LOGH Episode 11
Episode 11: The Actress Exits 
This episode is set in the Empire.
The post may contain my personal opinion / commentary.
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Imperial Theatre
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Marquise Benemunde's Mansion
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Imperial Admiralty
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Grunewald Mansion
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Little cottage
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Marquise Susanna Benemunde
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Glowing candle thingies (they look cool)
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Friedrich IV succeeded to the throne at age 29. When he reached his mid-fourties, Friedrich IV sought beautiful companionship. For a time, Marquise Benemunde monopolized his favors. But that, too, did not last for long.
One day, on a street corner, an Imperial staff member saw Annerose von Musel, a 15 year old girl. 
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Annerose was summoned to court to accept Friedrich IV's attentions. (Yuck! I mean I knew that she was around that age but... she’s just a child. It's horrible.) She was given the title of Countess Grunewald. Annerose accepted her fate. That was 10 years ago.
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The story:
Friedrich IV and Annerose leave from a musical theatre performance. The marquise tries to speak to Friedrich but he turns away without answering her. The marquise blames Annerose as the reason for Friedrich not coming back to her.
Baron Flegel and the marquise discuss Annerose, Flegel tells her that the nobles think she is the reason of Friedrich's depression and "casting a shadow of ill omen" over the Goldenbaum Dynasty, and she should be ostracized from court along with her brother. Basically Flegel instigates her to bring Annerose to disgrace.
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(Whoah there, lady!)
Flegel later talks to one of his allies and says that all suspicion should fall to Benemunde if something goes wrong. And also kill her so she doesn't speak of it.
Kircheis goes really philosophical!
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R: I had a dream last night. A dream when we were children. When the three of us, you, me, and my sister, were together.
K: Sometimes I wonder which is reality... then or now?
R: Then or now?
K: Yes. Maybe now is just a dream. Am I wandering in a long gallery of dreams? There are times when I think so. (No wonder, Kircheis, you have a loooot of flashbacks.) One day the dream fades, and I return to another day. When you and I were children, and Lady Annerose was still with us. And then I'd say to Lady Annerose. "I had a dream. Lord Reinhard and I became soldiers, important men, commanding warships and going to the ends of the universe." 
R: Which reminds me of why I called you. (Wow, what a buzzkill, Reinhard! Kircheis was having a moment!) This was delivered today.
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K: "Miss B plans to kill Miss G of the Court. Please be careful."
R: "Miss G"... Countess Grunewald, my sister. And "Miss B"?
K: Probably Marquise Benemunde.
R: I think so, too. In that case, there's no reason to stand idle. I'll have Oberstein investigate immediately.K: When someone is promoted to a position of power, how many others lose their positions? At Court, there's plenty of hatred, envy, and jealousy. All kinds of bad feelings grow. There are many who envy you and Lady Annerose. I think many plots may be brewing.
R: Yes.
K: A warning note like this is evidence your enemies have enemies. The most frightening thing is that those opposing plotters decided to join forces.
R: The Court is a spider's web. Plots ad traps are woven over and over again. That place isn't worthy of my sister. 
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The Galactic Empire began daily strategic meetings on the recapture of Iserlohn Fortress. Reinhard, as an Imperial Admiral, was required to attend these meetings. Meanwhile, rumors that Marquise Benemunde was planning to murder Annerose, were spreading wildly through the Imperial Court.
Benemunde gets sent away on Friedrich IV's wishes to her country manor. Annerose gets a message about Reinhard getting badly wounded. She gets going immediately. Reuental and Mittermeyer notice her leaving from a car. They go search for Reinhard. 
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As he is in a meeting, they tell Kircheis who decides to deal with the situation without bothering Reinhard (after failing to contact Reinhard because bureaucracy). Reuental and Mittermeyer convinces him to let them help (they can identify the car, and they need to repay the trust Reinhard gave them).
Annerose's car gets ambushed and the perpetrators bring her to Benemunde in a small cottage. Benemunde insults her for a while. After that, she pours wine into a glass and pours some drug into it as well (which was hidden in her ring). She's planning to make it seem Annerose slept with someone and committed adultery against the Kaiser.
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Kircheis, Reuental and Mittermeyer arrive at the place and two thugs start shooting at them. The trio overpowers them and gets into the house. 
Benemunde holds a knife to Annerose's throat, and two thugs point guns at them, so only by the lights suddenly turning off can the trio overpower them. Benemunde escapes, Annerose didn't get any injuries. Oberstein appears, he was the one who turned the lights off.
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Kircheis and the other three explains the assassination attempt to Reinhard after the meeting is over. Kircheis tells Reinhard they don't know the identities of the men, but Oberstein did some research and he found that Baron Flegel is behind them, although he has no proof. But I guess Reinhard believes him either way.
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Flegel tries to ensure that his connection to the assassination attempt stays secret.
I guess Lichtenlade is also Imperial Prime Minister? Well, here's the Kaiser's arbitration: "For the crime of kidnapping and attempted assassination of Countess Grunewald, he sentences Marquise Benemunde to death. Because of his exceptional affection for her, she will be permitted suicide. Furthermore, because he still views the Marquise with courtesy, His Majesty will attend to her funeral.”
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Um... because you tried to kill someone.
She spits on Reinhard then she is forced to drink the poison, and dies.
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...Interesting choice of shot setting. She’s saying Your Majesty, and Friedrich IV is not in the room.
Reinhard meets Flegel on a corridor.
"Don't think you'll get away with it next time."
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Reinhard and Annerose's conversation:
R: The Marquise Benemunde committed suicide.
A: Reinhard, please try to forgive her.
R: That woman? She tried to kill you.
A: Everyone, no matter who, feels sorrow, feels pain. Please try to understand her feelings. She once stood high on a pedestal. Now she's forgotten, and shut out of his heart. She must have felt a terrible grief.
R: Sister...
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Interesting choice again, Annerose in the light, Reinhard in the shadows in his black cape.
I’m kind of having a feel of Reinhard being in a morally grey area, and that he would be a great villain actually. Maybe he will be. Kircheis and Annerose are very powerful sources of keeping him in line, and on the right path. Annerose does a great job in trying to improve Reinhard's emphatic skills. Annerose is a great character, and I love how they deepen our knowledge of her. I appreciate that Reinhard does not dismiss her comments, but actually seems to think about them. He seems to respect her a lot, and value her intelligence. I hope we'll see the results of this in the future.
I also like the choice of Reinhard wearing white or black clothing alternatively whether it's actually depending on his mood or not. Narration:
The Galactic Empire's Goldenbaum Dynasty has begun to decline. The rot of decadence penetrates deeply into it's society.  And incidents like this are the result. It was usual that such things be dealt with in secrecy within the Imperial Court. On the same day, Marquise Benemunde's death from a sudden illness was announced.
BONUS ROUND: Annerose is absolutely beautiful
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Episode 12: Advance Toward Imperial Territory
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Did some editing on my posts so they would be more fluid to read, and I removed some pics as well, they were disrupting the posts in some places.
Feel free to tell me if there’s any error in my posts and I’ll fix them. 
Also, if you have suggestions/comments on the structure of the posts, I’d be glad to hear them, even if it’s just “They are fine like this” or “Less pics”.
Thank you!
0 notes
LOGH Episode 10
Episode 10: Jessica's Battle
This episode is set in the Alliance.
The post may contain my personal opinion / commentary.
Thernusen, the second largest city on Heinessen
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Raymond Togliatti, manager of the National Peace Conference, Therusen district.
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Jessica Edwards
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James Thorndike
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Admiral Dwight Greenhill
Following the capture of Iserlohn Fortress, Yang Wenli was promoted to Vice Admiral. He was invited to the anniversary ceremony of the Officer's Academy at Thernusen, the second largest city on Planet Heinessen. Thernusen held many memories for Yang from his time at the Academy. (A little Wenli backstory! YAY!)
The story:
Wenli and Julian arrive at Thernusen, Wenli says they can go and see whatever Julian wants before the ceremony. Julian teases Wenli that he might want to see someone (I think they are talking about Jessica).
Some journalists swarm Wenli and Raymond Togliatti stops him. He gets dragged into a public political stunt.
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 A war orphan girl gives him a bouquet, but looks at him devastated. Togliatti speaks about the only way to honor the girl's father's sacrifice - by toppling the Empire.
There is a Peace Party who advocate a peace treaty with the Empire. Togliatti calls them naive and spoiled children. He is a candidate to be elected in the upcoming Thernusen special election. Wenli is not pleased.
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In Hotel Telnousen*, Wenli and Julien talk about how the news report makes it look like Wenli supports Togliatti. Wenli says that the brass who sent him there wanted exactly that. Wenli thinks Truniht might be behind it.
J: Does the Defense Minister do things like that?
YW: Yeah. I should have expected. I was always on the verge of flunking out of the Academy, but they invited me to the anniversary ceremony. But that little girl wasn't happy to see me. "Why did you kill my father?" Her eyes accused me. For me, a survivor, there are no words to answer that. Nevertheless, what kind of man makes a child like that into an election pawn? Damn politicians!
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(Let me note it here, but I really always thought Julian couldn't have gotten a better guardian than Wenli. He definitely takes care of him, but he does not baby him, he discusses a lot of things with him openly; of the workings of the military, government, politics, etc. He genuinely wants the best for him, and wants him to make his own path and succeed in life. He does not force him towards anything, he just lets him know there are a lot different paths to choose from. He is truly a great guardian.)
J: Vice Admiral, shall I make some tea? YW: Yeah. Even better if there's some brandy in it. J: I'll go look!
(Ok, maybe praising him as the perfect guardian was a bit premature. What the heck is with Wenli and tea with brandy?)
However, before Wenli could get his tea, someone rings the bell. Just as Julien opens it, a bunch of strangers get in. They attack Wenli, accusing him of being a warmonger. Julian gets Wenli's gun from a suitcase, when Jessica Edwards comes in, and tells the strangers to stop. The security arrives, Julian tells them that they are having a party, and somebody got drunk, that was the ruckus. (The kid is sharp!)
Jessica apologizes to Wenli, saying that she came as fast as she could when she heard they were going to Wenli's. She warns Wenli something like this could happen on the ceremony, but Wenli tells her he has to go, it's an order from the higher-ups, and a part of his job.
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Jessica tells him that their anti-war party has a candidate running for representative in this special election. Their movement was growing and they had a chance to win, but then Wenli arrived.
JE: Whatever you meant, the sight of you shaking hands made an impression. It's been transmitted on television, and in all the newspapers. You can't imagine the panic at election headquarters. Yesterday's narrow lead was reversed in an instant. After all, you're "Miracle Yang".
YW: I can understand why your friends are angry. It was thoughtless of me.
JE: If you really mean that, don't go tomorrow! YW: Jessica... JE: I guess it's too much to ask. That's the problem with a public life. Jean said it well. From my heart, I apologize for my friends' actions. Thanks for keeping this to yourself. Bye. YW: Jessica... YW: ...Never mind. JE: Goodbye. 
Julian thinks Wenli should have told Jessica he came to see her.
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Wenli and Julian go to a restaurant. Two girls ask for Wenli's autograph, and then the whole restaurant starts to sing the national anthem. So much for a private dinner, huh, Wenli?
Julian and Wenli leave the restaurant and discuss how the election seems to be a close contest.They came upon a fight. The Patriotic Knight Corps is beating up someone. One word from Wenli and the P.K.C. disperses. The victim, a man, tells Wenli to get him to Arnold Street, the Peace Party HQ.
Wenli takes a car which is just patrolling around, like an automatic taxi.
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Wenli gets in with the injured man, and sends Julian back to the hotel.
Wenli arrives at the HQ and the members first think Wenli was the one who beat him up.
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(Seriously? I mean ok, you think he's a warmonger, but why would he carry a man he just beat up to this place?)
Wenli meets Thorndike. Apparently the man he saved was one of the campaigners. A member tries to take a photo of Wenli and Thorndike, but Jessica says they don't use tactics like that, and Wenli must feel awful being pulled into politics like that.
Wenli and Jessica walking together.
YW: Mr. Thorndike seems like a very nice man.
JE: He joined  the anti-war movement after he lost his 3 sons in the second attack on Iserlohn. He's a gentle person. But he hates the war from the bottom of his heart.
They go in the garden of the Officer's Academy. 
JE: It's ironic. Although neither you nor Jean liked war at all, both of you ended up being soldiers.
YW: There were many reasons. Many reasons...
*Wenli flashback*
Wenli is a 1st year cadet at the Military Academy, a history major.
Both Wenli and Jean had no money, and to go to college, they both had to go to the Officer's Academy. Wenli is studying history, but Jean drags him away with the line: "Don't worry, history doesn't go anywhere!" 
They go to stalk Jessica a bit, who is the daughter of the Academy's director. She goes to a music school, which has a sponsored dance Wenli and Jean both go to.
They flip a coin for who to ask Jessica first to a dance. Wenli wins but he's crap at dancing (I mean really REALLY bad) so Jean asks Jessica to dance after him. Later, Wenli sees Jean flirting with Jessica.
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Sad background Wenli is sad.
*Present time*
YW: I never did learn to dance.
JE: I was playing hard to get. I thought you'd ask me to dance again. If you had, I would have danced with you. But... you never asked.
YW: Because Jean was head over heels in love with you.
JE: Friends don't compete with friends?
YW: Well, something like that.
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Jessica starts sobbing, so Wenli holds her. They almost kiss, but there's an explosion. They rush towards the place, which is close to the HQ. The explosion got a lot of people injured- including Thorndike- there are also fatal victims.
Wenli and Julian leave for the plane.
Journalist: Vice Admiral Yang! What do you think about the explosion last night at the anti-war coalition's office?
YW: It's a blasphemy against democratic government. Nothing less than that.
Journalist: Many think it was the work of the pro-war party.
YW: I think so, too. Well, I'm late.
Journalist: How do you feel about the announcement that Jessica Edwards will run as a candidate in place of Thorndike?
YW: Is that so?
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Flashback to Jessica's words: I want to ask the people who are in power... Where are you? While you send young soldiers out to die, where are you, and what are you doing?
News reporter: The results of the special election in Thernusen show Jessica Edwards with a large margin of victory. Miss Jessica Edwards won 80% of all votes cast. The majority supporting Miss Edwards are thought to be opponents of the war.
Admiral Greenhill: It seems the attack on Thorndike backfired. The Patriotic Knight Corps are thoughtless people.
YW: And who do you think is behind them? 
G: Probably a lot of underlings got out of hand. Truniht's probably chewing them out right now.
Frederica Greenhill: Vice Admiral Yang. All personnel are in meeting room 21.
YW: OK. I'm coming.
G: Frederica. Invite Vice Admiral Yang to have dinner with us tonight.
YW: Sir!
G: Don't look so surprised. Do you have a problem with my daughter?
YW: No, far from it!
G: Oh, yes. Please bring your ward as well. Julian, isn't it?
YW: Yes, sir. He'll appreciate it. 'Til then...
YW: "Jessica, it'll be tough. Fight on."
Narration: One week later, the Free Planets Alliance High Council would decide on a plan to invade Imperial territory with the Alliance Forces. Contrary to Yang's hopes, the flames of war would spread.
BONUS ROUND: Buildings, places of Thernusen
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Sleeping beauty Wenli 5&6
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Wenli and Julian
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Episode 11: The Actress Exits
*There will probably be inconsistences in the names and such because I’m pretty sure the hotel is actually named after the city. So Thernusen or Telnousen? I’m not sure which is the correct one. I try to be consistent in these posts, so I think I’ll go with the subtitles, but if I have time, I’ll check the logh wiki on names.
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LOGH Episode 9
Episode 9: The Klopstock Incident
This episode is set in the Empire.
The post may contain my personal opinions / commentary.
New characters:
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Prince Braunschweig son-in-law of Friedrich IV
Marquis Littenheim son-in-law of Friedrich IV
Elizabeth – daughter of Friedrich IV, wife of Prince Braunschweig
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Marquis Klopstock
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Baron Flegel (nephew of Prince Braunschweig)
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Baroness Magdalena von Westpfahle
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Commodore Ansbach
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Commodore Streit
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Captain Anton Ferner
Friedrich IV is 63 years old and is the 36th Kaiser of the Galactic Empire. He succeeded to the throne 34 years ago. He has not been a particularly wise ruler, nor has he been a tyrant. His relatives criticize him as the mediocre “Kaiser of the Ashes.” Before his ascent to the throne, he often indulged in debauchery. As a result, he was almost disowned. Friedrich had two older brothers, each of them competed for the Imperial throne. The elder was Richard, and the younger Clementz.
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In Imperial year 452, Crown Prince Richard was condemned for plotting to murder his father, Otofried V. However, it was later discovered that he had been framed by his brother, Clementz. Clementz died in an accident while trying to flee to the Free Planets Alliance. So, in the end, Friedrich IV took the throne. But because he had little interest in politics, he entrusted everything to Marquis Lichtenlade, the Secretary of State.
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In the residence of Prince Braunschweig, Marquis Klopstock gives him a portrait of Kaiser Rudolf as a gift (this portrait was the heirloom of the Klopstock family). The reason for this that he had some “indiscretions” 30 years ago (meaning he sided with Grand Duke Clementz), and he hopes for the Prince’s intercession on his behalf. He wants his children and grandchildren to return to Court. Braunschweig and Baron Flegel discuss how 30 years ago, the Kaiser didn’t drove Klopstock away from society, only to the urging of Braunschweig and others who supported Friedrich.
Braunschweig says that's why Klopstock came to beg his pardon as well.
Klopstock is talking with his butler about how in the end, he was invited to the evening party. He's planning something.
Reinhard doesn't want to go to the party because he hates Braunschweig (K: "Well, Lord Reinhard, he probably hates you too"), but Kircheis convinces him. Reinhard asks for Kircheis to accompany him. "Will you at least come with me?"
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Klopstock and his butler are talking about something "set to 7". It's some sort of a bomb. Klopstock says he'll be back in the car 20 minutes before then, and he won't die with Friedrich and Braunschweig.
Kircheis and Reinhard meet Klopstock for a few moments, but he doesn't speak to them. Baroness Westpfahle mentions that Klopstock has been banished from society for 30 years and now he's suddenly back.
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Inside, Baron Flegel tells Reinhard that Klopstock gave that painting to Braunschweig. Reinhard tells Flegel, that paintings tend up getting into important people's possessions, and that Klopstock was once important too. He wonders if Braunschweig won't get on the same path as him... 
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Kinda pisses Flegel off, but they are interrupted by Braunschweig, who informs the guests that the Kaiser is on his way to the party. Flegel tells Reinhard he'll get back at him for this, and Reinhard tells him ok, but do it in person. Flegel tells Reinhard to look out for his sister. (Uh oh!)
Kircheis, waiting outside the car, sees Klopstock leave and notes that he thought he had a cane with him.
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Nice laptop, Kircheis! Very stylish :D
Reinhard speaks with the baroness. She tells him the Kaiser got sick and turned back to the Neue Sanssouci.
Kircheis starts to put things together and tries to get into the castle, but the guards stop him.
Klopstock apoligizes to the statue of Rudolf the Great for attacking Friedrich and Braunschweig, but he claims they taint the imperial bloodline,
Kircheis asks Braunschweig's aide to call Reinhard for him.
An old lady literally faints into Reinhards arms :D Reinhard puts her on the same bench where Klopstock cane-bomb is. He asks someone to put away the cane. A butler does, and runs to get a doctor. The bomb explodes, Kircheis rushes in to find Reinhard. He does, and Reinhard, the baroness, Flegel, and Braunschweig are all ok.
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His butler informs Klopstock that Friedrich wasn't even there, and Braunschweig only got minor injuries. Klopstock says his life is over, but then, maybe it was over 30 years ago. Since then, he got nothing, no wife, no children, etc. He only wanted revenge. Klopstock sends his butler away.
(Ok, let me stop for a minute. This is really kind of the dumbest assassination attempt I've seen? Like? Didn't he think about what if Friedrich and Braunschweig won't be around the cane? Initially I thought the explosion would be big enough to certainly kill everyone, even in other rooms, but apparently it wasn't. So why did he think if he put the cane down at a random bench that it will kill Friedrich and Braunschweig? And he left so early, 20 minutes before the explosion!  Ok, I guess he didn't want to risk getting injured, but 1) The cane can be moved. 2) He didn't put it under the table near the Kaiser's chair, or somewhere he definitely knew the Kaiser and Braunschweig will be... If I wanted revenge or someone for 30 years, I kinda would have put more thought into it, more so if the revenge was my whole life, like... I would go for certainty that my target will die. Well, that's just me lol, but I think Klopstock's plan was really stupid.)
Moving on...
Reinhard and Kircheis visit Annerose, who asks them about coming to the Kaiser to ask permission for arresting Klopstock. Braunschweig was faster tho, so Reinhard decided to pay a visit to Annerose. He's worried about her - she could have been there, and could have been injured.
Klopstock kills himself and sets his house on fire.
The history of the Galactic Empire is a story of unending struggle for political power. Among recent Kaisers, five were assassinated. The number of men who were killed while struggling for the throne, or those who were murdered in cold blood, are not accurately known. In the history of the Goldenbaum Dynasty, these things are not usually known.
BONUS ROUND: Reinhard and Kircheis looking pretty
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Episode 10: Jessica's Battle
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LOGH Episode 8
Episode 8: Cool, Clear, Cybernetic Eyes
This episode is dialogue and exposition heavy, and it mainly takes place in the Empire.
The post may contain my personal opinions / commentary.
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Planet Odin
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Imperial Admiralty
New characters:
The Empire's three Chiefs of Staff, the Secretary of War, the Supreme Command HQ Secretary General, and the Space Fleet Commander. We don’t even get names, so I doubt they will be really important later on, or they will be reintroduced later. But there are screenshots of them down below.
Narration: The History of the Empire
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The people who moved from Earth out into the surrounding galaxy established the Galactic Confederation in 2801 AD. This became the first Space year. It was the beginning of a golden age of progress and vitality for the human race.
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Space year 296, Rudolf von Goldenbaum, a young Confederation hero, became a politician. Possessing powerful leadership qualities, he came to hold a strong position in the Confederation Parliament. Then, in space year 310, Rudolf, who held concurrently the posts of Prime Minister and Head of State established the Galactic Empire and put himself in the position of Kaiser. The Space year was abolished and the first Imperial year began. Rudolf's rule fell into tyranny. Eliminating and suppressing any who objected, he ruled through intimidation. 
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Imperial year 164, a young leader, Ale Heinessen escaped the Empire and became the head of a group of Republicans. Crossing a dangerous zone of space, he escaped to the arm of Sagittarius, founded the Free Planets Alliance, and resurrected the Space year. 
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On Space year 640, Imperial year 331, first contact between the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance was made. For the next 150 years, the war dragged on. In particular, the Empire's construction of Iserlohn Fortress in the Iserlohn Corridor, the only navigation route between the Empire and the Alliance was the cause of much bloodshed. Now, Alliance forces, under the command of Yang Wenli, have captured Iserlohn Fortress.
The story:
Imperial ships are deserting Iserlohn. A soldier panics over the destroyed ships. Oberstein says that they can recapture Iserlohn any time, they just need to choose someone to do it. Hmm, I wonder who he means?
At the Imperial Admiralty everybody's freaking out over the loss of Iserlohn.
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The Empire's three Chiefs of Staff, the Secretary of War, the Supreme Command HQ Secretary General, and the Space Fleet Commander, via Secretary of State Lichtenlade, reported the situation to Kaiser Friedrich IV.
Reinhard's view on the matter: “It's because they're so worried about appearances and ignore reality that we're in this fix.” He thinks that's why Seeckt and Stockhausen were defeated. 
Reinhard has chosen his frontline commanders for their courage and strategic ability, but he's in need of an advisor. Reinhard wants Kircheis to take command of several ships as their adjutant-general.
The Secretary of War, the Supreme Command HQ Secretary General, and the Space Fleet Commander are discussing repercussions of the loss of Iserlohn. They need to prepare their own resignation, and they will force Obertstein to resign as well. Oberstein requests and interview with Reinhard. He wants Kircheis to leave the room, Reinhard says that "Vice Admiral Kircheis is the same as myself." He says that whatever Oberstein wants to tell him, if Kircheis leaves, he'll tell Kircheis later. Oberstein says that will be Reinhard's choice. Kircheis leaves.
O: The truth is, Your Excellency, at present, I have been placed in a rather difficult situation. I think you know.
R: A deserter from Iserlohn. It's a matter of course that you will be court-martialed, isn't it? Even though Admiral Seeckt died heroically.
O: To various commanders, I'm afraid I'm nothing more than a cowardly deserter. However, Your Excellency, I have something to say. I would like Your Excellency to hear it.
R: It's unreasonable, isn't it? It is not with me that you must contend, it is the court-martial. You are the commander's advisor. To not correct his mistakes, is not to perform your duty. However, you pursued your own safety. Putting forward that face, as a good excuse, is useless.
O: You are mistaken. I am the only living survivor of the command staff from the Iserlohn stationed fleet. Just by surviving, I am to be punished.
*Oberstein removes his left eye*
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O: As you see, both of my eyes are cybernetic. I had no right to live, as a weakling. If it had been during the reign of Kaiser Rudolf, I would have been done away with long since.
*Obertstein puts his eye back*
O: Do you understand? I hate them. Kaiser Rudolf, and his descendants, and all those produced by him.
R: A bold speech, isn't it?
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O: The Galactic Empire... No, the Goldenbaum Dynasty must perish. If it is possible, I want to destroy it with my own hands. But I have no such talent. What I can do is aid in the entrance of a new leader. Your Excellency, Imperial Admiral, Count Reinhard von Lohengramm.
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R: Do you know what you're saying?
O: Of course I do. How many times shall I say it? The Goldenbaum Dynasty must fall. Then, after that, there is nobody other than Your Excellency who can build a new Empire.
R: Kircheis!
*Kircheis comes in*
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R: Arrest Captain Oberstein! There was a pledge of treason against the Empire. As an Imperial soldier, it cannot be forgiven!
*Kircheis pulls a gun at Oberstein*
O: You, too, are this kind of person, after all? Very well. Vice Admiral Kircheis, please go in your narrow way, and take care of one person with devotion. Vice Admiral Kircheis can you shoot me? As you see, I'm unarmed. Can you shoot me nonetheless?
*Kircheis finger twitches over the trigger*
O: I'll bet you can't shoot. That's the kind of man you are. You must not aid His Excellency's leadership, and just that, to deserve respect. Without fail, in light, shadows must follow. However, does young Count Lohengramm not yet realize that?
R: Kircheis.
*Kircheis lowers his gun*
R: *smiling* You're an outspoken man, aren't you?
O: I am grateful.
R: It was hated by Admiral Seeckt, too, no doubt.
O: That Admiral was not a person who stirred loyalty in the hearts of his subordinates.
R: Very well. I'll purchase you from the nobles.
The three Chiefs of Staff of the Empire give their resignation to Lichtenlade. Lichtenlade doesn't like that all three did this because if only one did, that would be fine, but it's guaranteed that one of the seats will become Reinhard's if all three of them resign. But, explained by pride and military honorableness, etc., etc. Lichtenlade agrees to take their resignation to the Kaiser.
Kaiser Friedrich IV says they can't really stop those who want to resign, and calls for Reinhard, to let him choose from the three positions. Reinhard says he cannot steal another person's post, even if they were bad at their jobs (and these three weren’t). He tells the Kaiser that the surrender of Iserlohn was the failure of Seeckt and Stockhausen, and they are already punished (Seeckt died, Stockhausen is a prisoner of the enemy). He does not think there's any other person to be held account.
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R: If you please, I respectfully beg Your Majesty not to blame the three chiefs.
Lichtenlade *surprised face* F: You have a point. What do you think of what the Count says?
L: I'm struck with admiration for the Count's opinion, which is unexpected of his youth. As a retainer, I beg for generosity toward the three distinguished chiefs.
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F: If both of you say so, I will not even give the three of them a severe punishment. I will leave the particulars to the Secretary of State. Is that all there is to discuss?
L: It is so.
F: Well then, I will leave the two of you. I must see to the world of flowers.
The three chiefs are still suspicious over Reinhard, and they also discuss him seeking the exemption of Oberstein. The three says that although it is suspicious, they can't refuse because they don't “bask in the favor of His Majesty's generosity."
R: Such things as the three chief's posts, I can have at any time. I'll loan them for a little while instead of an old folk's home. Because on the whole, such things as the three chief's posts are simply stopping points for me. What's the matter Kircheis? There's something you want to say, isn't there?
K: As the person at fault, you should know.
R: Don't be angry. I suppose it's about making Oberstein an advisor.
K: Oberstein is a dangerous man.
R: I know. There's too much of a habit of cutting off heads. He was no man to be lost to the hands of such as Seeckt.
K: Shall he be lost to the hands of Lord Reinhard?
R: I suppose so... I'm not expecting friendship or loyalty in that man. I'm just making that man useful to me, in order to accomplish my own objective. Therefore, I will also use Oberstein's mind.  Without controlling Obertstein, do you think it's possible to hope for the leadership of space?
Reinhard invites him to wine, but Kircheis says he still has work to do and leaves.
Oberstein goes to visit Reinhard, while Kircheis has a flashback from when they were in training. Wow, Kircheis sure has a lot of flashbacks!
K: Let's hurry, Lord Reinhard! We won't make it in time for curfew! R: It's been so long since I saw my sister, I forgot about the time! K: She was well, as always. R: Can anyone be well in a place like that?! Kircheis, it's a shortcut!
They witness a noble harassing a young girl. Reinhard hits his head with a stick. The noble collapses and Reinhard and Kircheis run from the scene.
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K: Lord Reinhard, you take a lot of risks.
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R: *laughs* ... People like that... What do they think people are?! Assuming it's a matter of course to rule over them. Stealing from people and insulting people... yet they say that it's their privilege to be forgiven?! Those people are corrupt! This empire is corrupt!  
K: Lord Reinhard...
R: I don't think I can forgive Rudolf, and what he did, becoming Kaiser. He set up people who flattered him as nobles... and the result of that is disgrace. Haven't you thought things like this, Kircheis? The Goldenbaum Dynasty, as with the birth of the human race, need not have happened. It's only been 500 years since Rudolf built it. Before that, neither the Empire nor the Goldenbaum family existed... and he was no more than one citizen. Originally, Rudolf was no more than an upstart man of ambition... And who, riding the current of the times, was made into a sacred, inviolable Kaiser.
K: Lord Reinhard...
R: Kircheis.
K: Yes?
R: Do you think that what was possible to Rudolf is impossible for me?
K *looks around nervously*
R: It's okay. There's no one here.
K: Lord Reinhard, saying such a thing as that...
R: It's okay, I've only told you. What do you think? Is it possible?
K thinking: "If it's you, maybe you can do it."
R: Come with me, Kircheis. Together, we'll have the universe!
K: Please win the universe, Lord Reinhard. Then...
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Present Kircheis: The stars were no different than they were that night. Reinhard with Oberstein:
O: Your Excellency, you don't regret this latest disposition, I suppose?
R: It's not that. From here on, my battle is not just a matter for the battlefield. Political struggles, Imperial Court struggles. To avoid complications, both unending deceit and murder may be necessary. Understand, Oberstein? It is for that reason I have procured you. In exchange for the posts of the three Chiefs of Staff... be of use to me.
O: If you understand that much, I have nothing to say.
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Lichtenlade and Friedrich IV:
L: I'm afraid, Your Majesty.
F: What is it?
L: I say that I'm more than prepared to incur your displeasure, but...
F: About Count Lohengramm? I suppose you're saying that I give too much power and status to Annerose's little brother.
L: Your Majesty, did you say that to agree with me?
F: Since you don't know fear, you're not limited to wielding authority as senior statesman. Do you think I don't know that he's scheming to usurp the throne by taking advantage of me?
L: So you've heard the rumors.
F: Is it not good?
L: Sire?
F: As with the genesis of the human race... there's no reason for the existence of the Goldenbaum Dynasty. Just as there is no immortal person, I'm afraid that there is also no indestructible nation. The evil truth may be that the Galactic Empire will die out in my era. *laughs softly* At any rate, if it is to be destroyed... it should be destroyed as magnificently as possible.
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There have been 36 Galactic Kaisers since the first Kaiser, Rudolf. People who foresee that the time is approaching to bring to a full stop the history of those nearly 500 years are still few. (We are shown Oberstein, Friedrich IV, Annerose, Kircheis and Reinhard as "those people".)
BONUS ROUND: Fabulous Reinhard
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I wanted to include this with subtitles because it’s... something :D
Episode 9: The Klopstock Incident
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LOGH Episode 7
Episode 7: The Capture of Iserlohn
The post may contain my personal opinions / commentary.
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Iserlohn Fortress
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New characters:
Rosen Ritter members:
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Kasper Linz
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Linier Blumart
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Admiral Thomas von Stockhausen
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Admiral Hans Dietrich von Seeckt
Walter's team arrives at Iserlohn. Walter, disguised as badly injured Lt Commander Rakhen asks the security ensign to lead him to the fortress commander. Kasper Linz warns the ensign of the upcoming Alliance attack. Walter says it's confidential and he can only reveal it to the commander. Meanwhile, the communication is still compromised at the Fortress' control room.
The station fleet discovers the enemy diversion, but it would take 2 hours for them to return to the Fortress. The Alliance fleet needs 1 and a half hour to get all their fleet into the port, so Walter needs to open the port within 30 minutes, or the Alliance fleet will be attacked on both sides (from the Fortress, and from the station fleet).
The Alliance force stays outside the range of the main weapon (Thor Hammer) and maneuvers back and forth which is picked up by the Fortress garrison. Walter and his team arrives at the control room, with one security guard wanting their ID's but Kasper saying there's no time for that. Basically Kasper is a very good actor, and twists the situation so they let them in. 
Wenli in the meantime is just bullshitting his way through this whole thing like he's preparing some major attack or something :D
Walter is cool as always and when Stockhausen gets too close to him, he tackles him, and holds him at gunpoint, as a hostage. Kasper and another Rosen Ritter member, Linier Blumart is also cool, and disarms two security members as well.
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One security member says this:
“His Excellency, the Commander is a man who fears dishonor more than death.”
That's where you're wrong buddy.
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Stockhausen fears death more than dishonor, so he surrenders to the Rosen Ritter. 
They tie the security up, but the one guy escapes and manages to hit the security alarm, which locks down the Fortress. Communications and weapons also basic transportation between floors and such are also cut. Walter plans to take over the main computer until the arrival of the station fleet. The garrison is "little more than" 50 people according to Walter. Wenli's fleet is closing in on Iserlohn Fortress, and does not receive any attack, so Wenli knows the operation is going pretty well. (Btw Wenli is mainly conversing with Murai during this operation.) Murai does not trust Walter. But Wenli does <3
YW: As long as there’s no attack from the fortress, we just have to wait.
M: It’s 10 000 to 1 that Colonel Schenkopp turned traitor or failed.
YW: I have faith in Schenkopp. The success of this plan hinges on him. Until the last, I’ll believe in him.
The emergency tube or what the hell was what Walter was brought in, had hidden weapons inside, which come in handy for the Rosen Ritter guys :) As the Fortress cannot open fire because of the lock-down, that's one less risk towards the Alliance fleet. Walter also believes Wenli can figure out a way to defend the Alliance fleet from the twice as big station fleet. Also a big relief that Reinhard isn't here, according to Walter :D 
Some Rosen Ritter members stay in the main control room to try to repair communications.
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Oberstein has this face of "I'm surrounded by idiots" all the time XD Poor guy, nobody listens to him :D
The station fleet receives a message from the Alliance fleet:
"Iserlohn Fortress is already occupied. If you surrender peacefully, no one will be harmed. If not, you will personally experience the Thor Hammer's destructive power."
Seeckt wants to stop the fleet to these news, but Oberstein says it would be better if they would advance because he thinks from the pattern of the Alliance fleet's movements that the Fortress is not yet fallen.
Seeckt: If it hasn't, why aren't they attacking the enemy?
Oberstein: True. But if the enemy had already taken the fortress... wouldn't they just wait for us in ambush and then annihilate us in one stroke with the main gun?
S: ...
O: The enemy we've seen is less than half our strength. If we attack while the fortress is resisting, I think we can take them out easily. Moreover...
S: Enough! We'll stay outside the main gun's range and observe the situation!
O: Your Excellency!
S: The enemy fleet is, as you say, very small. But it's too small. From what we've seen, we're already between more than two fleets. It's not a mistake. If so, mustn't we assume that the fortress has been taken?! Meanwhile the Rosen Ritter is getting closer to the main computer. Did I mention there are only three of them? Holy hell! 
This cute scene happens when Linier slips and falls down a bit from where he  is supposed to land:
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  Seeckt: I'm afraid we're going to experience the power of the Thor Hammer!
Oberstein: The enemy is counting on our cowering in fear of the Thor Hammer.
Seeckt: Are you saying I'm cowering?! The Rosen Ritter uses Zephyr Particles (the explosive gas Kircheis used to take down the Artemis Necklace of the Kastrop rebellion) to get rid of (what I mean is: kill) some guards. The guard actually think the whole emergency situation is a drill.
Think about it: not once did enemy get in the fortress, so of course it's a little hard to believe that this is a real emergency situation. This is what the "It's not a drill!" line is used for, dear Empire.
Basically it's like this: throw a Zephyr Particles grenade, wait for a guard to open fire, watch as the flames catch on and kill the guards. 
The Rosen Ritter attack and defeat (what I mean is: kill) the remaining guards (they notice the traces of the Zephyr Particles, so they don't fire).
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 The three of them overpower at least fifteen guards, then take the main computer room from the remaining guards after defeating the leader.
They open the ports and the light buoys float up to indicate where the ports are. Frederica congratulates Wenli, who says it's not over yet.
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The imperial fleet sees the buoys as well. Seeckt wants to attack them, but Oberstein says that's a trap (and it is!)
S: They're taking refuge?! Very well! Don't let this chance get away. Advance at full speed!
O: Sir!
S: You again?! What is it this time?
O: This is a trap... we mustn't rush in.
S: Damn you! Didn't you say "rush in" a little while ago?!
O: The situation has changed. There's nothing we can do.
S: Don't you understand?! If the fortress has fallen into enemy hands, we can't go home in disgrace! We can at least give them a good fight; a full attack on the fortress!
O: But, by this time...
S: Silence! Get out of here!
Oberstein takes this quite literally and takes a small ship to escape the imperial fleet. :D
Wenli is already in the control room, and they see the imperial fleet advance. They use the Thor Hammer.
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Soldier 1: More than 1000 enemy ships destroyed instantly.
Soldier 2: With just one shot...
Soldier 3: It is incredibly destructive.
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My dear Wenli <3 It's not your fault, it's that stupid enemy commander!
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I love you too, Walter <3
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Soldier 1: W...withdraw?!
Soldier 2: Telling the enemy to withdraw?!
YW: Any complaints?
Soldier 2: No. How can I put it... We think of glory, fighting under the Admiral.
Wenli sends another message to the imperial fleet commander to surrender.
"Further bloodshed is pointless. If you're unwilling to surrender then withdraw. We will not pursue."
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I'm so sorry this cutie and several other people died because of this incompetent commander!
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The imperial fleet advances once again. Their message:
"You don't understand the soldier's heart. Our code will not allow us to endure living with dishonor! Dying to fulfill our honor, that is our code. Moreover... For the glory of the Kaiser, all ships will charge to die in an honorable defeat." Ok I can kind of understand that this is what they learnt, but this is against logic and it's a meaningless bloodshed, so I'm still angry at the imperial fleet commander for wasting all those lives.
So is Wenli.
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YW: "Soldier's heart" is it?! It's because of bastards like him that the war never ends!
Soldier 1: All enemy ships are advancing...
YW: Can you tel which one is the flagship?
Soldier 2: Yes, we can, but...
YW: Concentrate all fire on the flagship! This will be the final shot!
Soldier 2: Target locked in!
YW: Fire!
Seeckt: Long live the Empire!
Soldier 2: The Imperial flagship is destroyed.
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Imperial ships escape, among them Oberstein.
Oberstein: Fool. Only if we live, is there a chance for revenge.
Frederica: Enemy fleet, breaking off and withdrawing.
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YW: There's no one there who would rather die. Ltjg, please contact Heinessen. Tell them my orders are fulfilled.
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Space Year 796, May 14th. The Free Planets Alliance succeeded in capturing Iserlohn Fortress on their 7th attempt. The 13th Fleet was greeted by a storm of cheers. The people praised Yang who didn't lose a single soldier. They called him "Miracle Yang" and "Yang the Magician."
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Sitolet: Resignation? Are you saying you can give it up?
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YW: Yes, sir.
Sitolet: I think it's still too soon for you to quit the military, but...
YW: I'm not quitting. I'll return to my original career. I'm not a soldier by nature.
Sitolet: Our military is in need of your talent as a leader of troops. Besides... what will happen to your 13th Fleet?
YW: The 13th Fleet?
Sitolet: They call the 13th fleet that 'hodgepodge of veterans and recruits." If you're not there, what will become of them?
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Soldier 1: Admiral Yang!
Soldier 2: We want to serve under a commanding officer we can really admire!
Soldier 3: Please don't step down, Admiral Yang!
YW: ...
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Walter: How'd it go? What was Fleet Admiral Sitolet's reaction?
YW: *throws him his resignation*
Walter: *chuckles* I thought so... I agree with the Admiral, too, you see. Because if I'm serving under you, I have a feeling I can live a long life.
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BONUS ROUND: The many faces of Erwin Smith Kasper Linz and one Pretty Wenli <3
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This one is my fave :D
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Episode 8: Cool, Clear, Cybernetic Eyes
0 notes
Reinhard & Wenli Watch 3
I think we need to play close attention to these two in relation to each other in the progress of the story. So I decided to save the moments they mention each other from the earliest episodes.
Episode 6
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0 notes
LOGH Episode 6
Episode 6: Knights of the Rose
The post may contain my personal opinions / commentary. 
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Iserlohn Fortress
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Planet Heinessen
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Planet Odin
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Flashback: Planet El Facil
New characters:
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Admiral Thomas von Stockhausen
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Admiral Hans Dietrich von Seeckt
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The Rosen Ritter "Knights of the Rose" and their crest
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Admiral Dwight Greenhill
13th fleet:
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Colonel Walter von Schenkopp
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Lt Junior Grade Frederica Greenhill, Wenli's aide
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Commodore Edwin Fischer
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Fyodor Patorichev
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Date: 796 5 12  (I don’t know why does this say this, because later it says it’s this year’s april... I’m confused... But maybe it’s just a typo.)
Narration: The Alliance tried to capture the Fortress 6 times in the past 25 years, developing massive fleets, unsuccessfully. There are two commanders in the Iserlohn Fortress. Admiral Thomas von Stockhausen, the Fortress Commander (leader of the Fortress garrison), and the commander of Iserlohn Stationed Fleet, Admiral Hans Dietrich von Seeckt. These two despise each other and always disagree, competing for glory over the Alliance attacks. So there's little cooperation between them. The main weapon against intruders is the huge cannon, Thor Hammer. The first mission given to the 13th fleet of the Alliance, led by Yang Wenli, is the capture of Iserlohn Fortress. 
The fleet is composed of 6 400 ships and 700 000 personnel.
The story:
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Yang "Sleeping Beauty" Wenli (2): Julian. If... if I'm elected to the High Council... the first thing I'll do is make it a capital offense to interfere with a morning nap...
(I love him)
Wenli is late for the 13th fleet's formation ceremony because he overslept XD
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(Yes, this is exactly the face I make every time I look at Wenli too, Cazellnu :D) 
The 13th fleet personnel is of the veterans of the Battle of Astate and the up and coming youth.
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Yang Wenli's public speaking skill is basically non-existent but everybody likes him :D So cute!
Wenli meets Cazellnu for a coffee (?). I guess Wenli is drinking tea :P
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Cazellnu asks if it's possible to capture the Fortress with only that small amount of ships. Wenli is like: maybe, maybe not *winkwink* Cazellnu:  Come ooon is it a secret or what? Wenli: Just wait and see, you'll appreciate it more. Cazellnu offers his help if Wenli needs anything, resources, etc. Their convo is interrupted by a waitress who drops a cup of coffee over some officer's foot. The officer is military and grabs the girl and lifts her off the ground. 
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Here comes my fave :D HE'S SO COOL
Walter von Schenkopp: Picking a fight with a young lady is so deplorable. Officer 1: Who the hell are you?! W: Walter von Schenkopp. If I said "The Regimental Commander of the Rosen Ritter (Knights of the Rose)..." does that ring a bell? Officer 2: *whispers something* "Be careful..." W: It seems you're worried about that stain...
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(I just had to screenshot this, it’s beyond satisfying :D)
Officer 3: Bastard! You think you can insult us?! We're officers under His Excellency Truniht's direct command! Officer 2: He'll have you court-martialed! W: Oh, please, go ahead. And that court-martial will also include an officer who assaulted a civilian. What if that was reported?
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  Officer 1: Sonuva bitch!
W: You can have me for an enemy, if you so wish. Officer 3: L...let's go. W: Whether in the Empire or the Alliance, corruption in the military is the same. Waitress: Thank you very much!
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Wenli and Cazellnu discuss the Knights of the Rose. It's a close combat unit formed from children of imperial exiles. They have unmatched skill in battle, but no fleet can control them. Wenli tells Cazellnu to form a supply ship from the Imperial fleet (I'm guessing from captured imperial ships), 200 uniforms. Wenli wants the Rosen Ritter in their fleet as well, which takes Cazellnu by surprise. Odin Reinhard and Kircheis discuss Wenli being the commander of the 13th fleet. Kircheis got this report from the Ministry of Defense, they got it from Phezzan. Heinessen, Alliance Strategy Planning HQ Attenborough and Wenli are discussing the mission. Kinda useful info: Wenli is Attenborough's sempai :) Attenborough says there’s a rumor about the 13th fleet and its mission. A: "The baby in diapers will kill the lion, all alone." YW: It's pretty accurate isn't it? Wenli does not have time for drinking and going to the promotion ceremony because he has stuff to do, there's less than a day left before the mobilisation. Bucock from fleet 5 is a guy who can put an end of the gossip :') Cazellnu reports to Wenli about his request of a brilliant young aide. The Salutatorian graduate of the Officer's School Class of 794. On duty in Information Analysis at the Joint Operations Division. Chief of Staff Greenhill personally made the recommendation. She arrives. Wenli is a bit surprised :D She's also Admiral and Chief of Staff Greenhill's daughter, Frederica. Date: 796 April 27th The start of the mission of the 13th fleet under Rear Admiral Yang Wenli. Admiral Greenhill and Fleet Admiral Sitolet talk about if Wenli fails that's a risk to Sitolet as well. Sitolet says he'll be forced to retire at the next election, and Truniht's influence will grow.
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The 13th fleet's Flagship is Hyperion. The Iserlohn Fortress is in the Volhan Star System. It's a full two weeks journey to the corridor. Wenli leaves the control of the fleet to Commodore Fischer until they arrive. Fischer is famous for fleet deployment.
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Sleeping Beauty Wenli no. 3 :D Wenli's plan:
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YW: ...and this is the plan that I've been considering. It's impossible to take out Iserlohn Fortress just from the outside. By infiltrating inside, we'll certainly end up controlling it's nerve center. 
Fyodor Patorichev: Infiltration? Admiral Yang... if we do, will we give that crucial task to this Rosen Ritter leader?
YW: Oh...yeah.
Commodore Edwin Fischer: It's a solid fortress. If the Imperials aren't careful, there's a large chance of success. However...
Murai: Don't you know the rumors about the Rosen Ritter?
YW: I've had them investigated. Twelve previous regimental commanders... Of those, four have died in battle against the Empire. Two were promoted to flag officers, and afterwards retired. And the remaining six betrayed us and ran back to the Empire. In this dispatch, rumors are flying that the 13th Regimental Commander may also turn traitor.
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W: *chuckles* Admiral, if, as the rumors say, I'm the 7th traitor, what'll you do? YW: I'll be in a fix. W: That's a problem, I suppose. If so, you'll be in plenty of trouble, won't you? You're thinking I have some trick, I suppose? YW: I'm not really thinking anything. W: Then you'll trust me completely? YW: Yes. W: *disbelief* I want to hear why you believe in me that much. YW: The other day, I was there when you clashed with some of Truniht's officers. You wouldn't treat them to even one glass of champagne. That's why. Others: - That's the only reason?! - Unbelievable! - This is an important mission! YW: If he turns traitor,  they'll say I was no judge of character. The "one man hero" will disappear from this world. Murai: Admiral! Fischer: The Admiral has left all fleet deployments to me. This time, it's our turn to trust the Admiral. YW: Thank you. W: May I ask a question? YW: Go ahead. W: I want to know; what's your objective in this battle? Is it glory? Or is it promotion?
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YW: No, I don't think it's promotion. To be called "Your Excellency" before the age of 30 is enough. (*gasp* new info of Wenli: He's under 30!) Moreover, if I'm still alive after this battle, I intend to retire. Patorichev: Retire?! YW: Yes. Well, along with the pension, I'll also get a retirement disbursement. Although one person will be eating frugally with me, costing some money. Murai: Are you saying you'll retire under the present circumstances?! YW: You say "these circumstances". But if we succeed in capturing Iserlohn Fortress...our Alliance can gain strategic advantage. Then it may be possible to conclude a satisfactory peace treaty with the Empire. If so, I'll be at liberty to retire because there will be peace. W: However, will that peace become a permanent matter?
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YW: There has never been "permanent peace" in human history. But there have been plenty of ages with decades of peace. In short, my hope is, haughtily enough, for a few decades of peace in the future. But the chance they will exceed the length of the war by more than a tenth are very slim. There's a 14 year old boy in my house. I don't want to see him dragged off to battle. That's all.
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W: *laughs* I've been hearing you're a different sort of person. This may be rude, Admiral, but are you an honest man? Or are you the greatest sophist since Rudolf the Great? Which are you?
YW: *glares* W: Well, I didn't expect an answer. Now that the time has come, I'll do what I can. *smirks* For the sake of a permanent peace.
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Frederica brings tea with brandy for Wenli. Wenli asks her what does she think of the mission. She says it will definitely succeed. She brings up El Facil, which was 8 years ago. Wenli evacuated 3 million civilians from El Facil before it surrendered. Wenli was a Lt. junior grade at that time. Frederica said he planted absolute trust in one girl's heart at that time :D Frederica saved Wenli from choking on a sandwich (because he didn't have time to eat) with bringing him coffee. 
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After his life was saved, the first thing Wenli said was this: "I hate coffee. I wish you'd given me tea." XD XD This is so Wenli it hurts :'D The present Wenli apologized :D
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Sleeping Beauty Wenli no. 4 :D Date: May 13th Iserlohn Fortress Admiral von Seeckt and Admiral von Stockhausen discuss the incoming rebel attack. The Imperials received a transmission from a patrol ship coming from the capital planet Odin. They are under fire, and requesting assistance. Von Seeckt says they must immediately help them, but Oberstein tells him it would be better to be cautious. He thinks it's an enemy diversion. Von Stockhausen says Oberstein may be right. That's just the thing to say to von Seeckt who launches all the ships immediately (about 15 000). These two hate each other so much XD The disguised ship Bremen gets inside because the fortress receives another message of the ship being attacked, and von Stockhausen can't get through to the imperial fleet because the communications are compromised thanks to the Alliance fleet. The fortress garrison protects the ship and the Alliance fleet doesn't receive any damage because they stay outside of firing range. BONUS ROUND: Pretty people
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aaawww he looks shy <333 Episode 7: The Capture of Iserlohn
0 notes
LOGH Episode 5
Episode 5: The Kastrop Rebellion This episode is set  mainly in the Empire.
The post may contain my personal opinions / commentary.
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Planet Labart
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Phezzan Dominion
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The new Admiralty of Reinhard New characters:
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Maximilian von Kastrop
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Franz von Mariendorf
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Tonio, imperial soldier
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Kurt, imperial soldier
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Hilda, von Mariendorf's daughter
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The new Treasury Secretary
Reinhard's new fleet commanders:
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Vice Admiral August Samuel Wahlen
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Vice Admiral Cornelius Lutz
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Vice Admiral Karl Gustav Kempf
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Vice Admiral Fritz Josef Bittenfield
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Vice Admiral Ernest Mecklinger
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Vice Admiral Wolfgang Mittermeyer
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Vice Admiral Oskar von Reuental
Kircheis’ subordinates in this mission:
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Captain Hans Eduard Bergengrun
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Captain Volker Axel von Buro
Narration: Former Treasury Secretary, prince Oigen Kastrop was abusing his authority, and lining his own pockets. Upon his death, the Empire sought the return of his ill-gotten gains. The prince's heir, Maximilian opposed this. A fleet of 3000 ships under Admiral Schmude approached the planet.
The story:
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We are introduced a defense system called "Artemis Necklace". Originally it was made to protect the Alliance capital. The prince somehow got hold of another of it and he’s now using it to repel Empire attacks. The defense system which is a ring formed by battle satellites, manages to destroy all ships which attacked planet Labart. Von Mariendorf realizes that the prince got the defense system from Phezzan. Reinhard opened New Admiralty, drafting new fleet commanders from the commoners and lesser nobles. Kircheis also joined the Admiralty as Rear Admiral. The Admiralty has been ordered to take down the Kastrop rebellion. Reinhard orders Kircheis to do it with 2000 ships. Mittermeyer and Von Reuental discuss that Reinhard chose Kircheis for the task. Both think it's because if Kircheis succeed with a smaller force than Schmude, he will be surely promoted to Vice Admiral.
Other discussion about this between the new Treasury Secretary and the Secretary of State Klaus von Lichtenlade: If Kircheis, Reinhard's confidante succeed that will increase Reinhard's influence too. Two soldiers in Kircheis' fleet talk about feeling safe when they were in Reinhard's fleet. They are discussing whether Kircheis will succeed or not. Two officers discuss the same. One is drunk and fears for his life, seeing as the first fleet, which had 3000 ships, got destroyed. Kircheis arrives and in the end shows the plan he and Reinhard worked out (and both believe in its success). The battle satellites  have weak gravitational attraction, they are not influenced by the main moon. The plan is sending engineer ships forward to emit a gas called “Zephyr particles”. It’s an explosive gas, so when the Artemis Necklace defense system activates, it will destroy itself.
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The trapezoid are the engineering ships, the triangles are the battle ships.
The plan convinces the drunk officer (Bergengrun) who goes to sleep a little in the tank bed to get sober. We get a flashback of Reinhard, his sister, and Kircheis having dinner and having a fun conversation. Reinhard leaves for a while and Annerose tells Kircheis how much her brother relies on Kircheis. She asks him once again to take care of Reinhard. Annerose says Reinhard is certainly a genius, maybe even unparalleled, but Kircheis is much more mature than him.
A: His eyes are always looking far away, so he can't see where he's headed. Surely... surely Reinhard's path leads somewhere other than to war. (...) If he should lose his way...Sieg, if that happens, talk to him. You're the only one he'll listen to. If there comes a time when he won't listen to you... then that's the end of my little brother. With Reinhard's ruin...
K: Lady Annerose?
A: Forgive me, Sieg. I'm being unreasonable. But you're the only one I can depend on.
K: Please leave it to me, Lady Annerose. Whatever I can do, even if it means sacrificing myself...
End of flashback
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The engineering ships get deployed, the operation begins. The engineering ships emits the so-called Zephyr particles with directivity to the parts of the Necklace. The prince on the planet can't figure out what is the enemy doing, as they don't move closer at all. He beats up one of his guests (officers? servants?) in his frustration. Meanwhile the fleet moved closer. The prince slaps his advisor who pointed this out. The fleet moved within firing distance so the prince gave the order to fire. The firing, because of the effect of the Zephyr particles, destroys the whole Artemis Necklace defense system.
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Kircheis sends a video message to the prince to tell him to surrender, as they have absolutely no defense now. He promises to be lenient both with the ringleader and any conspirators. The emission is cut off by the prince. Kircheis asks his officers if they think it's silly to think they can do it without bloodshed. The officers are on the opinion that Reinhard wouldn't be so lenient, but Kircheis has other ideas for the plan than what Reinhard would have done. The prince doesn't believe that the Empire would let rebels to live, that it's a trap and he will be killed if he surrenders, and all his retainers. He turns against his retainers saying they incited him. Also tries to place the blame on his father. Also on Phezzan “selling useless stuff and being misers”. Then he wants to seek refuge in Phezzan. His advisor says it's impossible to escape now, so he can't find refuge in Phezzan. The prince gets another genius idea to disguise his advisor as himself "burning his face". And taking von Mariendorf as hostage. The advisor has a response like this:
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All the other men and women in the room stab the prince as well, and finally, he dies. The mission is a success. Kircheis forbids plundering and violence to the disembarking troops. He says those who violates this order, get executed. The two officers say that despite being young, Kircheis is a good commander. When they arrive back to Odin, Von Mariendorf gets reunited with Hilda, his daughter. In scarcely two days, Kircheis managed the mission without bloodshed. It's rather impressive, thinks the Treasury Secretary. The Secretary of State thinks the value of Kircheis’ skillset all depends on how he is used. Reinhard greets Kircheis.
R: You did a good job.
K: I’m very sorry.
R: What are you apologizing for? Everyone’s saying you’re the new hero of the Empire. A bloodless capture in two days. It’s splendid!
K: Blood was spilled. The ringleader ended up being killed. I’m very sorry.
R: Is that so? Kastrop’s death was a product of the Empire. You can’t be held responsible for that.
K: Yes, sir.
R: Kircheis... Our way of doing things is not like that... is it?
K: No, sir.
*Kircheis turns to leave*
R: Kircheis. You’re a good man.
*Kircheis turns around then bows. He leaves.*
In Phezzan Rubinsky and his secretary, Boltik is talking about how they can use the information of Reinhard and Kircheis being childhood friends. These political machinations! :D
Boltik wonders shouldn't they alert the Alliance that there's a weak point to the Artemis Necklace? Rubinsky implies that Reinhard and Kircheis only new about the weak point because he told them about it. Probably. I thought he implied that.
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Kircheis got promoted to Vice Admiral. Everyone concluded that he was the "Number 2" position of the Lohengramm camp.
BONUS ROUND: Everyone is Beautiful
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A wild Wenli appears from the preview :)
Episode 6: Knights of the Rose
0 notes
LOGH Episode 4
Episode 4: The Afterglow of the Empire
This episode is set in the Empire.
The post may contain my personal opinions / commentary.
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Planet Odin, capital of the Empire
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Neue Sanssouci, Imperial Palace
New characters:
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High Admiral Ovlesser
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Imperial Fleet Admiral Gregor von Muckenberger
Date: Imperial Year 487, March 19th
The story:
Count Reinhard von Lohengramm is promoted to the rank of Imperial Fleet Admiral for distinguished services, also appointed to Imperial Fleet Vice Commander in Chief. Half of the space fleet is under his command. He's 20 years old. We have our first glimpse of what’s going on Reinhard’s head, and we see his absolute trust in Kircheis.
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During the ceremony, he is badmouted by Ovlesser, he says Reinhard only succeeded by using the Kaiser's love for his older sister. Von Muckenberger agrees, but also praises Reinhard's abilities, even Merkatz was impressed (he was promoted to High Admiral btw).
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But almost everyone is jealous of Reinhard here. And everyone who's jealous kinda always mentions his hair lol. Golden haired brat, hm? :D
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Kircheis was napping a lil' during the ceremony, and Oberstein went over to him for a little chat. Oberstein's artificial eyes are malfunctioning a bit. He explains that the artificial eyes needs replacing now and then (they are working with incorporate light computers). He tells Kircheis that if he had been born in Kaiser Rudolf's time (the first Kaiser), he wouldn't have been able to pursue his carrier due to the "Inferior Genes Exclusion Law." He compliments Reinhard ("he's a good, excellent commander,") and tells Kircheis that he wants to discuss him later. Oberstein is assigned to the Iserlohn Stationed Fleet as a staff officer. He expresses his want to be under a commander like Reinhard, and when Kircheis in response is regarding him suspiciously, Oberstein tells him he's overly cautious, Oberstein is not an enemy of his.
Kircheis reports their conversation to Reinhard, but he just tells Kircheis to forget about Oberstein. They are going to visit Reinhard's sister.
Flashback: (Kircheis and Reinhard are around ten years old at the time) Kircheis and Reinhard meet. They are neighbors. Kircheis's father refers to the new neighbors as "poor nobles".They are super cute kids. Reinhard seems like a stuck up brat, but he's not actually a bad kid :D He tells Kircheis that his first name, Siegfried is pretty common.
Kircheis: *unimpressed face*.
Reinhard tells him he likes his family name tho, so that's what he's going to call him :) Then they shake hands and Reinhard tells Kircheis that now they are friends. Cute. :D Reinhard's original family name is von Musel. Annerose comes out of the house and Reinhard introduces them.
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Kircheis is pretty fine until Annerose touches his hair and asks him to be a good friend of Reinhard. He gets so flustered he runs off with a "Y-yes!", so cute! Reinhard's like: wtf dude. :D
In the first day of school, some bully wants to mess with Reinhard by putting his leg in the way. Firstly, Reinhard asks him politely to get out of the way, but when he doesn't he slaps him. :D Dude gets his foot out of the way and Reinhard sits down. Kircheis moved to help him but he didn't need to :) I'm starting to feel like Reinhard's hair color is pretty unusual in this society? Idk.
Kicheis is the one in their friendship who holds Reinhard back from doing stupid things :D The bully from before mocks Reinhard for not being able to fight him unless Kircheis is there to help him. He mocks him that he is in need of his sister's protection. Reinhard's answer is kicking him in the balls... Well... talk shit get hit?
Reinhard proceeds to hit the bully's head with a stone, which is a bit not good, but thankfully Kircheis is there to hold him back like a true bro. Some blood gets on Reinhard's clothes, and he says his sister will be sad if she finds out Reinhard was fighting. Kircheis comes up with the idea of getting into the fountain to wash it off, Reinhard praises Kircheis' tactical abilities :D
One day Reinhard and Kircheis gets home to the news that Annerose will be placed in the Imperial Palace to serve the Kaiser. Reinhard finds out his father basically sold Annerose. He said she also agreed to it. He seems regretful about it.
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Annerose plays the piano, when Reinhard goes to her.
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Kircheis finds Reinhard going out of their house at night and follows him. Reinhard has a blaster, and wants to go to the Imperial Palace to get back his sister. Together they avoid some guards and get to the garden party. While observing the party a little, Reinhard and Kircheis speak of the war:
R: Say Kircheis. The Empire is at war with the rebel forces, isn’t it?
K: Yes, we’ve been fighting for about 140 years, but...
R: Well, then... what are they doing? Although many are dying on the battlefield... isn’t this just like a festival? Their relatives don’t go to war since they’re high ranking nobles. In the end, that’s why the high-ranking nobles know nothing of other people’s pain.
A noble tries to remove Reinhard from the scene, but Reinhard gets out of his grip and shoots a lamp above the noble's head. Kircheis swoops in and drags Reinhard away with him. They escape.
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Kircheis is so into his flashback, he kneels to inspect the orchids :D This is so silly and cute I needed to include it.
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R: Oh, dear. If I don’t render brilliant, distinguished military service I can’t see my own sister. 
K: Have patience for a little while longer. Sooner or later, Lady Annerose will be returned to you, Lord Reinhard.
R: That’s not all. I’ll also have the universe. Won’t I?
K: Yes, sir.
BONUS ROUND: Cute moments
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Episode 5: The Kastrop Rebellion 
0 notes
LOGH Episode 3
Episode 3: Birth of the 13th fleet
This episode is set mainly in Alliance territory.
The post may contain my personal opinions / commentary.
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Heissenpolis, the capital of the Free Planets Alliance 
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Strategical Planning Headquarters
New characters:
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Julian Minci, protege of Wenli
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Wenli's cat :3 So cute!
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Secretary of Defense, Job Truniht
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HQ Chief of Staff and Fleet Admiral Sidney Sitolet
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Rear Admiral Alex Cazellnu
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Patriotic Knight Corps (P.K.C.), a group of violent nationalists, it's said that they are Truniht's shadow army
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The leader of P.K.C. (right)
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Not yet introduced, but first appearence of Admiral Greenhill
The story:
There's a memorial for the soldiers killed in the battle of Astate. Wenli is the hero of the battle (literally "the Hero of Astate"), so he's invited, but he fakes that he has more serious injuries so he stays home. He says the whole memorial’s stars should be the soldiers who died, but neither them, nor him will be the star, but instead Truniht, the Secretary of Defense. 
Fleet Admiral Sidney Sitolet tells Truniht that Wenli is still recovering from his wounds, that's why he's absent. Truniht later asks his secretary if that's true, and gets the answer that Wenli's wound is not that bad. Sitolet asks Rear Admiral Alex Cazellnu  to deliver Truniht's good wishes to Wenli. And also this message from him: "Quit pretending to be sick and show your face at HQ, early."
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Cazellnu does that, and it is shown that Wenli doesn't like to be called a hero. Cazellnu doesn’t like Truniht's  "tediously vulgar, agitating" speeches. Julian and Wenli discuss Truniht and Wenli says: "It's not bad taste to admire Truniht for his sheer nerve." 
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Wenli is a tea lover. He likes his tea with brandy in the morning :'D
Julian tells Wenli he wants to be a soldier after school (his father was a soldier too), Wenli says there's no law that says a child has to pursue his parents’ occupation. 
Wenli's father was a merchant, who died in debt, on the verge of bankruptcy. Julian's school was paid by the military, if he doesn't join, he'll have to pay back the money. Wenli offers to pay it back. Julian protests, but Wenli wins the argument with this: "Don't be impertinent. You're just like a kid. Kids grow by exploiting adults."
J: Commodore do you hate soldiers that much?
YW: I do hate them, don’t I. In this war, I’ve come to hate them more and more. If there’s anything I can do to wash my hands of this business soon. I want to devote myself to historical research, you see.
Truniht's speech:
T: Why did 1 500 000 soldiers had to die?
YW: Because the chief executives' planning directives were unwise.
T: They died to protect the motherland and freedom!
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Jessica arrives and calls Truniht to book.
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JE: Secretary of Defense, I am Jessica Edwards. I am the fiancée of 6th fleet Staff Officer Jean Robert Lap, who died in battle at the Battle of Astate. No... I was his fiancée.
T: That’s... That’s regrettable. But...
JE: You don’t need to console me. Because you say my fiancé achieved a noble death protecting the motherland.
T: I see. Well you are a person who must be called a model for the surviving women and children.
YW: Tell us about it. The human race does not know what shame is, eh, Julian?
JE: Thank you very much. I only came to ask you one question, Secretary of Defense. 
T: What kind of question is it? I hope it’s a question I can answer.
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JE: Where were you? 
T: Huh? (Real smooth there Mr. Secretary of Defense :P) What?
JE: My fiancé went to battle in order to protect the motherland, and now he’s gone. Secretary of Defense! Where were you?! Where were you, who glorify the war dead?! 
T: Miss...
JE: Where is your family?! I offered my fiancé as a sacrifice.So where is your family, you who preach the necessity of citizen’s sacrifice?! Are you practicing what you preach?
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T: Guards, this woman has lost her composure. Take her into another room!
T: Regrettably, grief invites madness. However, we citizens of the Free Planets Alliance must not be defeated by grief. We must commit ourselves to sanity. Victory in freedom! Military band! The national anthem!
The Alliance anthem:
Liberty stands for freedom,
Oh hail the flag that set us free!
Standing righteous symbolic of strength,
Our hopes for freedom to be!
My friends not so far away,
Rules will reunite hand in hand!
Oh hail! Liberty bell! 
True freedom for all men!
The guards take Jessica outside. Wenli gets up to go drive to the HQ, but gets a call from Attenborough, who also was home "injured". The Patriotic Knight Corps tries to attack Jessica as she leaves the HQ. They say they symphatize with her, but her speech was an act of treason and it's punishable. They start to hum the anthem of the alliance. 
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Attenborough and Wenli arrives in time to save her. The P.K.C. declares Wenli a dangerous element, making the connection between Attenborough and Wenli, and Lap and Wenli. They know that the car is in the use of Attenborough.
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Jessica supposes Wenli must think of her as a bitch. Wenli tells Jessica that what she said was needed to be said. They drive to Wenli's residence. However, the P.K.C. is already there as Julian informs them. Attenborough wonders why aren't the neighbors doing anything.
YW: Is there, “The freedom to break into other people’s homes” in the Alliance constitution?
P.K.C. leader: We are the PKC, who truly love our country! We accuse you! Have you become conceited? Perhaps you recall when you acted to demoralize the united will of the motherland!
Attenborough: What a thing to say! With all this uproar, why don’t the neighbors come out?!
YW: Who’s behind the P.K.C.? Everybody knows. The freedom to “not get involved” is perhaps the most valued freedom we have in this country.
The P.K.C. throws demolition grenades inside, Wenli switches the fire hydrant on, which alarms the firefighters. The P.K.C. team members disperse. 
YW: They showed up pretty quickly, didn’t they? If it’s only a fire, it’s a different story, isn’t it? If they ignore it, they’ll aslo get burned. Maybe nobody really wants to see the Alliance burn up, too.
Attenborough drives Wenli to Truniht. (Truniht has freaking portraits of himself in his house :'D) Wenli asks Truniht to guarantee Jessica's safety. After a couple moments of silent staring at each other, Truniht promises to do something about the situation. Before Wenli leaves, Truniht tells him he has expectations of him. When Wenli leaves, the leader of P.K.C. enters through another door and Truniht tells him that Jessica is not important.
Wenli gets promoted by Sitolet to Rear Admiral and he's made to be the Commander of the 13th fleet. It's a fleet of the troops which survived Astate.
6 400 ships and 700 000 personnel. Half the usual number of a fleet. Their first duty will be the capture of Iserlohn Fortress. Sitolet tells Wenli that if someone can capture the Fortress, it's Wenli, and if he succeeds, Truniht will no longer overlook his talent. Wenli accepts the assignment.
Wenli accompanies Jessica to the airport. She tells him Lap always said Wenli was the pride of their classmates. Wenli says he's still a soldier. They share a meaningful look, then Jessica turns away and leaves. 
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An old lady approaches Wenli to tell him both her husband and son died fighting in the Alliance Forces. She says her grandson wants to be a soldier too. Her grandson is visibly upset by this. Wenli tells the old lady that when his grandson will be fighting age, there will no longer be a war, and there will be no need to force him to become a soldier.
Truniht with his portrait (what an asshole!)
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Introduction of Yang “Sleeping Beauty” Wenli:
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Episode 4:  The Afterglow of the Empire 
0 notes
Reinhard & Wenli Watch 2
I think we need to play close attention to these two in relation to each other in the progress of the story. So I decided to save the moments they mention each other from the earliest episodes.
Episode 2
Mention 1
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Mention 2
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Mention 3
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Mention 4
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Mention 5
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3 notes · View notes
LOGH Episode 2
Episode 2: The Battle of Astate
The post may contain my personal opinions / commentary.
Narration: - The Galactic Empire is autocratic - The Free Planets Alliance is based on democracy Locations:
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Iserlohn Fortress 
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Planet Heinessen, the capital of the Free Planets Alliance
New characters: Empire:
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Rear Admiral Adalbert von Fahrenheit
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Baroness Magdalena Westpfahl Alliance:
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Jessica Edwards - the fiancée of Jean Robert Lap The story: The imperial fleet destroyed the 4th and 6th fleet individually, and now is heading towards the 2nd fleet. Flagship Patoroklos of the 2nd fleet got damaged and the Commander got injured, so Wenli took command of the fleet (as he is the highest ranking officer who wasn’t seriously injured, and his commander ordered him to take over command). Alliance fighter pilots discuss that the war will never be over until the Alliance capture Iserlohn Fortress, which is said to be impregnable. It's wedged between the Free Planets Alliance and the Galactic Empire, in a huge zone where navigation is only possible through the Iserlohn Corridor.
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30 years ago, the Empire constructed the Iserlohn Fortress to control the navigation of the Corridor. 
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The Fortress's diameter is 60 km, a thick layer of liquid metal is its exterior, a mass of 60 billion tons. The Fortress's greatest weapon is a cannon called Thor Hammer. This is how it works:
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As long as this fortress exists, the Alliance cannot reach the Empire. The war is fought throughout the Iserlohn Corridor.
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Battles of Tiamat: 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Battle above Planet Legmitz
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Battle of Astate (now) Reinhard suggests spindle formation: he wants to break through the center of the 2nd fleet. 
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Wenli tricks them by splitting the fleet into two groups: he's planning to circle behind the imperial forces. 
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Reinhard is surprised, but orders the imperial fleet to advance, and circle towards the Alliance fleet's rear as that's their only option. Rear Admiral Erlache disobeys his orders, and turns towards the enemy because he's a dumdum, and his ship gets destroyed. That's what you get for being dumb and jealous and disobeying your superior. Btw everyone knew that was an idiot move... I don't even know what's up with people like these XD
A few hours later, the two fleet turned into a ring formation... kind of like two snakes biting each other's tails. 
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As both fleet commanders thought it was futile to continue the battle (it would only end up in unnecessary casualties and battle attrition), both let the other escape from the battlefield. Reinhard sends this message to Wenli.
“I pay my respects to the noble commander’s brave battle. Health, until the day we fight again.” Wenli doesn’t think he wants a reply, so he doesn’t.
After the battle of Astate, the survivors of the Imperial Fleet numbered
2 450 000 people, the Alliance, 4 060 000 people.
150 000 people were the casualties of the Imperial Fleet, 1 500 000 the 
casualties of the Alliance. Alliance: Jessica Edwards gets the news that her fiancé, Jean Robert Lap died in the battle of Astate and was promoted to the title Captain. 
Later, Wenli and Attenborough go to Lap's grave and there they meet Jessica. Jessica tells Wenli that she doesn't blame him.
Empire: Baroness Magdalena Westpfahl tells Annerose not to look so gloomy. She informs her that Reinhard was victorious, will be back in a week, and will be promoted to "His Excellency the Fleet Admiral". She also tells her that "that tall redhead fellow" will also be promoted, to “Admiral”. The main planet of the Empire is called Odin. Reinhard's two trusted coordinates are celebrating and are happy that Reinhard had such a great victory even without them by his side. Phezzan: Adrian Rubinsky (feudal lord of Phezzan) tells his secretary (?) Boltik, that basically this battle was a draw, even though it is said that the Empire won. He says they better keep an eye on Reinhard and Wenli. BONUS ROUND: Characters looking pretty
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Episode 3: Birth of the 13th fleet 
0 notes
Reinhard & Wenli watch 1
I think we need to play close attention to these two in relation to each other in the progress of the story. So I decided to save the moments they mention each other from the earliest episodes.
Episode 1
Mention 1
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Mention 2
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Mention 3
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Mention 4
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2 notes · View notes
LOGH Episode 1
Episode 1: Into the Eternal Night
The post may contain my personal opinions / commentary.
Narration: The Galactic Empire is in war with The Free Planets Alliance. The Empire uses Imperial year: according to that, it’s R.C. (Reichs Calendar/ Imperial Calendar) 487 January. The Alliance uses Space year: according to that it’s U.C. (Universal Calendar) 796 January.  The war has already been going on for 150 years. 
  The first part of the Battle of Astate:  
Empire ships’ view:
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Red: Alliance 
Blue: Empire
Alliance ships’ view:
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Orange: Alliance
Blue: Empire
Locations (pics only if I think they’ll be relevant later on):
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Flagship Brunhild (Empire) - Reinhard's ship 
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Planet Phezzan, a feudal territory (neutral) is trading with both sides.
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Neue Sanssouci, the castle of the Kaiser (Empire)
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2nd fleet Flagship Patoroklos (Alliance) the ship where Yang Wenli is 
4th fleet Flagship Leonidas (Alliance) 6th fleet Flagship Pergamonn (Alliance)
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Iserlohn Fortress (Empire)
Characters (pics only if I think they’ll be relevant later on): Empire
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Admiral Willibald Joachim von Merkatz​
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Captain Siegfried Kircheis
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High Admiral Reinhard von Lohengramm (Count Lohengramm)
Vice Admiral Staaden​ Rear Admiral Erlache 
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Annerose von Grunewald (Reinhard's sister, lover of Kaiser Friedrich IV)
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Secretary of State Klaus von Lichtenlade
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Kaiser Friedrich IV
Iserlohn Fortress
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Captain Paul Von Oberstein
Two of Reinhard's trusted subordinates:
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- Vice Admiral Oscar von Reuental
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- Vice Admiral Wolfgang Mittermeyer
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Adrian Rubinsky (feudal lord of Phezzan)
2nd fleet
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Commodore Yang Wenli, the "Hero of El Facil"
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Commander Dusty Attenborough
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Vice Admiral Paeta 
Olivier Poplan - fighter pilot 4th fleet Vice Admiral Pastoll, commander of the 4th fleet
6th fleet
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Lt Commander Jean Robert Lap The story:
Flagship Brunhild
About 5 elder officers (but still Reinhard's subordinates) go to Reinhard to tell him that the coming battle versus the Alliance is futile, as the fleet of the Empire is half of the Alliance's fleet, and they are pretty much surrounded by them (three separate Alliance fleet are attacking the Empire fleet).
The Empire fleet at Astate consists of 20 000 ships, the Alliance fleet consists of approx. 39 000 (each fleet is approx. 13 000 ships). In the 2nd episode it's established that the Empire fleet has 2 600 000 people on board, while the Alliance has 5 500 000 people.
Reinhard shows them his strategy, they do not believe that it's possible, Reinhard tells them to kindly piss off. Kircheis asks him that was it wise that he told them that, and Reinhard tells him not to worry, their attitude will change when they realize that the victory is close. Meanwhile the elder officers badmouth Reinhard because they are jello bc they don't have pretty blond hair and blue eyes, they aren't as young and smart as him. Kircheis reminds Reinhard that it's his sister's birthday. Reinhard is sorry that they can't make it back in time, but promises the victory as his sisters’ birthday gift. Reinhard finds one reason for concern in his whole battle plan and it's the enemy soldier, the "Hero of El Facil" (Yang Wenli).
Phezzan Adrian Rubinsky (feudal lord) is happy because the war is beneficial to him regardless who wins. The longer the war, the better for him. Neue Sanssouci, the castle of the Emperor Annarose, Kaiser Friedrich IV and the Secretary of State, Lichtenlade are in the garden, the last contemplating Reinhard’s possible victory at Astate. In the past, Annarose asked Kircheis to take care of Reinhard (Annerose’s flashback).
2nd fleet Flagship Patoroklos Yang Wenli goes to the higher-ups to warn them to be cautious, but his plan is rejected, because the higher-ups think that he's overly cautious. Wenli talks with Commander Dusty Attenborough about Reinhard and that they better keep an eye on him. Iserlohn Fortress Two elder officers are discussing that Reinhard does not have his usual staff so he might do worse than in the battles before. But they acknowledge his experience and good strategy sense as well. (They are Admirals von Stockhausen and von Seeckt, we’ll meet them later on.) Reinhard's trusted subordinates are discussing the odds of the battle, hoping that Reinhard wins, and sorry that they couldn't be there at his side. Meanwhile Oberstein is drinking ominously in the background :D
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Aaah, the music is gorgeous btw *.* 
Reinhard attacks the 4th fleet of the Alliance, which is a surprise for the higher-ups. Wenli comments that he would have done the same thing :D Wenli says that it's too late to use his plan (which was rejected), but he has an idea for saving as many ships of their fleet as he can. Reinhard's plan is attacking the three fleets separately, so he'll most likely win (20 000 vs 13 000) against all of them. 4th fleet Flagship Leonidas is destroyed in the battle, and the Alliance can't communicate with the 4th fleet because the Empire cut the communications off. The Commander of the 2th fleet sends out the fighters to help the 4th fleet. Wenli doesn't think it's a good idea as 1) it will take a long time for them to get there, 2) probably the Empire will stop attacking the remains of the 4th fleet and will turn against the 2nd or 6th fleet. Wenli suggest these two fleet should combine to make a fleet of 26 000 ships, which can force a draw with the Empire fleet. But the Commander of the 2nd fleet doesn't want to abandon the 4th fleet as his friend is there :( Wenli says that he has a friend in the 6th fleet (and in the 2th) :( Which friend is gonna survive? The answer is neither :'( Wenli says that his friend in the 6th fleet, Lap is thinking quite similarly to him, and he also has a difficult superior :( Lap tells his superior that they should abandon the 4th fleet and join the 2nd fleet (where Wenli is, and Wenli had the same idea). His idea is shot down. Rather than massacre the remains of the 4th fleet, Reinhard suggests that they prepare for the battle against the 6th fleet. Kircheis suggests that until they get there, the soldiers should rest. Reinhard finds this a very good idea, and agrees. Some soldiers are talking about what a good commander Reinhard is. Artificial limbs are introduced in their dialogue.
Tank bed: 1 hour in the tank bed means 8 regular sleeping hours (I need some of that for myself right now! :D)
The 6th fleet Commander is surprised that the enemy is attacking them and not the 4th fleet.
Wenli and Lap in sync: "I told you so, Oh I told you so!” The whole 6th fleet, and 6th fleet’s Flagship Pergamonn is destroyed in the battle, all people on board die, Jean Robert Lap, Wenli's friend and Jessica Edwards' fiancé among them. (She will come in the picture later). The only Alliance fleet left is the 2nd fleet, with Wenli. The 2nd fleet Commander finds the situation hopeless, and the Empire officers are happy, but Reinhard thinks it's better to be on guard even now because Wenli might be in the 2nd fleet, and he can cause problems :D But he's still pretty sure in their victory.
Philosophy round:
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BONUS ROUND: Wenli in ridiculous poses looking pretty:
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Episode 2: The Battle of Astate 
0 notes