strongest-cat-blog · 5 years
Reblog this if you’re okay with people sending unexpected IC asks to your muse at any time! No meme prompts needed!
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strongest-cat-blog · 5 years
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tabaxi hybrids
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strongest-cat-blog · 5 years
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strongest-cat-blog · 5 years
Do you think Khajiit get the zoomies like normal cats do? do you think a khajiit will get up at like 2 am and their spouse is like “babe everything ok?” and their just like “yeah this one just has to run like 4 miles right now.”
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strongest-cat-blog · 5 years
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A weapon Concept For a DnD Game.
(Originally posted: July 2018)
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strongest-cat-blog · 5 years
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Diablo III: Female Barbarian - Wishlist
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strongest-cat-blog · 5 years
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Another finished D&D commission! Shadow, the buff black jaguar Tabaxi rogue for bb_kait
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strongest-cat-blog · 5 years
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strongest-cat-blog · 5 years
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Giant naptime blep
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strongest-cat-blog · 5 years
“Alcohol should hit fish at all, doesn’t have hands.“ Yet another sure nod of self approval, before she even considers putting him down. Claw looked him up and down, as if to make sure he is okay to be put down before setting him down and patting him hearty on the shoulder with her big, paw-like hand.
Boops the meow
“Purple fish!“ She scoops the smaller into a hug. “Claw back from winter sleeping. Was long winter sleeping.“
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strongest-cat-blog · 5 years
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strongest-cat-blog · 5 years
“No axe can fell a mountain.” This sentence she remembers clearly. Unlike the rest before the dark haze clouding her memories. More important seeming details, like how she ended up at the bottom of a gorge, buried under a bunch of stones she had to push off of herself and why her head hurt so much as she awoke however eluded her. She remembers… Faces. Names. Sometimes they seem to match with each other, sometimes she remembers which was her friend or relative, but not always. The words stemmed from a Goliath. She remembered him well, mainly because she met him after she crawled out of that split in the earth. She could remember his face too, back then. His words after their first clash, many moons before, even: “No axe can fell a mountain.” If she could just win one battle against him. Prove her strength. To him. To herself. To her tribe and family. Wherever they went. After being nearly killed by Crognar Mountainback she searched for them. His words still rung in her ears, months of searching later: “Neither of us desire a fight like this. Don’t challenge me again when you are already near death.” Why can no axe fell a mountain? Should Claw get a pickaxe instead? She did not know. Without her herd, she could not fight with other tribes. Could not maraud nor challenge others to duels. All she could was lick her wounds and hunt, necessities to survive. Especially alone in the plains. She always had the backs of her clan, at least as far as she remembered. Why do they not have her back now? Where was Fang to lend a shoulder to support her weight or… What was his name again? What was even her clan’s name? Screams. Panic. Falling. Blackness. A Panther woke her from a nightmare, trying to sneak up on the Tabaxi as her campfire had burnt out. Stormstrike. Her herd called themselves that. After scaring the smaller cat away she had remembered. Remembered with a headache. Does remembering always hurt? If yes then she was unsure about remembering more, until this headache faded at least. Maybe she would never find them again. Trying to enter into another tribe sounded… Unlikely. Living in one of those towns… Did not sound better either. But being alone was worse. Far worse. When was the last time she shared a friend’s food with herself or drank together with someone she treasured?
One thing. One thing was certain.
There was no way she could lose the plains she has known for her entire life as well.
Now she woke up in a prison cell, somewhere far different than her plains. Once again with no recollection of what had happened.
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strongest-cat-blog · 5 years
// I’m bad at making playlists for my OCs anyone got tips?
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strongest-cat-blog · 5 years
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A starry clouded leopard, I swear there’s a sky pun in there somewhere but I just can’t think of it
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strongest-cat-blog · 5 years
“Alcohol?“ A curious look flickered through her eyes. She shifted her grabbing method, putting a hand under each arm like one were to hokd a child and lifted him up above her head. “Left some for Claw.“ It sounded more like a command than a question.
Boops the meow
“Purple fish!“ She scoops the smaller into a hug. “Claw back from winter sleeping. Was long winter sleeping.“
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strongest-cat-blog · 5 years
// reviving my second lowest followed rp blog? why yes of course this is the first I should do, why are you asking
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strongest-cat-blog · 5 years
“Claw gets sleepy... From too much mead. And meat.“ The Tabaxi nodded, as if to tell herself the point she just made was an incredibly satisfying answer to the question at hand, before changing the topic. “Has anything? Happened?“
Boops the meow
“Purple fish!“ She scoops the smaller into a hug. “Claw back from winter sleeping. Was long winter sleeping.“
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