#/like it's... dunno. i hope kh fans aren't freaking out on the timeline bc it's as fucked as the zelda games timeline
thedetectiveofinaba · 6 months
Kingdom Hearts is one of the examples on how I see game design and prequels as & how they should function in theory. It's one of the few anomalies in some ppl's opinion and sth I kinda... Agree to disagree? In most cases it's probably the best case to play the base game before spinoffs so you get the main idea of game-relevant terms, themes etc.
KH1 is good groundwork but if you decide to do what I did and play BBS first w/ a PSP emulator you're not really ruining your experience with the series. It's going to be a clusterfuck anyway and everyone is on Nomura's Wild Ride and enabling him to go batshit. If possible, KH1 is a good start but BBS ain't a bad start either. Starting at the beginning is a good conclusion.
In the best case scenario on you being able to do both you SHOULD be able to play them in chronological order and get the whole picture that way. It's most likely different to the one who played it in release order but neither is inferior or superior. Your own experience will always be personal either way and how you want to do things & ppl have their preferences in gaming.
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