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So it was an invasion after all (''City capitulates and calls arrival 'invasion' in plan preamble'', June 28)? All I can say is, so what? Caesar invaded Gaul mainly for political gain. While there, according to Plutarch, he killed 1 million Gauls and enslaved 1 million more, and now we rightfully regard Caesar as a brilliant man and outstanding commander. Alexander the Great invaded Persia, and at one point had 2000 men crucified on the beaches of Tyre, and the remaining 30,000 Tyrians sold into slavery - and now we regard Alexander as a military genius and true leader of men. The truth is that war is the supreme affair of the state, and so if a few hundred Aborigines had to die in skirmishes and maybe 20,000 more inadvertently from disease to expand the British Empire and eventually create all that we have in this country today, so be it.
- Thomas Russell
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