his shock. With M240s, M16s, SAWs, and even SKARs all firing the beasts didn't seem to so much as flinch. There was no hint of blood or any type of wound on them. The static of his comms bringing him back to reality.
"All squads engage. All tanks engage, fire at will."
He looked back to see the tanks start moving, taking aim. Relief coming over him as he looked back at the monsterms before he all but shit his pants. In what had felt like a fraction of a second the 300 meters between them had turned to zero. He watched in horror as a triceratops crashed through the sandbag and concrete barriers before the horn met his stomach. Cracking his chest plate with ease before sliding through and into his stomach.
"The tanks are too late" he tried to say, instead only spewing out blood before blacking out as the horn pushed further.
White House
The president sat in disbelief. Dinosaurs had just invaded earth. Not only invaded but attacked without warning or being provoked. Dinosaurs, was that what they truly were?
Staff members scrambled around, checking wiring connections as others checked every feed. All showing the exact same thing. Static.
"Nuke them. Let's just nuke the ship and surrounding area."
"Are you crazy? That ship is almost the size of Georgia. It covers almost the entire fucking state. All f those homes and businesses that would be lost!"
"Those are already lost. Either crushed or burned up by that ship. Nuke the area and let's be done with it."
"What about our men on the ground. They would all be lost."
The president closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The arguing was doing nothing to help and he was growing frustrated. Finally interrupting them.
"Enough! We will not be nuking the south. Because that is what it would take. We have no idea if we have any men left on the ground, how far those... things... have gone, how many may or may not be left on that ship. We would have to nuke all of Georgia and all of the surrounding states. I will not be the president that wiped out the South. Now somebody get me a satellite feed of the area!"
Ground zero somewhere near the Florida border
Corporal Hall sat at the entrance to the storm drain. Slightly rocking as he tried to catch his breath. The scene he had just witnessed flashing before his eyes even with them tightly shut. As his own breathing calmed he became aware of the muffled crying and panicked talking behind him.
He turned and looked over the people further in the tunnel. Three privates he had thrown into the drain and the small group they stumbled upon in hiding there. 2 grown men, 1 grown woman, 2 teenage boys, and a little girl. At least the civilians all had some form of high powered rifle. So they wouldn't be completely useless.
He knew it was wrong to run from a battle but he had held out as long as he could. Sending rounds down range until there was no more down range. It wasn't until those things were on top of him that he broke and ran. Stumbling upon the three lower enlisted, who had at least had the sense to not drop their weapons, and finding a place to hide. The sounds of gunfire and screams had died down. Now only the sounds of roars and stomping as he tried desperately to calm and quiet those with him.
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silverhawx-blog · 7 years
Something part 7
Quentz continued to bring the shuttle down. His flying brethren had secured the air space and were keeping the flying machines at bay.
"Deploying landing gear. Unlocking cargo and hangar bay doors. Touchdown in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."
The ship shook as it touched down. The landing gear taking the weight of the ship and adjusting to keep it level. As green lights flashed across his screen he looked around the now empty bridge. He smiled as he slammed his fist down on the door controls. All hanger and cargo bay doors opening. Turning he left the stuffy room and made his way as quickly as he could to the fresh air and free skies that awaited him.
Cargo Bay 1
Ty waited at the door. The landing having been smoother than he expected. Stepping back as the lights flashed and he heard the motors start to move the doors. Turning to the mass of those he had been in charge of protecting and saving.
"These mammals no nothing of who we are or what we come for. This is our planet. Our home! Your birth right! Everything we worked for, we waited for, slaved for. Let us remind them why they used to fear us. Send them back to their holes and darkness!"
He turned, letting out a long earsplitting roar as the doors finally opened enough to fit through. The entire ship shaking as all made their way towards an opening. Forcing their way off their prison and back to the open world. Grins spreading across their faces as the smell of fear and cries of panic met them.
White House
The president watched the live feed. He still couldn't believe what he was seeing. Fucking pterodactyls, seriously? Pterodactyls had emerged from the ship. Thousands of them. If not more. And destroyed an entire squadron of F16s in seconds. Just what were they dealing with? He watched as the ship deployed what could only be landing gear.
"Mr. President, we've evacuated as much of Georgia as possible. The surrounding states are also in the process of evacuating. Unfortunately due to the size of this... thing... It seems most of Florida is cut off."
The president nodded. Half hearing the update as he watched the scene before him. The ship had landed and it appeared doors all around it were opening. He switched the live feed to a camera next to one of the generals so he could see what the army was seeing. Turning up the volume he heard commanders giving orders to hold fire and stay ready. Then it came. A roar. Something from a horror movie. Followed by the heavy stumbling of soldiers around the camera.
The camera zoomed into one of the openings. Waiting for whatever emerged. Whatever had made that roar and the entire room nearly fell over when they saw it. Tens, hundreds, thousands of dinosaurs. More types than the president had even known existed emerged from the ship. Roars and screams filled the air before being drown out by the sound of gunfire. The camera being knocked over he now could see the soldiers. Some frozen with fear, others running for their lives, others still firing into the mass of giant reptiles headed for them. The entire room looking on in horror and disbelief until the camera feed went black and turned to static.
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silverhawx-blog · 7 years
Something part 6
Quentz dropped the ship from orbit. Flames erupting from around the ship as it dropped in altitude. He watched as the clouds he had missed so much came into view and came closer and closer. Finally the flames ceased. The clouds splitting to make way for the giant ship.
He keyed in the all clear to the hanger bays where his fellow fliers were all waiting. They would be the first to be unleashed upon this new world. Clearing space and securing a safe landing. His all clear also sent a message to the waterlings. Signaling them to come out of hiding and to start their takeover of the oceans and water ways.
Steg looked up from his console. Looking back at the captain. "Sir, the all clear has been given and the flyers await your command to launch. Scans are also showing that all of the humans flying machines have ceased operation. I'll keep an eye on the radar to see if any are launched."
Ty nodded and turned towards Tor. "Have the flyers take to the skies. We'll see how these humans react. Prepare everyone for touchdown." Tor nodded and started to work on his own console.
Nodon turned to his brothers. "Once upon a time we ruled these skies. They were our home and our kingdom. Forces outside of our control drove us from them and we slept. And it was during our slumber that the tiny mammals found the courage to step up. Only after our absence did they find the strength to come out of hiding. Today we remind them why they hid. Why they were afraid of every shadow and every gust of wind. Fly my brothers! Take back what is ours!"
Nodon turned and slammed his wing against the door panel. Cheers and screeches sounding behind him. Wind starting to whip around them as the doors opened. The smell of fresh air filling them. He opened his wings wide and jumped from the ship. Yelling behind him "FLY!!"
He watched as the sky filled with his brethren. Taking delight in being able to stretch his wings and fly once more. Taking a moment to let the joy override him. Allowing the others the same chance before signaling and calling out to them. "Form up. Stay with the ship. If any of the humans flying craft come near destroy them." His squad forming on him as they circled the ship. Some of the squads perching up so they could switch out without getting too tired.
He saw the human's aircraft long before he heard the roars from their engines. He watched them closely as he took up a perch on the ship. Allowing him to conserve his energy as well as keep a better eye on the humans. He signaled to his brethren to being themselves in closer. Waiting to see just how close the humans would come. Giving a wicked grin as they played into his trap.
Four aircraft took up formation on each side of the Ark. Getting close enough that his brethren were having to fly around them. Watching as the humans inside motioned towards them. Some starting to freak out as they got a closer look at his group. With a cry he jumped from the Ark. Landing on the closest aircraft he swung and ripped off both tail fins. His fingers wrapping around a wing and starting to pull. Doing whatever damage he could before he felt the aircraft start to lose control. Releasing the wing he opened his own wings and allowed the wind to pull him as the damaged aircraft dropped from the sky. Other perched fliers following his lead and destroying the remaining aircraft.
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silverhawx-blog · 7 years
Something part 5
And I do want to warn you guys. Some parts of this one are a little graphic. So just keep that in mind
Mimi walked along the boardwalk. It was early and the sun was just starting to peak above the horizon. She hated being awake this early but her young baby had decided it was time to be awake and these walks were one of the few things that calmed him back down. She walked, ignoring the few runners and the sounds of the ocean. It was the annoying screeches of the seagulls that caused her to stop. Noticing there were many more than usual she looked out towards the beach. The water a foamy red. But not because of the morning sun. She looked across the beach and dropped her phone. There laying on the beach was a blue whale, or what was left of it.
O'Malley rowed out into the loch. Enjoying the work it took to row and looking forward to the relaxation that would follow. Just him, his fishing pole, and a cooler full of his favorite beer. He smiled as he locked the oars into place and started to get comfortable on the small boat. Waiting for the log in front of him to pass before casting into the water. Slowly he started to get annoyed as the log seemed to have just stopped. Moving to get a closer look he realized it was getting bigger. Coming out of the water. As the object came up he spotted a black eye. Hatred and anger burning in it. Followed by the mouth and rest of the head. The long neck showing as it rose. He fought to unlock his oars as he quickly prayed. The mouth opened before diving down towards him. With a splash he and his boat disappeared. The waves dieing down across the loch.
Chad sat atop his lifeguard tower. Staying comfortable as he tanned. Lazily looking out across the beach as he listened to the people. He made mental notes of the small groups playing out a little farther than the rest but decided they weren't hurting anything so let them have their fun. His attention was drawn to the sudden quietness that seemed to spread across the beach. He sat up straight and looked out. Seeing the multiple fins that signaled sharks. And then he saw the impossibly big one that forced him to remove his sunglasses. Grabbing his binoculars he looked out and confirmed it wasn't a trick of the heat. Reaching for his whistle he heard it. The blood curdling scream that ripped across the water. He dropped his binoculars as other screams followed. Looking out he noticed the panic of swimmers attempting to get back to shore. The red foamy waves that followed them. Looking to where the farther out groups had been playing he saw nothing but red water and what looked like limbs bobbing in the water. He jumped from his tower and took off at a run. Giving a quick glance to his left and right he saw the other guards do the same from their towers. Finally getting his whistle to his lips he blew with all he had. Waving for everyone to get away from the water as his feet hit the surf. The red already taking over. He pulled at the little kids, pushing adults up toward the beach. His sights set on the small boy who appeared to be frozen with fear. He fought the incoming waves. Pushing out further until his head was almost under as he reached for the boy. The fin dangerously close as he grabbed the boys hand and started to pull him to shore. He saw the pain on the boys face before he heard the scream. Without thinking he pulled the boy closer and started to jab and poke at the shark. Aiming for eyes or gills or whatever else he could find. Feeling the predator attempting to pull it's meal from his grasp he fought harder. He felt his fingers connect with the sharks eye and silently celebrated as he felt the pull disappear from the boys body. He fought his way up and onto the beach yelling for someone to call a medic before collapsing onto the beach. Starting CPR before realizing the boy was gone. Everything below his stomach having disappeared with the sharks he fought off.
The president sat at his desk. Head in his hands. He was frustrated and tired. NASA had kept him up to date with what they now knew to be a ship that had come from within Pluto. No one seemed to be able to explain that one to him but it did have it's own propulsion system and seemed to be making its way towards Earth. He had every military member called up and ready. He had activated the Reserves and National Guard. After talking with other heads of state and the U.N. he had decided to call back as many over seas service members as he could while the other countries of the world readied their own men. Surely this was all that would need his attention right? Of course not. Now it seemed there was something in the oceans that was killing whales and scaring them into beaching themselves. And the shark attacks. He had just signed an order to close all docks and beaches after the hundreds of reports came flooding in of shark attacks across the country. He couldn't figure out what else could go wrong when he heard it.
"Sir, we just received a report from NASA. It seems the UFO has stopped. It has taken up orbit just above us."
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silverhawx-blog · 7 years
Something part 4
Ty looked over the reports. Maintenance would be done in less than a day, Quetz was already checking the calibration of his systems and charting the quickest path back to Earth. Estimated one day to be on that path with 12 to 14 days to reach Earth. Noah's report showed the entire ship could be awoken  in about 9 days. They had more than enough food to last them until arriving back at home. The extra time would allow everyone on board a chance to fully shake off the sleep and get briefed on what they were coming up to.
Ty sent out the necessary orders to set things in motion. Looking over at Tor who was waiting with more information. "Sir, the dominant species calls themselves humans. It seems they evolved to be endurance hunters. Able to regulate body temperature better than any other species left on the planet. But I see no natural weapons other than their endurance. They have however invented many weapons. I'm still analyzing how many will be a problem."
Ty growled as he looked over the data of the humans. Small and weak. Their endurance would not save them. "The humans will be dealt with swiftly. Make sure this data gets sent out to everyone on board. We will make short work of this species and retake our world."
-10 days later-
Ty looked to the camera, preparing to address the entire ship. "By now you have all seen the reports. Our sleep lasted longer than expected and a new species took our planet. But that tells us it is healthy and safe to return to. So we will return and we will retake what is ours. We will put these humans back in their place. Everyone prepare for the feast."
Ty clicked off the camera. Hearing the roars coming from the ship. The carnivores onboard were looking forward to the new meat that would be available. That was good. Surely the herbivores would enjoy the new plant life available to them.
-3 days later-
Quetz brought the ark to a low orbit around the planet. The trip had been eventless and he was ready to get out and stretch his actual wings. He turned and addressed the captain "Ready for reentry upon your orders sir."
"Good. Hold for now." Ty turned to Tor "Are the waterlings ready?"
Tor nodded in acknowledgement. "They await our signal."
"Good. Quetz take us down. As soon as we are at a safe height open the bay doors to release the flyers and signal the waterlings."
Quetz nodded and started their descent.
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silverhawx-blog · 7 years
Something part 3
Captain Ty walked along the bridge. So it seemed that mammals had some how survived and taken over the planet. It could have been possible. They were warm blooded so would survive the "nuclear" winter that would have followed. But that would mean they would have had to feast on whatever meat they could find since no plant life would have survived. Possibly even his fallen brethren. His thoughts being interrupted as Tor gave a report.
"Sir. We've made contact with Earth. It seems that some of the waterlings survived as well. The leader of the long necks is one named Ness. His blood line was kept alive to watch over his brothers in cryo sleep. He has started their waking process but because of the ocean depths it will take longer for them than it did us. He also says that some of the big tooth water hunters didn't make it into cryosleep, but their offspring have survived and even though they are smaller they are willing to help us retake the planet."
Ty smiled at this knowledge. His sharp teeth showing through his grin, "Good. Let me know as soon as they've all woken and find out from Quetz how much longer until his systems are clear enough to pilot us home." He waved off Tor as he made his way over to Steg, "Are Comp and his men done with repairs yet?"
Steg looked over his screens, finding the one with Comp's readouts. "Not yet sir. He estimates all repairs and systems online in less than 4 hours."
The captain nodded. "Good. And get Noah up here. Maybe he can explain what went wrong with this damn ark."
-2 hours later-
Noah looked over his schematics and blueprints. His arms racing across the keyboard as he punched in different calculations to run different scenarios. They had slept 100 thousand times longer than planned. It seemed no one was happy about this and of course it was his fault. Always his fault.
Captain Ty entered the room. Looking over the wounding tooth impatiently. "Noah, you are my chief engineer and the creator of this ship. What went wrong?"
Noah turned to the captain, "Sir the only possible explanation would be some kind of impact. My best guess being either a smaller asteroid we didn't see following the death one that destroyed earth or something similar. According to Comp there is extensive damage to the hull of C-deck 129. Which is where our main computer systems are located. It is possible the collision sparked some kind of static that corrupted the system and changed the length of our sleep. Luckily I ignored you all when I invented and installed our generator and we were able to survive this long."
Ty rolled his eyes, "Yes Noah. You are the brilliant engineer that saved us all. Very good. Happy? Now then. Will the ship be safe to travel back and reenter the atmosphere?"
Noah scoffed, "Of course it will be. And able to relaunch again a thousand more times."
"Good." Ty nodded, "and how long will it take to wake everyone on board. It seems some pests have taken up refuge on our planet. I'm going to need every man, woman, and child to help us take it back."
"Everyone?" Noah gasped. "I'll need to run some calculations. We hadn't prepped for that."
"Get it done" Ty snapped before turning and heading back towards the bridge.
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silverhawx-blog · 7 years
Something part 2
Jim sat at his desk. Bored he decided to get off of Reddit and actually do some work. He checked the readout and graphs. Everything seemingly normal. Normal and boring as was everyday. None of the satellites ever discovered something. Just the same thing day in and day out. Wait. That chart couldn't be right. He double checked it and then triple checked it before grabbing the phone.
"Sir you need to see this. Yes sir. I know sir. You need to come in and see this. Pluto has stopped."
-2 hours later-
Jim had every available satellite and telescope pointed at Pluto. Kyle, his boss had thought it was either a joke or a mistake by one of the readouts until they started getting stronger signals of the stopped dwarf planet as well as pictures showing it breaking apart. As if it were an egg someone had cracked.
Jim was left in charge of collecting more data while Kyle ran off to call higher ups at NASA and get clearence for more instruments.
"Yes sir. I'm aware this isn't a matter of national security, but this is something never before seen." Kyle wanted to bang his head against the desk. If it wasn't about war or what another country was doing no one seemed to care. "The planet is breaking apart. We don't know why. .... Yes I'm aware it isn't technically a planet. In a few hours it won't be anything but space rocks." Kyle threw the phone down just as Jim burst into the room.
"There is something inside the planet. It looks metalic. But it's too oddly shaped to just be a core." Jim threw down the pictures and readouts.
-1 hour later-
The president sat as he looked over the images. His office full of experts and generals. All waiting for orders. Whatever this was, it definitely wasn't natural. Too many sharp angles for it to be a natural phenomenon. "Make sure NASA gets everything it needs to get a better idea of what this is. And General, ready all our men. If this things starts heading this way I want to be prepared."
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silverhawx-blog · 7 years
Steg awoke to the beeping on his console. The signal that his cryosleep was finally over. He shook the ice off of his scales and flexed his legs and tail. 650 years gone in a flash. To him it seemed that no time had passed.
Steg keyed up the dust covered console in front of him and started running the diagnostic programs before moving over to start the wake up process for the captain and the rest of the crew. The red alarm lights drawing his attention back to his station. Allowing the crew to finish the wake up process by themselves he moved quickly back to the console.
Captain Ty shook the ice from his scales before flexing his jaw and arms. Shaking his tail before noticing the red alarm lights coming from all over the bridge. "Steg, status report."
Steg shifted through the data before turning to the captain, "Sir, the exterior cameras appear to be covered. Most likely dust collected while were asleep. We planned for this, just have to wait for the crew to get out and get them cleaned. The troubling part is that our orbit seems to have been destabilized. I won't know specifics until the cameras and sensors get cleaned and back up."
The captain sighed. They had known this would be a possibility. He just hated waking up in the dark. "Make it a priority to get everything cleaned up. I'm ready to get back home."
-4 hours later.-
Comp looked over his team. All suited up and ready to head out into space. His team was the best external maintenance there was, both in terms of speed and efficiency. Unfortunately without the external sensors it had taken longer than expected to get ready for the job. Without knowing what exactly would be needed to be done they had to grab all the men they could as well as as much supplies and tools as they could.
"Alright men. Time to get this ship back to proper shape. The captain is already upset and I know we are all ready to get back home." Comp pressed the control panel to open the airlock. The doors slowly opening to reveal the gray dirt packed around the ship. "Son of a whore. Alright men. Let's get this cleared up."
-2 hours later-
"Sir, Comp and his men have broken through the layer of rock and cleared off the shield generators as well as the sensors. They are working on the cameras now. The shields helped clear most of the rock."
The captain smiled. Finally some progress. "Find out how far off our orbit became and how long before we can get back to Earth."
Steg sighed and dropped his head. He knew this next news would anger the captain. "Our orbit has become very unstable. More egg shaped than circular. And if my calculations are correct we've been asleep for 65 million years. Not 650."
At this news the captain's jaw dropped. Disbelief more than anything else. "How is that possible?"
"Captain. I'm receiving transmissions from earth." This time it was Tor who spoke. Cutting into the conversation. "It seems something survived the asteroid impact. I believe it's the mammals."
Author's note: so this is my first time writing something and sharing it out in the public. I am currently writing the story from earth's perspective. If you guys are interested just let me know and I'll post it. If you liked the story or notice any errors please let me know. If you'd like me to continue the story please let me know.
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