#//this took 7ever and im so sorry
starxlark · 3 years
@agentharrisonofshield asked for headcanons based on the 5 love languages: 
what is something your muse loves being praised for?
Gods what doesn’t she love being praised for would be a much shorter and easier answer (her appearance 99% of the time, it feels like a cheap cop out). 
I think what she loves the most is having her efforts acknowledged. Whether they be personal like appreciating a perfect gift or professional like admiring a smart political move, she just loves feeling Seen.
what is your muse’s ideal date night?
She loves showing off her city, her people. A walk downtown visiting shops and stalls, enjoying the never ending festivities Asgard has to offer, would be a fantastic place to start. Then perhaps dinner and dancing (aka an excuse to touch hands for vibe checks). Of course, no ideal date night is complete without at least a little bit of star gazing. 
But there’s also something to be said for the unexpected date night. The talks that go too late and get too deep to imply anything other than comfort and genuine interest. 
does your muse find themselves subconsciously seeking out physical contact? ( ie. reaching for s/o’s hand without realizing it )
Yes. 1000% yes.  Laerke is one of those people who is always brushing up against those she cares about. The act of being permitted, trusted, to touch others is often enough to satisfy her need for contact, even if it isn’t something reciprocated. She’s a hip bumper, a shoulder squeezer, a back patter, a hair toucher, and the biggest hand holder in the whole universe. It’s just a part of her and she so often makes contact without realizing she’s done it. It’s just as natural as breathing for her.
But nothing makes her happier than being the recipient of Good Touch. Nothing soothes her soul more. If she subconsciously makes physical contact and gets her hand squeezed or cheek traced in return... that’s the good shit right there.
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