skeletalbatsy-blog · 6 years
Reblogging because I think it's cute, I'm pretty sure I use the app she created this with, and I'm going to do this after April 14th, hopefully I'm 120 by then, but I ate 1500 calories already today so....
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Started April 01, Ends July 14th.
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skeletalbatsy-blog · 6 years
My 2 and only moods:
Sleepy but don’t want to sleep
Wants to sleep but not sleepy
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skeletalbatsy-blog · 6 years
If you’re looking for a sign not to kill yourself tonight, this is it.
Suicide hotlines-
Albania 127
Algeria 0021 3983 2000 58
Argentina (054-011) 4758 2554
Australia 1-800-273-8255
Austria 142
Bahamas 322-2763
Bahrain 0097 161 199 188
Barbados (246) 42 99 999
Belgium 106
Bolivia 00 591 4 4 25 42 42
Bostwana 3911270
Brazil +55 51 211 288
Canada 514-723-4000
China 0800-810-1117
Colombia (00 57 5) 372 27 27
Costa Rica 506-253-5439
Croatia (01) 4833-888
Cuba 532 348 14 49
Cyprus +357 77 77 72 67
Denmark +45 70 201 20
Ecuador 593 2 6000 477
Eqypt 762 1602/3
Estonia 126 /127
Fiji (0679) 670565
Finland 040-5032199
France +33 951 11 61 30
Germany 0800 1110 222
Ghana 233 244 846 701
Greece 1018
Guatemala 1-800-999-9999
Guyana +592 223-0001
Honduras (00 504) 2558 08 08
Hong Kong 2389 2222 /2382 0000
Hungary (46) 323 888
India 2549 7777
Iran 1480
Israel 1201
Italy 800 86 00 22
Jamaica 930 – 1152
Japan +81 (0) 3 5286 9090
Kenya +254 20 300 0378
Latvia 371 67222922
Liberia 06534308
Lithuania 8-800 2 8888
Luxembourg 454545
Malaysia (063) 928 500 39
Malta 179
Mauritius 46 48 889 Befrienders
Mexico 525-510-2550
Namibia 61-232-221
Netherlands 0900-113 0 113
New Zealand 0800 543 354
Nicaragua 2311-7361
Norway +47 815 33 300
Papua New Guinea 675 326 0011 (Daytime)
Peru (00 51 1) 273 8026
Philippines (02) 8969191 /893 7606
Poland 52 70 000 /52 70 988
Portugal (+351) 225 50 60 70
Russia 007 (8202) 577-577
Samoa 32000
Serbia 037 23 025
Singapore 1800 221 4444
South Africa 0861 322 322
South Korea (02) 715 8600
Spain 0145 900 50
Sri Lanka 011 057 2222662
St. Vincent (784) 456 1044
Sudan (249) 11-555-253
Sweden (46) 31 711 2400
Switzerland 143
Thailand (02) 713-6793
Tonga 23000 /25144
Trinidad & Tobago (868) 645 2800
Turkey 182
UK & Ireland 116 123
Ukraine 058
USA 1-800-273-TALK(8255)
Venezuela 0241-8433308
Zimbabwe (9) 650 00
You are loved. You are cared about. Don’t think that nobody cares because I care.
I care.
Stay safe💞
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skeletalbatsy-blog · 6 years
I'm going to attempt to loose 10 lbs by April 13, because it was my goal to be 120 by that time, and I desperately want to get a new tattoo.
To do this, I need to have a negetive cal count of at least 200 per day. So, that's fun.
I'll post my first weekly diary on Saturday night at bedtime because I'm rubbish at daily updates.
Wish me luck and let's hope I don't binge all the weight back!
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skeletalbatsy-blog · 6 years
The fuck
Does food
So many
Mother fucking
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skeletalbatsy-blog · 6 years
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skeletalbatsy-blog · 6 years
no one is naturally that skinny
everyone has to work at it—some just have to work at it harder than others
the girl in the front row of lecture with the wrists so small her hair bands slip all the way down her forearms? she has to work at it
the girl sitting next to you on the metro with little deer legs and hips that take up no space? she has to work at it
the girls in the photos with tiny necks and collarbones that can hold water? they have to work at it
models, from Victoria secret to vogue? they have to work at it
why should you think you wouldn’t have to?
but more importantly—if you work at it, you’ll look just like them
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skeletalbatsy-blog · 6 years
Ok. Time to start over. Summer is almost here. You’ve wished and promised yourself so many times that you’d be 90 pounds by the end of the month. But look at yourself. You’ve done nothing but gained. Probably put on 15 pounds by now. Disgusting. What is wrong with you? You want to be skinny, and yet you let yourself binge EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT. I don’t care if it’s “healthy food.” It can be a goddamn blueberry for all I care. When it comes to being skinny, NO food is healthy or good. It’s fat. A giant bloated stomach. Jiggling curvy thighs. A revolting butt and legs covered in cottage cheese cellulite. Calves that hang down when you put your feet up on anything. Love handles and exaggerated hip dips. Blobby boobs and underarm fat. Bat wings and double chins. No cheekbones, ribs, bony chest, tiny wrists, skeletal hands, hipbones, bony legs, knobby knees- NOTHING. You have NONE of those things. You are fat, overweight, disproportioned- GOD you are just plain UGLY. Understand this. DO NOT EAT UNLESS SOMEONE LITERALLY MAKES YOU. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO EAT IF YOU’RE ALONE, BORED, TIRED ETC. IT DOESN’’T MATTER, JUST KEEP GOING! Drink coffee or tea, distract yourself in some way, ANY way, just please don’t fucking eat again. Let all that disgusting fat burn away. Your body can sustain itself for a long time without food. You will feel BETTER. HAPPIER. MORE CONFIDENT. MORE BEAUTIFUL. IN CONTROL. If you don’t eat that piece of bread. That apple. That banana. That pastry. Just don’t do it. You know you will hate yourself afterwards. Here, let’s play a game. Let’s see how long you can last without eating. It will be a test of endurance and strength and mind power. You can do this. You WILL be bony and skinny and thin and petite. I can see it. You just need to have the power to say NO.
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skeletalbatsy-blog · 6 years
i feel like if im eating that means i can’t be sick
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skeletalbatsy-blog · 6 years
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skeletalbatsy-blog · 6 years
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me irl
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skeletalbatsy-blog · 6 years
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i wanna be thin already
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skeletalbatsy-blog · 6 years
reblog if you need to lose 40 pounds (18kg) or more
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skeletalbatsy-blog · 6 years
This is a reminder not to binge today. You can be a day closer to your goal tomorrow if you're strong today.
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skeletalbatsy-blog · 6 years
I want to live simply. I want to sit by the window when it rains and read books I’ll never be tested on. I want to paint because I want to, not because I’ve got something to prove. I want to listen to my body, fall asleep when the moon is high and wake up slowly, with no place to rush off to. I want not to be governed by money or clocks or any of the artificial restraints that humanity imposes on itself. I just want to be, boundless and infinite.
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skeletalbatsy-blog · 6 years
Things You Don't Comment On:
- someone’s eating habits
- appearance issues that can’t be fixed there and then
- someone else’s “bad” decision if it can’t now be undone
- someone’s laugh or voice
- someone’s “unrealistic” dreams
- someone “not looking their best” in photos
- someone not wanting to do something and trying to subtly avoid it without making a fuss
- anything that you know will make someone self conscious or insecure unnecessarily
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skeletalbatsy-blog · 6 years
ok universe, i’m ready to feel good things. make me feel good things.
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