#I don't have a whole lot on this newish main blog I got going on
zone1alma · 2 years
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Hi, it’s me. Your friendly Alma ask blog mod that comes and goes and you can never predict her! :D
Ok, so anyway, here’s the juice.
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And here’s the reason why I’ve popped back here after another 800 years of no activity.
So Alma’s blog (and the OFF fandom in general) have always been special to me on a personal level and even though I don’t hit up the OFF fandom like I used to back in 2012-2014, I still love it. I’ve tried to have this lil blog come off of hiatus many times, but I think with the slimming of the OFF fandom (I know it’s not dead, but it’s definitely not the fandom from back in the very early 2010s) and frankly, the fact that ask blogs just don’t seem to be as popular or as active on Tumblr as they used to be (at least not from what I see), I’m not sure this ask blog will ever be able to reach the activeness from the fandom I need to frankly keep it up and running. It’s also its own blog and not a side blog, so I have no active blogs I have attached to it, making it easy for me to completely forget about it and have even had a time or two where I thought I couldn’t find the stuff to log back in, thus losing it forever. 
So I’d like to do one last project involving this blog before I most likely have to say ‘goodbye’ to it for good. I want to make a new side blog and start redrawing all of my old Q & As on here as kind of an archive project and a way for me to enjoy the blog’s content one last time. This is so I’ll be able to go back and enjoy the content without having to seek out this blog and once I finish all the re-draws, I’ll probably log off of this account for the final time.
Alma is very dear to me and I want to continue to enjoy him even if I don’t hit up the OFF fandom as much as I did back when he was first created. So in a way, this is for personal enjoyment, but I will also share the side blog on here for anyone interested in following. I do wish I could transfer some of my other interactions for archive on the side blog, but all of that will probably just remain here (I’m not deleting the blog, just archiving it).
So yeah, I hope that makes sense? So yeah TL;DR: I know this blog will never get the chance to be active like it was back in the day due to slimming activity in the OFF fandom and ask blogs, so I’m going to re-draw the Q&A content on here to archive it on a new side blog that’s attached to an account I actually get on daily.
If anyone has any questions about this, feel free to ask~ I’ll post again once I get the side blog made.
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starxscream · 3 years
I am newish to your blog, tell me about yours ocs!! Tell me their lore and trivia if you feel? Do they stab as a warning? Would they neglect their least fave AC villager and hit them with a net or think they all little beans who deserve love? Or they don't want anything to do with video games! Tell me about them to your heart's content, I would love to read!
oh god oh fuck i didn’t expect to get this far uh hi JJDHFJDNFJDJC
well. well! well!! i’ll start off with my MAIN OC bc I love him the most and that’s!! Diogo!!
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art by @/puppetgenders (thank u ily bby)
i won’t get into TOO MUCH bc he’s the protag of an original story me and my boyfriend are writing, Set Aside the Crown! (technically…all of our ocs r in it rly but yknow sshhh) i need to save some for the story :3! (which u can read what we have out over at @cadenzacity haha shameless plug i’m so sorry)The robot version is his “canon” version and then we have human au for au purposes JFNSJFHDJ (he is not 9ft in human au. i promise.) he is a non op transman also! love that for him, king
BUT UUHH he was created as one of the last couple musical/idol robots that a shut in scientist/engineer had been making for over a few years! After a falling out Diogo left tho and now he’s kind of. vibin. if u can call it that JFNEJVNRJF he’s ‘nice’ outwardly only to keep up appearances but in reality he’s a cold-hearted ass bc he doesn’t like getting close to others and simply views himself as being “above” the rest. Very hard to genuinely get to know. He loves being around people tho bc he thrives on attention just, u won’t ever rly get to know him for him JFNEJFND he’s a smartass who knows how to get what he wants and isn’t afraid to step on people to get it<3 and that’s fame n power babey! There’s a lot to unpack with Diogo but. yknow, spoilers <3 but he’s rly quite lonely in actuality but. throttles him. you have to open up sir. sir please. basically he’s the definition of “he’s a bitch and i love him SO much”
(he does however really love unicorns! no reason for this he just does. and bc he was built to have cat like features he is capable of purring! and has a lot of unconscious habits. catboy. he’s the pretentious asshole that gets the stupidly long order at starbucks. he is not immune to headpats- but good luck reaching up there. if he actually likes you he can actually be somewhat generous, think like a more bitchy rarity LOL kind of an idiot when it comes to his own emotions despite being good at reading other ppl. collects rocks! fucking loves rocks and crystals! has a whole room that he uses to display them!)
as for ur questions, yes he does stab as a warning if he knows he can get away with it, he does neglect his least fav ac villager and will go out of his way to move their home into the far corner and box them in with jail bars so he doesn’t have to look at them, BUUUTTT he’s not rly a video game person so JFNEJFJDND unless someone got it for him he wouldn’t rly think to ever play it. i think he’d like pokemon tho no reason other than i do and i said so
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