#// ahh let's go back to the days where i would just be watching vl for the 300th time and not the 1000th and id be making
m0e-ru · 1 year
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(watched visualive again voice) they should be friends
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survivorazores · 7 years
Rites of Passage
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Amanda: Queen. I didn’t get to meet you but from what I heard you were wild and deserved better and I wish I had met you.
Francie: you’re literally the one person I never got to interact with in this game in any capacity whatsoever which is zo(e) disappointing because it seems like you would’ve been really cool to talk to. #RobbedQueenZoe
Abbey: Truly a robbed queen, you were fucked over in the worst possible way! I hope you play again in the future!
Will: You’re literally the definition of a robbed queen and the decision to target you at the first vote still haunts me honestly, but I could tell that you were here to play hard I knew I had to take the opportunity when it was there. I’m still sorry that I backstabbed you, but I want you to know it was because I saw you as an early threat and I’ve learned from past mistakes to trust my gut. I know you would’ve gone far though and I hope you can take your passion to other games, I know you’ll kill it.
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Amanda: Hey Aundra. I guess you wanted me out right away because I tried to do well for our tribe? Idk man. Nice to meet you, though.
Francie: I didn’t really realize you were there until you tried to make a large move at the very beginning of the game which ended up being your downfall.
Will: I wanna say something nice but you’re literally the only person I never interacted with, so there’s not much I can say…
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Amanda: Ray, you left in a tragic 5 person tribal at such an early stage of the game. You would have been a great ally had you stayed. Good to meet you.
Francie: I didn’t even know your name for a while because it was just … on Skype and you were so inactive so, uh, yeah. We didn’t talk much either.
Will: I didn’t really know much about you but you seemed like you really didn’t wanna be here and you weren’t that active, so I don’t really have much to say. Hope all’s well for you.
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Amanda: Ah Toph, the cracked king of premerge Salao. I don’t know why anyone would think it would be a good idea to mutiny to the tribe that you know is for sure going to tribal council but…. I guess it worked out the way it did for a reason. Good luck in Forbidden Forest.
Francie: you were cool when I talked to you and I was going to try to ally with you but it never really happened.
Abbey: A mess.
Will: Oh Toph, you cracked icon. Honestly even though we were on opposing sides the two tribal cycles that I interacted with you for were ICONIC and probably my favorite part of the game even though it got heated. You had a solid plan and if you hadn’t gone for the one person who hadn’t searched for the idol you actually may have been able to pull it off and been one of the biggest villains of the season - and everyone knows I love a good villain. Hope there’s no bad blood between us, and thanks for giving me the opportunity to copy and paste an entire chat history during a live tribal, that was fun.
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Amanda: Oh Raffy. From what I heard, you were the cracked king of premerge Espirito and leading the charge against the veteran players. You have so much play in you, and I’m really excited that you were promoted from pre-merge to jury. I’m excited to see you play again!
Francie: we talked some in the one world chat. you seemed alright. 
Abbey: I’m gonna be honest, over the top players always get on my nerves. I feel like if we had played together longer we would not have clicked. That being said I think while you were in the game you did an impressive job, you kept things interesting that’s for sure. I look forward to hearing what you have to say. 
Will: Raf <3 similarly to Toph, I know we ended not on the best of terms and on opposing sides, but that string of challenges and tribals was honestly so iconic and so much fun (and incredibly stressful but I wanna keep this positive). You had such a handle on the game and if you hadn’t tried to come for Ricky you probably would’ve had me in your back pocket too, I was ready to follow you to the end honestly. But then I figured out what you were doing and knew you’d be too dangerous moving forward. I really hope you can see why that all happened the way it did, and I see you over there killing it in Kuang Si (rip I had to drop out at the last second) so you know I’ll be stanning you in the VL. Good luck, and thank you for bringing the perfect amount of cracked, high level gameplay energy to the premerge.
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Amanda: Ricky! You probably will not believe any of what I say, but the truth is, I did not want to vote you out. When we called after the swap, everything I said to you was genuine and I wanted to work with you, at least for a little while. When people came to me about wanting to vote you out, I tried to deflect the vote away from you, but it wasn’t happening. At that point, when literally the entire tribe is telling me they want you out, I can’t got against that. I’m sorry I let you down. 
Abbey: Rickens my love. This game was always going to be messy with the two of us, I knew we couldn’t go to the end together but I really wanted us to go farther than we did together. I love you so fucking much.
Will: Ok listen here so I saved this for last since I wanted to give this my full attention, but I am still so fucking pissed at how you were treated in this game!! You’re my unofficial boyfriend, you’re the only friend I had in this game before it started, and honestly we would’ve been unstoppable if you had made merge because somehow literally nobody suspected we were as close as we were (and if they did, they were taken care of lol). You deserved so much better than to be targeted the way you were, and I hate that we were rigged apart during the swap (joking of course I love the hosts) and that you were voted out. Like you said, I’m so glad that we were able to grow closer through this game and you know that I will always fight for you as hard as I can no matter what, even if it did almost get us voted out close to the beginning. I could keep going and going but I feel like all of my ROPs are too long already, plus we can always just talk later once the game is over. At the risk of using the phrase “robbed queen” four times during one ROP, you definitely deserve another chance since you barely even got to play the game, but you still deserve so much better though. Love you so much!!!!!!!!
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Amanda: Queen of finding idols. Honestly, I was nervous and excited about playing with you. You probably don’t remember, but we’ve actually played a game together like 2 years ago. Its was fun. Thank you for editing our video. I still watch it and it makes me crack up.
Will: We didn’t get to know each other that well, and I do feel bad for turning on you post-swap but that’s just the way the numbers lined up. You seemed like a super fun person and I wish I could’ve gotten to talk to you/know you more, but maybe we’ll have the chance for that another time. If not, I hope everything is going well for you - both in games and in your life outside of here!
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Amanda: Ashley. I feel like you were the most bitter when you were voted out, since you were the only one to come to me afterwards and ask why. Honestly, I’ll tell you now: People on swapped Espirito were uneasy that you kept telling the people we were trying to vote out that we were trying to vote them out (even if it was your idea to vote them out, @the Ricky and almost-Bryce votes) and ultimately decided it wasn’t safe to bring you to merge. I’m sorry for that, but you really are a sweet person and I did enjoy playing with you.
Francie: I’m going to be honest, I didn’t feel like I could trust you that much otherwise I might have worked with you more
Abbey: Queen of not in fact having an idol. Another person I had a connection with before the game and didn’t ally with. I hope we can be friends after this.
Will: Another robbed queen who was literally targeted from day one for no reason!! I’m so upset that we never got to properly work together and that everyone was on your ass the whole time you were in the game when you were just here to hang and play. I so badly wanted to work with you but clearly everyone else was too cracked to give us that chance. That being said, the first tribal council “Ashley has an idol” is such an incredible moment from this game, so thank you for making that happen. You would’ve been such a legend if these people had just given you the chance to play.
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Amanda: Gwen! My anthrax-clown obsessed Doctor Womyn! You were definitely one of the bigger personalities on OG Salao, and who can forget that perfect Beddy-Flop?? I’m so glad we got a chance to play together.
Francie: Having you around was such a fun time. you were hilarious and really cool
Abbey: Phew ok I’m not gonna lie you were a FORCE and the short time we spent in the game together was wild. You are at 100% all the time and at times it was overwhelming but your passion was clear to see and that’s something that we could use more of around here.
Will: Gwen ahh you were so sweet and I loved the conversations we had, and I hated that we didn’t get to talk more and that the numbers shifted so quickly to where you were on the outs. It was so fun getting to chat with you and getting to know you, and I wish we had gotten a chance to really talk strategy or gameplay but it just didn’t work out that way - hopefully we’ll have a chance sometime to keep talking though, because you were definitely one of the sweetest people I got to chat with in this game!
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Amanda: Oh Michael. You really did go out with a bang, huh. I must say, your parting words left the entire rest of the merge with much entertainment. Even though spreading a false rumor about someone wasn’t cool, thank you for the laughs. 
Francie: I don’t really have anything to say except: your last words. wow buddy. they were certainly something. also, if you were going to insult me you could’ve actually spelled everything correctly lmao
Abbey: Who?
Will: Ok so while I do resent you calling me a floater because I think I did exactly the opposite of that, I’ll save that for FTC lol. I definitely really loved the friendship we had, and I hope you can realize that it was 100% real and I never intended to lie to you or do you harm, that being said I was put in a tough situation where I was away from the internet and couldn’t really do much except go with the majority. I know you deleted me off Skype and we’ll probably never talk again, but our conversations were real, our relationship was real - I want you to know that. That being said, I could definitely go on about how it was really unnecessary and overdramatic to go out like that, since it didn’t really accomplish anything in the end and you were wrong about a lot of things, but I feel like you probably won’t really care. Hope all is well with you my dude.
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Amanda: Other Me! Your vote off was tragic and I so wish it had worked out differently! You definitely had some game left in you, and I’m really excited to see you play again!
Francie: hella cool, hella gay (is that what the g stands for?) and hella great over all.
Abbey: Rip F(emale)6. You going home was really a turning point in this game, or at least it was for mine. I was really truly invested in that female alliance and I was ready to see it go to the end. You going home changed everything and honestly the tribe chat was never the same since. Your energy is so fresh and fun and I really miss having you around. 
Will: UGH Amanda I wanted to work with you so badly and go to the end with you from the first few days, but things didn’t work out and I didn’t know if I could fully trust you (and you definitely had no reason to trust me). You had such a good read on the game though and you could’ve gone a lot further, I just had a feeling you’d be gunning for me and when I found out you had an idol I knew you needed to go. I did love having someone else on the cast though who would freak out about GoT with me and understand the pain during that one night before the tribal where Toph went home and we were scrambling to figure things out while watching Olenna’s last words to Jaime. I definitely wish we hadn’t ended up not totally trusting each other, but I am definitely glad that we did get to talk about stuff beyond the game and geek out about GoT together from time to time.
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Amanda: Bryce! Man, you were such a laid-back kinda guy, and I really enjoyed talking with you about non-game things! I remember watching Hamilton with you that one night and just fan-girling over it together. Can’t wait to talk to you after the game!
Francie: we didn’t talk nearly as much as I wish we had. we did talk but not enough tbh
Abbey: I know we barely talked but you seemed like a really solid dude and I’m bummed the cards never worked out for us to talk more. I look forward to answering your questions if I get to the end.
Will: Ok I was legitimately so sad the night you went home because 1) I had no idea it was gonna be you and 2) I felt like you were one of the few people that I could genuinely trust the whole time in this game. People kept labeling you as unaware and nonexistent in the game which felt really weird to me because I felt like we definitely connected and had some pretty good talks here and there over the course of the game, but I was completely blindsided by you being voted out and I still hate that it happened that way. I hope we can actually continue a real friendship, because everything we talked about was always genuine coming from me, especially in such a cracked game where it was hard to keep track of who was lying about what. You kept it real, you kept it positive, and you kept it fun.
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Amanda: MO! By far the FUNNIEST PERSON IN AZORES!! Let me tell you, I did not know what Bang Voyage was before your vote off, but now I love it, it’s so funny! I’ve missed your “cringeworthy” (shoutout to Michael) puns. Francie has tried to keep up with them, but it’s not the same! I’m so ready to just chat with you, it will be pun-tastic!
Francie: literal pun king. a few of us tried but mo one could match you. you’re a pretty sweet kid and voting you out was the worst thing I had to do all game tbh 
Abbey: The rest of my ROP is gonna sound pretty much the same. Pretty much until after your vote I was checked out of the game and I never really made connections with anyone. Unfortunately that is the case with you. I can’t comment on your game bc i didn’t really get the chance to see it. That being said I look forward to hearing what you have to say at FTC.
Will: I’m so sorry and so sad about how the game ended in terms of our friendship, because I feel like we had this really wacky story arc of not talking, everything that happened at the Toph/Raf votes, then being separated by the swap, then coming back together and me losing trust in you. I still feel horrible that I may have hurt you in any way, because you are one hundred percent the nicest and most genuine person who was in this game - and I think we can all agree on that. The only reason I was so upset about when you tried to vote me out was because I had explicitly said I didn’t want me going away to camp to be the reason for me to get voted out, and that was your reasoning for trying to get me out. But that’s behind us now and we can always talk about that later if you wanted, I know this game was really stressful for all of us in different ways and things got ugly at times between people but you really managed to stay kind to everyone through all of it. I’m really glad I got to know you, and I always appreciated your ridiculous puns throughout the time you were in the game - and I think we can all agree that your exit was nothing less than iconic.
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Amanda: Emily! UGH! Your vote off was the hardest vote I’ve literally ever had to cast. We talked about it in my conference call, but I still feel bad and I miss having you around! I’m so glad we met, and I can’t wait to watch you win Player of the Season!
Francie: you were my closest ally and hella cool and I really hope we can be friends after this game is over
Abbey: Emily 😭😭😭😭 You were running this game since day one honest to god I don’t remember the last time I’ve been so impressed with a newbie. You are so kind and funny and such a joy to be around I absolutely cannot wait till this game is over so we can talk again, I really truly hope we can be friends after this.
Will: Yet ANOTHER robbed queen in this game, I think at one point or another each person that made merge/jury said how much they loved you, how nice you were, and how you literally would have swept any jury formed had you made it to the end. You built solid relationships with everyone and had a smile on your face the whole time, and everyone was so upset after we voted you out. I know that of the people who voted you out I was probably the least close to you, but it was still really hard for me to do because I could see how much you loved this game and how much passion you had - it just became a matter of not letting you run away with it. I really do hope we can continue to talk in some capacity, or that I can cheer you on in another game. You’re a social genius, a challenge beast, and overall just a really fun person to play any form of Survivor game with.
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Amanda: Ali. I don’t know what to say here. I was hurt by the words you left me with when  you played your idol, but I understand it was a game move. But you went out in a true icon fashion. Hopefully we can talk after the game and sort this out. I miss your accidental calls to the tribe chat, and look forward to you accidental calls to the reunion chat.
Francie: one of the highlights of my day was whenever you accidentally called the tribe chat or one world chat it was #iconic. I also loved your emojis. and I can’t lie, being rocked out is an awful way to go, especially with no prior votes against you. I’m sorry that happened to you (well, as sorry as I can be, given I was also part of the rock draw)
Abbey: I dont think we had a complete conversation this entire game. For some reason we played a lot of phone tag and we never really get the chance to actually talk. I think that most people viewed u as a goat but you really tried to make a big move at the end and I respect that. I look forward to talking to you again. 
Will: I…am so mad at myself because it’s literally my fault that you went home, I should have just trusted you and listened to you and you got rocked out trying to protect me. So thank you, firstly. But besides that, you were one of my favorite people to play this game with because you were so unpredictable in the most fun way possible. You have such a great sense of humor that I feel went unappreciated a lot of times, but I loved our conversations and personally loved the occasional random accidental call you’d start with the whole group - that shit was hilarious. You’re a legend if we’re being honest and I hope we can keep talking after this game is over and maybe play more games together in the future, who knows what kind of bullshit we could get up to lol.
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Amanda: Ruthie! Everyone I know in the community has said, “Ruthie is so sweet! She’s such a gem!” And I’m here to say I, too,  am a true Ruthie Stan! I’m really glad we took the time to get to know each other, and hope we can continue our friendship outside of the game. Gotta keep up our snap streak!
Francie: you were pretty cool and we worked together some
Abbey: I feel like we missed each other for most of this game, we spent a lot of time on the same tribe but we never really clicked I feel. Maybe it was my fault who knows. Either way I’m glad we got to talk a little bit more than last time.
Will: My literal day one queen!!! I was NOT about to let them vote you out for inactivity when I knew you were on a trip to Disney during our first tribal council, and I knew I wanted to work with you from the very beginning. You were loyal the whole way through and I quite literally only made it to this point because of your loyalty and honesty, and for that I cannot thank you enough. You’re so bubbly and sweet and at the same time so cracked and up front, while everyone else might be spreading things through PMs you just came out in the open (Ashley’s “idol” comes to mind). I literally love you so much and I will forever be so sad that I couldn’t get us both to the end together, but I am so glad that we actually got to talk this time unlike BB Sinnoh where I don’t think you even knew I was there lmao. But for real, thank you for sticking by my side through all of the craziness of this game and thank you for being who you are. It breaks my heart that I even have to write this, but we’ll talk again soon!
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