#Kind of want to write more of this-also more of Princely Hell Magnus malec stuff
la-muerta · 2 years
Writing Tag Game
I was tagged by @faejilly! I feel like I’ve answered something similar before but there are a few questions that are different, so here goes!
No pressure tagging: @sfjessii @ladymatt @dragongirlg-fics @dani-dabbles​ @lynne-monstr​
How many works do you have on AO3?
115 fics (+3 fanvids and +3 fanart)
What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,250,620 words
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1) lovers be lost (but love shall not) | 3,076 kudos | rated T | The Untamed (陈情令)/MDZS Horror casefic set in 1910s Jiangsu, Wei Ying agrees to a ghost marriage with the recently-deceased Lan Zhan. Angst with a happy ending. I actually drew a whole blueprint of the Lan family’s siheyuan estate for my own notes lol.
2) No Refunds, Satisfaction Guaranteed | 2,614 kudos | rated E | The Untamed (陈情令)/MDZS Wei Ying is mistaken for the sexbot that he was supposed to deliver to Lan Zhan. The premise is inspired by the Korean manhwa 너와 30일.
3) All Realms of Where and When Beyond | 2,353 kudos | rated E | Shadowhunters Fantasy AU. Magnus, the youngest prince of Edom, is forced into a political marriage with Alec, the former crown prince of Idris. This is my longest fic at 106,491 words and I also drew art and maps for it.
4) Monsters | 1,910 kudos | rated E | Shadowhunters SPN-verse AU, the Lightwoods are monster hunters and Magnus is a Prince of Hell.
5) burning bright | 1,892 kudos | rated E | The Untamed (陈情令)/MDZS When the Yiling River rages out of control, Lan Zhan is offered to the dragon in the river as a virgin sacrifice. (I just really wanted to write a proper Chinese dragon where we treat our dragons as more like gods than evil monsters.) A fill for a kinkmeme prompt.
I was surprised by the popularity of the MDZS sexbot fic tbh! 
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes, I try to! The trick is not to let them build up until the inbox looks too daunting lol.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I like happy endings, even if I sometimes put the characters through a lot of shit before they get there. I’ve only written two sad ending fics (both for Shadowhunters) - The Lighthouse on Lightwood Island and The Kingdom by the Sounding Sea.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Like I said, I like happy endings. I think the fics with an ending I was most satisfied with are All Realms of Where and When Beyond (Shadowhunters), lovers be lost (but love shall not) (The Untamed/MDZS), we’ll be carrying each other (The Untamed/MDZS) for some Yunmeng-Jiang sibling feels, our love is a harsh chord (Shadowhunters) and there is a light and it never goes out (Shadowhunters) mainly because I put them through so much shit that they deserved their happy endings.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I don’t really do cross-overs, but I’ve done fics set in a borrowed ‘verse - Supernatural-verse Monsters and Star Trek-verse series inevitable orbits.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes, but my favourite kink is two idiots catching feelings and falling in love :P Probably the only tropes/kinks I will never ever write are non-con, incest, and stuff that belongs in the toilet.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. Also weird people who will leave comments telling me that they’re going to write a fic exactly like mine (like ??? WHY. Go write your own shit).
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! I’ve had some fics from all my fandoms translated mainly into Russian and Spanish, and a few in Italian as well. And a couple of podfics (not translation but transformative I guess), and fanart for my fic from some really talented artists, which I always appreciate a lot.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really? I’m bad at writing with other people.
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Malec. The first ship I wrote properly for, and I keep coming back to them ❤️
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I am a stubborn asshole and I intend to finish all my WIPs. Haven’t broken my record yet! *touch wood*
What are your writing strengths?
World-building. And a lot of research.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Too much plot getting in the way of my porn. Why is there so much plot and all these action/adventure fighting scenes, this was supposed to be simple?? *cries*
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I had such a hard time when I first started writing for The Untamed and Word of Honour because I hear all the dialogue in my head in Chinese *facepalm* Sometimes I get stuck and I end up having to just write it down in Chinese and translate it later, and sometimes I know the perfect phrase/idiom for something I want to say but it’s in Chinese? Luckily I enjoy translating too, it’s always a good kind of challenge trying to approximate the nuance in a way that isn’t too clumsy in English. 
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Ranma Nibun-no-ichi. This was back when you had to post fic on geocities.  
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
I am proud of most of my fic. I like to challenge myself with new tropes or techniques, and I enjoy writing and researching for them. If I had to choose, I’d pick three. 
All Realms of Where and When Beyond because it was my life for six months and I will always love the world and lore that I built for it.
Lost & Found // 有缘千里来相会 (The Untamed/MDZS) because it was an exploration of the complicated concepts of belonging and family in the framework of my culture and my identity as Chinese diaspora.
And our love is a harsh chord (Shadowhunters) because it was the most structurally complex thing I’ve written. It was basically like a psychological experiment? I used a non-linear narrative to mimic the way that memories come back to us in a non-linear fashion, one thing triggered by another, and the order of the scenes were chosen in a way that sort of mimicked the highs and lows of drug abuse/addiction in the way that a happy scene gets tainted with the dread of the drop that you know is coming. So that was a very fun thing to write and possibly somewhat ambitious, but I think I did pretty well with it!
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(Teenage mundane Malec au where Alec’s skateboarding at the skate park with his siblings when well Magnus appears)
Friday afternoon he was posed near the edge with his skateboard about to down,and up an ramp nice sunny day. His sister was obsessing over plans for their school’s dance,and Jace the best friend he’d always had well found interest in some female. Typical it made him want distance,away from the flirting so he placed the skateboard down.
Pushing off and made it down,heading up the ramp,and an half pipe but eyes landed on some guy walking by. He was good at this thing except managed to screw up rolling onto flat ground,skateboard running off on it’s own. Maybe if he laid there,could pretend nobody had seen it. 
But he heard voices nearby must be the people he’d seen walking. “Come on Magnus don’t think about it.” Female voice surely wasn’t all serious though he just laid there listening to the life around him,looking at the sky.
“Aw come on Cat he’s attractive.” “Normally I’d encourage you but think you might be the reason he crashed.” “In which case all the more reason to talk to him.” “Or not he might get an concussion if you did.”
Soon the shadow of Jace appeared over him offering out an hand,”You okay there?”  “Yeah I’m fine just lost my footing.” “Alec losing his footing typical you.” 
Pulling himself up with Jace’s help seeing his skateboard in the other’s arms and took it back. Izzy dropped gracefully down walking up to them with an expression that spelled she was ready to leave. 
“I need to go dress shopping so come on Alec.” Immediately he was tugged up the steps and back to high ground. His sister let go darting over to the female,and male standing nearby. Eyes noticing just then the blonde tipped hair of the male-Magnus,makeup,dressy clothes must go to one of the other schools. The female who’d been referred to as Cat clearly decided to part ways walking off.
Heading over he could hear the two talking,must be friends wouldn’t surprise Alec his sister was an social butterfly. “Hey Alec this is Magnus Bane goes to the art school,and Magnus this is my big brother Alec.” What was with that grin on her face. 
“Nice to meet you.” “Uh likewise.”
Wow talk about smooth why was his breath so full of air,he felt sick. “You should tag along shopping with us,there’s an dance for our school on Monday need an dress,and Alec you need an outfit too.” Alec scowled confused why he had to be involved. “Lydia bought your ticket,I saw it,and told me what colors you’re wearing.” Oh that’s why not that Izzy exactly approved of the relationship,or was the best of friends with Lydia.
Trudging behind his sister,and apparently her friend as they discussed stuff he couldn’t keep interest in. Untangling headphones and plugged them into his phone,tuning them out. Didn’t want to go with Lydia to the stupid dance,but got to play the part of amazing boyfriend. Even if she was well not the best situation,but he didn’t dare break it off. 
Which left Izzy and Magnus noticing his sulking behind them,dressed in all black literally an storm cloud. “So take it Lydia’s his girlfriend?” Izzy immediately glanced an bit at her brother well aware of the crush that had sparked. 
“I refuse to call her much of one,she makes him even more miserable than he’d be just doing his crappy repressed routine.” Which got an eyebrow raise from Magnus,”Mean she’s alright but clearly letting him torture himself,and she pressures him an lot.” She thought an moment,”He’s just not into girls,and trying to force himself guess doesn’t help she won’t let him break up with her.” 
They continued talking as such till they got to the store where Izzy ripped off Alec’s headphones,he quickly paused the music,”What?” She pointed at the store then dragged him inside. Where he wound up playing an game on his phone skateboard gently propped against the fancy couch as she tried on over an dozen dresses. Listening as the two chatted eyes watching Magnus who tried on an few blazers at one point.
“Your turn Alec!” He groaned slumping onto the floor,”Come on it won’t kill you how about this an dressy button up and new blazer no black but I’ll get an in between.” She vanished and he stood up shoving his phone in his jeans pocket soon was engulfed by an stack of clothes. Which took an half hour to try on eventually she seemed statisfied.
“That one,and for being an good sport all you have to wear is the jacket,and shirt can wear your black jeans,and boots if you want.” Could almost swear Magnus was checking him out,they paid and Izzy bought Magnus an hat that she placed on his head. 
Monday was an day of being so grumpy,left school early even cause one more remark about the dance via Lydia was going to make him lose it. Come the dance he was sitting with her,drinking the lemonade she’d gotten them. Tasted downright awful,pretty sure some 2 year old had made it. She started getting mad he wouldn’t dance with her,or kiss her. They never had only faked it,minus the times she practically had kissed him violently,but he didn’t count it because never returned them. 
She stood up eventually,”Fine whatever I quit,we’re through.” Storming out of the gym meanwhile Alec’s eyes met somebody he didn’t expect to see. Magnus dressed in an waistcoat,tips dyed,jewelry,makeup and there went Alec’s breath. He scooped up the trash going to throw it away when Magnus came up to him. 
“She alright?” Referring to Lydia probably considering they’d passed each other. He shrugged grabbing some glass of soda,sweet sugar much better. Trying to stop staring at the art student but was hard. 
“Uh yeah fantastic,just broke up with me.” Eyes glanced over at his sister hanging with some red head that didn’t go to their school. Then back at Magnus,”Mean not that you care-or need to know um why you here?” Looking at his dark blue shirt an moment then fixed the red jacket. 
“Izzy invited me,bought an ticket if it’s not too sudden would you like to dance?” That was woah uh probably an joke on him,eyes glancing and saw Jace in some sheltered corner out of adult sight getting an bit handsy with some girl. Ugh his best friend was an sex addict and then some. 
No clue how to reply so words failed him,”I uh you well can’t I don’t really dance and-.” 
“And I’ll lead then.” Pulled to the dance floor Alec was panicking,what if Jace saw,or the school never let him live it down,word got to his parents,worst pictures and or video. But it faded as he felt hands rest gently on his waist,and Magnus danced slowly with him. On the way out realized things were okay,and he’d angel forbid had fun. 
Was tugged into an dark corner in the front of the school,”Tonight was fun,maybe an actual date sometime?” 
Hearing Izzy calling his name Alec carefully untangled the other’s hands off him,”Uh yeah maybe but I have to go.” Before he could go however he felt an hand brush against his and could feel warm as he darted to where his sister was.
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