suremarkj · 8 months
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“I hope you’re right,” Leo says, earnest as ever and uncharacteristically somber. She has felt so alone for such a long time, and it means more than she can say that Mark so readily accepts her as a member of his family. She can only hope (in absolute vain) that Terrence will receive her just the same. All she wants is a family, and the traditional sort is a door many centuries since barred to her; this is the best she can do. Briefly, the light of excitement flares in her as she considers how many near relatives Mark has. All Leo’s family, now, too! But dearly though she’d like to seek them out, it occurs to her almost as quickly that that would probably cause Mark some level of distress. “Of course, I will keep my distance from your part of the family. I found you first, so you get priority. I don’t approve of any upset or fighting in my family anyway, so I disapprove of them on that account already. And you know, if you ever need anyone to speak with them about their conduct... I have some good friends that are rather better at being threatening than I am.“ Leo herself is of course about as threatening as a teddy bear but she has plenty of friends in high places whom she wouldn’t hesitate to call upon in aid of a family member. Mark’s other side lost the right to consider themselves family when they treated Mark poorly! His vendettas are now Leo’s vendettas. @sabbioneta
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mark supposed he was lucky. unlike leo, and possibly unlike terrence, he did not have to learn to live with everlasting life. he could resurrect himself, yes, but he could also choose to die. he could choose when he no longer wished to stay in the state of limbo, the border between life and death. leo was stuck with life, forced into that committed relationship by their 'god' ( what kind of god could be so cruel ? ), and terrence... mark didn't know. but he knew that, if anyone could help them ( really, if anyone could help any mutant ), it would be leo -- and not just because she was their great-great-great-great-something-grandmother. no, he would have thought the same mere minutes ago -- long before he knew he was related to leo, long before he knew leo was related to terrence walker, long before he could even recall who terrence walker was. and what could he gather from that ? " no matter how it seems, man's gonna be lucky to have you. " however, the beginning of leo's tangent regarding mark's family broke his spirit -- from heartfelt, from sentimental, to... a bit humored -- but appreciative, nonetheless ! " don't gotta worry about that, leo. you wanna find another jensen, i ain't fixing to stop you. " his family, his community, had been the root of it all. without the behavior of his family, of his community, there was a decent chance he would have been different -- a decent chance he would have been a better man, but who was he to stop leo from seeking out... dozens upon dozens of other jensens ? " just don't know if they'd be real welcoming, though -- got a weird look on mutants. " and a woman going up to one of them to proclaim her very distant relationship to them ? ...it would either go over very well, or very poorly -- no in-between.
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suremarkj · 9 months
         guy knows… by that point, terry has made the elective decision to stop listening. “look, mate… i don’t care if the guy comes back or not. if they leak it, i get screwed even if they’re fixing for a funeral. if you killed them now—okay, that association is a jump. mark surely doesn’t mean actual murder. and can they really be condoning that, even if he is?—metaphorically—success!—i wouldn’t care. but if they’ve just got my information on hand, i’m not good with that.” privacy is the only thing in their life that they’re actually somewhat passionate about… if only to keep that passionless life to themselves!
        of all the people that could have come to his door, this one actually makes the most sense for someone related to leo. he’s completely, balls to the walls, insane! not for anything he’s actually said, but for caring that much in the first place. for going through all the trouble to find their address just to ask if they were impolite or not! maybe at one point, terrence would have done the same thing. not anymore. not now. “terry,” they answer, hesitating before they send a creaking, ice-cold hand to meet his…third twice-removed fifth-absent family friend’s cousin, or whatever the hell this guy actually is to them.
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mark, ever the chatty-kathy, hummed as terrence began their spiel. he couldn’t say he didn’t get it. like terrence, he was a public persona ( though he had to assume his following was far more cult than terrence’s, what given that he had never been a famous rockstar who headlined festivals and all ! ) and, like terrence, he’d go damn near mad if anyone he did not explicitly invite found his private address. unlike terrence ? he had all the access he needed to the infamous burglar. “ don’t gotta worry about it. ” like terrence, he condoned murder ! between their passion for privacy and condoning of murder, maybe they were more alike than mark had expected ! “ ‘right. ” after a firm and manly handshake, mark tucked his hand into his pocket. analyzing it from an outsider perspective, they may’ve both had powers related to the cycle of life and death... but, despite technically being relatives and having their own similarities, it was a wonder they were related to leo outside of that ! if mark still kept in touch with his family, he’d tell her to just go meet some of the more social members of the jensen line ! “ gonna be seein’ you again, i don’t doubt it. ”
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suremarkj · 9 months
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“It’s rather frightening, isn’t it? But… panem et circenses, I suppose. People are willing to sacrifice their privacy for the convenience and fun of phones.” Her colleagues at the museum often say ‘okay, boomer,’ to Leo’s attitude about smart phones and technology. But she just thinks, if the government had tried to be half so invasive as companies are nowadays, back when she was young(er), people would riot. The right to privacy is one of the most basic of all.
It’s all starting to feel very cynical, really. Don’t know which tabloid’d sell better – death hoax or famous mutant. “It always comes back to money in the end, doesn’t it.” Leo frowns. “Terrence shouldn’t have had to have his dignity bartered with and sold like that. Do you think I can… help him in some way?” Leo looks anxiously to Mark for approval. “I’ve known so many mutants, lived so many lives. A lot of the time it feels meaningless but I really think if I could help a grandchild through a problem, it might be worth it. And of course,” she smiles warmly, laying her hand over Mark’s and giving it a maternal squeeze. “The same goes for you. Any problem, however big or however small, I would love to be there to support you.”
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“ think we lost the last bit of privacy we had when we traded landlines for... ” he held up his phone to finish the sentence for him. who among them could live without a cellphone in this day and age ? -- not that mark had known any different time, so to speak... but, as a private man, he could compare the days of yesteryear -- decade or two ago -- and where they were now... and privacy was damn hard to come by ! he’d made a living off of the phone, sure, but at what cost ? “ makes the world go round, don’t it ? ” it afforded him his properties -- private address and public address ( where all mail was to be directed to ) -- thus, it afforded him the closest thing to privacy that he could get. he had that much to thank money for. but nothing made half as much money as exploitation, and what a good example terry was ! “ well, think if anyone can help a fella like him, it’d be you. don’t know anyone else with as much experience. ” even his mutant followers ! the oldest among them was... 143, he wanted to say ? would it be a lie to say leo came off as a bit air-headed ? a bit lost ? no, not really -- wasn’t her fault the world changed too damn fast for her to keep up with. but would it be a lie to say she didn’t have any wisdom to share ? goddamn, she was the wisest person mark had ever met. mark had... eleven siblings (i think... i forgot...), dozens of cousins, aunts, uncles -- the whole drove ! -- but that didn’t mean he had any family, not really. when the blood of the covenant was thicker than the water of the womb, and when everyone in his hometown who shared his last name had worshipped him then driven him away, the water of the womb... well, it sucked ! but now, he supposed, he did. he had leo, no matter how distant they were. and, even if he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to see her as anything but the friend he’d known her -- even if he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to see her as some kind of grandma -- it was nice to know. it was nice to know that he shared blood with someone who didn’t worship him, didn’t loathe him, didn’t fear him. “ i thank you for that. ”
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suremarkj · 9 months
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closed starter // @suremarkj
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“Okay, look! I know I shouldn’t keep doing it, but I’m fucking hungry!” Driving around with a dead body in the trunk of her Mercedes isn’t how Hale wants to be spending her day. Still, you do the crime, you do the time. The time in this instance, is disposing of said body with Mark. He’s always been the person she runs to for help, along with Sam. She’s been bothering her brother with her bullshit a little too often lately, so today she’s called on someone else. “Let’s blame my ex. I’d stopped murdering until that asshole dumped me.” She sighs and glances at Mark in the passenger seat. “Wanna go to the McDonald’s drive-thru before we bury this guy? I really want fries.”
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mark hummed, crossing his arms over his chest. “ gotta be more careful ‘bout where you’re doing it, that’s the thing. ” she could kill all night and day if she so pleased, who was he to judge !? a high ranking officer in an organization that had... become more about killing humans than just ensuring mutant superiority -- combine that with a good number of ‘unjustified’ kills of his own ( if you’re gonna listen to tiktoks with no earphones on in public transportation, fuck you, you deserve it ), you get a guy who can’t judge a gal killing so she can feed ! but he wasn’t looking to be an accomplice to said gal -- that would be one hell of an underwhelming reason to get arrested. “ murdered ‘em yet ? ” -- now that was undoubtedly a justified kill, if you asked mark ! sighing, he mulled it over. the kill was in the trunk, no need to worry about not pulling a weekend at bernie’s ( not that he’d ever seen the movie ), mcdonald’s was fast ( and... had the occasional rodent dna roaming around its fries... ), and both he and hale were capable of... taking care of it should the pigs catch their scent. “ ‘right, but only if you share ‘em. ”
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suremarkj · 10 months
    she’s severely over-estimated her odds of survival in the chance of it coming to battle of brawn, as ridiculously powerful as she could be, her abilities have yet to be used in a life or death situation. there’s never been a need to. & now analyn’s paying for it. too focused on watching the ceiling crumble into rubble atop of ezra & not focused enough, on mark slithering his way back up behind her. catching what emerges from the mess of materials is enough to nearly freeze her in place ( without ezra’s doing ! ) & that it does. 
    tunnel visioned on ezra, leaves her a ridiculously easy target for mark to sneak up on. & before she’s got a real shot at tossing him away, he’s already shoving fingers against the place her pulse is beating rapidly. &while she hasn’t exactly tangled with death herself, she’s almost certain it isn’t supposed to feel this way. or maybe it is, who’s to say. not given the opportunity to dwell more on the subject, her world fades into nothingness​
         as soon as analyn’s heart stops, ezra’s many-fanged grin grows wider. “should have just cooperated, lynnie. now you’ve got to do it under duress.” obviously, she can’t hear him—but that doesn’t mean his voice won’t weasel into what remains of her, anyhow. “good work, mark,” he adds, letting two of his eyes flick up to settle upon his partner’s face. “bit easy, wasn’t it? takes a bit of the fun out of it, in my opinion. people just don’t struggle like they used to.” shaking his head, he crawls over to examine the new body in their arsenal more critically.
          “that’s enough. go ahead and bring her back. we’ll see if a jump into the void has done her any good.” with most others, ezra would expect immediate compliance. having adversaries be very willing to actually follow through and end their lives tends to make people reconsider disobedience, be they within the damned or otherwise. with her, well… there’s a bit of kindred spirit, yet. she’ll be trickier. more stubborn. he’s certain of it. “but keep her weak, if you can. we don’t want her getting any more funny ideas.” @suremarkj​
----- mark kept his fingers against her pulse -- or, rather, lack thereof -- as she slipped into the great ‘ever after.’ he would not let her slump. he would not let her lay down on the job. even in death, she was on her feet, held in place by the grip mark had on her throat. “ don’t give you any time for finesse. ” he could have left her more room to struggle, more breaths between life and death... but then what would he have to save if she tried to act out again ? attention turned away from ezra, he whittled a cross against her larynx. some new body modification for her to see -- something to remind her that she wasn’t in charge. and, with its completion, he put the pads of his pointer and middle finger back on her long gone pulse... glowing glowing glowing... heart beating. “ nice nap ? ” @okielyn​
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suremarkj · 10 months
         got my own ways. that just irritates terry, if only because the one thing in their life that they actually want is constantly being made unattainable! is it too much to ask for people to just leave them alone? fame or not, the answer seems to keep being yes! “just be frank with me, mate. did someone else give you the address? is it on some website i’m not aware of? because maybe it benefits you, but i need that shit removed as soon as possible. i don’t want my apartment becoming a circus.” and it will become a circus if the paparazzi ever get wind of it! with all the unanswered questions still swirling around their circumstances… well, vultures will be vultures. “i respect your word, but i don’t know you.”
         terry grimaces, wondering if he’s going to be subject to the relative interrogation crew for much longer. “i gave what i could. we went on a walk, we talked. i don’t know what else you want out of me.” after a pause, they add, “again, don’t know you. you didn’t make it a point to introduce yourself, or nothing.” maybe they wouldn’t need one if they had any kind of interest in social media… or fringe christianity but as it stands, mark is a perfect stranger.
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“ yes and no. ” he’d been given the address, but it had stayed safely in his dms ! now, did he trust queefburglar69 ? as much as the guy seemed to adore him -- no, of course not. hell, if he ignored his next dms, there was every possibility the burglar would try to leak the address as revenge ! ...in another world ! “ guy knows he ain’t comin’ back if it’s leaked. ” he had other people that could doxx queefburgler69 and he didn’t give a shit if that guy’s address, or any other private information, got leaked. head on over there, do a little flaying, send a little serpent down his throat to choke on, go back home !  hm... it sounded like terrence hadn’t mistreated her... perhaps been a little less than enthusiastic ( which mark would have preferred ), but a bit of apathy and tolerance was better than sending her off. “ mark, ” he introduced, holding out a hand. if leo was gonna prefer to think of them as brothers -- which she probably would -- the least he could do was give terrence his first name.
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suremarkj · 10 months
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The sound of music from phone speakers is bizarre almost to the point of distress to Leo. It barely registers as music to her, because it is so different from being in a room with the musicians themselves. So she cannot say whether she will like Terrence’s music (but of course, she will find a way, because Leo will take immense pride in everything her family achieves).
“Oh, poor, poor Terrence,” Leo frowns, deep enough for a small crease to form between her brows on otherwise unblemished, unlined skin, as Mark expands on what he knows about them. “How dreadful to go through something like that in the public eye, with everyone so keen to pick everything apart in Instantgram and so on. It used to be so easy to disappear,” Leo sighs, “You know, you could just pack up and go elsewhere for a few decades and nobody could prove much of anything. These days it’s impossible to disappear. I do hope the others in the band were able to support him. It can be so isolating coming to terms with a mutation by yourself.”
It is what Leo had had to do. She met many mutants in her travels as she got older but the slow, dawning realisation that something was different about her had been frightening. She had not felt miraculous or special; she had felt wrong.
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after some careful scanning of his phone screen ( did he need glasses or was instagram just impossible ? probably both. ), mark tapped the ‘mute’ button at the bottom of the video. if there was one thing that drove him to the brink of insanity ( but, like, the regular kind of insanity ! ), it was hearing a video loop and loop and loop and loop. who the hell asked for that ? you miss something in the video, you manually hit replay ! no one needs to hear the same shit playing over and over and over again for minutes on end ! it was the reason he’d given up on public transportation, would rather drive in chicago traffic -- everyone in the damn subways were always listening to their damn tiktoks out loud ! and letting the damn video loop ! he had gone insane enough to follow a few out and flay them alive... and that was on tiktok and instagram’s hands ! “ don’t sound half bad. everything’s on the grid now, huh ? you got a phone, you sacrifice privacy. ” mark didn’t know much, but he knew about: 1) targeted ads, and 2) ip addresses linking back to locations. and they were doing everything they could to make life more and more impossible to live without a smartphone of some kind ! even he’d been apprehensive about bringing his phone to his private address, but the one time he had -- the one time he needed to scan something for his mail -- he’d been left vulnerable. already exposed to the world, why leave it behind when the world wanted him to need it more than ever ? mark had not come to terms in the public. mark had not come to terms by himself. he had been His vessel for a couple of years, then he had been an abomination who cast his own self out -- safer, better. he was as famous as he could be in his small community when it manifested ! and, when the ugly side made itself known... “ confusing to... develop in the public, come to terms in private, i imagine. ” he knew ! it was confusing ! “ hope his friends stuck beside ‘im. don’t know which tabloid’d sell better -- death hoax or famous mutant. ”
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suremarkj · 10 months
         terry isn’t convinced they should take mark’s word on that. firstly, because it wouldn’t be the first time someone has compromised where they live —albeit with worse results, usually, than some grandma with a personal fountain of youth—and secondly because two people independently finding their address is much worse than just one. something tells him a move is in his distant future… “so if you didn’t give it to her,” they start, arms crossed over their chest. “how the hell did you find it?” forget leo, which they probably should also ask about, how is this becoming so easy?
         the insistence on being nice is also… strange. terry doesn’t think they’re mean, just not overly enthusiastic. or normally enthusiastic. or even abnormally enthusiastic. wherever enthusiasm is, they are as far away as possible. “i know what you’re on about, if that’s what you’re asking. let her in the flat and everything. that’s nicer than i’d be to anyone else.” not nice, per se… but not really kind, either. “since we’ve established that, what is it you want? just come by to check if i’ve shoved her out, or what?”
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“ got my own ways. ” the last thing mark wanted to admit to, especially upon a first meeting, was the fact that... he had contacted his biggest fan, queefburglar69. telling terry they’d been doxxed ? eh. telling terry he had a cult following of odd little christians online who knew how to track people down ? eh. but telling terry he had contacted the queef burglar ? in his life, he’d had very few sources of shame, but finally replying to all 427 of queefburglar69′s DMs to ask him if he could ‘doxx’ terrence walker ? he’d rather sacrifice his dignity with another humiliating ‘jump in the air!’ photoshoot. “ ain’t no one else gonna find you ‘cause of me, though. ” except maybe queefburglar69...  “ good. ” crossing his arms over his chest, he leaned against the doorframe. “ you humor her ? give her the whole ‘grandson’ thing she was lookin’ for ? ” mark had eight siblings and dozens of cousins he was raised to think of as siblings ( even if he had gone ‘no contact’ with all of them ). he didn’t need another brother... but if that’s what leo wanted of them ( and leo ? she was family, and not just because they were (very distantly) related ), he’d play along, at least.
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suremarkj · 10 months
         hearing another knock at his door is almost enough to ruin his evening. there’s always a possibility that it’s alara, but truth be told, terry doesn’t even want to see her right now. there are just too many damn people in their life right now! first alara ( which he can handle mostly ) then ihsan ( which he can’t ) then leo… and he doesn’t know what to do about any of it. they just don’t have the desire for a social life anymore, and the circle they’ve kept as minimal as they can is slowly starting to grow larger. a few days rest is what they really want. a few days where they don’t have to talk to anyone. where they can sit in their apartment and play dead without any impending interruptions. is that too much to ask for?
         in the end, despite considering ignore the disturbance, they do open the door—and are immediately met with a face they don’t know. great. who the hell does he have to deal with now? but before terry can get out a gruff what do you want? this stranger ends up having something to say about leo. interesting warning—if too late, considering that they’ve already had her knocking on the door—but there’s a more pressing matter at hand… how the hell did he get found like this twice? did he give her his address? how did he find it?
         “she already came by,” he says, hands on his hips. “you the one who told her where i live?” if so, there might be some ass kicking in order!
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some years ago, mark would’ve been asking himself how the hell leo had already found terrence’s address. he knew there was a chance she’d get there before him, but he figured it was slim... whereas, some years ago, he would’ve figured it impossible. but, damn her if she did not have her ways ! live a few hundred years, mark supposed you learn a couple strategies ( even if you forget a couple others along the way ). “ didn’t give it to her, naw, but she’s got her ways. hell, woulda shown up before giving it to her if i’d been the one ! ” now, the grave thing about this ? it all hinged on a famous musician who had died then quit his own band ( thanks, queefburglar69 )... well, 1) believing her, and 2) being nice to her. mark may have had some fame in his own right, but a cult following of oddball christians was a far cry from a mass following with people debating who in terry’s band had the best feet ( ...thanks again, queefburglar69... ). “ were you nice to her ? ‘cause when i say she’s been waitin’ for this, i damn well mean it. hell, long as you didn’t shove her away before she could talk, you probably know. ” there were very few people mark would be so insistent about being kind to ! like... really only one ! leo was really only it ! everyone else in his life ( of which, there were few ) could just... exist !
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suremarkj · 10 months
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   ‘  if it were meant to be funny, i’d be laughing ? i was being serious.  ’ rion’s so unserious about everything that the statement should be considered a joke. their head cocks curiously to the side while racking his brain for something else to say. he’s vaguely familiar with the other’s radio & television works & may or may not be a fan on the low. pursing lips together, finally, they spit out what’s been bouncing around his head. ‘  so you’re that conspiracy weirdo ? i had pictured you …. taller ? not as …. plain looking ? i’ve only just started listening to your podcasts, but they’re awfully entertaining. i like using them as background noise for bed; you’ve got a nice speaking voice.  ’
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mark kept his eyes, unamused as they were, trained on the kid. he had to wonder... were they all this annoying ? even hearing that they were a casual listener/viewer of his ‘work’ -- however underhanded each compliment ( save for that last one ) may have been -- didn’t mean too much ! “ real sorry for disappointin’ you. ” he was not the type of man to define himself by height, but... at 6′3, he was definitely above average ( maybe not in this specific rp, but in real world terms... ). “ yeah, well, had other plans once -- woulda gotten even more of it. ” buttering up his already inflated ego ? now they were talking ! “ but time passes, don’t it ? ”
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suremarkj · 10 months
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‘ saw a snake that was 3.14 meters long, the other day. to my understanding it’s called a …. PI.thon. ’  jokes aren’t their specialty, sue him. what’s important, is that the other takes the ice-breaker as his cue to speak, instead of the dead silence between them. ‘ you did pay attention enough in maths to get that, right ? it’s not gonna soar over your bobble head ? ’ 
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unfortunately for... most people who weren’t very familiar with mark, his sense of humor bordered on non-existent. there were a few folks whose jokes and quips he took to, but he hadn’t laughed once during his viewing of blazing saddles ( and it was a western spoof -- if there were any movie that had a chance of making mark laugh, it was a movie that poked loving fun at the only movie genre he had any interest in ). all to say, the other’s joke... didn’t land.  “ yeah, yeah -- i know what the joke is, kid. ” though, to be fair, his schooling hadn’t been the greatest. between the general low quality and being treated like a god for years on end ( and then like the spawn of satan )... suffice it to say, it could’ve been better ! “ don’t mean it’s funny. you want a real joke, you look in the mirror. ”
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suremarkj · 11 months
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“I would be honoured to look after Banana,” Leo says solemnly, and she really would. “That’s if she outlives you, though, which she very well might not. But I think Lettie would just love having a friend around!” Attached as Leo is to her giant turtle, Lettie has never had another animal companion. Most are just too short lived, and it seems like it would be unfair. But a snake capable of living centuries would be a very welcome addition to the household.
Mark might only be able to use his pointer finger to type on his phone, but it’s still a great deal faster than Leo could manage and she is suitably impressed. She never even much liked typewriters, all of this touchscreen telephone business was profoundly unappealing to her. And soon enough Mark has his face up: Terrence Walker!
“He’s very handsome, isn’t he!” Leo glows, delighted. Not that she thinks any descendent of hers could be anything less than beautiful. “What sort of controversy do you mean? Is he okay? A mutant like us, do you mean?” Though she’s never clapped eyes on Terrence before, she is immediately filled with deep concern for his wellbeing. Leo has been through more than her share of controversies but she would do anything to protect her family from them.
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“ good, ‘cause you’re the only other person she's taken a shine to. ” a half-joke, of course. if leo wouldn’t want banana thrusted on her, banana liked tenzin and ezra alright. she’d shown a bit of fascination in daniel, too, though whether that was because she was starting to like him or because bat = food, mark wasn’t sure... but, in any case, leo would be living the longest of them all ! “ tellin’ ya, think she might outlive me. girl’s already fifteen and she ain’t slowed down a bit. ” mark did consider himself the god of snakes for a reason. he was the creator of snakes made of magic. who knew how long his creations could last ? “ he’s a fine lookin’ guy, mhm. ” mark tapped off the picture and slowly scrolled through the grid, phone still facing leo. pictures of the guy playing drums, pictures from photoshoots, pictures from interviews... how old was the account ? surely terrence hadn’t done all of that within the past year, much less the past month. ( the past three years and then some, however ? ) tapping on a video of them playing the drums, he squinted his eyes, trying his damndest to make out the logo on the bass drum ( goddamnit, he thought his mutation would save him from needing glasses ! )... something with a ‘w’ and an ‘r’... but a particular fill brought it back to him ! the controversy ! “ mutant like us, mhm. ” turning the volume up a bit, going back to the fill, he added, “ ‘ think the guy had some kinda... spontaneous resurrection. sold it as a death hoax, sold ‘im as a mutant. ”
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suremarkj · 11 months
who: @cursedflesh​ where: outside of terry’s place (doxxing :elmo:) what: that’s our grandma!
if there was one thing mark was sure of, it was that leo was going to be seeking terrence walker out. and if there was one thing mark was sure of ( so... that would make it two ), it was that he, as the man who had introduced her to the genealogy websites, could not bear to be responsible for any disappointments she may encounter in her endeavors ! ( any disappointments at all would be a shame, but to be actively responsible for them ? well... ) lucky for him, with some followers in high places, terrence walker was decently easy to place... he never thought he’d be alright with this so-called ‘doxxing’ ( a real invasion of privacy -- the house he actually lived in was as off the grid as possible for a reason ), but queefburglar69 finally came in handy. “ tell you what, a little old woman’s gonna stop by any time now -- ‘bout yea high, ” he began, putting his hand level to his shoulder, “ and she’s gonna be real excited. gonna tell you she’s your great-great-great-great-something-grandma, and you gotta at least pretend to be happy, ‘right ? name’s leo -- might introduce herself as leonarda with a real long last name -- and, boy, she’s been fuckin’ waitin’ for this. ”
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suremarkj · 11 months
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“I tried always to keep track. But in World War II, there was so much chaos, so much movement, so much destruction, that things got lost.” Leo wasn’t always directly involved in their lives; but she just liked being near her descendants, and knowing they were safe. “You know, I don’t think it’s surprising at all that snakes are related to life magic in the end. Asclepius certainly wouldn’t be surprised.”
Leo takes the paper off his hands as he agrees to look the name up. How funny, how strange! Leo thinks with something close to anxiety. How very peculiar, that another descendant might be waiting there in that little block of plastic and glass. “Instagram is the… photograph sharing function?” she asks, eager to show she is Down With The Kids. There’s an intern at the museum that’s quite keen to start an Instagram thing for Leo’s work, and she’s quite possibly persuaded that it’s a good idea.
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mark clicked his tongue, a single and solid nod of the head. “ still kept up a real long time, then. ” he wasn’t... entirely sure when she was born ( at this point, was she ? you live a few decades, you have to take a moment to consider whether you’re 56 or 57 -- you live a few centuries... does it even matter ? ), but keeping up until the 1940s ? that was damn impressive... from what he assumed was roughly her age ( 400 ? 500 ? 600 ? ). -- hell, that was more than enough time for the jensen bloodline to get moving strong... but, as evidenced by the sheet he held in his hand, it was more than enough time for a hell of a lot of bloodlines to get moving strong. “ some strong critters, ain’t they ? ” from accompanying a god of medicine to consuming their own self in an act of infinitude, from tempting eve ( or, perhaps, allowing her ) to turning cruel men to stone, from creating the earth and the sky to wrapping around the globe... the perceived ‘morality’ of the creatures was up to the storyteller, but all cultures seemed to be in agreement: they were powerful. “ wouldn’t be surprised if banana stuck around for a few centuries, herself. might have to make some addendums to my will -- appoint you her guardian. ” banana would not be so amused. although mark only understood technology -- especially social media -- so well himself, leo’s way of... describing the more modern side of things was always quite endearing. “ mhm. been sharing videos for a year or two now, too. ” or three or four or five or... for a man who made his career off of sharing videos and recordings ( televangelism wasn’t popular anymore, sue him ! ), he only knew so much ! just as he could only function so well, so fast, typing in terrence’s name with his pointer finger alone ! ah, but surely, the profile eventually came up. clicking the first photo, he tutted as he was finally able to put a face to the name. turning the screen to face leo, he said, “ tell you how i know him –– fella’s a mutant. some... controversy of his got people flockin’ to me a few years back. ” he couldn’t remember the full details of said controversy, but his ‘fanbase’ definitely grew...
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suremarkj · 11 months
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“I think it probably is quite common, relatively,” Leo says, casting her memory back through the years. “There was a man a century or so ago that could heal sickness, and a woman before that could give life to inanimate objects… there was someone that could bring dead plants back, though she got burned as a witch… plenty of uncommonly strong constitutions… I daresay life related powers run in the family. It never even occurred to me that yours could be related to mine! But how wonderful that it is.”
Wonderful, and cruel. Immortality sounds like a wonderful gift to many, but they rarely think of the cruelties that come with it. The aching loneliness. The permanent impermanence. But if anything can make an immortal life bearable, it is to be surrounded by those similarly afflicted.
“Walker?” she frowns, looking where Mark points on the list. “Terrence Walker. I’m afraid it sounds quite new to me. It’s not an unusual name, perhaps you might have known someone by it before. Or you could look it up on your cellular phone?” Leo feels quite modern for thinking of that idea, and looks quite evidently pleased with herself for saying it. The internet is still a mystery to her, but she’s always terribly impressed, if a little intimidated, to see others using it. There is simply so much information available on it, and people carry it all on these miniature little bricks that fit inside a pocket.
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” you kept track that far ? ” he asked, having assumed she’d enlisted his help to find everyone who had been born after her children. then again, ‘someone’ was pretty distant language -- maybe they were simply folks that she’d known ? “ i always did wonder... ” he trailed off, figuring this was leo’s time. rumination upon whether one of his family members could heal would be saved for later. “ tell you what, i never even thought of my power being... life-related. ” was that the word to use ? it was. as he looked back on it, it was. how many times had he ‘died’ ? -- hell, how many times had he and tenzin ‘died’ just in the name of foreplay !? self-resurrection each time. “ bet you got a real strong line, maybe even another immortal. ” mark could bring himself back. he did not know if there was a limit, and he didn’t intend to find out. if he’d learned anything from leo, it was that immortality could be a beautiful thing... up to a point. if there was no limit, then he would live until he was forgotten. and then he would slip away. slither back to where he came. ashes to ashes, dust to dust. he would rather fall to hell than become the ouroboros, devouring itself... on and on... forever. mark hummed, subtly shaking his head as his eyes remained trained on the list. if he’d ever known a terrence walker, it had been in passing. he didn’t even have a face to put to the name ! but leo’s modern solution ? ...far surpassed his simple wondering. he looked up, nodded, and pulled out his phone with his free hand. he had just been bested in modernity by a 500+year-old woman... touché.  “ ‘right, gonna search ‘em up on instagram. ” one of his least favorite things ! and he made his money off of it ! then, nodding to the paper, he asked, “ you mind holding this real quick ? ”
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suremarkj · 11 months
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closed starter // @suremarkj​
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​“I know I said I like it when you push me around, but I didn’t mean that you could do it outside of when we fuck!” Tenzin brushes herself off, then grabs her dagger from the leather holster fastened around her thigh. Had Mark pushed her because he didn’t want her to get hit by kids riding their bicycles a little too fast? Yes. Did she care? No. Without giving it a second thought, she plunges the blade into his bicep. “Now we’re even.”
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if mark hadn’t grown a healthy appreciation of tenzin stabbing him, he’d have half a mind to kill her, get the damn kids to come biking back, and resurrect her right on time for the kids to run over her. instead, he winced as it pierced through his shirt and skin and shook his head, a slight grin growing. “ we doin’ this here ? ” he asked, certainly more of an attempt at a joke than an actual question ( though who would he be to deny it ? ). yanking the dagger out of his bicep, he examined it with a hum before letting it drop to the ground. bend and snap! “ got the message, though. let ‘em run you over next time -- shoulda let ‘em this time. ”
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suremarkj · 11 months
Mark is very calm about this, which makes sense. Maybe it’s nice to know your family just got a little bigger, but it’s not revelatory in the same way that it is for Leo. For her part, though, she is overwhelmed; there are so many things to think that they almost cancel each other out, and her mind feels quite blank.
“I’m not worried about being forgotten by the world,” Leo laughs, wiping tears from her eyes. “But I am worried about being alone in it. This is… gosh. I can scarcely believe it. How fascinating that you have powers surrounding life. It must have passed down the blood, for centuries. When I had my babies, I didn’t even know there was anything different about me; I just thought I had a formidable constitution.”
She laughs again, shaking her head. It’s positively dizzying to think about, and it makes her wonder, too, if there is someone older than Leo in the family. Someone she inherited her power from. Is it possible she’s not the first?
with a soft smile, one that tended to be reserved for leo and leo alone, mark replied, “ can tell ya this much: y’ain’t gonna be alone in it for at least hundreds of years to come. twenty-year-old sister’s already got three kids -- and that was just last i checked. ” and she wasn’t his only sister ! or only sibling ! as long as the jensens held to their values ( and mark could not see them wavering up until their town was destroyed... and even that was just a ‘maybe’ ), leo had gotten the luck of the draw with one group of her ancestors !  “ think it’s a normal thing ? gettin’ related powers ? ” as far as he was concerned, no one else in his family was a mutant ( if they were, they’d sure been good at hiding it ) -- outside of leo, he didn’t have a good frame of reference. would her other ancestors have powers related to life ? or was it a fluke ? humming, he pointed to the first name he saw that didn’t end in ‘jensen’ -- ‘terrence walker.’ “ you ever heard of this guy ? ” it didn’t take him long to realize that asking her that was likely akin to asking king tut if he’d heard of walgreens. “ ‘ feel like i recognize his name. ” ...mark may have been more caught up with modern society than leo, but pop culture and technology remained rather foreign to him. 
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